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SEEDS Working Papers

From SEEDS, Sustainability Environmental Economics and Dynamics Studies
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3114: Investigating the impacts of technological position and European environmental regulation on green automotive patent activity Downloads
Nicolò Barbieri
3014: Green inventions and greenhouse gas emission dynamics: A close examination of provincial Italian data Downloads
Ding Weina, Marianna Gilli, Massimiliano Mazzanti and Francesco Nicolli
2914: Technological capabilities and growth: A study of economic convergence among Chinese prefectures Downloads
Federico Frattini, Francesco Nicolli and Giorgio Prodi
2814: The Resource Curse Hypothesis: Evidence from Ecuador Downloads
Andrea Cori and Salvatore Monni
2714: Linking emission trading to environmental innovation: evidence from the Italian manufacturing industry Downloads
Simone Borghesi, Giulio Cainelli and Massimiliano Mazzanti
2614: Catching-up in waste management. Evidence from the EU Downloads
Giovanni Marin, Francesco Nicolli and Roberto Zoboli
2514: Analysing the Interactions of Energy and climate policies in a broad Policy ‘optimality’ framework. The Italian case study Downloads
Davide Antonioli, Simone Borghesi, Alessio D'Amato, Marianna Gilli, Massimiliano Mazzanti and Francesco Nicolli
2414: Augmented and Unconstrained: revisiting the Regional Knowledge Production Function Downloads
Sylvie Charlot, Riccardo Crescenzi and Antonio Musolesi
2314: Global Virtual Water Trade: Integrating Structural Decomposition Analysis with Network Theory Downloads
Tiziano Distefano, Giovanni Marin and Massimo Riccaboni
2214: Nonlinearity, heterogeneity and unobserved effects in the carbon dioxide emissions-economic development relation for advanced countries Downloads
Massimiliano Mazzanti and Antonio Musolesi
2115: Green jobs, innovation and environmentally oriented strategies in European SMEs Downloads
Grazia Cecere and Massimiliano Mazzanti
2114: Two Shades of (Warm) Glow: multidimensional intrinsic motivation, waste reduction and recycling Downloads
Alessio D'Amato, Susanna Mancinelli and Mariangela Zoli
2015: The impact of the European Emission Trading Scheme on multiple measures of economic performance Downloads
Giovanni Marin, Claudia Pellegrin and Marianna Marino
2014: Waste Prevention and Social Preferences: The Role of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivations Downloads
Grazia Cecere, Susanna Mancinelli and Massimiliano Mazzanti
1915: Weak and Strong cross-sectional dependence: a panel data analysis of international technology diffusion Downloads
Cem Ertur and Antonio Musolesi
1914: Policy Inducement Effects in Energy Efficiency Technologies. An Empirical Analysis on the Residential Sector Downloads
Valeria Costantini, Francesco Crespi and Alessandro Palma
1815: Unveiling structural breaks in long-run economic development-CO2 relationships Downloads
Massimiliano Mazzanti and Antonio Musolesi
1814: Carbon Dioxide reducing Environmental innovations, sector upstream/downstream integration and policy. Evidence from the EU Downloads
Massimiliano Mazzanti, Giovanni Marin, Susanna Mancinelli and Francesco Nicolli
1715: Productivity Effects of Eco-innovations Using Data on Eco-patents Downloads
Francesca Lotti and Giovanni Marin
1714: A keyword selection method for mapping technological knowledge in specific sectors through patent data:the case of biofuels sector Downloads
Valeria Costantini, Francesco Crespi and Ylenia Curci
1620: The Importance of regional Spill-over Effects for Eco-Innovations in German Start-ups Downloads
Jens Horbach
1615: Does EMAS foster innovation in European firms? An empirical investigation Downloads
Fabio Montobbio and Ilaria Solito
1614: A dynamic CGE modelling approach for analyzing trade-offs in climate change policy options: the case of Green Climate Fund Downloads
Alessandro Antimiani, Valeria Costantini, Anil Markandya, Chiara Martini, Alessandro Palma and Maria Cristina Tommasino
1520: Analysis of monthly CO2 emission trends for major EU Countries: a time series approach Downloads
Marco Quatrosi
1515: Forms of knowledge and eco-innovation modes: Evidence from Spanish manufacturing firms Downloads
Alberto Marzucchi and Sandro Montresor
1514: ICT and environmental innovations in a complementary fashion. Is the joint adoption by firms economically visible? Downloads
Davide Antonioli and Grazia Cecere
1420: Modeling Green Knowledge Production and Environmental Policies with Semiparametric Panel Data Regression models Downloads
Massimiliano Mazzanti and Antonio Musolesi
1418: Upgrading the car fleet: evidence from an Italian scrappage scheme Downloads
Giovanni Marin and Roberto Zoboli
1415: Technology invention and diffusion in residential energy consumption. A stochastic frontier approach Downloads
Giovanni Marin and Alessandro Palma
1414: Niche Markets for Agrobiodiversity Conservation: Preference and Scale Heterogeneity Effects on Nepalese Consumers’ WTP for Finger Millet Products Downloads
Giacomo Pallante and Adam Drucker
1320: Analysis of the impact of a volumetric tariff for irrigation in Northern Italy through the “Inverse DiD†approach Downloads
Andrea Pronti and Julio Berbel
1318: Vulnerability, resilience and exposure: methodological aspects and an empirical applications to shocks Downloads
Marco Modica, Aura Reggiani and Peter Nijkamp
1315: Smart and sustainable cities in the European Union. An ex ante assessment of environmental, social, and cultural domains Downloads
Dorel N Manitiu and Giulio Pedrini
1314: Elasticity of substitution in capital-energy relationships: how central is a sector-based panel estimation approach? Downloads
Valeria Costantini and Elena Paglialunga
1220: Innovation in Irrigation Technologies for Sustainable Agriculture: An Endogenous Switching Analysis on Italian Farms’ Land Productivity Downloads
Sabrina Auci and Andrea Pronti
1218: Does energy price affect energy efficiency? Cross-country panel evidence Downloads
Roberto Antonietti and Fulvio Fontini
1216: Does the construction of biogas plants affect local property values? Downloads
Marco Modica
1215: Interpreting bargaining strategies of developing countries in climate negotiations – A quantitative approach Downloads
Valeria Costantini, Giorgia Sforna and Mariangela Zoli
1214: Market and policy shocks in economic systems: interrelated dynamics towards future sustainability Downloads
Massimiliano Mazzanti
1121: Zero-inflated regression for unobserved effects panel data models and difference-in-differences estimation Downloads
Hervé Cardot and Antonio Musolesi
1120: The Wealth of (Open Data) Nations? Examining the interplay of open government data and country-level institutions for entrepreneurial activity at the country-level Downloads
Franz Huber, Alan Ponce, Francesco Rentocchini and Thomas Wainwright
1118: Information communication technologies and environmental innovations in firms: joint adoptions and productivity effects Downloads
Davide Antonioli, Grazia Cecere and Massimiliano Mazzanti
1116: The dynamics of foreign direct investments in land and pollution accumulation Downloads
Simone Borghesi, Giorgia Giovannetti, Gianluca Iannucci and Paolo Russu
1116: Green licenses and environmental corruption: a random matching model Downloads
Angelo Antoci, Simone Borghesi and Gianluca Iannucci
1115: Characterizing the policy mix and its impact on eco-innovation in energy-efficient technologies Downloads
Valeria Costantini, Francesco Crespi and Alessandro Palma
1114: Competition and Environmental Externalities in the European Market of Municipal Waste Downloads
Francesco Silvestri
1021: Green technologies, complementarities, and policy Downloads
Nicolò Barbieri, Alberto Marzucchi and Ugo Rizzo
1020: The Inclusive and Sustainable Development Index: a Data Envelopment Analysis approach Downloads
Charles Fang Chin Cheng and Nicola Cantore
1018: Benefit sharing mechanisms for agricultural genetic diversity use and in-situ conservation Downloads
Wenjuan Cheng, Alessio D'Amato and Giacomo Pallante
1017: The social inclusion of indigenous peoples in Ecuador before and during the Revolución Ciudadana Downloads
Roberta Masala and Salvatore Monni
Page updated 2024-09-15
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