From Humboldt University of Berlin, Center for Applied Statistics and Economics (CASE) Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 2004,43: The Effect of Inventory on Purchase Incidence: Empirical Analysis of Opposing Forces of Storage and Consumption
- Yasemin Boztug and David R. Bell
- 2004,42: The open-loop solution of the Uzawa-Lucas Model of Endogenous Growth with N agents
- Dirk Bethmann
- 2004,41: Incentive Contracts and Total Factor Productivity
- Dominique Demougin and Benjamin Bental
- 2004,40: Yxilon: Designing The Next Generation, Vertically Integrable Statistical Software Environment
- Uwe Ziegenhagen, Sigbert Klinke and Wolfgang Härdle
- 2004,39: Limit Distribution of Convex-Hull Estimators of Boundaries
- Seok-Oh Jeong and Byeong U. Park
- 2004,38: Economic integration across borders: the Polish interwar economy 1921-1937
- Carsten Trenkler and Nikolaus Wolf
- 2004,37: Determining p-values for Systems Cointegration Tests With a Prior Adjustment for Deterministic Terms
- Carsten Trenkler
- 2004,36: Zeitarbeit in Deutschland: Trends und Perspektiven
- Michael Burda and Michael Kvasnicka
- 2004,35: Statistical user interfaces
- Sigbert Klinke
- 2004,34: Network intrusion detection
- David J. Marchette
- 2004,33: Econometrics
- Jeroen Rombouts and Luc Bauwens
- 2004,32: Computationally intensive Value at Risk calculations
- Rafał Weron
- 2004,31: Bagging, boosting and ensemble methods
- Peter Bühlmann
- 2004,30: Recursive Partitioning and Tree-based Methods
- Heping Zhang
- 2004,29: Computational Methods in Survival Analysis
- Toshinari Kamakura
- 2004,28: Statistical Databases
- Hans-Joachim Lenz, Oliver Günther and Claus Boyens
- 2004,27: Parallel computing techniques
- Junji Nakano
- 2004,26: Transforms in Statistics
- Brani Vidakovic
- 2004,24: The EM Algorithm
- Geoffrey J. McLachlan, Thriyambakam Krishnan and See Ket Ng
- 2004,23: Numerical Linear Algebra
- Pavel Cizek and Lenka Čížková
- 2004,22: Markov Chain Monte Carlo Technology
- Siddhartha Chib
- 2004,21: Random number generation
- Pierre L'Ecuyer
- 2004,20: Robust Statistics
- Ursula Gather and P. Laurie Davies
- 2004,19: Object Oriented Computing
- Miroslav Virius
- 2004,18: Bayesian computational methods
- Christian P. Robert
- 2004,17: Semiparametric models
- Joel L. Horowitz
- 2004,16: Multivariate Density Estimation and Visualization
- David W. Scott
- 2004,15: Dimension Reduction Methods
- Masahiro Mizuta
- 2004,14: Semiparametric multivariate volatility models
- Jeroen Rombouts and Christian Hafner
- 2004,13: Block Trading, Ownership Structure, and the Value of Corporate Votes
- Ingolf Dittmann
- 2004,12: Smoothing: Local Regression Techniques
- Catherine Loader
- 2004,11: (Non) Linear Regression Modeling
- Pavel Cizek
- 2004,10: Endogeneity of Currency Areas and Trade Blocs: Evidence from the Inter-War Period
- Nikolaus Wolf and Albrecht Ritschl
- 2004,09: Skewness and Kurtosis Trades
- Wolfgang Härdle, Oliver Blaskowitz and Peter Schmidt
- 2004,08: Modeling the risk process in the XploRe computing environment
- Rafał Weron and Krzysztof Burnecki
- 2004,07: Prognose mit nichtparametrischen Verfahren
- Wolfgang Härdle, Ying Chen and Rainer Schulz
- 2004,06: Satisfaction and Interpersonal Closeness as Determinants of Relationship Commitment in Business-to-Business Relationships
- Marcel Paulssen
- 2004,05: Adoption of e-business: patterns and consequences of network externalities
- Christian Schade and Philipp Köllinger
- 2004,04: The Variance Ratio Statistic at Large Horizons
- Rohit S. Deo and Willa W. Chen
- 2004,03: Estimation of Mis-Specified Long Memory Models
- Rohit S. Deo and Willa W. Chen
- 2004,02: Forecasting Realised Volatility using a Long Memory Stochastic Volatility Model: Estimation, Prediction and Seasonal Adjustment
- Clifford Hirvich, Rohit S. Deo and Yi Luo
- 2004,01: Simulation of risk processes
- Wolfgang Härdle, Krzysztof Burnecki and Rafał Weron