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Darmstadt Discussion Papers in Economics

From Darmstadt University of Technology, Department of Law and Economics
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246: Retained earnings, foreign portfolio ownership, and the German current account: A firm-level approach Downloads
Stefan Goldbach, Philipp Harms, Axel Jochem, Volker Nitsch and Alfons Weichenrieder
245: The effects of sanctions on Russian banks in TARGET2 transactions data Downloads
Constantin Drott, Stefan Goldbach and Volker Nitsch
244: Smart or smash? The effect of financial sanctions on trade in goods and services Downloads
Tibor Besedeés, Stefan Goldbach and Volker Nitsch
243: Covid-19 and international trade: Evidence from New Zealand Downloads
Volker Nitsch
242: Covid-19 and capital flows: The responses of investors to the responses of governments Downloads
Stefan Goldbach and Volker Nitsch
241: Under attack: Terrorism and international trade in France, 2014-16 Downloads
Volker Nitsch and Isabelle Rabaud
240: Investitionen in die Verkehrsinfrastruktur als Mittel zur Förderung strukturschwacher Regionen Downloads
Paul Rieger
239: Cheap talk? Financial sanctions and non-financial firms Downloads
Tibor Besedes, Stefan Goldbach and Volker Nitsch
238: Currency compositions of international reserves and the euro crisis Downloads
Falk Hendrik Laser and Jan Weidner
237: Improving oil price forecasts by sparse VAR methods Downloads
Jens Krüger and Sebastian Ruths Sion
236: Ease vs. noise: Long-run changes in the value of transport (dis)amenities Downloads
Gabriel Ahlfeldt, Volker Nitsch and Nicolai Wendland
235: The population question in a neoclassical growth model: A brief theory of production per capita Downloads
Tim Lüger
234: Passport, please! Travels, travails and trade Downloads
Volker Nitsch
233: On "rusting" money: Silvio Gesell's Schwundgeld reconsidered Downloads
Günther Rehme
232: The principle of population vs. the Malthusian trap: A classical retrospective and resuscitation Downloads
Tim Lüger
231: A VAR evaluation of classical growth theory Downloads
Tim Lüger
230: Trips and trade Downloads
Volker Nitsch
229: Direct targeting of efficient DMUs for benchmarking Downloads
Jens Krüger
228: Determinants of ICT infrastructure: A cross-country statistical analysis Downloads
Jens Krüger and Mathias Rhiel
227: Trillion dollar estimate: Illicit financial flows from developing countries Downloads
Volker Nitsch
226: Estimating the materials balance condition: A stochastic frontier approach Downloads
Benjamin Hampf
225: Measuring economic and institutional integration Downloads
Volker Nitsch and Helge Berger
224: Macroeconomic development and the life cycle of the German automobile industry, 1886-1939 Downloads
Jens Krüger and Kristina von Rhein
223: Survival analysis in product life cycle investigations: An assessment of robustness for the German automobile industry Downloads
Jens Krüger
222: Radar scanning the world production frontier Downloads
Jens Krüger
221: On the design of public institutions: Evidence from financial supervision Downloads
Volker Nitsch
220: Optimal profits under environmental regulation: The benefits from emission intensity averaging Downloads
Benjamin Hampf and Kenneth Løvold Rødseth
219: Carbon dioxide emission standards for US power plants: An efficiency analysis perspective Downloads
Benjamin Hampf and Kenneth Løvold Rødseth
218: Extra credit: Bank finance and firm export status in Germany Downloads
Stefan Goldbach and Volker Nitsch
217: On the persistence of trade imbalances: Evidence from Europe Downloads
Helge Berger and Volker Nitsch
216: Optimal directions for directional distance functions: An exploration of potential reductions of greenhouse gases Downloads
Benjamin Hampf and Jens Krüger
215: Growth over the very long-run: Implications of a specific factors model of economic development with endogenous technological change Downloads
Volker Caspari, Sabine Eschenhof and Klaus Pertz
214: Bilateral imbalances in Europe Downloads
Helge Berger and Volker Nitsch
213: Are the dimensions of private information more multiple than expected? Information asymmetries in the market of supplementary private health insurance in England Downloads
Martin Karlsson, Florian Klohn and Ben Rickayzen
212: Passive investment strategies and financial bubbles Downloads
Thomas Fischer
211: What doesn't kill you makes you stronger? The impact of the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic on economic performance in Sweden Downloads
Martin Karlsson, Therese Nilsson and Stefan Pichler
210: Innovation and education: Is there a "nerd effect"? Downloads
Stefan Goldbach
209: "Love of Wealth" and economic growth Downloads
Günther Rehme
208: To use the words of Keynes...": Olivier J. Blanchard on Keynes and the "Liquidity Trap Downloads
Ingo Barens
207: Some notes on how to catch a red herring: Ageing, time-to-death & care costs for older people in Sweden Downloads
Martin Karlsson and Florian Klohn
206: Trade mispricing and illicit flows Downloads
Volker Nitsch
205: News reaction in financial markets within a behavioral finance model with heterogeneous agents Downloads
Thomas Fischer
204: Separating environmental efficiency into production and abatement efficiency: A nonparametric model with application to U.S. power plants Downloads
Benjamin Hampf
203: Only in the heat of the moment? A study of the relationship between weather and mortality in Germany Downloads
Martin Karlsson and Maike Schmitt
202: The optimal size of German cities: An efficiency analysis perspective Downloads
Stephan Hitzschke
201: "Animal spirits" in John Maynard Keynes's general theory of employment, interest and money: Some short and sceptical remarks Downloads
Ingo Barens
200: A Monte Carlo study of old and new frontier methods for efficiency measurement Downloads
Jens Krüger
199: Numerical explorations of the Ngai-Pissarides model of growth and structural change Downloads
Andreas Dietrich and Jens Krüger
198: Technical efficiency of automobiles: A nonparametric approach incorporating carbon dioxide emissions Downloads
Benjamin Hampf and Jens Krüger
197: Comparing monetary policy rules in a small open economy framework: An empirical analysis using Bayesian techniques Downloads
Sabine Eschenhof
Page updated 2024-09-08
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