VfS Annual Conference 2013 (Duesseldorf): Competition Policy and Regulation in a Global Economic Order
From Verein für Socialpolitik / German Economic Association
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- 79958: Conditional Patterns of Unemployment Dynamics in Germany
- Daniela Nordmeier and Enzo Weber
- 79957: Arrovian aggregation of MBA preferences: An impossibility result
- Frederik Herzberg
- 79956: Does Bilateral Trust Affect International Movement of Goods and Labor?
- Eva Spring and Volker Grossmann
- 79955: Evaluating misspecification in DSGE models using tests for overidentifying restrictions
- Claire Reicher
- 79954: Model Risk - an Agency Theoretic Approach
- Friederike Schlegel and Hendrik Hakenes
- 79953: Prejudice in Swiss Naturalization Decisions: Theory and Evidence
- Dragan Ilic
- 79952: Negotiating Environmental Agreements under Ratification Uncertainty
- Sonja Köke and Andreas Lange
- 79951: Optimal capital taxation for time-nonseparable preferences
- Sebastian Koehne and Moritz Kuhn
- 79950: The Role of CO2-EOR for the Development of a CCTS Infrastructure in the North Sea Region: A Techno-Economic Model and Application
- Roman Mendelevitch
- 79949: Financialization in Commodity Markets: Disentangling the Crisis from the Style Effect
- Zeno Adams and Thorsten Glück
- 79948: Strategic Capital Accumulation with Singular Control
- Jan-Henrik Steg
- 79947: Fiscal Stimulus and the Extensive Margin
- Roland Winkler and Vivien Lewis
- 79946: Incentives for Overbidding in Minimum-Revenue Core-Selecting Auctions
- Marion Ott and Marissa Beck
- 79945: Growth patterns of microfinance clients - Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa
- Adalbert Winkler and Charlotte Wagner
- 79944: Flexibility in Europe's power sector - an additional requirement or an automatic complement?
- Joachim Bertsch, Christian Growitsch, Stefan Lorenczik and Stephan Nagl
- 79943: Loss Aversion and Consumption Choice: Theory and Experimental Evidence
- Heiko Karle, Georg Kirchsteiger and Martin Peitz
- 79942: The Aggregate Effects of the Hartz Reforms in Germany
- Matthias Hertweck and Oliver Sigrist
- 79941: Wage Floors, Imperfect Performance Measures, and Optimal Job Design
- Anja Schöttner and Jenny Kragl
- 79940: Natural-resource rents and internal conflicts - Can decentralization lift the curse?
- Gunther Markwardt, Mohammad Reza Farzanegan and Christian Lessmann
- 79939: Clean-development investments: an incentive-compatible CGE modeling framework
- Marco Springmann, Christoph Böhringer and Thomas F. Rutherford
- 79938: Catharsis - The Real Effects of Bank Insolvency and Resolution
- Josef Korte
- 79937: Regulation of Pharmaceutical Prices: Evidence from a Reference Price Reform in Denmark
- Ulrich Kaiser, Susan Mendez, Thomas Rønde and Hannes Ullrich
- 79936: Information Rigidities in Economic Growth Forecasts: Evidence from a Large International Panel
- Jonas Dovern, Ulrich Fritsche, Prakash Loungani and Natalia Tamirisa
- 79935: Liquidity in the Liquidity Crisis: Evidence from Divisia Monetary Aggregates in Germany and the European Crisis Countries
- Makram El-Shagi and Logan Kelly
- 79934: Does the Field of Study Influence Students' Political Attitudes?
- Niklas Potrafke, Mira Fischer and Heinrich Ursprung
- 79933: Residential Parking in Vibrant City Districts
- Inga Molenda and Gernot Sieg
- 79932: Doing well in reforming the labour market? Recent trends in job stability and wages in Germany
- Thomas Rothe, Gianna Claudia Giannelli and Ursula Jaenichen
- 79931: River Sharing and Water Trade
- Hans-Peter Weikard, Erik Ansink and Michael Gengenbach
- 79930: The Value of Information in Asymmetric All-Pay Auctions
- Christian Seel
- 79929: Job Losses and Criminal Gains: Analyzing the Effect of Unemployment on Criminal Activity
- Philip Sieger
- 79928: Real interest rate convergence among G7 countries
- Jana Riedel
- 79927: Do eco-innovations need specific regional characteristics? An econometric analysis for Germany
- Jens Horbach
- 79926: Could we overcome the Winner's Curse by (behavioral) auction design?
- J. Philipp Reiss and Dan Levin
- 79925: Does Central Bank Staff Beat Private Forecasters?
- Alexander Jung, Makram El-Shagi and Sebastian Giesen
- 79924: Do university policies matter? Effects of Course Policies on Performance
- Andreas Ostermaier, Philipp Beltz and Susanne Link
- 79923: The Effects of Countercyclical Fiscal Policy: Firm Level Evidence from Temporary Consumption Tax Cuts in Turkey
- Atılım Seymen and Florian Misch
- 79922: Trade, Technologies and the Talent Organization
- Jan Schymik
- 79921: Does female suffrage increase public support for government spending? Evidence from Swiss ballots
- Katharina Jaronicki
- 79920: Can Amputation Save the Hospital? The Impact of the Medicare Rural Flexibility Program on Demand and Welfare
- Philipp Schmidt-Dengler, Gautam Gowrisankaran, Claudio Lucarelli and Robert Town
- 79919: Bank Risk Taking and Competition: Evidence from Regional Banking Markets
- Thomas Kick and Esteban Prieto
- 79918: The Award of a Training Voucher and Labor Market Outcomes
- Marie Paul, Annabelle Dörr, Bernd Fitzenberger, Thomas Kruppe and Anthony Strittmatter
- 79917: Reducing binge drinking? The effect of a ban on late-night off-premise alcohol sales on alcohol-related hospital stays in Germany
- Jan Marcus and Thomas Siedler
- 79916: Wage Incidence of Local Corporate Taxation - Micro Evidence from Germany
- Andreas Peichl, Clemens Fuest and Sebastian Siegloch
- 79915: Happiness and the Persistence of Income Shocks
- Falko Jüßen and Christian Bayer
- 79914: Bad Mergers Revisited: An Incentive Perspective
- Matthias Kräkel and Daniel Müller
- 79913: Bayesian Persuasion By Stress Test Disclosure
- Wolfgang Gick and Thilo Pausch
- 79912: Either or Both Competition: A "Two-Sided" Theory of Advertising with Overlapping Viewerships
- Markus Reisinger, Attila Ambrus and Emilio Calvano
- 79911: Markov Switching with Endogenous Number of Regimes and Leading Indicators in a Real-Time Business Cycle Forecast
- Thomas Theobald
- 79910: Analyzing Zero Returns to Education in Germany: Heterogeneous Effects and Skill Formation
- Daniel Kamhöfer and Hendrik Schmitz
- 79909: Does the Expansion of Public Child Care Increase Birth Rates? Evidence from a Low-Fertility Country
- Stefan Bauernschuster, Timo Hener and Helmut Rainer