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Last updated 2022-11-28. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.

Short-id: pma1674

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Working Papers


  1. The Old Man and the Meat: On Gender Differences in Meat Consumption across Stages of Human Life
    2021 Conference, August 17-31, 2021, Virtual, International Association of Agricultural Economists Downloads View citations (1)
  2. Why Governments Should Penalize Animal Production: A Systemic Approach to Internalize the Externalities of Agriculture
    2021 Conference, August 17-31, 2021, Virtual, International Association of Agricultural Economists Downloads


  1. Profit maximization or bullshit – where between labour economics and Graeber may employments be?
    MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany Downloads
  2. Zur sozialen Nachhaltigkeit landwirtschaftlicher Familienbetriebe
    60th Annual Conference, Halle/ Saale, Germany, September 23-25, 2020, German Association of Agricultural Economists (GEWISOLA) Downloads


  1. Building an excellency network for heightening agricultural economic research and education in Romania
    57th Annual Conference, Weihenstephan, Germany, September 13-15, 2017, German Association of Agricultural Economists (GEWISOLA) Downloads
  2. VARIETIES OF CAPITALIST AGRICULTURE – a meso variation of a macro approach
    57th Annual Conference, Weihenstephan, Germany, September 13-15, 2017, German Association of Agricultural Economists (GEWISOLA) Downloads


  1. Diversifikation und Arbeitszufriedenheit – trifft die These von Marx und Engels auf Landwirte zu?
    56th Annual Conference, Bonn, Germany, September 28-30, 2016, German Association of Agricultural Economists (GEWISOLA) Downloads
    56th Annual Conference, Bonn, Germany, September 28-30, 2016, German Association of Agricultural Economists (GEWISOLA) Downloads


  1. A Hedonic Approach Towards Explaining Market Shares of Organic Food - Evidence from Swiss Household Data
    55th Annual Conference, Giessen, Germany, September 23-25, 2015, German Association of Agricultural Economists (GEWISOLA) Downloads
  2. An activity choice approach towards pricing of 1:1 personal services – on the omnipresence of interpersonal utility comparisons
    MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany Downloads
  3. Hot cognition in agricultural policy preferences in Norway?
    2015 Conference, August 9-14, 2015, Milan, Italy, International Association of Agricultural Economists Downloads View citations (1)
    See also Journal Article Hot cognition in agricultural policy preferences in Norway?, Agriculture and Human Values, Springer (2016) Downloads View citations (2) (2016)
  4. How did farmers act? An ex-post validation of normative and positive mathematical programming for an agent-based sector model
    2015 Conference, August 9-14, 2015, Milan, Italy, International Association of Agricultural Economists Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Analyse und Empfehlung zu parallelen Förderprogrammen in der ländlichen Entwicklung am Beispiel der Schweiz
    53rd Annual Conference, Berlin, Germany, September 25-27, 2013, German Association of Agricultural Economists (GEWISOLA) Downloads View citations (1)
    See also Journal Article Analyse und Empfehlung zu parallelen Förderprogrammen in der ländlichen Entwicklung am Beispiel der Schweiz, Proceedings “Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V.”, German Association of Agricultural Economists (GEWISOLA) (2014) Downloads (2014)
  2. Zur Dynamik unterschiedlicher Institutionalisierungsformen landwirtschaftlicher Arbeit - Eine empirische Untersuchung Schweizer Familienbetriebe
    53rd Annual Conference, Berlin, Germany, September 25-27, 2013, German Association of Agricultural Economists (GEWISOLA) Downloads View citations (1)
    See also Journal Article Zur Dynamik unterschiedlicher Institutionalisierungsformen landwirtschaftlicher Arbeit – Eine empirische Untersuchung Schweizer Familienbetriebe, Proceedings “Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V.”, German Association of Agricultural Economists (GEWISOLA) (2014) Downloads (2014)


  1. Does brain research provide a case for the transfer of public monies to the arts?
    MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany Downloads
  2. Eine erweiterte Gesamtrechnung der multifunktionalen Schweizer Landwirtschaft
    52nd Annual Conference, Stuttgart, Germany, September 26-28, 2012, German Association of Agricultural Economists (GEWISOLA) Downloads
    See also Journal Article Eine erweiterte Gesamtrechnung der multifunktionalen Schweizer Landwirtschaft, Proceedings “Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V.”, German Association of Agricultural Economists (GEWISOLA) (2013) Downloads (2013)
  3. The effect of agricultural policy change on income risk in Swiss agriculture
    123rd Seminar, February 23-24, 2012, Dublin, Ireland, European Association of Agricultural Economists Downloads View citations (5)
  4. The fading scope of labour – remarks about the lost rationale of a common term
    MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Distributional effects of direct payments in Switzerland
    122nd Seminar, February 17-18, 2011, Ancona, Italy, European Association of Agricultural Economists Downloads View citations (6)
  2. Farm Entry Policy and Its Impact on Structural Change Analysed by and Agent-based Sector Model
    2011 International Congress, August 30-September 2, 2011, Zurich, Switzerland, European Association of Agricultural Economists Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Modelling structural change in the agricultural sector – An Agent-based approach using FADN data from individual farms
    114th Seminar, April 15-16, 2010, Berlin, Germany, European Association of Agricultural Economists Downloads View citations (6)
  2. On labour productivity to deliver private and public goods –the influence of off-farm income
    Working Papers SMART, INRAE UMR SMART Downloads View citations (1)
    Also in Working Papers, Institut National de la recherche Agronomique (INRA), Departement Sciences Sociales, Agriculture et Alimentation, Espace et Environnement (SAE2) (2010) Downloads
  3. Trends in family labour, hired labour and contract work on French and Swiss crop farms: The role of agricultural policies
    114th Seminar, April 15-16, 2010, Berlin, Germany, European Association of Agricultural Economists Downloads View citations (6)
  4. Trends in family, hired and contract labour use on French and Swiss crop farms: The role of agricultural policies
    Working Papers, Institut National de la recherche Agronomique (INRA), Departement Sciences Sociales, Agriculture et Alimentation, Espace et Environnement (SAE2) Downloads View citations (8)
    Also in Working Papers SMART, INRAE UMR SMART (2010) Downloads View citations (4)
    50th Annual Conference, Braunschweig, Germany, September 29-October 1, 2010, German Association of Agricultural Economists (GEWISOLA) Downloads


  1. Another look at the distribution of direct payments: The link with part-time farming
    Working Papers SMART, INRAE UMR SMART Downloads View citations (1)
    Also in Working Papers, Institut National de la recherche Agronomique (INRA), Departement Sciences Sociales, Agriculture et Alimentation, Espace et Environnement (SAE2) (2009) Downloads View citations (1)
  2. Multidisziplinäre Agentendefinitionen für Optimierungsmodelle
    49th Annual Conference, Kiel, Germany, September 30-October 2, 2009, German Association of Agricultural Economists (GEWISOLA) Downloads View citations (4)
    See also Journal Article Multidisziplinäre Agentendefinitionen für Optimierungsmodelle, Proceedings “Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V.”, German Association of Agricultural Economists (GEWISOLA) (2010) Downloads (2010)
  3. The Nature of the Diversified Farm Household
    Working Papers, Agroscope Reckenholz Tanikon (ART) Downloads


  1. Classification of agricultural systems based on pesticide use intensity and safety
    2008 International Congress, August 26-29, 2008, Ghent, Belgium, European Association of Agricultural Economists Downloads View citations (4)
  2. Defining elasticities for PMP models by estimating marginal cost functions based on FADN Data - the case of Swiss dairy production
    107th Seminar, January 30-February 1, 2008, Sevilla, Spain, European Association of Agricultural Economists Downloads View citations (4)
  3. Labor constraints on choosing profitable products for part-time farmers in Swiss agriculture
    Working Papers SMART, INRAE UMR SMART Downloads
    Also in Working Papers, Institut National de la recherche Agronomique (INRA), Departement Sciences Sociales, Agriculture et Alimentation, Espace et Environnement (SAE2) (2008) Downloads

    See also Journal Article Labour constraints on choosing profitable products for part-time farmers in Swiss agriculture, Bio-based and Applied Economics Journal, Italian Association of Agricultural and Applied Economics (AIEAA) (2015) Downloads (2015)
    48th Annual Conference, Bonn, Germany, September 24-26, 2008, German Association of Agricultural Economists (GEWISOLA) Downloads View citations (1)
    See also Journal Article Zur Wirkungsweise eines outputorientierten Agrarumweltprogramms, Proceedings “Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V.”, German Association of Agricultural Economists (GEWISOLA) (2009) Downloads (2009)


  1. Do retired farmers need a separate social policy?
    Working Papers, Agroscope Reckenholz Tanikon (ART) Downloads
    47th Annual Conference, Weihenstephan, Germany, September 26-28, 2007, German Association of Agricultural Economists (GEWISOLA) Downloads


  1. Framing Obesity in Economic Theory and Policy
    2006 Annual Meeting, August 12-18, 2006, Queensland, Australia, International Association of Agricultural Economists Downloads View citations (2)
    See also Journal Article Framing Obesity in Economic Theory and Policy, Review of Social Economy, Taylor & Francis Journals (2008) Downloads View citations (5) (2008)
  2. Population development in rural Switzerland: Do sectors matter?
    Working Papers, Agroscope Reckenholz Tanikon (ART) Downloads View citations (1)


  1. The Depopulation of Rural Areas and the Farming System
    94th Seminar, April 9-10, 2005, Ashford, UK, European Association of Agricultural Economists Downloads View citations (2)
  2. Trade Restrictions on Farmland - a Utilitarian Analysis of Paternalistic Laws
    Working Papers, Agroscope Reckenholz Tanikon (ART) Downloads


    Working Papers, Agroscope Reckenholz Tanikon (ART) Downloads View citations (1)
    Working Papers, Agroscope Reckenholz Tanikon (ART) Downloads View citations (3)

Journal Articles


  1. Institutional contributions to agricultural producer price stability
    Agricultural and Food Economics, 2022, 10, (1), 1-22 Downloads


  1. Direct Payments and Sustainable Agricultural Development—The Example of Poland
    Sustainability, 2021, 13, (23), 1-20 Downloads View citations (4)
  2. Exploring Draheim's three dimensions of success in cooperative organizations—the case of collective Alpine summer farms
    Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 2021, 92, (4), 587-602 Downloads
  3. Reduction of nitrogen pollution in agriculture through nitrogen surplus quotas: an analysis of individual marginal abatement cost and different quota allocation schemes using an agent-based model
    Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 2021, 64, (8), 1375-1391 Downloads
  4. Synthesizing Knowledge about Structural Change in Agriculture: The Integration of Disciplines and Aggregation Levels
    Agriculture, 2021, 11, (7), 1-14 Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Causes and impacts of the mis-representation of agricultural policy—The case of food supply security payments in Switzerland
    Journal of Policy Modeling, 2020, 42, (2), 466-482 Downloads
  2. Could We Stop Killing?—Exploring a Post-Lethal Vegan or Vegetarian Agriculture
    World, 2020, 1, (2), 1-11 Downloads
  3. Cultural innovation, aspirations and success among smallholders in former homelands of the Eastern Cape province of South Africa
    International Journal of Social Economics, 2020, 47, (3), 404-422 Downloads View citations (1)
  4. Individual Utility Effects of Minimum Wages in a New Activity-Choice Framework
    Forum for Social Economics, 2020, 49, (1), 99-108 Downloads
  5. The Renaissance of Fasting—Evidence from a Religious Location in Europe
    Forum for Social Economics, 2020, 49, (4), 446-464 Downloads
  6. Understanding the social dimension of sustainability in agriculture: a critical review of sustainability assessment tools
    Environment, Development and Sustainability: A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development, 2020, 22, (3), 1671-1691 Downloads View citations (22)


  1. Biogas or salami? An ethical analysis of two chains for end-of-lay hens
    International Journal of Social Economics, 2019, 46, (6), 838-848 Downloads View citations (1)
  2. Children’s Snacks, their Ads and Consumer Sovereignty
    Forum for Social Economics, 2019, 48, (3), 264-280 Downloads
  3. Competitiveness of cattle breeding in Switzerland: the value of policies enabling informed decisions
    Bio-based and Applied Economics Journal, 2019, 08, (3) Downloads
  4. How did farmers act? Ex-post validation of linear and positive mathematical programming approaches for farm-level models implemented in an agent-based agricultural sector model
    Bio-based and Applied Economics Journal, 2019, 08, (1) Downloads View citations (4)
  5. Introduction
    Forum for Social Economics, 2019, 48, (3), 217-218 Downloads
  6. Stricter cross-compliance standards in Switzerland: Economic and environmental impacts at farm- and sector-level
    Agricultural Systems, 2019, 176, (C) Downloads View citations (6)


  1. A Mesoeconomic Approach to a Basic Income
    Basic Income Studies, 2018, 13, (1), 8 Downloads
  2. Conservation by Innovation: What Are the Triggers for Participation Among Swiss Farmers?
    Ecological Economics, 2018, 146, (C), 10-16 Downloads View citations (10)
  3. Critical remarks on the governance of sustainability: On the institutional framework of standards
    Sustainable Development, 2018, 26, (6), 509-514 Downloads View citations (1)
  4. Good governance and preferential trade: evidence from the Swiss generalized system of preferences
    International Journal of Social Economics, 2018, 45, (2), 259-274 Downloads
  5. Is work satisfaction dependent on wage levels? Insights from a cross-country study
    International Journal of Happiness and Development, 2018, 4, (4), 317-326 Downloads View citations (1)
  6. The causal effect of reducing trade policy uncertainty: A comparative case study of Bangladesh's textile exports to Switzerland
    International Economics, 2018, 156, (C), 31-44 Downloads View citations (2)
    Also in International Economics, 2018, (156), 31-44 (2018) Downloads View citations (2)
  7. Towards Agricultural Policy 3.0 – an agenda for agricultural research
    EuroChoices, 2018, 17, (1), 36-39 Downloads
  8. What is Sustainable Agriculture? Critical Analysis of the International Political Discourse
    Sustainability, 2018, 10, (12), 1-19 Downloads View citations (14)
  9. Wine Farms between Specialisation and Diversification – Empirical Insights from Switzerland and Romania
    German Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2018, 67, (3) Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Agricultural structure and farmers’ interconnections with rural communities
    International Journal of Social Economics, 2017, 44, (3), 362-376 Downloads View citations (3)
  2. Crises and structural change in Australian agriculture
    Review of Social Economy, 2017, 75, (1), 76-87 Downloads View citations (1)
  3. Direct and Indirect Economic Incentives to Mitigate Nitrogen Surpluses: A Sensitivity Analysis
    Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 2017, 20, (4), 7 Downloads View citations (3)
  4. Grabbing or investment? On judging large-scale land acquisitions
    Agriculture and Human Values, 2017, 34, (1), 41-51 Downloads
  5. Integrating developing countries into the world economy: a Tunisian case study
    International Journal of Development Issues, 2017, 16, (3), 300-316 Downloads
  6. The rationale of part-time farming: empirical evidence from Norway
    International Journal of Social Economics, 2017, 44, (1), 53-59 Downloads View citations (3)
  7. Who benefits from the high-price segment in commodity markets?
    International Journal of Social Economics, 2017, 44, (12), 2313-2324 Downloads


  1. An Approach Towards Explaining Market Shares of Organic Food – Evidence from Swiss Household Data
    Proceedings “Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V.”, 2016, 51 Downloads View citations (4)
  2. Governing complementary responsibility goods through hybrid systems in a globalizing world
    Journal of Socio-Economics in Agriculture (Until 2015: Yearbook of Socioeconomics in Agriculture), 2016, 9, (1), 14-21 Downloads View citations (1)
  3. Hot cognition in agricultural policy preferences in Norway?
    Agriculture and Human Values, 2016, 33, (1), 61-71 Downloads View citations (2)
    See also Working Paper Hot cognition in agricultural policy preferences in Norway?, 2015 Conference, August 9-14, 2015, Milan, Italy (2015) Downloads View citations (1) (2015)


  1. Deconstructing agricultural labour: a reflection on negative farm income
    Journal of Socio-Economics in Agriculture (Until 2015: Yearbook of Socioeconomics in Agriculture), 2015, 7, (1), 70-75 Downloads
  2. Labour constraints on choosing profitable products for part-time farmers in Swiss agriculture
    Bio-based and Applied Economics Journal, 2015, 04, (2), 15 Downloads
    See also Working Paper Labor constraints on choosing profitable products for part-time farmers in Swiss agriculture, Working Papers SMART (2008) Downloads (2008)
  3. Pathways to Truth: Comparing Different Upscaling Options for an Agent-Based Sector Model
    Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 2015, 18, (4), 11 Downloads View citations (10)
  4. Responsibility goods - exploring a possible definition
    International Journal of Sustainable Economy, 2015, 7, (3), 220-230 Downloads View citations (1)
  5. Which farm characteristics influence work satisfaction? An analysis of two agricultural systems
    Agricultural Systems, 2015, 141, (C), 107-112 Downloads View citations (8)


  1. A Comparative Study of Institutionalizing Public Plant Breeding
    Public Organization Review, 2014, 14, (3), 373-383 Downloads
  2. Alpine Farming in Switzerland: Discerning a Lifestyle-Driven Labor Supply
    Review of Social Economy, 2014, 72, (2), 137-156 Downloads
  3. Analyse und Empfehlung zu parallelen Förderprogrammen in der ländlichen Entwicklung am Beispiel der Schweiz
    Proceedings “Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V.”, 2014, 49 Downloads
    See also Working Paper Analyse und Empfehlung zu parallelen Förderprogrammen in der ländlichen Entwicklung am Beispiel der Schweiz, 53rd Annual Conference, Berlin, Germany, September 25-27, 2013 (2013) Downloads View citations (1) (2013)
  4. Are small family farms a societal luxury good in wealthy countries?
    International Journal of Social Economics, 2014, 41, (10), 896-905 Downloads View citations (1)
  5. On the dynamics of agricultural labour input and their impact on productivity and income: an empirical study of Swiss family farms
    International Journal of Agricultural Management, 2014, 03, (4), 11 Downloads View citations (3)
  6. Zur Dynamik unterschiedlicher Institutionalisierungsformen landwirtschaftlicher Arbeit – Eine empirische Untersuchung Schweizer Familienbetriebe
    Proceedings “Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V.”, 2014, 49 Downloads
    See also Working Paper Zur Dynamik unterschiedlicher Institutionalisierungsformen landwirtschaftlicher Arbeit - Eine empirische Untersuchung Schweizer Familienbetriebe, 53rd Annual Conference, Berlin, Germany, September 25-27, 2013 (2013) Downloads View citations (1) (2013)


  1. Eine erweiterte Gesamtrechnung der multifunktionalen Schweizer Landwirtschaft
    Proceedings “Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V.”, 2013, 48 Downloads
    See also Working Paper Eine erweiterte Gesamtrechnung der multifunktionalen Schweizer Landwirtschaft, 52nd Annual Conference, Stuttgart, Germany, September 26-28, 2012 (2012) Downloads (2012)
  2. Happy Tinbergen: Switzerland's New Direct Payment System
    EuroChoices, 2013, 12, (3), 24-28 Downloads View citations (10)
  3. The importance of succession on business growth: A case study of family farms in Switzerland and Norway
    Journal of Socio-Economics in Agriculture (Until 2015: Yearbook of Socioeconomics in Agriculture), 2013, 6, (1), 109-137 Downloads View citations (5)
  4. Transfer of single farm payment entitlements to farm successors: impact on structural change and rental prices in Switzerland
    Bio-based and Applied Economics Journal, 2013, 02, (2), 18 Downloads View citations (4)
  5. “Work”? On utility in the market and in the unpaid sphere
    Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics), 2013, 45, (C), 86-91 Downloads View citations (4)


  1. Contract Management nach dem Ende der Milchkontingentierung – ein binationaler Vergleich
    Journal of Socio-Economics in Agriculture (Until 2015: Yearbook of Socioeconomics in Agriculture), 2012, 5, (1), 177-200 Downloads
  2. Der Nutzen der Mesoökonomie für ökonomische Paradigmenbildung am Beispiel der Agrarökonomie
    Review of Economics, 2012, 63, (3), 365-376 Downloads
  3. Does Libertarian Paternalism Reconcile Merit Goods Theory with Mainstream Economics?
    Forum for Social Economics, 2012, 41, (2-3), 206-219 Downloads View citations (7)
  4. Effects of agricultural policy reforms and farm characteristics on income risk in Swiss agriculture
    Agricultural Finance Review, 2012, 72, (3), 301-324 Downloads View citations (25)


  1. How Green are Communities? Explaining Differences between Swiss Municipalities in Environmental Stewardship on Farmland
    Regional Studies, 2011, 45, (9), 1245-1251 Downloads
  2. Modellierung von Hofübernahmeund Hofaufgabeentscheidungen in agentenbasierten Modellen
    Journal of Socio-Economics in Agriculture (Until 2015: Yearbook of Socioeconomics in Agriculture), 2011, 4, (1), 163-188 Downloads View citations (4)
  3. Worauf kommt es Schweizer Konsumenten von Biowein an?
    Proceedings “Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V.”, 2011, 46 Downloads
  4. summary
    EuroChoices, 2011, 10, (2), 16-21


  1. Efficiency and utility: an evolutionary perspective
    International Journal of Social Economics, 2010, 37, (9), 676-685 Downloads View citations (2)
  2. Multidisziplinäre Agentendefinitionen für Optimierungsmodelle
    Proceedings “Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V.”, 2010, 45 Downloads
    See also Working Paper Multidisziplinäre Agentendefinitionen für Optimierungsmodelle, 49th Annual Conference, Kiel, Germany, September 30-October 2, 2009 (2009) Downloads View citations (4) (2009)
  3. Public governance of information asymmetries--The gap between reality and economic theory
    Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics), 2010, 39, (2), 278-285 Downloads View citations (4)
  4. The central role of centralisation in environmental policy initialisation
    Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 2010, 53, (3), 283-295 Downloads


  1. Zur Wirkungsweise eines outputorientierten Agrarumweltprogramms
    Proceedings “Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V.”, 2009, 44 Downloads
    See also Working Paper ZUR WIRKUNGSWEISE EINES OUTPUTORIENTIERTEN AGRARUMWELTPROGRAMMS, 48th Annual Conference, Bonn, Germany, September 24-26, 2008 (2008) Downloads View citations (1) (2008)


  1. Analysing fair trade in economic terms
    Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics), 2008, 37, (5), 2034-2042 Downloads View citations (10)
  2. Framing Obesity in Economic Theory and Policy
    Review of Social Economy, 2008, 66, (2), 163-179 Downloads View citations (5)
    See also Working Paper Framing Obesity in Economic Theory and Policy, 2006 Annual Meeting, August 12-18, 2006, Queensland, Australia (2006) Downloads View citations (2) (2006)
  3. From friendly turns towards trade – on the interplay between cooperation and markets
    International Journal of Social Economics, 2008, 35, (5), 326-337 Downloads View citations (3)
  4. Multifunctionality and a new focus on externalities
    Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics), 2008, 37, (1), 293-307 Downloads View citations (13)
  5. Wie ist der Energieinput der Schweizer Landwirtschaft aus ökonomischer und ökologischer Sicht zu beurteilen?
    Proceedings “Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V.”, 2008, 43 Downloads


  1. Beyond Bohm-Bawerk: Searching for a place for relations in economic theory
    Review of Social Economy, 2007, 65, (4), 445-457 Downloads View citations (1)
  2. Comparing Interpersonal Comparisons in Utility Theory and Happiness Research
    Forum for Social Economics, 2007, 36, (1), 29-42 Downloads View citations (4)
    Also in Forum for Social Economics, 2007, 36, (1), 29-42 (2007) Downloads View citations (4)
  3. Nationale Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten bei der Hofübergabe im deutschsprachigen Raum
    Proceedings “Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V.”, 2007, 42 Downloads
  4. Towards a rural post‐work society
    International Journal of Social Economics, 2007, 34, (12), 904-913 Downloads
  5. Tracing the process of becoming a farm successor on Swiss family farms
    Agriculture and Human Values, 2007, 24, (4), 435-443 Downloads View citations (13)
  6. Wie entstehen HofnachfolgerInnen?
    German Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2007, 56, (03), 5 Downloads


  1. Die Schweiz in der EU? Modellberechnungen zu den Konsequenzen einer Mitgliedschaft für den Schweizerischen Agrarsektor
    Proceedings “Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V.”, 2006, 41 Downloads View citations (2)
  2. Merit goods in a utilitarian framework
    Review of Political Economy, 2006, 18, (4), 509-520 Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Deliberation, Responsivity and Power in German and Swiss Agricultural Policy
    Agrarwirtschaft und Agrarsoziologie\ Economie et Sociologie Rurales, 2005, 2005, (1), 18 Downloads
  2. Die Landwirtschaft und andere Einflussgrößen auf die Bevölkerungsentwicklung im ländlichen Raum
    German Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2005, 54, (05), 8 Downloads
  3. Farm Size Growth and Participation in Agri‐environmental Schemes: A Configural Frequency Analysis of the Swiss Case
    Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2005, 56, (3), 373-384 Downloads View citations (23)
  4. Multifunktionalität als Erklärungsansatz
    German Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2005, 54, (08), 2 Downloads


  1. The expert valuation method for assessing agro-environmental policy
    Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 2004, 47, (4), 541-554 Downloads View citations (2)


  1. Die Expertenbewertung als Alternative zur Kontingenzbewertung
    German Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2003, 52, (08), 8 Downloads
  2. Die Kosten der Okomassnahmen in der Schweizer Landwirtschaft
    Agrarwirtschaft und Agrarsoziologie\ Economie et Sociologie Rurales, 2003, 2003, (1), 28 Downloads View citations (7)
  3. Furchtbare Heimat, furchtbares Exil, bereichernde Rückkehr - Hans Wilbrandt
    Proceedings “Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V.”, 2003, 38 Downloads
  4. Können Produktionsentscheidungen als Investitionsentscheidungen modelliert werden?
    German Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2003, 52, (07), 9 Downloads View citations (7)
  5. Theorie und Empirie agrarstrukturellen Wandels?
    German Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2003, 52, (03), 9 Downloads View citations (13)
  6. Why organic food in Germany is a merit good
    Food Policy, 2003, 28, (5-6), 459-469 Downloads View citations (12)


  1. Das Konzept der „Verwaltungselastizität“ am Beispiel der Exporterstattungen in Deutschland
    Proceedings “Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V.”, 2001, 37 Downloads
  2. Zur Effizienz der deutschen Agrarverwaltung
    German Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2001, 50, (05), 6 Downloads View citations (3)


  1. The Demand for Evaluation from a Public Choice Perspective
    Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung / Quarterly Journal of Economic Research, 2000, 69, (3), 371-378 Downloads View citations (3)
  2. Transaktionskosten landwirtschaftlicher Investitionsförderung - Ein komparativer Ansatz
    German Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2000, 49, (07) Downloads View citations (2)


  1. James Cecora - Cultivating Grass-Roots for Regional Development in a Globalising Economy
    German Journal of Agricultural Economics, 1999, 48, (08-09) Downloads



  1. Socioeconomics of Agriculture
    SpringerBriefs in Economics, Springer View citations (2)

Edited books


  1. Sectors Matter!
    Springer Books, Springer



  1. Agricultural Cooperation
  2. Agricultural Hierarchies
  3. Agricultural Markets
  4. Agricultural System
  5. What Is This Book Good for?


  1. Multifunktionalität und das Dilemma der Liberalisierung
    Chapter 7 in List Forum Band 32, 2006, vol. 2, pp 120-136
Page updated 2024-12-04