Details about Jonathan Maurice
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Short-id: pma1720
Jump to Journal Articles
Working Papers
- Entrepreneurial Orientation, Firm Performance, and the Moderating Role of Management Control Systems: A Conceptual Model
Post-Print, HAL
Also in Post-Print, HAL (2019)
- Entrepreneurial orientation and performance: What role for management control systems?
Post-Print, HAL
- From intra- to inter-organizational interactive control: The role of inscriptions and boundary objects
Post-Print, HAL
Also in Post-Print, HAL (2018)
- Is the limited diffusion of management accounting innovations really a paradox? A meta-analysis of the relationship between product diversity and the adoption of Activity-Based Costing
(La faible diffusion des innovations en contrôle de gestion est-elle vraiment paradoxale ? Une méta-analyse du lien entre diversité des produits et adoption de la méthode ABC)
Post-Print, HAL View citations (1)
- Re-examining the concept of boundary object: Implementation of an accounting risk management system in a French university
Post-Print, HAL
Also in Post-Print, HAL (2018) Post-Print, HAL (2018)
- The EO–performance relationship revisited through the lens of the control levers framework
Post-Print, HAL
- When environmental accounting choices are not only opportunistic: the case of environmental accounting provisions
(Quand les choix comptables liés à l’environnement ne sont pas qu’opportunistes: cas des provisions comptables environnementales)
Post-Print, HAL
- Guest Editors’ Introduction to the Special Section
Post-Print, HAL
- Guest editorial introduction
Post-Print, HAL
- A reexamination of the boundary object concept: a critical analysis of the implementation of a financial and accounting control system in a French University
Post-Print, HAL
Also in Post-Print, HAL (2017)
- Managing nonprofit incubators: the use of a boundary object as an interactive lever of control
Post-Print, HAL
- Influences des technologies nomades sur le bien-être et le stress au travail: une approche par les ressources et contraintes
Post-Print, HAL
- Is environmental disclosure good for the environment? A meta-analysis and research agenda
Post-Print, HAL View citations (2)
- The Balanced Scorecard as a Boundary Object: From Diagnostic to Interactive Control
Post-Print, HAL
Also in Post-Print, HAL (2016)
- The Balanced Scorecard: an Interactive Control Tool to Manage Entrepreneurial Support
Post-Print, HAL
- The Management of Entrepreneurial Support through the Balanced Scorecard as an Interactive Control Tool
Post-Print, HAL
- Pratiques de diffusion des provisions environnementales dans un cadre réglementaire contraint
Post-Print, HAL
- When accounting choices are not driven by opportunistic behaviours: the case of environmental accrued liabilities
Post-Print, HAL
Also in Post-Print, HAL (2014)
- Fiabilité des provisions environnementales et loi de Benford: application et implications
Post-Print, HAL 
Also in Post-Print, HAL (2013)
- Income Redistribution and Public Good Provision: An Experiment
Post-Print, HAL View citations (16)
Also in Post-Print, HAL (2009) Post-Print, HAL (2009) Working Papers, LAMETA, Universtiy of Montpellier (2011) View citations (12) Post-Print, HAL (2009) Post-Print, HAL (2009) View citations (11)
- Les provisions comptables environnementales sont-elles fiables ? Une lecture institutionnelle du cas des sociétés cotées françaises
Post-Print, HAL
Also in Post-Print, HAL (2013) Post-Print, HAL (2013)
- Are mandatory environmental provisions reliable? The case of the French listed companies
Post-Print, HAL
- Participation budgétaire et performance managériale: lien non significatif et contingences
Post-Print, HAL View citations (3)
- A critical study of environmental disclosure after major disasters
Post-Print, HAL
- Organizational hypocrisy: The case of environmental disclosure after major disasters
Post-Print, HAL
- A Best Evidence Synthesis on the Link Between Budgetary Participation and Managerial Performance
Working Papers CREGO, Université de Bourgogne - CREGO EA7317 Centre de recherches en gestion des organisations View citations (5)
Also in MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany (2010) View citations (5) Post-Print, HAL (2010) View citations (5) Post-Print, HAL (2010) View citations (4)
See also Journal Article A BEST EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS ON THE LINK BETWEEN BUDGETARY PARTICIPATION AND MANAGERIAL PERFORMANCE, Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, Spiru Haret University, Faculty of Financial Management and Accounting Craiova (2010) View citations (5) (2010)
- Double diffusion des entreprises dans le rapport annuel: renforcement ou contradiction ?
Post-Print, HAL
- Détection de fraudes et loi de Benford: quelques risques associés
Post-Print, HAL 
Also in MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany (2010)
- Participation budgétaire et performance managériale:Une combinaison de méta-analyses -Budgetary participation and managerial performance:A combination of meta-analyses
Working Papers CREGO, Université de Bourgogne - CREGO EA7317 Centre de recherches en gestion des organisations 
Also in MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany (2009)
- Enseignements d'une meta-analyse sur le lien participation budgétaire - performance managériale
Post-Print, HAL
Journal Articles
- Quand les choix comptables liés à l’environnement ne sont pas qu’opportunistes: cas des provisions comptables environnementales - When environmental accounting choices are not only opportunistic: the case of environmental accounting provisions
Revue Finance Contrôle Stratégie, 2019, 22, (1), 25-61
Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, 2010, 5, (2(12)/Summer2010), 34-47 View citations (5)
See also Working Paper A Best Evidence Synthesis on the Link Between Budgetary Participation and Managerial Performance, Working Papers CREGO (2010) View citations (5) (2010)
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