Details about María Pilar Martínez-Ruiz
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Short-id: pma434
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Working Papers
- El efecto de la situación económica actual en el nivel máximo de satisfacción del consumidor y el comportamiento de la clientela
DOCFRADIS Working Papers, Catedra Fundación Ramón Areces de Distribución Comercial
Journal Articles
- A Review of the Literature on Food Values and Their Potential Implications for Consumers’ Food Decision Processes
Sustainability, 2021, 14, (1), 1-15
- Food Values, Satisfaction, and Loyalty: Some Evidence in Grocery Retailing Acquired during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Sustainability, 2021, 13, (7), 1-15 View citations (3)
- Food Values, Benefits and Their Influence on Attitudes and Purchase Intention: Evidence Obtained at Fast-Food Hamburger Restaurants
Sustainability, 2020, 12, (18), 1-15 View citations (2)
- Store attributes leading customer satisfaction with unplanned purchases
The Service Industries Journal, 2017, 37, (5-6), 277-295 View citations (1)
- The impact of retail store format on the satisfaction-loyalty link: An empirical investigation
Journal of Business Research, 2017, 77, (C), 14-22 View citations (25)
- A multidimensional analysis of the information sources construct and its relevance for destination image formation
Tourism Management, 2015, 48, (C), 319-328 View citations (31)
- The Influence of Value Co-Creation on Consumer Satisfaction: A Mediating Role of Consumer Motivation
International Journal of Online Marketing (IJOM), 2015, 5, (4), 60-83
- The Effects of the Value Co-Creation Process on the Consumer and the Company
Expert Journal of Marketing, 2014, 2, (2), 68-81
- What differentiates Internet shoppers from Internet surfers?
The Service Industries Journal, 2014, 34, (6), 530-549 View citations (1)
- Good environmental practices in a traditional wine producer: an opportunity for global competition
International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 2012, 8, (1), 131-152 View citations (1)
- How entrepreneurial characteristics influence company creation: a cross-national study of 22 countriestested with panel data methodology
Journal of Business Economics and Management, 2011, 12, (3), 529-545 View citations (2)
- Key service innovation drivers in the tourism sector: empirical evidence and managerial implications
Service Business, 2011, 5, (4), 339-360 View citations (16)
- Análisis de la satisfacción máxima del consumidor en establecimientos de alimentación: la influencia del folleto publicitario
Cuadernos de Gestión, 2010
- Customer satisfaction's key factors in Spanish grocery stores: Evidence from hypermarkets and supermarkets
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2010, 17, (4), 278-285 View citations (9)
- Factors influencing repeat visits to a destination: The influence of group composition
Tourism Management, 2010, 31, (6), 862-870 View citations (25)
- Evolución y tendencias de la marca de distribuidor en los mercados de gran consumo: el caso de España
Cuadernos de Gestión, 2009
- Spatial mapping of price competition using logit-type market share models and store-level scanner-data
Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2009, 60, (1), 52-62 View citations (2)
- Using store level scanner data to improve category management decisions: Developing positioning maps
European Journal of Operational Research, 2009, 198, (2), 666-674 View citations (1)
- Store Attributes and Consumer Satisfaction with Unplanned Purchases: An Empirical Research in Spain
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