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Society and Economy

2002 - 2021

Current editor(s): Szent-Iványi, Balázs

From Akadémiai Kiadó, Hungary
Bibliographic data for series maintained by Kriston, Orsolya ().

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Volume 43, issue 4, 2021

Does governance matter? Country-level determinants of operational risk pp. 289-313 Downloads
Edina Berlinger, Judit Lilla Keresztúri, Ágnes Lublóy and Zsuzsanna Tamásné Vőneki
The vision of sustainable sport in a backcasting research pp. 314-330 Downloads
Alexandra Köves, Attila Szathmári and Orsolya Herr
Labour productivity, wages and the functional distribution of income in Portugal: A sectoral approach pp. 331-354 Downloads
João Carlos Lopes, José Coelho and Vítor Escária
Factors influencing the willingness of Hungarian sour cherry growers to operate in a short supply chain pp. 355-373 Downloads
Noémi Ványi and János Felföldi
The future plans and dilemmas of Chinese students studying in Hungary: A narrative analysis pp. 374-390 Downloads
Xueyan Li and Henriett Primecz
Is Islamic Banking in Turkey really interest-free? pp. 391-405 Downloads
Harun Ercan, Ilhami Karahanoglu and Gyorgy Walter

Volume 43, issue 3, 2021

Foreword to the special section on implications of the COVID pandemic pp. 189-191 Downloads
Péter Marton
Transnistria's public health system and SARS-CoV-2: The challenges of an unrecognized state facing a global pandemic pp. 192-207 Downloads
Cristian Vlas
Geopolitical shift at a time of Covid-19 and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank: A case study of Chinese innovation in multilateralism pp. 208-226 Downloads
David Morris
Macroeconomic assessment of possible Green Recovery scenarios in Visegrad countries pp. 227-252 Downloads
Bence Kiss-Dobronyi, Dora Fazekas and Hector Pollitt
Green branding as a tool and future potential for destination marketing: Implications from a case study in Veszprém, Hungary pp. 253-269 Downloads
Katalin Lőrincz, Éva Kruppa-Jakab, Renáta Szabó and János Csapó
Reframing market-orientation: A comparative study of the market orientation concept in the subcultures of university employees pp. 270-288 Downloads
Nick Chandler, Balázs Heidrich, Karina Szászvári and Richárd Kása

Volume 43, issue 2, 2021

Do political or ethnic and historical borders affect values and beliefs more? Some evidence from Central Europe pp. 103-127 Downloads
Pál Czeglédi
Multi-population models to handle mortality crises in forecasting mortality: A case study from Hungary pp. 128-146 Downloads
Csaba Tóth
Adverse consequences of economic policy in combating global climate change in the Czech Republic pp. 147-164 Downloads
Zdeněk Pikhart, Šárka Pikhartová and Pavel Procházka
Demand and supply sides of the crowdfunding ecosystem: The case of Kickstarter campaigns and potential Hungarian investors pp. 165-183 Downloads
Roland Zs. Szabó, Réka Szász and Borbála Szedmák
Sándor Gyula Nagy: The Visegrád Countries and Brazil – Book Review pp. 184-187 Downloads
Márton Baranyi

Volume 43, issue 1, 2021

The evolution of European bailout arrangements and its impact on sovereign bond yields in the aftermath of the euro crisis pp. 1-20 Downloads
Eszter Boros and Gábor Sztanó
Shadow economies and tax evasion: The case of the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary pp. 21-37 Downloads
Dennis Nchor
Sharing communities – Community currency in the sharing economy pp. 38-59 Downloads
Eszter Szemerédi and Tibor Tatay
The privacy problem for internalizing behavioral externalities pp. 60-74 Downloads
Matthew Jeffers
Identification of base erosion and profit shifting using tax evasion rate pp. 75-92 Downloads
Michal Friedrich and Jana Tepperova
Singapore Globally Entangled. Lessons for Central Europe? – Book Review pp. 93-95 Downloads
Jody Jensen
The Core-Periphery Divide in the European Union – A Dependency Perspective – Book Review pp. 96-98 Downloads
Zoltán Nadobán
The Bridge – Natural Gas in a Redivided Europe – Book Review pp. 99-101 Downloads
John Szabo

Volume 42, issue 4, 2020

Introduction to the special section on the public finance – growth nexus pp. 348-350 Downloads
Zsolt Darvas
Economic growth and income distribution implications of public spending and tax decisions pp. 351-365 Downloads
Zsolt Darvas
Taxation and growth: Why does it matter and how can it be analysed? pp. 366-384 Downloads
Salvador Barrios
Erratum: Taxation and growth: Why does it matter and how can it be analysed? pp. 385 Downloads
Salvador Barrios
Fiscal policy and growth in a small emerging economy: The case of Bulgaria pp. 386-402 Downloads
Desislava Stoilova and Nikolay Patonov
The long-term impact of public expenditures on GDP-growth pp. 403-419 Downloads
Gábor Kutasi and Ádám Marton
The potential role of aid in escaping the middle-income trap pp. 420-441 Downloads
Timothy Yaw Acheampong and Beáta Udvari
Analysis of income determinants among rural households in Kosovo pp. 442-457 Downloads
Prespa Ymeri, Arben Musliu, Jehona Shkodra, Iliriana Miftari and Csaba Fogarassy

Volume 42, issue 3, 2020

To vote or not to vote? The political orientations of Millennials in a comparative perspective pp. 229-244 Downloads
Małgorzata Zachara
Do larger boards improve shareholder value creation? – Effects of the board size on business performance in Eastern Central Europe pp. 245-279 Downloads
Zsolt Lakatos
Analysing the relationship between unemployment benefits and unemployment duration pp. 280-297 Downloads
Laura Južnik Rotar and Sabina Krsnik
Measuring the circularity of congressional districts pp. 298-312 Downloads
Balázs Nagy and Szilvia Szakál
Macroeconomic determinants of external indebtedness of Ethiopia: ARDL approach to co-integration pp. 313-332 Downloads
Sisay Demissew Beyene and Balázs Kotosz
Patient experiences in a public primary health care clinic: A South African case study pp. 333-347 Downloads
Óscar Brito Fernandes, Mukhethwa Netshiombo, László Gulácsi, Niek S. Klazinga, Márta Péntek and Petra Baji

Volume 42, issue 2, 2020

Industry 4.0 and some social consequences: Impact assessment by microsimulation for Hungary pp. 105-123 Downloads
Ilona Cserháti and Károly Pirisi
The future of work in the Visegrad Group of countries pp. 124-145 Downloads
Mark Keese
Demographics, labour market, and pension sustainability in Hungary pp. 146-171 Downloads
András Olivér Németh, Petra Németh and Péter Vékás
The role of loyalty in migration intentions: Theory and evidence from the EU pp. 172-192 Downloads
József Golovics
What is the best way to take internet usage into consideration in the different variants of the active ageing index? pp. 193-207 Downloads
Éva Berde and Izabella Kuncz
Key features of intra-EU labour mobility and its impact from a sending country perspective: Addressing the consequences in Hungary pp. 208-228 Downloads
Klára Fóti and Tibor Takacs

Volume 42, issue 1, 2020

Market integration among foreign exchange rate movements in central and eastern European countries pp. 1-20 Downloads
Ngo Thai Hung
Evidence of effective financial crisis management from South Korea: An example for other regions pp. 21-38 Downloads
Saysi Sayaseng
Estimating older people's labour supply decisions in Korea pp. 39-58 Downloads
Inhee Lee and Almas Heshmati
The Confucian doctrine of the Mean, the optimality principle, and social harmony pp. 59-73 Downloads
Jungho Suh
Why ruling politicians grow rich faster—Rentseeking or selection bias? pp. 74-97 Downloads
Łukasz Olejnik
Book reviews pp. 98-104 Downloads
John F. Tomer and Josefine Kamati
Page updated 2025-01-21