Ensayos Económicos
2006 - 2024
Current editor(s): Germán Feldman From Central Bank of Argentina, Economic Research Department Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Federico Grillo (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 1, issue 83, 2024
- Gaining Degrees of Freedom: Management of Monetary Policy in LATAM-5 pp. 5-50
- Emiliano Basco, Sebastián Katz and Luis Libonatti
- The Real Exchange Rate Role in a Resourcerich Developing Country: Heterogeneous Effects, Structural Bias and Hysteresis pp. 51-69
- Gabriel Palazzo
- Determinants of Inflation in Argentina, 2004-2022 pp. 70-96
- Pablo de la Vega, Guido Zack, Jimena Calvo and Emiliano Libman
- Firm's Price Expectations: An Empirical Analysis using BCRAs' Survey of Business Economic Perspectives pp. 97-116
- Pedro Elosegui and Máximo Sangiácomo
Volume 1, issue 82, 2023
- Post globalization and reindustrialization in Latin America. The conditionality of industrial policy and “KeynesianEgalitarianism” pp. 6-26
- Mario Cimoli
- New Results in Capital Theory and Implications for the Theory of Inflation pp. 27-51
- Bertram Schefold
- Does the Argentine financial system reduce or amplify the labor market’s gender gap? pp. 52-76
- Laura Muriel Cuccaro, Máximo Sangiácomo, Lucía Tumini and Ariel Wilkis
- Financing in times of crisis: lessons from the impact assessment of Banco Provincia's working capital credit line during the pandemic pp. 77-97
- Alejandro Danon, Rafael Tessone and Milena Valens Upegui
- Consumption and Fluctuations: What Role for Behavioral Economics? pp. 98-127
- Pablo Mira
- Latin America in the global financial cycle: Vulnerability or resilience? An analysis of the Argentine case pp. 128-158
- Agustín Cucchiaro
Volume 1, issue 81, 2023
- Empirical Regularities of Inflation in Latin America pp. 5-54
- Javier García-Cicco, Lorena Garegnani, Maximiliano Gómez Aguirre, Ariel David Krysa and Luis Libonatti
- Exports of Knowledge-Intensive Business Services: Domestic Market Hypotheses and Interactions with Industrial Capabilities pp. 55-80
- Lorenzo Cassini
- Forecasting Inflation in Argentina: A Probabilistic Approach pp. 81-110
- Tomás Marinozzi
- Consumer Loans Dynamics in 2020 in Argentina: An Approach Using Error Correction Models pp. 111-158
- Maximiliano Gómez Aguirre and Ariel David Krysa
Volume 1, issue 80, 2022
- Credit-constrained fluctuations and uncertainty in a network economy pp. 5-52
- Deborah Noguera and Gabriel Montes-Rojas
- Analysis of the incidence of public spending on employment and imports in Argentina during 2005-2015 pp. 53-75
- Alcides Bazza, Gabriel Brondino and Hernan Roitbarg
- The Argentine economy through the InputOutput matrix. Analysis of its productive integration between 2007-2017 pp. 76-99
- Germán Pinazo, Mariano Arana and Gastón Bersano
- Estimation and prediction of current account deficit adjustment dynamics pp. 100-139
- Santiago Rossi and Fernando Toledo
Volume 1, issue 79, 2022
- Dollar Liquidity, Money and Credit in a Small Open Dollarized Economy pp. 5-39
- Joseph Bitar
- Currency Substitution and the Hysteresis Effect: An Empirical Application for Argentina pp. 40-65
- Patricio Temperley
- Reassessing Sticky Price Models through the Lens of Scraped Price Data pp. 66-108
- Tomás Carrera de Souza
- In Defense of Public Debt pp. 111-118
- Barry Eichengreen
- A Green Purple Red New Deal: Rebuilding an Economy for All in the Aftermath of the Pandemic pp. 119-130
- Ozlem Onaran
- Neoliberalism: An Entrenched but Exhausted Growth Regime pp. 131-146
- Mark Setterfield
- Monetary Policy and Inequality pp. 148-158
- Claudio Borio
- International Monetary and Financial Hierarchies: Macroeconomic Implications for Emerging Market Economies pp. 159-167
- Annina Kaltenbrunner
- Challenges and Lessons from Central Banks in the Pandemic pp. 169-183
- Alejandro Díaz de León Carrillo
- Promoting growth with equality: challenges generated by the pandemic and policy responses in Bolivia pp. 184-198
- Roger Edwin Rojas Ulo
- The Challenges for Central Banking for the Next Years pp. 199-205
- Julio Velarde
Volume 1, issue 78, 2021
- Autonomous Demand Composition and Fiscal Policy in a Supermultiplier Simulation Model pp. 6-27
- Fabio Freitas, Esther Dweck and Fernando Ligiéro
- Evolution and Use of Structural Models in the Central Bank of Chile pp. 28-46
- Benjamin Garcia and Mariana García-Schmidt
- Flexible Inflation Targeting, Real Exchange Rate and Structural Change in a Kaldorian Model with Balance of Payments Constrained Growth pp. 47-82
- José Luís Oreiro, Luciano Dias de Carvalho, Luciano Gabriel and Evaldo Henrique da Silva
- Relative Quantities and Prices in Small and Open Developing Economies pp. 83-112
- Arslan Razmi
- A Dynamic Stock-Flow Model for Argentina: an Application to the Post-Pandemic Economic Scenario pp. 113-142
- Gabriel Michelena
Volume 1, issue 77, 2021
- Dollarization dynamics and de-dollarization policies in Peru pp. 6-32
- Adrián Armas Rivas and Zenon Quispe
- Divisia Aggregates: A Literature Review and an Application to the Demand for Money in Paraguay pp. 33-49
- Luis Molinas Sosa
- Dollarization, Financial Stability Risks and Monetary Policy Implementation: Exploring the Nexus pp. 50-71
- Anna Burova, Irina Kozlovtseva, Natalia Makhankova and Alexander Morozov
- Financial Dollarization in Argentina: A Historical Analysis of a Current Restriction pp. 72-101
- Eduardo Ariel Corso
Volume 1, issue 76, 2021
- A Primer on Monetary Policy and Income Distribution: A Heterodox Perspective pp. 5-25
- Louis-Philippe Rochon and Mario Seccareccia
- Google Correlate and Google Trends as Nowcasting Tools for Retail Sales pp. 26-45
- María Florencia Camusso and Ramiro Emmanuel Jorge
- Bankarization and the Determinants of Banking Services Availability in the Province of Córdoba: An Application of Spatial Data Models pp. 46-74
- Fernando García and Alejandro D. Jacobo
- Macroeconomic Factors for Inflation in Argentina 2013-2019 pp. 75-102
- Alberto Manuel López Galván
- Asymmetries in the Pass-Through of Exchange Rate to Prices: The Argentine Case 2004-2019 pp. 103-143
- Matías Barberis
Volume 1, issue 75, 2020
- The Return of the Interventionist Central Bank: The Pendulum of Monetary Regimes in Latin America pp. 5-29
- Esteban Perez Caldentey and Matías Vernengo
- Sailing in Rough Waters. Raúl Prebisch and the Economic Policy during the Great Depression pp. 30-49
- Emiliano Libman
- Network effects in interbank markets of Call and Repo in Argentina pp. 50-81
- Pedro Elosegui and Gabriel Montes-Rojas
- Modeling the determinants of commodity prices pp. 82-117
- Magdalena Cornejo
Volume 1, issue 74, 2016
- GDP Nowcasting: Assessing the Cyclical Conditions of the Argentine Economy pp. 7-26
- Laura D'Amato, Lorena Garegnani and Emilio Blanco
- Exports of Argentina and Brazil under the Generalized System of Preferences pp. 27-55
- Facundo Albornoz, Irene Brambilla and Pablo Garriga
- A Study of Excess Savings at the Firm Level in Developed Countries. Three Hypotheses about its Causes pp. 57-104
- Rodrigo Pérez Artica, Lisana Martinez and Leandro Brufman
- Panel times series. A review of methodological developments pp. 105-131
- Tamara Burdisso and Máximo Sangiácomo
Volume 1, issue 73, 2015
- Intercreditor and Debtor-creditor Equity Issues in Sovereign Debt Restructuring pp. 7-25
- Skylar Brooks, Martin Guzman, Doménico Lombardi and Joseph Stiglitz
- Emerging Market Economies and the Reform of the International Financial Architecture: The “Exorbitant Privilege” of the Dollar Is Only the Symptom of a Structural Problem pp. 27-55
- Jan Kregel
- Investment, Financing and Minsky’s Debt Paradox. A Microeconomic Analysis for Latin America pp. 57-90
- Esteban Perez Caldentey and Alejandro González
- Ambiguity, Ambiguity Aversion and Reserve of Value in Argentina pp. 91-115
- Eduardo Corso
- Prebisch Reciprocity Principle. An Application for the Common Automotive Policy between Argentina and Brazil pp. 117-147
- Ana Inés Gárriz and Demian Panigo
Volume 1, issue 72, 2015
- Re-imagining Central Banking pp. 7-26
- Perry Mehrling
- The Debate on Integrated Financial Supervision: What is New? pp. 27-58
- Edgardo Demaestri and Gustavo Ferro
- Inequality, Financial Deepening and Current Account Impact pp. 59-102
- Jorge Carrera, Esteban Rodríguez and Mariano Sardi
- Public Banks, Private Banks and Crisis: Banco de la Nación Argentina as Lender of Last Resort between the First World War and the Postwar Period pp. 103-138
- Andrés Regalsky and Mariano Iglesias
- The Debate on the Under-Consumption Crises in Classical Political Economy pp. 139-163
- Manuel Calderón
- Kicking the Board: Emerging Economies as an Engine of Global Economy and its Institutions pp. 185-214
- Germán Reyes and Facundo Sirimarco
Volume 1, issue 71, 2014
- The Compelling Case for Stronger and More Effective Leverage Regulation in Banking pp. 7-38
- Anat Admati
- An Analysis of Real Exchange Rate Misalignments under Regime Shifts in Argentina pp. 40-71
- J. Daniel Aromi and Marcos Dal Bianco
- The Reform of the Federal Reserve in 2008: Is the Money Supply Endogenous or Exogenous? pp. 73-94
- Guillermo Gigliani
- The Concept of Probability in the Work of Lord Keynes pp. 95-114
- Alberto Landro
Volume 1, issue 70, 2014
- Using Interest Rates as the Instrument of Monetary Policy: Beware Real effects, Positive Feedbacks, and Discontinuities pp. 7-22
- Mark Setterfield
- Intensity of Competition and Conduct Parameters in the Honduran Banking Sector pp. 23-46
- German Coloma
- The Fall of the Labor Income Share in Advanced Economies pp. 47-81
- Angel Estrada and Eva Valdeolivas
- Stock Market Indicators and Economic Activity. Some Evidence for Argentina pp. 83-108
- Luis Lanteri
Volume 1, issue 69, 2013
- Euro Crises and Euro Scams: Trade not Debt and Deficits Tell the Tale pp. 7-36
- John Weeks
- Structural Inflation Redux pp. 37-99
- Leonardo Vera
- Does Competition for Novice Borrowers Hurt Access to Finance? An Analysis in a Context of High Risk and Low Outreach pp. 101-149
- Veronica Balzarotti and Alejandra Anastasi
- Credit Allocation, Profitability and Stability pp. 151-186
- Paulo L. dos Santos
Volume 1, issue 68, 2013
- Inflation Targeting: A Critical Approach pp. 7-21
- Philip Arestis
- The Euro: Why it Went Wrong and How to Get On? pp. 23-42
- Jesper Jespersen
- Cross Fertilizations and Controversies in the Origins and Evolution of Portfolio Selection Models pp. 43-74
- Eduardo Corso
- Analysis of the Integration of Financial Regulation and Supervision to the Central Bank pp. 75-106
- Edgardo Demaestri and Gustavo Ferro
Volume 1, issue 67, 2012
- Microfinance and the Challenge of Financial Inclusion for Development pp. 7-34
- Jayati Ghosh
- Revisiting Bank Pricing Policies in Brazil: Evidence from Loan and Deposit Markets pp. 35-71
- Leonardo Alencar
- Accounting or Liquidity Buffers? The Risks of Overlooking Financial Aspects of Counter-Cyclical Rules pp. 73-120
- Alejandra Anastasi and Veronica Balzarotti
- Redefining Monetary Policy Limits: Towards an Expansion of its Role in Economic Development pp. 121-168
- Mariano Beltrani and Juan Cuattromo
Volume 1, issue 65-66, 2012
- Was Keynes’s Monetary Policy, à outrance in the Treatise, the Model for ZIRP and QE? pp. 7-22
- Jan Kregel
- Bills and Coins Daily Demand Forecast pp. 23-39
- Diego Elías and Matías Vicens
- Banking Credit, Policy Interest Rate and Reserve Requirements in Peru pp. 41-60
- Oscar Dancourt
- Economic Growth and Financial System pp. 61-74
- Hector Gonzalez Padilla
- A Proposal for a Growth and Fiscal Compact pp. 77-106
- Mario Tonveronachi
- Shifting Europe from Austerity to Growth: A Proposed Investment Programme for 2012-2015 pp. 107-127
- Stephany Griffith-Jones, Matthias Kollatz-Ahnen, Lars Andersen and Signe Hansen
- Recent Impact of the International Financial Crisis on the Implementation of Monetary Policy pp. 129-171
- Sofía Corallo, Carlos Suárez Dóriga and Matías Vicens
- Tensions in the Implementation of Central Banks’ Policies in the Pursuit of Economic Development pp. 173-205
- Martin Guzman and Pablo Gluzmann
Volume 1, issue 64, 2011
- Using the Flow of High Frequency Information for Short Term Forecasting of Economic Activity in Argentina pp. 7-33
- Laura D’Amato, Maria Garegnani and Emilio Blanco
- Russian Fiscal Framework Past, Present and Future.Do we Need a Change? pp. 35-81
- Sergey Vlasov
- On the “Science” of Monetary Policy: Methodological Notes pp. 83-115
- Horacio Aguirre
- History of Creation of the Central Bank of Argentina pp. 117-139
- Patricio Catriel Liddle and Juan José Pita
Volume 1, issue 63, 2011
- The World in Balance Sheet Recession pp. 7-39
- Richard Koo
- Uncertainty and Portfolio Dollarization. The Argentine Case in the Last Half Century pp. 41-95
- Tamara Burdisso and Eduardo Corso
- Expectations, Inter-Sectorial Relationships and the Business Cycle pp. 97-147
- Francisco Sáez, Fernando Alvarez-Parra, Jesús Morales and Giovanni Guedez
- External Vulnerability and Development Prebisch’s Contributions to Economic Thought pp. 149-194
- Martín Fiszbein
Volume 1, issue 61-62, 2011
- How Well Has Latin America Fared During the Global Financial Crisis? pp. 7-33
- Jose Antonio Ocampo
- Financial Reforms and Financial Instability pp. 35-73
- Pablo Gluzmann and Martin Guzman
- International Reserve Diversification pp. 75-102
- Ousmène Mandeng
- A Cointegration Analysis on the Principle of Effective Demand in Argentina (1980-2007) pp. 103-137
- Florencia Medici
- The Euro Zone Debt Crisis and the Situation of the European Banks pp. 141-188
- José Manuel Duarte Inchausti
- Monetary Policy of Main Central Banks During the 2007-2011 Crisis pp. 189-249
- Nerina Reyna, Carlos F. Suárez Dóriga and Matías Vicens
- The Central Bank: An Indispensable Institution for Development pp. 253-274
- Federico Tassara and Pablo Borio
- Raúl Prebisch, Between Theory and Practice pp. 275-303
- Guillermo E. Nakhlé
Volume 1, issue 60, 2010
- Pricing the Currency Premium Under Flexible Exchange Rates: Evidence from South Africa pp. 7-52
- Martin Grandes, Marcel Peter and Nicolas Pinaud
- Revaluing the Impact of Financial Development on Economic Growth and its Sources pp. 53-104
- Marcelo Dabós and Tomás Williams
- Gross Substitutability of Financial Assets: Effects on Monetary Policy pp. 105-136
- Andrés Schneider
- Bankarization and Determinants of Availability of Banking Services in Argentina pp. 137-209
- Alejandra Anastasi, Emilio Blanco, Pedro Elosegui and Máximo Sangiácomo
Volume 1, issue 59, 2010
- Seasonal Adjustment in Times of Strong Economic Changes pp. 7-23
- Jens Mehrhoff
- Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Models (DSGE): An Introduction pp. 25-79
- Guillermo Escudé
- Effects of Productive Heterogeneity and Different Exchange Rate Schemes on the Employment Cycle in Argentina pp. 81-130
- Demian Panigo, Pablo Chena and Ana Gárriz
- Use of Collateral in the Argentine Banking System pp. 131-166
- Ricardo Bebczuk and Máximo Sangiácomo
Volume 1, issue 57-58, 2010
- Peripheral Fluctuations: Notes on the Macroeconomic Analysis of Raúl Prebisch pp. 7-32
- Daniel Heymann
- Uncertainty and Economic Policy: Big Problems and Small Models pp. 33-57
- Ruben Mercado
- Imperfectly Substitutable Financial Instruments in an Economic Development Model pp. 59-93
- Agustín Filippo
- Call Money Interest Rate Determinants in Argentina pp. 95-126
- Alejandra Anastasi, Pedro Elosegui and Máximo Sangiácomo
- Restructuring the Financial System: A Synthetic Presentation of an Alternative Approach to Financial Regulation pp. 127-143
- Mario Tonveronachi and Elisabetta Montanaro
- Seasonal Adjustment and Local Calendar Effects in an Argentina´s Monetary Aggregate pp. 145-186
- Tamara Burdisso, Emilio Blanco and Mariano Sardi
- A Second Stage of the Crisis Characterized by Uncertainty pp. 189-227
- Jorge Carrera and Federico Grillo
Volume 1, issue 56, 2009
- Productive, Geographical and Clientele Diversification of Banks, and its Effect on the Loan Portfolio Performance in Argentina pp. 7-39
- Alejandra Anastasi, Ricardo Bebczuk, Pedro Elosegui and Máximo Sangiácomo
- The Mystery of Human Capital as Engine of Growth, or Why the US Became the Economic Superpower in the 20th Century pp. 41-93
- Isaac Ehrlich
- Credit Scoring Models: Missing Information and the Use of Data from a Credit Register pp. 95-156
- Veronica Balzarotti and Fernando Castelpoggi
- Stylized Facts for the Argentine Economy pp. 157-210
- Soledad Feal-Zubimendi, Mara Rojas and Mariana Inés Zilio
Volume 1, issue 55, 2009
- On the Generality of the New Keynesian Phillips Curves pp. 7-32
- Maritta Paloviita
- Short-Run Dynamics of Inflation: Estimating a Hybrid New-Keynesian Phillips Curve for Argentina (1993-2007) pp. 33-56
- Laura D’Amato and Maria Garegnani
- Quotas and Voting Shares in the IMF: Theory and Evidence pp. 57-91
- Martin Gonzalez-Eiras
- An Assessment of the Competition in the Banking Industry: Empirical Evidence from Argentina with Data at Bank Level pp. 93-112
- Hector Gonzalez Padilla
Volume 1, issue 53-54, 2009
- The Blind Men and the Elephant pp. 25-57
- Barry Eichengreen
- No Ordinary Recession pp. 59-65
- Axel Leijonhufvud
- Notes on Varieties of Crises pp. 67-71
- Daniel Heymann
- Economic Policy out of the Corridor. Reflections on the Global Crisis and the Latin American Experience pp. 73-105
- José María Fanelli
- The North from the South pp. 107-115
- Javier Finkman
- The Center and the Periphery: The Transmission of the Crisis to Latin American Economies pp. 117-166
- Sebastián Katz
- The New Global Equilibrium pp. 167-185
- Christian Broda, Piero Ghezzi and Eduardo Levy-Yeyati
- Crisis and Global Demand: From the Short-Term to the Medium-Term pp. 187-189
- Francesco Giavazzi
- Economic Policy Implications of the Current Financial Instability pp. 191-215
- Jose Antonio Ocampo
- The G20, the Crisis and the Redesign of the International Financial Architecture pp. 217-244
- Jorge Carrera
Volume 1, issue 52, 2008
- From “Financieristic” to Real Macroeconomics pp. 7-37
- Ricardo Ffrench-Davis
- Imports – Exports Correlation: A New Enigma? pp. 39-56
- Ricardo Bebczuk
- Argentina’s Soybean Acreage Response to Changes in Price Incentives pp. 57-86
- Luis Lanteri
- Regime and Underlying Inflation Dynamics: ¿Generalized Comovement or Relative Price Adjustment? pp. 87-120
- Tomás Castagnino and Laura D’Amato
Volume 1, issue 51, 2008
- Aggregate Indicators of Economic Activity for the Argentine Case: The Principal Components Methodology pp. 7-41
- Pedro Elosegui, Maria Garegnani, Luis Lanteri and Emilio Blanco
- Commodity Prices in Argentina: What Moves the Wind? pp. 43-81
- Diego Bastourre, Jorge Carrera and Javier Ibarlucia
- The Determinants of Non-Performing Loan Portfolio in the Argentine Banking System pp. 83-121
- Ricardo Bebczuk and Máximo Sangiácomo
- Recent Developments in Monetary Policy Analysis for Emerging Countries pp. 123-142
- Javier García-Cicco
Volume 1, issue 50, 2008
- Evolution in the Market Power of Financial Intermediation Services in Argentina: A Structural Empirical Analysis (2005:q1 - 2007:q1) pp. 7-60
- Karina Otero
- Anatomy of Credit Scoring Models pp. 61-96
- Matias Gutierrez Girault
- Business Cycle Accounting for Argentina Utilizing Capital Utilization pp. 97-125
- Tiago Cavalcanti, Pedro Elosegui, George McCandless and Emilio Blanco
- Inflation Persistence and Changes in the Monetary Regime: The Argentine Case pp. 127-167
- Laura D´Amato, Maria Garegnani and Juan M. Sotes
Volume 1, issue 49, 2007
- Efficiency of Lending Sectoral Allocation in Argentina pp. 13-32
- Ricardo Bebczuk and Máximo Sangiácomo
- Risky Banking and Credit Rationing pp. 33-64
- Pedro Elosegui and Anne P. Villamil
- Alternative Monetary Regimes in a DSGE Model of a Small Open Economy with Two Sectors and Sticky Prices and Wages pp. 65-138
- Guillermo Escudé
- Loans Size and Portfolio Loss Predictability in Argentina pp. 139-155
- Ricardo Bebczuk
Volume 1, issue 48, 2007
- Macroeconomic Shocks and Financial Vulnerability pp. 13-71
- Jorge Carrera and Luis Lanteri
- The Asymmetrical Impact of Restrictions to Financing in Argentina. Comparison by Sector, Size and Origin of Ownership (1995-2003) pp. 73-107
- Pedro Elosegui, Paula Español, Demian Panigo and Emilio Blanco
- Monetary Space in Latin America: A Criterion to Regime Selection pp. 111-144
- Eduardo Corso
- Industrial Diversification, Financial Development and Productive Investments pp. 145-177
- Alfredo Schclarek
Volume 1, issue 47, 2007
- A Subtle and not Always Understood Link over 50 Years: A Note on Investment Rate and Economic Growth pp. 7-62
- Sebastián Katz, Luis Lanteri and Sebastián Vargas
- Corporate Self-Financing and Economic Growth pp. 63-91
- Ricardo Bebczuk and Maria Garegnani
- Good Practices to Manage Operational Risk in Financial Institutions pp. 93-125
- Miguel Delfiner, Ana Mangialavori and Cristina Pailhé
- How to Approach the Next Steps of the Argentine Economy and the Economic Policy? pp. 127-143
- Eduardo L. Curia
Volume 1, issue 46, 2007
- Real Interest Rate Risk in the Argentine Banking System. A Measuring Model pp. 7-61
- Veronica Balzarotti
- Liquidity Risk Management in Financial Institutions: International Best Practices and Experiences pp. 63-101
- Miguel Delfiner, Claudia Lippi and Cristina Pailhé
- The Feldstein-Horioka Paradox: A New Perspective from the Institutional Sector Level pp. 103-136
- Ricardo Bebczuk and Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel
- Exchange Rate and Monetary Policy After the Convertibility Regime Collapse pp. 137-166
- Roberto Frenkel and Martin Rapetti
Volume 1, issue 45, 2006
- Towards an Estimation of Money Demand with Forecasting Purposes: Argentina, 1993-2005 pp. 7-44
- Horacio Aguirre, Tamara Burdisso and Federico Grillo
- Alternative Estimates of Output Gap for the Argentine Economy pp. 45-77
- Pedro Elosegui, Maria Garegnani, Luis Lanteri, Francisco Lepone and Juan Sotes-Paladino
- A Note on Regressions with Integrated Variables pp. 79-94
- Hildegart Ahumada
- A Bayesian Method of Forecast Averaging: An Application to the Expectations Survey of BCRA pp. 95-119
- Pedro Elosegui, Francisco Lepone and George McCandless
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