Environment and Development Economics
1996 - 2024
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Volume 8, issue 4, 2003
- Summaries pp. 549-555

- Matthew Cole
- Development, trade, and the environment: how robust is the Environmental Kuznets Curve? pp. 557-580

- Matthew Cole
- Environmental Kuznets Curve for sulfur: evidence using GMM estimation and random coefficient panel data models pp. 581-601

- George Halkos
- Policy implications and analysis of the determinants of travel mode choice: an application of choice experiments to metropolitan Costa Rica pp. 603-619

- Francisco Alpizar Rodriguez and Fredrik Carlsson
- The linkages between property rights, migration, and productivity: the case of Kajiado District, Kenya pp. 621-636

- Jane Kabubo-Mariara
- Upgrading municipal environmental services to European Union levels: a case study of household willingness to pay in Lithuania pp. 637-654

- Randall Bluffstone and J.R. DeShazo
- Development of techno-economic integrated models: LFSGR and aerobic composting for municipal waste management pp. 655-677

- Sudhakar Yedla
Volume 8, issue 3, 2003
- Summaries pp. 407-415

- Denise M. Mulholland and Elizabeth Wilman
- Bioprospecting and biodiversity contracts pp. 417-435

- Denise M. Mulholland and Elizabeth Wilman
- How labour organization may affect technology adoption: an analytical framework analysing the case of integrated pest management pp. 437-450

- Volker Beckmann and Justus Wesseler
- Equilibrium pollution and economic development in China pp. 451-466

- Hua Wang and David Wheeler
- An economic analysis of using crop residues for energy in China pp. 467-480

- Xiaoping Wang and Robert Mendelsohn
- Technical efficiency in the Malaysian gill net artisanal fishery pp. 481-504

- Dale Squires, R. Quentin Grafton, Mohammed Ferdous Alam and Ishak Haji Omar
- Citizens' actions for protecting the environment in developing countries: an economic analysis of the outcome with empirical cases from India pp. 505-528

- V. Santhakumar
- Eco-labels for credence attributes: the case of shade-grown coffee pp. 529-547

- Bruce A. Larson
Volume 8, issue 2, 2003
- Summaries pp. 207-218

- John M. Anderies
- Economic development, demographics, and renewable resources: a dynamical systems approach pp. 219-246

- John M. Anderies
- Flexibility mechanisms and credit discounting pp. 247-260

- Sungwhee Shin and Sang-Chul Suh
- Getting incentives right?: a comparative analysis of policy instruments for livestock waste pollution abatement in Yucatán, Mexico pp. 261-284

- Adam G. Drucker and Uwe Latacz-Lohmann
- A CGE framework to evaluate policy options for reducing air pollution emissions in Chile pp. 285-309

- Raúl O'Ryan, Sebastian Miller and Carlos de Miguel
- Environmental costs and their impact on the net present value of a hydro-electric project in Kerala, India pp. 311-330

- V. Santhakumar and Achin Chakraborty
- On the use of cost-benefit analysis for the evaluation of farm household investments in natural resource conservation pp. 331-349

- Hans Hoogeveen and Remco Oostendorp
- Transferring the benefits of avoided health effects from water pollution between Portugal and Costa Rica pp. 351-371

- David N. Barton and Susana Mourato
- Valuing marine parks in a developing country: a case study of the Seychelles pp. 373-390

- Laurence F. Mathieu, Ian H. Langford and Wendy Kenyon
- Hedonic pricing in Windhoek townships pp. 391-404

- Michael Nokokure Humavindu and Jesper Stage
Volume 8, issue 1, 2003
- Summaries pp. 1-10

- Stefano Bartolini and Luigi Bonatti
- Undesirable growth in a model with capital accumulation and environmental assets pp. 11-30

- Stefano Bartolini and Luigi Bonatti
- On Heyes' IS–LM–EE proposal to establish an environmental macroeconomics pp. 31-56

- Philip A. Lawn
- On the implications of technological innovation for environmental policy pp. 57-76

- Ian Parry
- Land tenure and the management of land and trees: the case of customary land tenure areas of Ghana pp. 77-104

- Keijiro Otsuka, Agnes Quisumbing, Ellen Payongayong and J.B. Aidoo
- Excess capacity and sustainable development in Java Sea fisheries pp. 105-127

- Dale Squires, Ishak Haji Omar, Yongil Jeon, James Kirkley, K. Kuperan and Indah Susilowati
- Community natural resource management: the case of woodlots in Northern Ethiopia pp. 129-148

- Berhanu Gebremedhin, John Pender and Girmay Tesfay
- The development impact of genetic use restriction technologies: a forecast based on the hybrid crop experience pp. 149-165

- Timo Goeschl and Timothy Swanson
- Monopolization and the regulation of genetically modified crops: an economic model pp. 167-186

- Alistair Munro
- Potential economic impacts of terminator technologies: policy implications for developing countries pp. 187-205

- Chittur Srinivasan and Colin Thirtle
Volume 7, issue 4, 2002
- Environment and Development Economics congratulates Partha Dasgupta and Karl-Göran Mäler for the award of the Volvo Environment Prize, 2002 pp. 603-604

- Charles Perrings
- Policy issues and institutional impediments in the management of groundwater: lessons from case studies pp. 605-616

- Charles W. Howe
- The economics of water: environment and development. Introduction to the special issue pp. 617-624

- Ujjayant Chakravorty and Timothy Swanson
- Policy issues and institutional impediments in the management of groundwater: lessons from case studies pp. 625-641

- Charles W. Howe
- Irrigation water demand for the decision maker pp. 643-657

- Christophe Bontemps and Stéphane Couture
- Household demand and welfare: implications of water pricing in Cyprus pp. 659-685

- Soteroula Hajispyrou, Phoebe Koundouri and Panos Pashardes
- Can public sector reforms improve the efficiency of public water utilities? pp. 687-700

- Lars Anwandter and Teofilo Ozuna
- Valuing indirect ecosystem services: the case of tropical watersheds pp. 701-714

- Brooks Kaiser and James Roumasset
- Solving water pollution problems along the US–Mexico border pp. 715-732

- Linda Fernandez
- Transaction costs and trading behavior in an immature water market pp. 733-750

- Janis Carey, David Sunding and David Zilberman
- Environmental improvement with economic development through public information provision pp. 751-768

- Daniel Edward Osgood
- Aspects of water markets for developing countries: experiences from Australia, Chile, and the US pp. 769-795

- Henning Bjornlund and Jennifer McKay
Volume 7, issue 3, 2002
- Summaries pp. 395-405

- Richard Damania
- Environmental controls with corrupt bureaucrats pp. 407-427

- Richard Damania
- The environmental Kuznets curve and satiation: a simple static model pp. 429-448

- Christoph M. Lieb
- Technology transfers in the Clean Development Mechanism: an incentives issue pp. 449-466

- Katrin Millock
- Measuring the cost of environmentally sustainable industrial development in India: a distance function approach pp. 467-486

- M. Narsimha Murty and Surender Kumar
- Do public works decrease farmers' soil degradation? Labour income and the use of fertilisers in India's semi-arid tropics pp. 487-506

- Marrit van den Berg
- Measurement and sources of technical efficiency of land tenure contracts in Ethiopia pp. 507-527

- Mohamed M. Ahmed, Berhanu Gebremedhin, Samuel Benin and Simeon Ehui
- Climate variability, vulnerability and effectiveness of farm-level adaptation options: the challenges and implications for food security in Southwestern Cameroon pp. 529-545

- Ernest Molua
- Implications of a dynamic target of greenhouse gases emission reduction: the case of Argentina pp. 547-569

- Vincente Barros and Mariana Conte Grand
- Investing in soils: field bunds and microcatchments in Burkina Faso pp. 571-591

- Harounan Kazianga and William Masters
- Mohammed H.I. Dore and Rubén Guevara (eds.), Sustainable Forest Management and Global Climate Change: Selected Case Studies from The Americas. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, 2000 pp. 593-601

- Ronaldo Serôa da Motta
- Brian O’Neill, F. Landis MacKellar and Wolfgang Lutz, Population and Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2001. ISBN 0 521 66242 7 pp. 593-601

- Mick Common
- Michael A. Toman (ed.), Climate Change Economics and Policy: An RFF Anthology. Resources for the Future, Washington DC, 2001. ISBN 1 891853 04 pp. 593-601

- Mick Common
- William D. Nordhaus and Joseph Boyer, Warming the World: Economic Models of Global Warming. MIT Press, Cambridge Mass., 2000. ISBN 0 262 14071 3 pp. 593-601

- Mick Common
- Robert Mendelsohn and James E. Neumann (eds.), The Impact of Climate Change on the United States Economy. Cambridge University Press, 1999. ISBN 0 521 62198 4. £35.00 (US$59.95) pp. 593-601

- Richard Tol
Volume 7, issue 2, 2002
- Summaries pp. 197-206

- Robert Cairns
- Green accounting using imperfect, current prices pp. 207-214

- Robert Cairns
- Green national accounting: the case of Chile's mining sector pp. 215-239

- Eugenio Figueroa, Enrique Calfucura and Javier Nuñez
- Trade integration, environmental degradation, and public health in Chile: assessing the linkages pp. 241-267

- John Beghin, Bradley J. Bowland, Sebastien Dessus, David Roland-Holst and Dominique van der Mensbrugghe
- Technological change and tropical deforestation: a perspective at the household level pp. 269-280

- Daan van Soest, Erwin Bulte, Arild Angelsen and Gerrit van Kooten
- Econometric analysis of forest conservation: the Finnish experience pp. 281-297

- Mikael Linden and Jussi Uusivuori
- The implication of property rights for joint agriculture–timber productivity in the Brazilian Amazon pp. 299-323

- Tsunehiro Otsuki, Ian W. Hardie and Eustáquio J. Reis
- Local and global benefits of subsidizing tropical forest conservation pp. 325-340

- Colin Hunt
- Development policies, resource constraints, and agricultural expansion on the Philippine land frontier pp. 341-363

- Ian Coxhead, Gerald Shively and Xiaobing Shuai
- Plant size, industrial air pollution, and local incomes: evidence from Mexico and Brazil pp. 365-381

- Susmita Dasgupta, Robert Lucas and David Wheeler
- Timothy Swanson and Sam Johnston, Global Environmental Problems and International Environmental Agreements: The Economics of International Institution Building, Edward Elgar Publishing, 1999. ISBN 1–85898–751–2 pp. 383-393

- Amitrajeet Batabyal
- Clóvis Cavalcanti (ed.), The Environment, Sustainable Development and Public Policies: Building Sustainability in Brazil, Cheltenham, UK, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2000. ISBN 1 84064 018 9 pp. 383-393

- Charles Mueller
- Lakshman D. Guruswamy and Jeffrey A. McNeely (eds.), Protection of Global Biodiversity: Converging Strategies, Duke University Press, 1998. ISBN 0–8223–2188–2 pp. 383-393

- Pia Sethi
Volume 7, issue 1, 2002
- Summaries pp. 1-8

- Tetsuo Ono and Yasuo Maeda
- Sustainable development in an aging economy pp. 9-22

- Tetsuo Ono and Yasuo Maeda
- The quality of life in the dynamics of economic development pp. 23-45

- Kerry Krutilla and Rafael Reuveny
- Issues in production, recycling and international trade: analysing the Chinese plastic sector using an optimal life cycle (OLC) model pp. 47-74

- Anantha Kumar Duraiappah, Zhou Xin and Pieter J.H. Van Beukering
- Assessment of China's pollution levy system: an equilibrium pollution approach pp. 75-105

- Tingsong Jiang and Warwick McKibbin
- The impacts of economic reform on the efficiency of silviculture: a non-parametric approach pp. 107-122

- Yaoqi Zhang
- Environmental degradation and the demand for children: searching for the vicious circle in Pakistan pp. 123-146

- Deon Filmer and Lant Pritchett
- The relationship between environmental values and income in a transition economy: surface water quality in Latvia pp. 147-156

- Richard Ready, Jânis Malzubris and Silva Senkane
- Introduction: Population, Development and Human Natures pp. 157-157

- Charles Perrings
- Population, development, and human natures pp. 158-170

- Paul R. Ehrlich and Anne H. Ehrlich
- Population, development, and human natures pp. 171-190

- Kenneth Arrow
- Population, development, and human natures: a response pp. 171-190

- Ralph Hakkert and Aart de Zeeuw
- The evolution of norms within institutions: comments on Paul R. Ehrlich and Anne H. Ehrlich's, ‘Population, development, and human nature’ pp. 171-190

- Elinor Ostrom
- Human natures and the resilience of social-ecological systems: a comment on the Erhlichs' paper pp. 171-190

- Brian Walker
- Genetic modification technologies in agriculture: externalities and socially optimal management rules pp. 171-190

- Anastasios Xepapadeas
- Nico Schrijver, Sovereignty Over Natural Resources, Balancing Rights and Duties. Cambridge University Press ISBN 0 521 56269 4 £60.00 (US$95.00) hardback pp. 191-196

- Jon Lovett
- Cairo A.R. Robb, International Environmental Law Reports, Volume 1, Early Decisions. Cambridge University Press 0521 64397X £40 pp. 191-196

- Jon Lovett
- R.R. Churchill and A.V. Lowe, The Law of the Sea, 3rd edition, Juris Publishing, Manchester University Press ISBN 0 7190 4382 4 £55.00 hard back pp. 191-196

- Jon Lovett
- Anup Shah, Ecology and the Crisis of Overpopulation: Future Prospects for Global Sustainability. Edward Elgar Publishing, Ltd, Cheltenham, 1998 pp. 191-196

- Anne H. Ehrlich
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