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Environment and Development Economics

1996 - 2024

From Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press, UPH, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge CB2 8BS UK.

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Volume 6, issue 4, 2001

Summaries pp. 415-417 Downloads
Sandra S. Batie and David E. Ervin
Agroindustrialization, globalization, and international development: the environmental implications pp. 419-433 Downloads
Christopher Barrett, Edward Barbier and Thomas Reardon
Transgenic crops and the environment: missing markets and public roles pp. 435-457 Downloads
Sandra S. Batie and David E. Ervin
Pesticide use in Brazil in the era of agroindustrialization and globalization pp. 459-482 Downloads
Susmita Dasgupta, Nlandu Mamingi and Craig Meisner
Environmental consequences of agricultural commercialization in Asia pp. 483-502 Downloads
Prabhu Pingali
Introduction: Farming the Garden of Eden pp. 503-531 Downloads
Christopher Barrett, Edward Barbier and Thomas Reardon
Farming the Garden of Eden pp. 503-531 Downloads
Obstacles to a doubly green revolution pp. 503-531 Downloads
Allen Blackman
Globalization and the agriculture–environment relationship pp. 503-531 Downloads
Ujjayant Chakravorty
Agriculture and the environment pp. 503-531 Downloads
Peter Hazell
Farming the Garden of Eden: a comment pp. 503-531 Downloads
Carlos Seré
More avenues for boosting agricultural productivity than just biotechnology pp. 503-531 Downloads
Scott Swinton
Expanding opportunities with agroecological approaches pp. 503-531 Downloads
Norman Uphoff

Volume 6, issue 3, 2001

Summaries pp. 275-281 Downloads
Dennis Anderson
Technical progress and pollution abatement: an economic view of selected technologies and practices pp. 283-311 Downloads
Dennis Anderson
The environmental cost of water pollution in Chongqing, China pp. 313-333 Downloads
Chang Yongguan, Hans Martin Seip and Haakon Vennemo
Farm-level benefits to investments for mitigating land degradation: empirical evidence from Ethiopia pp. 335-358 Downloads
Bekele Shiferaw and Stein Holden
Synergies between livestock production and hydrological function in Arenal, Costa Rica pp. 359-381 Downloads
Bruce Aylward and Jaime Echeverría
Environmental impacts and mitigation costs associated with cloth and leather exports from Pakistan pp. 383-403 Downloads
Shahrukh Rafi Khan, Mahmood A. Khwaja and Abdul Matin Khan
William Ascher (1999), Why Governments Waste Natural Resources: Policy Failures in Developing Countries, John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore. ISBN 08018 60962 pp. 405-412 Downloads
Rasmus Heltberg
Nebojsa Nakicenovic, Arnulf Grubler and Alan McDonald (eds.), Global Energy Perspectives, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1998. ISBN 0 521 64200 0 pp. 405-412 Downloads
Mick Common
Jörg Köhn, John Gowdy, Friedrich Hinterberger and Jan van der Straaten (eds.), Sustainability in Question: The Search for a Conceptual Framework, Edward Elgar, 1999. ISBN 1 84064 050 2 pp. 405-412 Downloads
Mick Common

Volume 6, issue 2, 2001

Summaries pp. 155-160 Downloads
The island and small-country effects on fertility pp. 161-182 Downloads
John Horowitz and Leslie A. Whittington
Determinants and impact of local institutions for common resource management pp. 183-208 Downloads
Rasmus Heltberg
Access to natural resources and the fertility decision of women: the case of South Africa pp. 209-236 Downloads
Rimjhim Aggarwal, Sinaia Netanyahu and Claudia Romano
Contingent valuation in project planning and evaluation: the case of social forestry in Orissa, India pp. 237-258 Downloads
Gunnar Köhlin
Contingent valuation of a Taiwanese wetland pp. 259-268 Downloads
James Hammitt, Jin-Tan Liu and Jin-Long Liu
Geoffrey Heal, Valuing the Future: Economic Theory and Sustainability, Columbia University Press, 1999, ISBN 0–231–11306–4 pp. 269-273 Downloads
Pamela Mason
Joseph A. Herriges and Catherine L. Kling (eds.), Valuing Recreation and the Environment, Edward Elgar, 1999, ISBN 1–85898–646 pp. 269-273 Downloads
Nick Hanley

Volume 6, issue 1, 2001

Summaries pp. 1-7 Downloads
Francesco Bosello, Carlo Carraro and Marzio Galeotti
The double dividend issue: modeling strategies and empirical findings pp. 9-45 Downloads
Francesco Bosello, Carlo Carraro and Marzio Galeotti
Construction of a fund for the sharing of benefits from the utilization of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture pp. 47-62 Downloads
Joseph Cooper
Carbon emissions and economic development: future trajectories based on historical experience pp. 63-83 Downloads
Mark T. Heil and Thomas Selden
The effect of development on the climate sensitivity of agriculture pp. 85-101 Downloads
Robert Mendelsohn, Ariel Dinar and Apurva Sanghi
Water pollution abatement cost function: methodological issues and an application to small-scale factories in an industrial estate in India pp. 103-122 Downloads
Bishwanath Goldar, Smita Misra and Badal Mukherji
Worth of watersheds: a producer surplus approach for valuing drought mitigation in Eastern Indonesia pp. 123-146 Downloads
Subhrendu Pattanayak and Randall Kramer
David Kaimowitz and Arild Angelsen, Economic Models of Tropical Deforestation—A Review, Center for International Forestry Research, Indonesia, 1998, ISBN 979–8764–17–X pp. 147-153 Downloads
Ravi Hegde
Malcolm L. Hunter Jr (ed.), Maintaining Biodiversity in Forest Ecosystems. Cambridge University Press, 1999, ISBN 0 521 6376 8 6. Emil Salim and Ola Ullsten (eds.), Our Forests Our Future. Report of the World Commission on Forests and Sustainable Development. Cambridge University Press, 1999, ISBN 0 521 66956 1 pp. 147-153 Downloads
Jon Lovett

Volume 5, issue 4, 2000

Summaries pp. 341-347 Downloads
Jinhua Zhao
Introduction to the Special Issue-Trade and environment: local versus multilateral reforms pp. 349-359 Downloads
Scott Barrett
Trade and environmental distortions: coordinated intervention pp. 361-375 Downloads
Jinhua Zhao
Trade reform and environmental externalities in general equilibrium: analysis for an archetype poor tropical country pp. 377-404 Downloads
Ramon Lopez
Trade and environment: policy linkages pp. 405-432 Downloads
Brian Copeland
Freedom, growth, and the environment pp. 433-456 Downloads
Scott Barrett and Kathryn Graddy
Reducing coal subsidies and trade barriers: their contribution to greenhouse gas abatement pp. 457-481 Downloads
Kym Anderson and Warwick McKibbin
Introduction: Linking trade and the environment pp. 483-529 Downloads
Charles Perrings
On thinking clearly about the linkage between trade and the environment pp. 483-529 Downloads
Jagdish Bhagwati
'Being the environmental stick'-an improper role for international trade pp. 483-529 Downloads
Mehmet Arda
Trade and the environment pp. 483-529 Downloads
Richard N. Cooper
Delinking trade, environmental protection, and labor standards pp. 483-529 Downloads
Keith Griffin
Ecolabeling: developing country apprehensions pp. 483-529 Downloads
Bindu N. Lohani and Prodipto Ghosh
Trade and environment linkage and a possible World Environmental Organisation pp. 483-529 Downloads
John Whalley and Benjamin Zissimos
Avoiding trade and environment conflicts pp. 483-529 Downloads
Robert Repetto
International dimensions of environmental policy pp. 483-529 Downloads
Anastasios Xepapadeas
A note on Bhagwati's ‘On thinking clearly about the linkage between trade and environment’ pp. 483-529 Downloads
Fabio Zagonari

Volume 5, issue 3, 2000

Summaries pp. 195-202 Downloads
Hege Westskog
Intertemporal flexibility in a tradeable CO2 quota system pp. 203-220 Downloads
Hege Westskog
Optimal soil depletion with output and price uncertainty pp. 221-240 Downloads
Sverre Grepperud
Natural resource sustainability and poverty reduction pp. 241-258 Downloads
Christopher Heady
Sustainability criteria and cost–benefit analysis: an analytical framework for environmental–economic decision making at the project level pp. 259-288 Downloads
Dirgha N. Tiwari
Valuation of community forestry in Ethiopia: a contingent valuation study of rural households pp. 289-308 Downloads
Alemu Mekonnen
The influence of mineral exports on the variability of tropical deforestation pp. 309-332 Downloads
William D. Sunderlin and Sven Wunder
Eva Cheung Robinson: Greening at the grassroots: alternative forestry strategies in India, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 1998 pp. 333-340 Downloads
Ms. Mamta Mukherjee
Robert T. Watson, Marufa C. Zinyowera and Richard H. Moss, eds., The regional impacts of climate change: an assessment of vulnerability—A special report of the IPCC Working Group III, Cambridge University Press, 1998 pp. 333-340 Downloads
Alberto Ansuategi
James Fairhead and Melissa Leach, Reframing deforestation: global analysis and local realities: studies in West Africa, Global Environmental Change Series, Routledge, 1998, ISBN 0–415–18591–2 pp. 333-340 Downloads
James Benhin

Volume 5, issue 1, 2000

Summaries pp. 1-11 Downloads
Green accounting: from theory to practice pp. 13-24 Downloads
Jeffrey Vincent
Green national accounting: why and how? pp. 25-48 Downloads
Geir Asheim
Sustainability accounting and green accounting pp. 49-54 Downloads
Robert Cairns
The linearised Hamiltonian as comprehensive NDP pp. 55-68 Downloads
Martin Weitzman
Net national product, wealth, and social well-being pp. 69-93 Downloads
Partha Dasgupta and Karl-Göran Mäler
Accounting for the distributional impacts of policy in the green accounts pp. 95-108 Downloads
Richard Horan, James Hrubovcak, James Shortle and Erwin Bulte
Valuing mineral stocks and depletion in green national income accounts pp. 109-127 Downloads
Graham Davis and David J. Moore
Estimating timber depreciation in the Brazilian Amazon pp. 129-142 Downloads
Ronaldo Seroa Da Motta and Claudio Ferraz
Integrating forest resources into the system of national accounts in Maharashtra, India pp. 143-156 Downloads
G.S. Haripriya
Improved measure of the contribution of cultivated forests to national income and wealth in South Africa pp. 157-176 Downloads
Rashid M. Hassan
Global macroeconomic sustainability: a dynamic general equilibrium approach pp. 177-194 Downloads
Ralph Bailey and Rosemary Clarke
Page updated 2025-03-31