Environment and Development Economics
1996 - 2024
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Volume 2, issue 4, 1997
- Introduction to the environmental Kuznets curve special issue pp. 357-367

- Edward Barbier
- Introduction to the environmental Kuznets curve special issue pp. 369-381

- Edward Barbier
- Income and the demand for environmental quality pp. 383-399

- Kenneth McConnell
- The environmental Kuznets curve: an empirical analysis pp. 401-416

- Matthew Cole, A.J. Rayner and J.M. Bates
- Testing for environmental Kuznets curves within a developing country pp. 417-431

- Jeffrey Vincent
- The relationship between air pollution emissions and income: US Data pp. 433-450

- Richard Carson, Yongil Jeon and Donald R. McCUBBIN
- Are environmental Kuznets curves misleading us? The case of CO2 emissions pp. 451-463

- William R. Moomaw and Gregory C. Unruh
- Demystifying the environmental Kuznets curve: turning a black box into a policy tool pp. 465-484

- Theodore Panayotou
- Explaining the environmental Kuznets curve: structural change and international agreements in reducing sulphur emissions pp. 485-503

- Sander M. de Bruyn
- Income and environmental R&D: empirical evidence from OECD countries pp. 505-515

- Marinus H.C. Komen, Shelby Gerking and Henk Folmer
Volume 2, issue 3, 1997
- Simulating options for carbon sequestration through improved management of a lowland tropical rainforest pp. 241-263

- Marco Boscolo, Joseph Buongiorno and Theodore Panayotou
- Developing-country resource extraction with asymmetric information and sovereign debt: a theoretical analysis pp. 265-289

- Jon Strand
- Impacts of rural reforms: the case of the Chinese forest sector pp. 291-305

- Runsheng Yin and David H. Newman
- The effects of policies on farming households' decisions: economic evidence and environmental implications in northern Nigeria pp. 307-321

- H. Ade Freeman, Terry Roe and Joyotee Smith
- Whither economics? From optimality to sustainability? pp. 323-345

- Peter Bartelmus
- Nigel Harris, Colin Rosser and Sunil Kumar, Jobs for the Poor: A Case Study in Cuttack, UCL Press, 1996, ISBN 81-7314-024-3 pp. 347-352

- Sanjeev S. Ahluwalia
- Ekko C. Van Ierland, ed., International Environmental Economics: Theories, Models and Applications to Climate Change, International Trade and Acidification, Elsevier, 1994, ISBN 0-444-82042-6 pp. 347-352

- Leo Schrattenholzer
Volume 2, issue 2, 1997
- Soil degradation and economic development in Ghana pp. 119-143

- Knut Alfsen, Torstein Bye, Solveig Glomsrød and Henrik Wiig
- Wildlife, biodiversity and trade pp. 145-172

- Edward Barbier and Carl-Erik Schulz
- Economic growth, energy demand and carbon dioxide emissions in India: 1990-2020 pp. 173-193

- N.S. Murthy, M. Panda and J. Parikh
- Is there a role for benefit-cost analysis in environmental, health, and safety regulation? pp. 195-221

- Kenneth Arrow, Maureen Cropper, George C. Eads, Robert Hahn, Lester Lave, Roger Noll, Paul R. Portney, Milson Russell, Richard Schmalensee, V. Smith and Robert Stavins
- The costs and benefits of benefit-cost analysis pp. 195-221

- Graciela Chichilnisky
- Environmental regulation, benefit-cost analysis and the policy environment in less developed countries pp. 195-221

- Rob Davies
- Benefit-cost analysis, environment, and health in the developed and developing world pp. 195-221

- David Pearce
- Cost–benefit analysis and the environment pp. 195-221

- Anandarup Ray
- Benefit–cost analysis as a mechanism for evaluating conservation policies in developing countries pp. 195-221

- Priya Shyamsundar
- Introduction: benefit-cost analysis and the environment in developing countries pp. 195-221

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- R.T. Watson, M.C. Zinyowera and R.H. Moss eds.,Climate Change 1995: Impacts, Adaptations and Mitigation of Climate Change - Scientific-Technical Analysis, Cambridge University Press, 1996, ISBN 0 521 56431 X (hb), 0 521 56437 9 (pb) pp. 223-229

- Jon C. Lovett
- J.P. Bruce, H. Lee and E.F. Haites, eds., Climate Change 1995: Economic and Social Dimensions of Climate Chang - Contribution of Working Group III to the Second Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge University Press, 1996, ISBN 0 521 56051 9 (hb), 0 521 56854 4 (pb) pp. 223-229

- Alberto Ansuategi
Volume 2, issue 1, 1997
- Summaries pp. 1-3

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- Regional integration and the environment pp. 5-18

- Arvind Panagariya and Sethaput Suthiwart-Narueput
- Resource depletion and economic sustainability in Malaysia pp. 19-37

- Jeffrey Vincent
- Introduction: the conservation of wild living resources pp. 39-110

- Charles Perrings
- Principles for the conservation of wild living resources pp. 39-110

- Marc Mangel, Lee M. Talbot, Gary K. Meffe, M. Tundi Agardy, Dayton L. Alverson, Jay Barlow, Daniel B. Botkin, Gerardo Budowski, Tim Clark, Justin Cooke, Ross H. Crozier, Paul K. Dayton, Danny L. Elder, Charles W. Fowler, Silvio Funtowicz, Jarl Giske, Robert J. Hofman, Sidney J. Holt, Stephen R. Kellert, Lee A. Kimball, Donald Ludwig, Kjartan Magnusson, Ben S. Malayang , Charles Mann, Elliott A. Norse, Simon P. Northridge, William F. Perrin, Charles Perrings, Randall M. Peterman, George B. Rabb, Henry A. Regier, John E. Reynolds , Kenneth Sherman, Michael P. Sissenwine, Tim D. Smith, Anthony Starfield, Robert J. Taylor, Michael F. Tillman, Catherine Toft, John R. Twiss , James Wilen and Truman P. Young
- Preservation and strong sustainability pp. 39-110

- Kirk Hamilton
- Missing the biodiversity boat pp. 39-110

- Jeffrey A. McNeely and Frank Vorhies
- Some issues in the conservation of wild living resources pp. 39-110

- Mohan Munasinghe
- Marine fisheries: two macro-constraints pp. 39-110

- Norman Myers
- Through privilege and precaution: rediscovering the conservation ethic pp. 39-110

- H. Jack Ruitenbeek
- The principle of fair sharing of costs and benefits from conservation is missed elsewhere pp. 39-110

- Ronaldo Seroa Da Motta
- On the principles of conservation and utilization of wild living resources pp. 39-110

- Anders Skonhoft
- Alternatives to the regulatory approach to biodiverse habitat conservation pp. 39-110

- Douglas Southgate
Volume 1, issue 4, 1996
- The economics of the environment* pp. 387-428

- Partha Dasgupta
- Summaries pp. 429-432

- Anonymous
- A note on ivory trade and elephant conservation pp. 433-443

- Erwin Bulte and Gerrit van Kooten
- Efficient emission reduction through joint implementation* pp. 445-464

- P. G. Babu and Bibhas Saha
- Tradable emission quotas, technical progress and climate change* pp. 465-487

- Ivo Bertram
- Mohan Munasinghe and Walter Shearer, eds., Defining and Measuring Sustainability—The Biogeophysical Foundations, Washington, DC, The United Nations University and The World Bank, 1995, ISBN 0-8213-3134-5 pp. 489-490

- Jill Jäger
- Susan Hanna and Mohan Munasinghe, eds., Property Rights and the Environment: Social and Ecological Issues, Washington, DC, Beijer International Institute of Ecological Economics and The World Bank, 1995, ISBN 0-8213-3415-8 - Susan Hanna and Mohan Munasinghe, eds., Property Rights in a Social and Ecological Context: Case Studies and Design Applications, Washington, DC, Beijer International Institute of Ecological Economics and The World Bank, 1995, ISBN 0-8213-3416-6 pp. 491-493

- Ligia Noronha
Volume 1, issue 3, 1996
- Summaries pp. 261-263

- Anonymous
- Wildlife management, land-use and conflicts* pp. 265-280

- Carl-Erik Schulz and Anders Skonhoft
- International transfers, price uncertainty and tropical deforestation* pp. 281-287

- Erwin Bulte and Daan van Soest
- Environmental sustainability and poverty in Belize: a policy paper* pp. 289-307

- Ramon Lopez and Carmen Scoseria
- Introduction: economic development and the epidemiological environment pp. 309-311

- Anonymous
- Impacts of development and global change on the epidemiological environment pp. 311-346

- Gretchen C. Daily and Paul R. Ehrlich
- Antibiotics overuse and other threats pp. 346-349

- William Baumol
- Resistance economics: social cost and the evolution of antibiotic resistance pp. 349-355

- Gardner Brown and David F. Layton
- In the dominion of artefacts pp. 356-359

- Madhav Gadgil
- Health impacts of epidemiological environment change: measurement issues pp. 359-367

- Joses Kirigia
- Development, environment and health: what else we should know pp. 367-371

- Norman Myers
- The role of markets in the worsening epidemiological environment pp. 371-375

- Benjamin M. Nganda
- Transfigured plight pp. 376-380

- Robert Hunt Sprinkle
- William D. Nordhaus Managing the Commons: The Economics of Climate Change, Cambridge, MA, The MIT Press, 1994, ISBN 0-262-140551-1 pp. 381-384

- Robert Costanza
- Norman Myers and Julian L. Simon, Scarcity or Abundance? A Deb ate on the Environment, New York/London, W.W. Norton & Co pp. 384-386

- Lopamudra Patnaik
Volume 1, issue 2, 1996
- Summaries pp. 141-147

- Anonymous
- Macroeconomic policies, second-best theory and the environment pp. 149-163

- Karl-Göran Mäler and Mohan Munasinghe
- Wildlife management, illegal hunting and conflicts. A bioeconomic analysis* pp. 165-181

- Anders Skonhoft and Jan Tore Solstad
- Bretton Woods intervention programmes and sustainable development pp. 183-202

- J.B. Opschoor and S.M. Jongma
- Economic analysis of deforestation in Mexico* pp. 203-239

- Edward Barbier and Joanne Burgess
- Paying for the conservation of endangered ecosystems: a comparison of direct and indirect approaches* pp. 241-257

- R. David Simpson and Roger A. Sedjo
Volume 1, issue 1, 1996
- On the occasion of the inaugural conference of Environment and Development Economics pp. 1-2

- Hirofumi Uzawa
- Environmental economics in poor countries: the current state and a programme for improvement pp. 3-7

- Partha Dasgupta and Karl-Göran Mäler
- Summaries pp. 13-17

- Anonymous
- Environmental and trade policies: some methodological lessons* pp. 19-40

- V. Smith and J. Andrès Espinosa
- Carbon abatement costs: an integrated approach for India* pp. 41-63

- Sujata Gupta and Stephen Hall
- Natural resource degradation effects of poverty and population growth are largely policy-induced: the case of Colombia* pp. 65-84

- John Heath and Hans Binswanger-Mkhize
- Measuring sustainable development: progress on indicators* pp. 85-101

- David Pearce, Kirk Hamilton and Giles Atkinson
- Introduction: economic growth and environmental change pp. 103-104

- Anonymous
- Economic growth, carrying capacity, and the environment* pp. 104-110

- Kenneth Arrow, Bert Bolin, Robert Costanza, Partha Dasgupta, Carl Folke, C.S. Holling, Bengt-Owe Jansson, Simon Levin, Karl-Göran Mäler, Charles Perrings and David Pimentel
- Operational environmental policies pp. 110-113

- Colin W. Clark
- Expanding an important consensus pp. 113-115

- Herman Daly
- The importance of accurately measuring growth pp. 116-119

- Salah El Serafy and Robert Goodland
- The inverted-U: what does it mean? pp. 119-122

- Gene Grossman and Alan Krueger
- Designing institutions for the environment pp. 122-125

- Susan Hanna
- Institutions, economic development and the environment pp. 126-128

- Allen V. Kneese
- Caribbean island landscapes: indicators of the effects of economic growth on the region pp. 128-136

- Ariel E. Lugo
- Development, scale and resource valuation pp. 136-137

- Michael Toman
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