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Environment and Development Economics

1996 - 2024

From Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press, UPH, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge CB2 8BS UK.

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Volume 4, issue 4, 1999

Summaries pp. 391-399 Downloads
The economics of environments in transition pp. 401-412 Downloads
Theodore Panayotou
The role of Polish environmental funds: Too generous or too restrictive? pp. 413-448 Downloads
Glen D. Anderson and Tomasz Zylicz
Are the costs of pollution abatement lower in Central and Eastern Europe? Evidence from Lithuania pp. 449-470 Downloads
Randall Bluffstone
The effect of supply and demand shocks on the non-market valuation of local public goods pp. 471-492 Downloads
J.R. Deshazo
Controlling carbon emissions in China pp. 493-518 Downloads
Richard F. Garbaccio, Mun Ho and Dale Jorgenson
The duality of taxes and tradable permits: A survey with applications in Central and Eastern Europe pp. 519-535 Downloads
Robert Farrow
Integrating environmental taxes on local air pollutants with fiscal reform in Hungary: Simulations with a computable general equilibrium model pp. 537-564 Downloads
Glenn E. Morris, Tamas Revesz, Ernö Zalai and József Fucskó
Avoiding health risks from drinking water in Moscow: An empirical analysis pp. 565-581 Downloads
Bruce A. Larson and Ekaterina D. Gnedenko
Transition to markets and the environment: Effects of the change in the composition of manufacturing output pp. 582-598 Downloads
Tomislav Vukina, John Beghin and Ebru G. Solakoglu
Randall Bluffstone and Bruce A. Larson (eds), Controlling Pollution in Transition Economies: Theories and Methods, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, Cheltenham, 1997. ISBN 1 85898 452 1 pp. 599-602 Downloads
Ekko van Ierland
Péter Kaderják and John Powell (eds), Economics for Environmental Policy in Transition Economies, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, Cheltenham, 1997. ISBN 1 85898 531 5 pp. 599-602 Downloads
Ekko van Ierland

Volume 4, issue 3, 1999

Summaries pp. 243-248 Downloads
Valuation of biodiversity within a north–south trade model pp. 251-277 Downloads
Francisco Cabo
Trade-offs among competing uses of a Malaysian forested catchments pp. 279-311 Downloads
Shahwahid H. O. Mohd, Noor A. G. Awang, Rahim N. Abdul, Y. Zulkifli and U. Razani
Why do farmers expand their land into forests? Theories and evidence from Tanzania pp. 313-331 Downloads
Arild Angelsen, Eric F. Katemansimba Shitindi and Jostein Aarrestad
Tanzania's soil wealth pp. 333-356 Downloads
Kjell Arne Brekke, Vegard Iversen and Jens B. Aune
Trade liberalization and the environment in Costa Rica pp. 357-373 Downloads
David Abler, Adrián Rodríguez and James Shortle
Dealing with air pollution in Latin America: the case of Quito, Ecuador pp. 375-388 Downloads
Jorge Jurado and Douglas Southgate

Volume 4, issue 2, 1999

Summaries pp. 131-134 Downloads
A model of rural conflict: violence and land reform policy in Brazil pp. 135-160 Downloads
Lee Alston, Gary D. Libecap and Bernardo Mueller
Stochastic food prices and slash-and-burn agriculture pp. 161-176 Downloads
Christopher Barrett
Market based instruments for environmental policymaking in Latin America and the Caribbean: lessons from eleven countries pp. 177-201 Downloads
Ronaldo Serôa Da Motta, Richard M. Huber and H. Jack Ruitenbeek
Introduction: Biodiversity conservation: the problem of scale pp. 203-236 Downloads
Charles Perrings
Maximising net benefits through biodiversity as a primary land use pp. 203-236 Downloads
Brian Walker
Economic potential for biodiversity use in southern Africa: empirical evidence pp. 203-236 Downloads
Jonathan I. Barnes
Living off 'biodiversity': whose land, whose resources and where? pp. 203-236 Downloads
David H.M. Cumming
Bottom-up science pp. 203-236 Downloads
Madhav Gadgil
Making the benefits of biodiversity conservation visible and real: institutional aspects in a biodiversity research programme pp. 203-236 Downloads
Opschoor, J. (hans) B.
Economics and biodiversity conservation in the developing world pp. 203-236 Downloads
David Pearce
Biodiversity utilization as a form of land use pp. 203-236 Downloads
David J. Western
Colin Kirkpatrick and Norman Lee, eds., Sustainable Development in a Developing World: Integrating Socio-economic Appraisal and Environmental Assessment, Edward Elgar, 1997, ISBN 1-85898-581-1 pp. 237-242 Downloads
Vikram Dayal
Fikret Berkes and Carl Folke, eds.: Linking Social and Ecological Systems. Management Practices and Social Mechanisms for Building Resilience pp. 237-242 Downloads
Jon Lovett

Volume 4, issue 1, 1999

Summaries pp. 1-7 Downloads
Special Topic I: Structural Adjustment Policies and the Environment pp. 9-18 Downloads
Mohan Munasinghe
Structural adjustment and deforestation in Nicaragua pp. 19-43 Downloads
Solveig Glomsrød, Maria Dolores Monge and Haakon Vennemo
Integrating environmental concerns into economy-wide policies in developing countries: the role of multilateral development banks pp. 45-68 Downloads
Jørgen Karthum Hansen and Stein Hansen
Structural adjustment and market imperfections: a stylized village economy-wide model with non-separable farm households pp. 69-87 Downloads
Stein Holden, J. Edward Taylor and Stephen Hampton
Special Topic II: Economy and Environmental Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA) pp. 89-90 Downloads
David Glover
Applying economic instruments in developing countries: from theory to implementation pp. 91-110 Downloads
David O'Connor
Environmental considerations in tax policy design pp. 111-124 Downloads
John Whalley
Krystyna M. Urbana, Nigel Webb and Peter Edwards, eds., Restoration ecology and sustainable development, Cambridge University Press ISBN 0 521 582160 5 (HB) £55.00 (US$74.95) pp. 125-129 Downloads
Jon Lovett
Anna Luiza Ozorio de Almeida and Joao S. Campari, Sustainable settlement in the Brazilian Amazon, Oxford University Press, New York, 1995, ISBN 019 5211049 Hardback £22.50 189pp pp. 125-129 Downloads
Daman Singh

Volume 3, issue 4, 1998

Summaries pp. 411-415 Downloads
Quasi-option value and hard uncertainty pp. 417-423 Downloads
Marcello Basili
How to substitute in order to sustain: knowledge driven growth under environmental restrictions pp. 425-442 Downloads
Lucas Bretschger
The effect of environmental good scarcity on own-farm labor allocation: the case of agricultural households in rural Nepal pp. 443-469 Downloads
Priscilla A. Cooke
Valuing mangrove resources in Kosrae, Micronesia pp. 471-490 Downloads
Rosamond Naylor and Mark Drew
Environmental scares, science and media pp. 491-537 Downloads
Bert Bolin
Analysis, facts, and prediction pp. 491-537 Downloads
Partha Dasgupta and Karl-Göran Mäler
Environmental false alarms and policy implications pp. 491-537 Downloads
James Hammitt
No time for complacency pp. 491-537 Downloads
Allen V. Kneese
Predicting the environment: time series versus process based models pp. 491-537 Downloads
John R. Krebs
For whom the market tolls: one-armed economists and 'Plenty of gloomsters' pp. 491-537 Downloads
Bengt Kriström and Karl-Gustaf Löfgren
Anticipating environmental disasters pp. 491-537 Downloads
Simon A. Levin
On environmental gloom and doom pp. 491-537 Downloads
Paul R. Portney and Wallace Oates
Do environmental scares provide information? pp. 491-537 Downloads
V. Smith
Introduction: Environmental scares - the Club of Rome debate revisited pp. 491-537 Downloads
Environmental Scares: Plenty of gloom pp. 491-537 Downloads
Richard Katz and Allan Murphy, eds., Economic Value of Weather and Climate Forecasts, Cambridge University Press, 1997, ISBN 0–521–43420–3(HB) Price £30.00 (US$49.95) pp. 539-548 Downloads
Milind Kandlikar
Mohan Munasinghe and Jeffrey McNeely, eds., Protected Area Economics and Policy—Linking Conservation and Sustainable Development, The World Bank, Washington, DC, and the World Conservation Union (IUCN), 1994. ISBN 0–8213–3132–9. 364 pages) pp. 539-548 Downloads
Kinsuk Mitra
Terry L. Anderson and Pamela Snyder, Water Markets: Priming the Invisible Pump, Cato Institute, Washington, D.C, 1997, ISBN 1-882577-43-4 (Cloth), ISBN 1-882577-44-2 (Paper), Price Cloth $19.95, Paper $10.95) pp. 539-548 Downloads
John Pezzey

Volume 3, issue 3, 1998

Summaries pp. 263-266 Downloads
Tropical deforestation: debt-for-nature versus debt-for-development swaps pp. 267-293 Downloads
Fabio Zagonari
Reducing degradation of forests in poor countries when permanent solutions elude us: what instruments do we really have? pp. 295-317 Downloads
Randall Bluffstone
Cost-utility analysis of schistosomiasis intervention strategies in Kenya pp. 319-346 Downloads
Joses M. Kirigia
Key features of the global climate system to be considered in analysis of the climate change issue pp. 347-409 Downloads
Bert Bolin
An Australian victory at Kyoto? pp. 347-409 Downloads
Mick Common
Global climate change: the challenges for development policy pp. 347-409 Downloads
Sam Fankhauser
The thin pathway for reconciling development and climate change mitigation pp. 347-409 Downloads
Jean-Charles Hourcade
Implications of global climate change and the economics of development in Sub Sahara Africa pp. 347-409 Downloads
Kassim Kulindwa
Global climate change: science and sustainable policies pp. 347-409 Downloads
R. K. Pachauri
Free ride through delay: risk and accountability for climate change pp. 347-409 Downloads
Jyoti Parikh and Kirit Parikh
Economic development and climate change pp. 347-409 Downloads
David Pearce
Burden-sharing and climate change policy beyond Kyoto: implications for developing countries pp. 347-409 Downloads
Adam Rose
How serious are the damages associated with global warming? pp. 347-409 Downloads
Roger Sedjo
Economic analysis and climate change pp. 347-409 Downloads
Tom Tietenberg
Burden sharing and adaptation beyond Kyoto: a more systematic approach essential for global climate policy success pp. 347-409 Downloads
Asbjørn Torvanger
Introduction: Global climate change and the economics of development pp. 347-409 Downloads

Volume 3, issue 2, 1998

Summaries pp. 153-156 Downloads
A dynamic model of biodiversity preservation pp. 157-172 Downloads
Chuan-Zhong Li and Karl-Gustaf Löfgren
Progress on the environmental Kuznets curve? pp. 173-196 Downloads
David Stern
The United States embargo on shrimp imports: legal and economic considerations pp. 197-219 Downloads
Taimoon Stewart
Introduction: Resilience and sustainability pp. 221-262 Downloads
Charles Perrings
Ideas on quantification of resilience-based management pp. 221-262 Downloads
William Brock
The concept of resilience: retrospect and prospect pp. 221-262 Downloads
Amitrajeet Batabyal
Resilience in natural and socioeconomic systems pp. 221-262 Downloads
Simon A. Levin, Scott Barrett, Sara Aniyar, William Baumol, Christopher Bliss, Bert Bolin, Partha Dasgupta, Paul Ehrlich, Carl Folke, Ing-Marie Gren, C.S. Holling, Annmari Jansson, Bengt-Owe Jansson, Karl-Göran Mäler, Dan Martin, Charles Perrings and Eytan Sheshinski
Resilience in social and economic systems: a concept that fails the cost–benefit test? pp. 221-262 Downloads
Nick Hanley
Resilience, sustainability environmentalism pp. 221-262 Downloads
Sharachchandra Lélé
Into the wilderness within pp. 221-262 Downloads
Jason Shogren
Resilience, instability, and disturbance in ecosystem dynamics pp. 221-262 Downloads
Brian Walker

Volume 3, issue 1, 1998

Summaries pp. 1-6 Downloads
Land degradation, agricultural productivity and common property: evidence from Côte d'Ivoire pp. 7-34 Downloads
Vinod Ahuja
Environmental degradation, property rights and population movements: hypotheses and evidence from Rajasthan (India) pp. 35-57 Downloads
Kanchan Chopra and S.C. Gulati
Extensions and alternatives to climate change impact valuation: on the critique of IPCC Working Group III's impact estimates pp. 59-81 Downloads
Sam Fankhauser, Richard Tol and David Pearce
Economic policies and the environment: the case of tree planting on low-income farms in the Philippines pp. 83-104 Downloads
Gerald Shively
Poverty, market imperfections and time preferences: of relevance for environmental policy? pp. 105-130 Downloads
Stein Holden, Bekele Shiferaw and Mette Wik
Opportunities and limitations of contingent valuation surveys to determine national park entrance fees: evidence from Costa Rica pp. 131-149 Downloads
Steven Shultz, Jorge Pinazzo and Miguel Cifuentes
Page updated 2025-03-31