Energy Policy
1973 - 2025
Current editor(s): N. France From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu ( Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 49, issue C, 2012
- Coal fires, fresh air and the hardy British: A historical view of domestic energy efficiency and thermal comfort in Britain pp. 6-11

- Janet Rudge
- Definitions of fuel poverty: Implications for policy pp. 19-26

- Richard Moore
- Measuring and monitoring fuel poverty in the UK: National and regional perspectives pp. 27-32

- Christine Liddell, Chris Morris, S.J.P. McKenzie and Gordon Rae
- Objective and subjective measures of fuel poverty pp. 33-39

- Catherine Waddams Price, Karl Brazier and Wenjia Wang
- Coping with low incomes and cold homes pp. 40-52

- Will Anderson, Vicki White and Andrea Finney
- Experiencing fuel poverty. Coping strategies of low-income households in Vienna/Austria pp. 53-59

- Karl-Michael Brunner, Markus Spitzer and Anja Christanell
- Trapped in the heat: A post-communist type of fuel poverty pp. 60-68

- Sergio Tirado Herrero and Diana Ürge-Vorsatz
- Fuel poverty as injustice: Integrating distribution, recognition and procedure in the struggle for affordable warmth pp. 69-75

- Gordon Walker and Rosie Day
- Energy poverty policies in the EU: A critical perspective pp. 76-82

- Stefan Bouzarovski, Saska Petrova and Robert Sarlamanov
- Building synergies between climate change mitigation and energy poverty alleviation pp. 83-90

- Diana Ürge-Vorsatz and Sergio Tirado Herrero
- Can the Green Deal be fair too? Exploring new possibilities for alleviating fuel poverty pp. 91-97

- Pedro Guertler
- Metering: EU policy and implications for fuel poor households pp. 98-106

- Sarah J. Darby
- From targeting to implementation: The role of identification of fuel poor households pp. 107-115

- Ute Dubois
- Health and thermal comfort: From WHO guidance to housing strategies pp. 116-121

- David Ormandy and Véronique Ezratty
- Psychosocial routes from housing investment to health: Evidence from England's home energy efficiency scheme pp. 122-133

- Jan Gilbertson, Michael Grimsley and Geoff Green
- Tackling cold housing and fuel poverty in New Zealand: A review of policies, research, and health impacts pp. 134-142

- Philippa Howden-Chapman, Helen Viggers, Ralph Chapman, O’Sullivan, Kimberley, Lucy Telfar Barnard and Bob Lloyd
- Open source software and crowdsourcing for energy analysis pp. 149-153

- Morgan Bazilian, Andrew Rice, Juliana Rotich, Mark Howells, Joseph DeCarolis, Stuart Macmillan, Cameron Brooks, Florian Bauer and Michael Liebreich
- A photovoltaic proposed generation promotion policy—The case of Jordan pp. 154-163

- Nazih M. Abu-Shikhah, Ahmed A. Hiasat and Wijdan J. Al-Rabadi
- Industrial energy efficiency with CO2 emissions in China: A nonparametric analysis pp. 164-172

- F. Wu, L.W. Fan, P. Zhou and D.Q. Zhou
- Integrated inventory-based carbon accounting for energy-induced emissions in Chongming eco-island of Shanghai, China pp. 173-181

- Qingqing Li, Ru Guo, Fengting Li and Bingbin Xia
- Lost opportunities: Modeling commercial building energy code adoption in the United States pp. 182-191

- Hal T. Nelson
- Evaluation and optimization of feed-in tariffs pp. 192-203

- Kyoung-Kuk Kim and Chi-Guhn Lee
- Consumer perceptions of smart grid development: Results of a Hong Kong survey and policy implications pp. 204-216

- Daphne Ngar-yin Mah, Johannes Marinus van der Vleuten, Peter Hills and Julia Tao
- A literature review of economic studies on carbon pricing and Australian wholesale electricity markets pp. 217-224

- Tim Nelson, Simon Kelley and Fiona Orton
- Forecasting natural gas supply in China: Production peak and import trends pp. 225-233

- Boqiang Lin and Ting Wang
- Recommendations for the new WLTP cycle based on an analysis of vehicle emission measurements on NEDC and CADC pp. 234-242

- Joachim Demuynck, Dirk Bosteels, Michel De Paepe, Cécile Favre, John May and Sebastian Verhelst
- Distribution-level electricity reliability: Temporal trends using statistical analysis pp. 243-252

- Joseph H. Eto, Kristina H. LaCommare, Peter Larsen, Annika Todd and Emily Fisher
- External cost of coal based electricity generation: A tale of Ahmedabad city pp. 253-265

- Diptiranjan Mahapatra, Priyadarshi Shukla and Subash Dhar
- Identification and quantification of principal–agent problems affecting energy efficiency investments and use decisions in the trucking industry pp. 266-273

- David Vernon and Alan Meier
- Economic performance of grid-connected photovoltaics in California and Texas (United States): The influence of renewable energy and climate policies pp. 274-287

- Deepak Sivaraman and Michael R. Moore
- A cost–benefit analysis of the EU 20/20/2020 package pp. 288-295

- Richard Tol
- Well-to-wheels life-cycle analysis of alternative fuels and vehicle technologies in China pp. 296-307

- Wei Shen, Weijian Han, David Chock, Qinhu Chai and Aling Zhang
- The future prospect of PV and CSP solar technologies: An expert elicitation survey pp. 308-317

- Valentina Bosetti, Michela Catenacci, Giulia Fiorese and Elena Verdolini
- Towards understanding the robustness of energy distribution networks based on macroscopic and microscopic evaluations pp. 318-327

- Jiming Liu and Benyun Shi
- Forecasting Nord Pool day-ahead prices with an autoregressive model pp. 328-332

- Tarjei Kristiansen
- Sustainable energy for the marine sector pp. 333-345

- Julio Vergara, Chris McKesson and Magdalena Walczak
- Where renewable electricity is concerned, how costly is “too costly”? pp. 346-354

- William F. Pickard
- The impact of electrified transport on local grid infrastructure: A comparison between electric cars and light rail pp. 355-364

- Agathe Grenier and Shannon Page
- Distributional impacts of state-level energy efficiency policies in regional electricity markets pp. 365-372

- Mostafa Sahraei-Ardakani, Seth Blumsack and Andrew Kleit
- Energy savings obligations in the UK—A history of change pp. 373-382

- Jan Rosenow
- World energy intensity convergence revisited: A weighted distribution dynamics approach pp. 383-399

- Maria Jesus Herrerias
- A comparison of the drivers influencing farmers' adoption of enterprises associated with renewable energy pp. 400-409

- Graham Tate, Aurelian Mbzibain and Shaukat Ali
- Deconstructing the dichotomies of solar photovoltaic (PV) dissemination trajectories in Ghana, Kenya and Zimbabwe from the 1960s to 2007 pp. 410-421

- Simon Bawakyillenuo
- Combining physical and economic output data to analyse energy and CO2 emissions trends in industry pp. 422-429

- Caiman J. Cahill and Brian P. Ó Gallachóir
- Energy-related climate change mitigation in Brazil: Potential, abatement costs and associated policies pp. 430-441

- Bruno S.M.C. Borba, André F.P. Lucena, Régis Rathmann, Isabella V.L. Costa, Larissa P.P. Nogueira, Pedro R.R. Rochedo, David A. Castelo Branco, Mauricio F.H. Júnior, Alexandre Szklo and Roberto Schaeffer
- The effects of electric vehicles on residential households in the city of Indianapolis pp. 442-455

- Shisheng Huang, Hameed Safiullah, Jingjie Xiao, Bri-Mathias S. Hodge, Ray Hoffman, Joan Soller, Doug Jones, Dennis Dininger, Wallace Tyner, Andrew Liu and Joseph F. Pekny
- Do food and oil prices co-move? pp. 456-467

- Juan Reboredo
- Energy and quality of life pp. 468-476

- Cesar Pasten and Juan Carlos Santamarina
- Rebound effects for lighting pp. 477-478

- Harry D. Saunders and Jeffrey Y. Tsao
- Can green building councils serve as third party governance institutions? An economic and institutional analysis pp. 479-487

- Sabine Sedlacek and Gunther Maier
- Panel estimation for urbanization, energy consumption and CO2 emissions: A regional analysis in China pp. 488-498

- Chuanguo Zhang and Yan Lin
- Feasibility of U.S. renewable portfolio standards under cost caps and case study for Illinois pp. 499-514

- Sean D. Johnson and Elisabeth J. Moyer
- Variations in energy consumption and survival status between rural and urban households: A case study of the Western Loess Plateau, China pp. 515-527

- Shuwen Niu, Xin Zhang, Chunsheng Zhao and Yunzhu Niu
- Pricing principles and incentives for energy efficiency investments in multi-family rental housing: The case of Sweden pp. 528-530

- Hans Lind
- An assessment of electricity and income distributional trends following rural electrification in poor northeast Brazil pp. 531-540

- Martin Obermaier, Alexandre Szklo, Emilio Lèbre La Rovere and Luiz Pinguelli Rosa
- A decision support system for assessing offshore wind energy potential in the North Sea pp. 541-551

- Christoph Schillings, Thomas Wanderer, Lachlan Cameron, Jan Tjalling van der Wal, Jerome Jacquemin and Karina Veum
- Consumer responses to time varying prices for electricity pp. 552-561

- Paul Thorsnes, John Williams and Rob Lawson
- Participation of CSP plants in the reserve markets: A new challenge for regulators pp. 562-571

- Julio Usaola
- Why did the price of solar PV Si feedstock fluctuate so wildly in 2004–2009? pp. 572-585

- Yang Yu, Yuhua Song and Haibo Bao
- A local-community-level, physically-based model of end-use energy consumption by Australian housing stock pp. 586-596

- Zhengen Ren, Phillip Paevere and Cheryl McNamara
- The economically acceptable scenarios for investments in desulphurization and denitrification on existing coal-fired units in Bosnia and Herzegovina pp. 597-607

- Zinaida Dimitrijević and Kasim Tatić
- China's energy demand and its characteristics in the industrialization and urbanization process pp. 608-615

- Zhujun Jiang and Boqiang Lin
- Residential energy-efficient technology adoption, energy conservation, knowledge, and attitudes: An analysis of European countries pp. 616-628

- Bradford Mills and Joachim Schleich
- Can technological innovation help China take on its climate responsibility? An intertemporal general equilibrium analysis pp. 629-641

- Wei Jin
- Carbon Capture and Storage on its way to large-scale deployment: Social acceptance and willingness to pay in Germany pp. 642-651

- Jonas Kraeusel and Dominik Möst
- A review of national gas emergency plans in the European Union pp. 652-662

- Peter Zeniewski and Ricardo Bolado-Lavin
- Curtailment of renewable generation: Economic optimality and incentives pp. 663-675

- Henrik Klinge Jacobsen and Sascha Thorsten Schröder
- The Chinese electricity access model for rural electrification: Approach, experience and lessons for others pp. 676-687

- Subhes C. Bhattacharyya and Sanusi Ohiare
- Economic performance and policies for grid-connected residential solar photovoltaic systems in Brazil pp. 688-694

- Martin Mitscher and Ricardo Rüther
- Analysis of the distribution and evolution of energy supply and demand centers of gravity in China pp. 695-706

- Yan Zhang, Jinyun Zhang, Zhifeng Yang and Juan Li
- Have oil and gas prices got separated? pp. 707-718

- Peter Erdos
- The evolution of European passenger car characteristics 2000–2010 and its effects on real-world CO2 emissions and CO2 reduction policy pp. 719-730

- Georgios Fontaras and Panagiota Dilara
- Simulation of climate change impact on energy consumption in buildings, case study of Iran pp. 731-739

- Gh.R. Roshan, J.a Orosa and T. Nasrabadi
- Power without manpower: Forecasting labour demand for Estonian energy sector pp. 740-750

- Jaanika Meriküll, Raul Eamets, Katrin Humal and Kerly Espenberg
- Embodied energy use in China's industrial sectors pp. 751-758

- Zhu Liu, Yong Geng, Soeren Lindner, Hongyan Zhao, Tsuyoshi Fujita and Dabo Guan
- Social implications of residential demand response in cool temperate climates pp. 759-769

- Sarah J. Darby and Eoghan McKenna
- Aviation and the EU Emissions Trading Scheme—Lessons learned from previous emissions trading schemes pp. 770-773

- Fredrik Kopsch
- Cities reducing their greenhouse gas emissions pp. 774-777

- Christopher Kennedy, Stéphanie Demoullin and Eugene Mohareb
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