Finance Research Letters
2004 - 2025
Current editor(s): R. Gençay From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 7, issue 4, 2010
- Informed lending as a deterrent to predation pp. 193-201

- Robert Marquez
- Investment commitment and the valuation of underwriting agreements for rights issues pp. 202-213

- Fernando Anjos
- Does the weather affect stock market volatility? pp. 214-223

- Lazaros Symeonidis, George Daskalakis and Raphael Markellos
- Robust general equilibrium under stochastic volatility model pp. 224-231

- Weidong Xu, Chongfeng Wu and Hongyi Li
- Risk-shifting and investment asymmetry pp. 232-237

- Assaf Eisdorfer
- Do tax benefits conferred to Sub-S banks affect their deposit or loan rates? pp. 238-245

- Craig Depken, Harris Hollans and Steve Swidler
Volume 7, issue 3, 2010
- Understanding the risk of leveraged ETFs pp. 135-139

- Robert Jarrow
- A random effects ordered probit model for rating migrations pp. 140-147

- Rasha Alsakka and Owain ap Gwilym
- Modeling the contemporaneous duration dependence for high-frequency stock prices pp. 148-162

- Ba Chu and Marcel Voia
- Fluctuation dynamics in US interest rates and the role of monetary policy pp. 163-169

- Daniel Cajueiro and Benjamin Tabak
- A note on wealth effect under CARA utility pp. 170-177

- Dmitry Makarov and Astrid V. Schornick
- Applying a factor copula to value basket credit linked notes with issuer default risk pp. 178-183

- Po-Cheng Wu
- Correcting microstructure comovement biases for integrated covariance pp. 184-191

- Jin-Huei Yeh and Jying-Nan Wang
Volume 7, issue 2, 2010
- A simple robust model for Cat bond valuation pp. 72-79

- Robert Jarrow
- Does firm heterogeneity lead to differences in relative executive compensation? pp. 80-85

- Ana Albuquerque
- Covariance forecasts and long-run correlations in a Markov-switching model for dynamic correlations pp. 86-97

- Markus Haas
- Some properties of subjective probabilities induced by optimal expectations pp. 98-102

- Hideki Iwaki and Yusuke Osaki
- A regime-switching term structure model with observable state variables pp. 103-109

- René Ferland, Geneviève Gauthier and Simon Lalancette
- On a variational formulation used in credit risk modeling pp. 110-118

- Graziella Pacelli and Luca Vincenzo Ballestra
- Financial distress, information asymmetry, and syndicate structure: Evidence from Japanese borrowers pp. 119-126

- Sang Whi Lee, Kwag, Seung-Woog (Austin), Donald J. Mullineaux and Kwangwoo Park
- Corporate governance and leverage: Evidence from a natural experiment pp. 127-134

- Stefan Arping and Zacharias Sautner
Volume 7, issue 1, 2010
- Editorial for Challenge pp. 1-1

- Ramazan Gencay, Amir Yaron, Dirk Hackbarth and Andrea Eisfeldt
- The leverage of hedge funds pp. 2-7

- Sheridan Titman
- Hedging in a HJM model pp. 8-13

- Robert Jarrow
- A simulation-based algorithm for American executive stock option valuation pp. 14-23

- Angel León and Antoni Vaello-Sebastià
- Martingalized historical approach for option pricing pp. 24-28

- C. Chorro, D. Guégan and Florian Ielpo
- Seasoned equity offerings, repurchases, and deviations from optimal CEO ownership pp. 29-38

- Zhenxu Tong
- Target leverage and the costs of issuing seasoned equity pp. 39-52

- Evgeny Lyandres
- Market symmetry in time-changed Brownian models pp. 53-59

- José Fajardo and Ernesto Mordecki
- Higher order asymptotic bond price valuation for interest rates with non-Gaussian dependent innovations pp. 60-69

- Tetsuhiro Honda, Kenichiro Tamaki and Takayuki Shiohama
Volume 6, issue 4, 2009
- Impact of heterogeneous managerial productivity on executive hedge markets in an asymmetric information environment pp. 187-201

- Stefan Avdjiev and Zheng Zeng
- Extreme return-volume dependence in East-Asian stock markets: A copula approach pp. 202-209

- Cathy Ning and Tony Wirjanto
- Value or volume strategy? pp. 210-218

- Leon Li
- Empirical tests of the float-adjusted return model pp. 219-229

- Feng Zhang, Yao Tian and Tony Wirjanto
- The euro area stock market channel: Does one size fit all? pp. 230-235

- David Sondermann, Martin T. Bohl and Pierre L. Siklos
- The impact of switching costs on vendor financing pp. 236-241

- M. Martin Boyer and Karine Gobert
- European monetary integration and persistance of real exchange rates pp. 242-249

- María Gadea and Ana Belen Gracia
Volume 6, issue 3, 2009
- A test of the widespread-point-shaving theory pp. 115-121

- Richard Borghesi and William Dare
- Options on portfolios with higher-order moments pp. 122-129

- Rishabh Bhandari and Sanjiv Das
- Bivariate mixed normal GARCH models and out-of-sample hedge performances pp. 130-137

- Sang-Kuck Chung
- Analytical Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall under regime-switching pp. 138-151

- Abderrahim Taamouti
- Do firms' earnings management practices affect their equity liquidity? pp. 152-158

- Huimin Chung, Her-Jiun Sheu and Juo-Lien Wang
- Do IPO index portfolios improve the investment opportunities for mean-variance investors? pp. 159-170

- Hsuan-Chi Chen and Keng-Yu Ho
- Degrees-of-freedom problem and implied cost of equity capital pp. 171-178

- Lawrence Kryzanowski and Abdul H. Rahman
- Automatic variance ratio test under conditional heteroskedasticity pp. 179-185

- Jae Kim
Volume 6, issue 2, 2009
- The diversification cost of large, concentrated equity stakes. How big is it? Is it justified? pp. 56-72

- Bernt Ødegaard
- Why disagreement may not matter (much) for asset prices pp. 73-82

- Paul Söderlind
- The leverage effect without leverage pp. 83-94

- Thorsten Hens and Sven C. Steude
- Value-at-Risk computation by Fourier inversion with explicit error bounds pp. 95-105

- Johannes Vitalis Siven, Jeffrey Lins and Anna Szymkowiak-Have
- On the nature of mean-variance spanning pp. 106-113

- C. Sherman Cheung, Clarence C.Y. Kwan and Dean C. Mountain
Volume 6, issue 1, 2009
- Why do reputable agents work for safer firms? pp. 2-12

- Fei Li and Masako Ueda
- Financing constraint, over-investment and market-to-book ratio pp. 13-22

- Yann Braouezec
- Revisiting stock market index correlations pp. 23-33

- Mehmet Dalkır
- Is the information produced in the stock market useful for depositors? pp. 34-39

- Katsutoshi Shimizu
- Time-inconsistency of VaR and time-consistent alternatives pp. 40-46

- Patrick Cheridito and Mitja Stadje
- Analysis of ultra-high-frequency financial data using advanced Fourier transforms pp. 47-53

- Iacopo Giampaoli, Wing Lon Ng and Nick Constantinou
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