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Journal of Economics and Business

1982 - 2024

Current editor(s): Emanuele Bajo and Moritz Ritter

From Elsevier
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2024, volume 131, articles C

The effects of economic uncertainty and economic policy uncertainty on banks’ loan loss provision in Brazil Downloads
Gabriel Caldas Montes and Matheus do Nascimento Valladares
Stock returns, industry concentration and firm expenditure decisions Downloads
Dzidziso Samuel Kamuriwo, Gulnur Muradoglu, Sheeja Sivaprasad and Issam Malki
The effects of types of banks on financial access and income inequality in a heterogeneous sample: A quantile regression analysis Downloads
Cristian Barra, D’Aniello, Christian and Nazzareno Ruggiero
ECB communication sentiments: How do they relate to the economic environment and financial markets? Downloads
Rokas Kaminskas and Linas Jurkšas
Blockholder voting power and investment decisions: Evidence from cross-border deals in Latin America Downloads
Carlos Pombo, Cristian Pinto-Gutierrez and Mauricio Jara-Bertín

2024, volume 130, articles C

State-dependent intertemporal risk-return tradeoff: Further evidence Downloads
Surya Chelikani, Joseph M. Marks and Kiseok Nam
The effect of physical collateral and personal guarantees on business startups Downloads
Yuji Honjo, Arito Ono and Daisuke Tsuruta
Basel III countercyclical bank capital buffer estimation and its relation to monetary policy Downloads
Juan F. Rendón, Lina Cortés and Javier Perote
Analysts’ extrapolative expectations in the cross-section Downloads
Andreas Oesinghaus
A different view on acquisition paradox: Empirical examination of international acquisitions from competitiveness perspective Downloads
Omer F. Genc and Dan Luo

2024, volume 129, articles C

How are veterans faring financially? Updates and new evidence from a national survey Downloads
Gary Mottola, William Skimmyhorn and Olivia Valdes
Heterogeneous unbanked households: Which types of households are more (or less) likely to open a bank account? Downloads
Fumiko Hayashi, Aditi Routh and Ying Lei Toh
Who is paying all these fees? An empirical analysis of bank account and credit card fees Downloads
Oz Shy and Joanna Stavins
Impacts of COVID-19-era economic policies on consumer debt in the United Kingdom Downloads
Mingli Zhong, Breno Braga, Signe-Mary McKernan, Mark Hayward, Elizabeth Millward and Christopher Trepel
The effects of state utility shutoff moratoria on credit delinquencies during the COVID-19 pandemic Downloads
Jennifer Andre, Breno Braga, Kassandra Martinchek and Signe-Mary McKernan
The effect of minimum wages on consumer bankruptcy Downloads
Diego Legal and Eric Young

2024, volume 128, articles C

SMEs and patents: Is it worth it? A longitudinal analysis of the patent-performance relationship Downloads
Jonathan Taglialatela and Roberto Barontini
R&D grants and medical innovation Downloads
Omer Unsal and Reza Houston
Innovating microcredit: how fintechs change the field Downloads
Rodrigo Leite, Layla Mendes and Emmanuel Camelo
The incentive effects of the overlapping project structure in credit markets Downloads
J.-P. Niinimäki
Board structure in emerging markets: A simultaneous equation modeling Downloads
Ichiro Iwasaki, Xinxin Ma and Satoshi Mizobata

2023, volume 127, articles C

ESG score, board structure and the impact of the non-financial reporting directive on European firms Downloads
Marco Bigelli, Stefano Mengoli and Sandro Sandri
Monetary policy, funding liquidity, and undisbursed loans in Indonesia: The bank lending channel revisited Downloads
Wahyoe Soedarmono, Iman Gunadi, Sudiro Pambudi and Tika Nurhayati
The impact of bank competition on contagion risk: The case of Mexico Downloads
Enrique Bátiz-Zuk and José Luis Lara-Sánchez
Board independence and analysts' forecast accuracy: R&D perspective Downloads
Anisur Rahman, Bakhtear Talukdar and Zaifeng Steve Fan
Competitive advantage and firm, industry, and country effects: An asset pricing perspective Downloads
Tobias Kohls, Ferdinand Mager and Tobias Regele
From Hero to Zero: The case of Silicon Valley Bank Downloads
Lai Van Vo and Huong Thi Thu Le

2023, volume 125-126

Does fake news impact stock returns? Evidence from US and EU stock markets Downloads
Maria Cristina Arcuri, Gino Gandolfi and Ivan Russo
New experimental evidence on the relationship between home bias, ambiguity aversion and familiarity heuristics Downloads
Dennis Dlugosch, Kristian Horn and Mei Wang
Portfolio Choice with Endogenous Donations - Modeling University Endowments Downloads
Georg Cejnek, Richard Franz and Neal M. Stoughton
Explainable FinTech lending Downloads
Golnoosh Babaei, Paolo Giudici and Emanuela Raffinetti
Securitization of subprime credit and the propagation of housing shocks Downloads
Nadine Yamout
Multilateral exchange rates: A multivariate regression framework Downloads
Michael Kunkler
Small bank managers are prudent: A Benford’s Law approach to analyzing loan loss allowances Downloads
Arthur M. Tran, Mark D. Griffiths and Drew B. Winters
Access to finance, bureaucracy, and capital allocation efficiency Downloads
Wenbin Cao, Xiaoman Duan and Xu Niu

2023, volume 124, articles C

Monetary policy uncertainty, monetary policy surprises and stock returns Downloads
Ghezal Sekandary and Mikael Bask
Board gender diversity and investment inefficiency Downloads
Chang Yu
Local banking markets and barriers to entrepreneurship in minority and other areas Downloads
James Prieger
Macroprudential regulatory policies with a dominant-bank oligopoly and fringe banks Downloads
Enzo Dia and David VanHoose

2023, volume 123, articles C

What do we know about the relationship between banks and income inequality? Empirical evidence for emerging and low-income countries Downloads
Claudio Oliveira de Moraes and Guilherme Cruz
U.K. economic policy uncertainty and innovation activities: A firm-level analysis Downloads
Minh Hong Nguyen and Vu Quang Trinh
The interplay between uncertainty, managerial decision making, and firm value: Evidence from Bangladesh Downloads
Syed Manzur Quader
Facial attractiveness and CEO compensation: Evidence from the banking industry Downloads
Shaker Ahmed, Mikko Ranta, Emilia Vähämaa and Sami Vähämaa
Under-pricing of South and East Asian IPOs: An investigation of the relevance of governance quality in closely controlled companies Downloads
Lakshman Alles and Louis Murray
Does market design contribute to market stability? Indications from a corporate bond exchange during the COVID-19 crisis Downloads
Abudy, Menachem (Meni) and Efrat Shust

2022, volume 122, articles C

Wasteful procedures? Downloads
Malin Arve and Takakazu Honryo
Why do video pitches matter in crowdfunding? Downloads
Maura Kolbe, Sasan Mansouri and Paul P. Momtaz
The importance of international trade credit for industry investment Downloads
Sarah Carroll and Rebecca Neumann
Markets price politicians: Evidence from China’s municipal bond markets Downloads
He Wang, Yang Yao and Yue Zhou
Outward foreign direct investment and domestic innovation efforts: Evidence from India Downloads
Ketan Reddy, Subash Sasidharan and Nadia Doytch
Page updated 2024-09-16