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Journal of Environmental Economics and Management

1974 - 2025

Current editor(s): M.A. Cole, A. Lange, D.J. Phaneuf, D. Popp, M.J. Roberts, M.D. Smith, C. Timmins, Q. Weninger and A.J. Yates

From Elsevier
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Volume 129, issue C, 2025

A general equilibrium approach to carbon permit banking Downloads
Loick Dubois, Jean-Guillaume Sahuc and Gauthier Vermandel
Compensating against fuel price inflation: Price subsidies or transfers? Downloads
Odran Bonnet, Étienne Fize, Tristan Loisel and Lionel Wilner
Heat and humidity on early-life outcomes: Evidence from Mexico Downloads
Yumin Hong

Volume 128, issue C, 2024

Paying income tax after a natural disaster Downloads
Merve Kucuk and Mehmet Ulubasoglu
Barrett's paradox of cooperation: A full analytical proof 30 years after Downloads
Michael Finus, Francesco Furini and Anna Viktoria Rohrer
Correcting misperceptions about trends and norms to address weak collective action — Experimental evidence from a recycling program Downloads
Hanna Fuhrmann-Riebel, D’Exelle, Ben, Kristian López Vargas, Sebastian Tonke and Arjan Verschoor
Rainwater shocks and economic growth: The role of the water cycle partition Downloads
Francois Bareille, Raja Chakir and Charles Regnacq
Do time-of-use prices deliver energy savings at the right time? Downloads
Zheng Fu, Kevin Novan and Aaron Smith
The effect of extreme temperatures on evictions Downloads
Dylan Brewer and Sarah Goldgar
Do green parties affect local waste management policies? Downloads
Augusto Cerqua, Nadia Fiorino and Emma Galli
Carbon market design and market sentiment Downloads
Grischa Perino
Transmission of flood damage to the real economy and financial intermediation: Simulation analysis using a DSGE model Downloads
Ryuichiro Hashimoto and Nao Sudo
Cross-dynastic intergenerational altruism Downloads
Frikk Nesje
Environmental protection for bureaucratic promotion: Water quality performance review of provincial governors in China Downloads
Liguo Lin, Wei Sun and Jinhua Zhao
The more the better? Synergies of prosocial interventions and effects on behavioural spillovers Downloads
Marius Alt, Hendrik Bruns and Nives Della Valle
The cost-efficiency carbon pricing puzzle Downloads
Christian Gollier
Too hot to sleep Downloads
Patrick Bigler and Benedikt Janzen
Resource dependence, recycling, and trade Downloads
Peter Egger and Christian Keuschnigg
Turn off the faucet: Can individual meters reduce water consumption? Downloads
Paul E. Carrillo, Ivette Contreras and Carlos Scartascini
Information, incentives, and environmental governance: Evidence from China’s ambient air quality standards Downloads
Pei Li, Yi Lu, Lu Peng and Jin Wang
Equity weighting increases valuations when using real-world data Downloads
Austin Burlile and Peter Maniloff
Focusing the view: Improved methods for assessing viewshed impacts of onshore wind turbines Downloads
Luran Dong, Corey Lang and Jason Parent
Combining private and common property management: The impact of a hybrid ownership structure on grassland conservation Downloads
Min Liu, Pengfei Liu and Kaixing Huang
Labor market impacts of eco-development initiatives in protected areas Downloads
Anca Balietti, Sreeja Jaiswal and Daniel Schäffer
Clean innovation, heterogeneous financing costs, and the optimal climate policy mix Downloads
Emanuele Campiglio, Alessandro Spiganti and Anthony Wiskich
Blowin’ in the wind: Long-term downwind exposure to air pollution from power plants and adult mortality Downloads
Shinsuke Tanaka
Unintended environmental consequences of anti-corruption strategies Downloads
Elías Cisneros and Krisztina Kis-Katos

Volume 127, issue C, 2024

Adjusted net savings needs further adjusting: Reassessing human and resource factors in sustainability measurement Downloads
John C.V. Pezzey
The impact of energy prices on industrial investment location: Evidence from global firm level data Downloads
Aurélien Saussay and Misato Sato
Does improved tenure security reduce fires? Evidence from the Greece land registry Downloads
Liang Diao and Huiqian Song
Beyond birth: The medium-term health impact of prenatal exposure to air pollution Downloads
Simone Ferro, Alessandro Palma, Chiara Serra and Massimo Stafoggia
Can policy packaging help overcome Pigouvian tax aversion? A lab experiment on combining taxes and subsidies Downloads
Gøril L. Andreassen, Steffen Kallbekken and Knut Einar Rosendahl
Climate change impacts on the within-country income distributions Downloads
Martino Gilli, Matteo Calcaterra, Johannes Emmerling and Francesco Granella
Urban heat and within-city residential sorting Downloads
Stefan Borsky, Eric Fesselmeyer and Lennart Vogelsang
Eco-innovation and (green) employment: A task-based approach to measuring the composition of work in firms Downloads
Robert Elliott, Wenjing Kuai, David Maddison and Ceren Ozgen
The shadow cost of mobile public bads Downloads
Shu-Chen Tsao and Christopher Costello
The great U.S. emissions migration Downloads
Alexander Hill
The Volkswagen emissions scandal: Exploring the role of environmental concern and social norms Downloads
M. Marino, Pierpaolo Parrotta, D. Sala and G. Valletta
The devil in the air: Air pollution and dementia Downloads
Meng Sun, Naibao Zhao and Emily Yiying Zheng
Estimating the effectiveness of forest protection using regression discontinuity Downloads
Timothy Neal
Non-price energy conservation information and household energy consumption in a developing country: Evidence from an RCT Downloads
Ahsanuzzaman,, Shaikh Eskander, Asad Islam and Liang Wang
Poverty or pollution: The environmental cost of E-commerce for poverty reduction in China Downloads
Wenqi Duan, Mingming Jiang and Jianhong Qi
Global variation in the preferred temperature for recreational outdoor activity Downloads
Manuel Linsenmeier
Green Road is open: Economic Pathway with a carbon price escalator Downloads
Lucas Bretschger
Pricing for a cooler planet: An empirical analysis of the effect of taxing carbon Downloads
Torben Mideksa
The emerging international trade in hydrogen: Environmental policies, innovation, and trade dynamics Downloads
Werner Antweiler and David Schlund
Wildfire smoke and private provision of public air-quality monitoring Downloads
Michael Coury, Liam Falconer and Andrea La Nauze
Widening the scope: The direct and spillover effects of nudging water efficiency in the presence of other behavioral interventions Downloads
Jacopo Bonan, Cristina Cattaneo, d’Adda, G., Arianna Galliera and M. Tavoni
Impact of environmental regulation on M&As in the manufacturing sector Downloads
Federico Carril-Caccia and Juliette Milgram Baleix
Li and Pizer in the short-run: A comment on discounting Downloads
Andrew R. Solow and Robert Farrow
Is the clean energy transition making fixed-rate electricity tariffs regressive? Downloads
Gordon W. Leslie, Armin Pourkhanali and Guillaume Roger
Pipeline incidents and property values Downloads
Nieyan Cheng, Minghao Li, Pengfei Liu, Qianfeng Luo, Chuan Tang and Wendong Zhang
Social cost of lifestyle adaptation: Air pollution and outdoor physical exercise Downloads
Yichun Fan
Environmental regulation and intermediate imports: Firm-product-level evidence Downloads
Chao Han, Chongyu Li, Jiansuo Pei and Chunhua Wang
Page updated 2025-01-22