International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences
2011 - 2017
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Volume 4, issue 4, 2014
- Elements of Knowledge Management Systems of Enterprises pp. 1-8

- Slawomir Czarniewski
- Social Networks as a Source of New Value pp. 9-15

- Slawomir Czarniewski
- Challenges and Impact of Open Market Concepts in Haulage Industry pp. 16-26

- Saari Ahmad Sbmuumcob and Mustakim Melan Stml Uumcob
- Effects of Use of Derivatives on Financial Performance of Companies Listed in the Nairobi Security Exchange pp. 27-43

- Luyali Newton Chanzu and Mouni Gekara
- Designation and Explanation of Performance Evaluation Model Metals Producers Companies in Iran Stock Exchange with an Approach to Data Envelopment Analysis pp. 44-59

- Alireza Hirad
- The Value Relevance of IFRS in the UAE Banking Industry: Empirical Evidence from Dubai Financial Market, 2008-2013 pp. 60-71

- Nadia Sbei Trabelsi and Mohamed Trabelsi
- Paradigms of the Concepts and Principles Substantiating the Elaboration and Presentation of the Financial Reporting Situations pp. 72-78

- Victor Munteanu and Mihaela Berechet(Dragnea)
- The Mechanism for the Formation of Attitudes, Opinions and Behaviors of Consumers pp. 79-87

- Slawomir Czarniewski
- Building Customer Value in Relationship Marketing pp. 88-94

- Slawomir Czarniewski
- Disconnection between the Financial Sphere and the Real Sphere: Theoretical Foundations and Empirical Investigation pp. 95-103

- Nizar El Ouni, Faouzi Miled and Manelle Lahdhiri
- Traditional Vs. Contemporary Management Accounting Practices and its Role and Usage across Business Life Cycle Stages: Evidence from Pakistani Financial Sector pp. 104-125

- Khurram Ashfaq, Sohail Younas, Muhammad Usman and Zahid Hanif
- System of Market Communication of the Polish Post S.A. with the Internal Environment pp. 126-135

- Slawomir Czarniewski
- Corporate Social Responsibility as Value for the Customer pp. 136-142

- Slawomir Czarniewski
- Role of Islamic Microfinance in Poverty Alleviation in Pakistan: An Empirical Approach pp. 143-152

- Muhammad Naveed Aslam
- Mobile Phones Usage and Employees’ Performance: A Perspective from Pakistan pp. 153-165

- Rabia Sarwar Wahla and Abdul Awan
- Environmental Cost - An Environment Management Accounting Component pp. 166-175

- Ileana-Sorina Rakos and Andreea Antohe
- Analysis on the Timeliness of the Accountability Report by the Treasurer Spending in Task Force Units in Indonesia pp. 176-190

- Nurzaimah, Rasdianto and Iskandar Muda
- An Analysis on the Impact of Participatory Budgeting and Procedural Fairness Toward Manager’s Commitment and Performance pp. 191-204

- Widia Astuty
- Examining the Relation of EVA (Economic Additional Value) and ROE (Return on Equity) and ROA (Return of Assets) in Cement and Construction Industries in Tehran Stock Exchange Companies pp. 205-209

- Leila Fathabadi, Dadollah Fathi and Mohammad Hadi Damiri
- The Association between Accounting Conservatism and Cash Dividends: Evidence from Emerging Markets pp. 210-220

- Gehan A. Mousa
- A Regressional Impact of Earning per Share on Market Value of Share: A Case Study Cement Industry of Pakistan pp. 221-227

- Muhammad Zulqarnain Jatoi, Ghulam Shabir, Naqvi Hamad, Nadeem Iqbal and Khan Muhammad
- Effects of Estimating Systematic Risk in Equity Stocks in the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE) (An Empirical Review of Systematic Risks Estimation) pp. 228-248

- Paul Munene Muiruri
- The Role of Micro-Finance Institutions to the Growth of Micro and Small Enterprises (MSE) in Thika, Kenya (Empirical Review of NonFinancial Factors) pp. 249-262

- Paul Munene Muiruri
- Analysis of Non-Interest Income of Commercial Banks in Ghana pp. 263-271

- Basil Senyo Damankah, Olivia Anku-Tsede and Albert Amankwaa
- Capital Structure and Financial Performance: Evidence from Sugar Industry in Karachi Stock Exchange Pakistan pp. 272-279

- Sohail Younus, Khurram Ishfaq, Muhammad Usman and Muhammad Azeem
- Comparing Traditional and Economic Performance Measures for Creating Shareholder’s Value: a Perspective from Malaysia pp. 280-289

- Shrikant Krupasindhu Panigrahi, Yuserrie Zainuddin and Azzlina Azizan
- Leadership Powers and Career Contentment pp. 290-296

- Ambreen Mushtaq, Naqvi Hamad, Muhammad Anosh and Nadeem Iqbal
- Does Quality of Non-Financial Information Disclosure Influence Firms’ Profitability in Malaysia? pp. 297-306

- Zam Zuriyati Mohamad, Hatijah Mohamed Salleh, Nur Diyana Ismail and Ibrahim Tamby Chek
- Forecasting Euro and Turkish Lira Exchange Rates with Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) pp. 307-316

- Olcay Erdogan and Ali Goksu
- Testing Random Walk Behavior in the Damascus Securities Exchange pp. 317-325

- Ghada Abbas
- Relationship between Operating Cycle and Quality of Accounting Information in Tehran Stock Exchange Listed Companies pp. 326-332

- Bahman Banimahd, Sara Boustani and Mohsen Hamidian
- Investigating Effect of Privatization on the Structure of National Iranian Copper Industries Company (NICICo) pp. 333-339

- Bahman Nikkhah Boroujeni and Mohsen Asgari
Volume 4, issue 3, 2014
- Improving SMTEs’ Business Performance through Strategic Use of Information Communication Technology: ICT and Tourism Challenges and Opportunities pp. 1-20

- Hamid Asna Ashari, Majid Heidari and Saeed Parvaresh
- Investigating the Effects of Stable Profitability and Free Cash Flow on Stock Returns of Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange pp. 21-27

- Hamid Reza Vakilifard and Nassim Shahmoradi
- The Effect of Surplus Free Cash Flow on the Relationship between the Board Structure and Earnings Quality of Companies Listed on Tehran Stock Exchange pp. 28-35

- Farzad Karimi, Masoud Foladi and Nasim Shirazi
- The Effect of Financing Methods on the Profitability Level of Food Industry Companies Quoted in Tehran Stock Exchange pp. 36-40

- Jamshid Jafari Darabjerdi and Tahereh Kakoo Joybary
- The Impact of Exchange Rate Movement on Export: Empirical Evidence from Ghana pp. 41-48

- Joseph Dery Nyeadi, Oswald Atiga and Charles Amoyea Atogenzoya
- Determinants of Corporate Capital Structure among Private Manufacturing Firms in Kenya: A Survey of Food and Beverage Manufacturing Firms pp. 49-62

- Samuel Nduati Kariuki and Charles Kamau
- Analysis of All Inclusive System Applied by the Accommodation Businesses in Turkey in the Context of Target Costing pp. 63-79

- Durmus Acar and Hasan Senol
- The Complex Relationship between Corporate Management, Stakeholders and Accounting pp. 80-88

- Edwin Quinn
- QFD – A Modern Method of Products Development in the Textile and Clothing Industry pp. 89-96

- Cezar Militaru, Cristina Burghelea, Daniel Laurentiu Stefan and Adriana Zanfir
- Impact Analysis of Microfinance on Crop Production in Ghana pp. 97-108

- Eliasu Nuhu, Al-Hassan Inusah, Gasu Rose Ama and Zakaria Mohammed Sano
- Determinants of Dividend Payout of Financial Firms and Non-Financial Firms in Ghana pp. 109-118

- Eliasu Nuhu, Abubakar Musah and Damankah Basil Senyo
- Day-of-the-Week Effect in Post-Communist East European Stock Markets pp. 119-129

- Dragos Stefan Oprea and Elena Tilica
- Profitability in the Italian Wine Sector: An Empirical Analysis of Cooperatives and Investor-Owned Firms pp. 130-137

- Marco Fazzini and Antonella Russo
- Creating and Controlling the Ethical Framework of Mediation pp. 138-143

- Gabriel - Cristian Constantinescu
- Stock Market Index Prediction via Hybrid Inertia Factor PSO and Constriction Coefficient PSO pp. 144-154

- Morteza Ashhar and Amin Rostami Motamed
- The Role of Mining in National Economies pp. 155-160

- Ioana Dorin, Cristina Diaconescu and Dan Ioan Topor
- Investigating the Impact of Social Capital on Knowledge Management Development (The Case Study: Telecommunication Company of Kashan) pp. 161-172

- Solouki, Mohamad Shekarriz, Javad Kianoosh, Davood Razi and Mahdieh
- Investigation and identification of Factors Affecting Reduction of the Motive of Keshavarzi Bank Employees in Tehran Province Branches pp. 173-181

- Masoud Jalalian, Vahid Sayadi and Nasrollah Shabankareh
- Regional Electricity Pricing With Ramsey Approach: Tehran Case Study pp. 182-186

- Hamidreza Hajibabaei and Davood Manzoor
- Credit Risk Modeling for Commercial Banks pp. 187-192

- Asrin Karimi
- Quality Parameters of Human Capital in the Digital Economy pp. 193-198

- Slawomir Czarniewski
- Market Development and Relationships with Customers: A Model and Conceptual Approach pp. 199-205

- Slawomir Czarniewski
- Evaluation of the Credit Risk with Statistical analysis pp. 206-211

- Asrin Karimi
- The Impact of Selected Internet Commerce Motives (Technological, Informing and Advertising) on the Success of an Online Shop. Case Study of Online Shops with E-Brand Trust pp. 212-221

- Ali Sanayei, Hoseyn Rezaei Dolatabad and Mahboobe Zarei Shams Abadi
Volume 4, issue 2, 2014
- The Effect of Intellectual Capital on Cost of Finance and Firm Value pp. 1-8

- Mohsen Iranmahd, Mahmoud Moeinaddin, Nasim Shahmoradi and Forough Heyrani
- The Impact of Accounting Indicators and Growth on the Market Value pp. 9-18

- Farouq Rafiq Altahtamouni and Zaher Abdelfattah Alslehat
- Investor Sentiment and Stock Returns: Evidence from Romania pp. 19-25

- Dragos Stefan Oprea and Laura Brad
- Earnings Management around Research and Development Manipulation pp. 26-37

- Rihab Guidara and Younes Boujelbene
- The Importance of Cost Calculation Method in the Accounting and Management of Turkish Operating Costs. A Research within the Scope of TAS-2 pp. 38-46

- Orhan Bozkurt, Sukru Dokur and Adem Yildirim
- Strategic Management, an Organisational Risk Management Framework: Case Study of Guaranty Trust Bank Plc pp. 47-57

- Solomon Olajide Fadun
- Corporate Governance and Market Microstructure: Evidence on Institutional Investors in the Tunisian Stock Exchange pp. 58-71

- Nadia Belkhir Boujelbene, Abdelfatteh Bouri and Jean-Luc Prigent
- The Causal Relationship between Financial Decisions and Their Impact on Financial Performance pp. 72-80

- Zaher Abdelfattah Alslehat and Farouq Rafiq Altahtamouni
- R&D-Based Earnings Management and Accounting Performance Motivation pp. 81-93

- Rihab Guidara and Younes Boujelbene
- Privatization of Tunisian Companies: A Study of Corporate Governance Mechanisms pp. 94-104

- Rim Ben Hassen and Omri Abdelwahed
- Effects of Emotion Recognition and Alexithymia on Motivation to Lead: Evidence from Turkey pp. 105-116

- Evren Ayranci
- The Interactive Effects of Cause Related Marketing Campaigns, Perceptual Brand Equity Dimensions and Cultural Values on Consumer Purchase Intentions pp. 117-126

- Hassan Saberi and Abbas Rezazadeh Karsalari
- The Extent of the Application of the Commercial Banks in Aqaba for Modern Methods of Accounting Information Systems pp. 127-135

- Muhannad Akram Meqbel Ahmad and Ashraf Mohammad Salem Alrjoub
- The Role of Single currency for Countries Economic Development: a Case Study of the East African Community pp. 136-143

- Paluku Kazimoto
- The Challenges for Establishing the Convergence of Accounting Reporting Among Different Countries pp. 144-151

- Edwin Quinn
- Fiscal Convergence in the European Union in the Context of the Global Financial Crisis pp. 152-158

- Ioana Tibulca
- Determinants of Corporate Governance and Corporate Performance among Consumer Product Industry in Malaysia: A Theoretical Model pp. 159-165

- Kogilavani Apadore and Siti Subaryani Binti Zainol
- Management Support in Adoption of Computer Integrated Model in Financial Forecasting pp. 166-175

- David Omondi Achieng and Juliet Akinyi Jagero
- Effect of Financial Leverage on Financial Performance of Deposit Taking Savings and Credit Co-operative in Kenya pp. 176-184

- Moses Ochieng Gweyi and John Karanja
- The Impact of New Management Accounting Practices on Strategic Buyer–Supplier Relationship within the Supply Chain: An Empirical Analysis within the Tunisian Context pp. 185-200

- Habib Affes and Fatma Ayadi
- The Impact of Contextual Factors on Improving the Relational Intangible Capital Related to the Supply Chain: An Empirical Analysis within the Tunisian Context pp. 201-217

- Habib Affes and Fatma Ayadi
- Reviewing the Relationship between Institutional Ownership and Outside Members of Board of Directors, and Liquidity of Common Stocks of Companies Quoted in Tehran Stock Exchange pp. 218-231

- Esmaeel Farzaneh Kargar and Eesa Zarei
- Trends behind Implementation of Basel Core Principles in Banking Sector of Bosnia And Herzegovina - A Look Back and a Look Forward pp. 232-242

- Mehmed Ganic
- A Review on Audit Quality Factors pp. 243-254

- Seyed Mahmoud Hosseinniakani, Helena Inacio and Rui Mota
- Evaluation of Survival Strategies of Small and Medium Enterprises in Benue State, Nigeria pp. 255-263

- Justin Iorakpen Iorun
- Why Process Oriented Management Accounting Techniques are More Useful to Handle New Era Problems pp. 264-270

- Zaryab Sheikh and Shafaq Rana
- Risk Modelling in Healthcare Markets: a Comparative Analysis of three Risk Measurement Approaches pp. 271-281

- Henry Asante Antwi, Zhou Lulin, Ethel Yiranbon, James Onuche Ayegba, Mary-Ann Yebaoh and Emmanuel Osei Bonsu
- Evaluating the Consequences of Ageing Population on Healthcare Cost to Ghana using Inflation-Adjusted Expenditure and Demographic Factors pp. 282-290

- Ethel Yiranbon, Zhou Lulin, Henry Asante Antwi, Emmanuel Opoku Marfo, Kwame Oduro Amoako and Daniel Kwame Offin
- Financial Factors Influencing Performance of Savings and Credit Co-Operative Organization in Kenya pp. 291-302

- Jeremiah Mugo Karagu and Bichanga Okibo
- Assessment of Challenges facing Small and Medium Enterprises towards International Marketing Standards: a Case Study of Arusha Region Tanzania pp. 303-311

- Paluku Kazimoto
- The Level at Which Accounting Professors Use Information Technology at Universities pp. 312-319

- Eesa Zarei, Esmaeel Farzaneh Kargar and Sedigheh Bazyar
- Relationship between Economic Growth, Trade and Environment: Evidence from D8 Countries pp. 320-326

- Abbas Rezazadeh Karsalari, Mohsen Mehrara, Maysam Musai and Mosa Mohammadi
- The Effect of Regulation on the Quality of Published Information Disclosure of Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange pp. 327-333

- Rasoul Sadeghi Barzani
- Portfolio Optimization by Using Birds Flight Algorithm pp. 334-342

- Fatemeh Khaleghi Meybodi, Hassan Dehghan Denavi and Abolfazl Sadeghian
- The Impact of Management Accounting Literature to Practice: A Study of Management Accounting Concepts in the Philippines Industries pp. 343-361

- Joy Lynn R. Legaspi
- The Effect of Management Earning Forecast‘s Error on Cost of Equity Capital of Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange pp. 362-368

- Roghaye Entezarian, Ali Zabihi and Khosro Faghani Makrani
- Corporate Governance Mechanisms and Voluntary Disclosure Compliance. The Case of Banks in Jordan pp. 369-384

- Fawzi Al Sawalqa
- Smoothness, Earnings Surprise and Stock Price Informativeness. Evidence from Indian Stock Market pp. 385-394

- Gregory D. Lyimo
- Management Control in Medium Tunisian Enterprises: A Study through Cognitive Mapping of Management Controllers pp. 395-412

- Rim Affes and Habib Affes
- Linking Risk Management Practices and Strategies to Performance. Case Study: Ceramic and Tiles Industry pp. 413-424

- Hamideh Khanzadeh Charkhab, Mohammad Reza Eslami and Hassan Dehghan Dehnavi
Volume 4, issue 1, 2014
- Analyzing the Impact of Supply Chain Management Practices on Organizational Performance through Competitive Priorities (Case Study: Iran Pumps Company) pp. 1-15

- Ebrahim Karimi and Mahmoud Rafiee
- Identifying Attractive Behaviors of Managers Based on Kano Model in Isfahan Province Gas Company pp. 16-20

- Ali Shaemi Barzoki, Reza Salehzadeh and Sayyed Ahmad Khodaei
- A Study of Using Simulation to Overcome Obstacles That Block the Implementation of Critical Chain Project Management to Project Management Environment pp. 21-35

- Chia-Ling Huang, Rong-Kwei Li, Chih-Hung Tsai, Yi-Chan Chung and Yao-Wen Hsu
- Analyzing the Effect of Performance Appraisal Errors on Perceived Organizational Justice pp. 36-40

- Ali Nasr Esfahani, Mehdi Abzari and Shahzad Dezianian
- Examination of Auditor Acceptance of Dysfunctional Behavior Using a Heuristic Model pp. 41-51

- Zahra Ghorbanpour, Hasan Dehghan Dehnavi and Forough Heyrani
- Attitudes towards e-Bookkeeping in Turkey: Initial Research pp. 52-66

- Ayse Yigit Sakar and Evren Ayranci
- Comparative Study of Capital Structure Determinants in Selected Stock Exchanges of Developing Countries and Tehran Stock Exchange pp. 67-75

- Saeed Fathi, Farzaneh Ghandehari and Sayyed Ya’ghoub Shirangi
- Designing a Stock Trading System Using Artificial Nero Fuzzy Inference Systems and Technical Analysis Approach pp. 76-84

- Fatemeh Faghani, Mehdi Abzari, Saeid Fathi and Seyed Amir Hassan Monajemi
- Assessing the Relationship between Budget Participation and Employees’ Performance of Public Universities in Ghana: a Case of University of Education pp. 85-95

- Eric Edwin Owusu, Gabriel Dwomoh, Mintah Collins, Gyamfuah Yaa and Ofori Daniel
- The Effect of Independence Audit Committee on Earnings Management: The Case in French pp. 96-102

- Anis Ben Amar
- Investigate the Relationship between Age of Fixed Assets whit Co-Financing Ratio pp. 103-108

- Hamid Reza Ranjbar Jamalabadi, Ghasem Rayati Shavazi, Jalil Jalili and Fatemah Shirgholami
- The Effect of Ownership Structure and Corporate Governance on Capital Structure of Ghanaian Listed Manufacturing Companies pp. 109-118

- Albert Agyei and Appiah Richard Owusu
- The Impact of Intellectual Capital on the Financial Performance of Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange pp. 119-127

- Hossein Sharifi Ranani and Zivar Bijani
- The Effect of Capital Structure, Shareholders and Major of the Company on the Conservative Practices in Companies pp. 128-135

- Mohammad Reza Dalvi and Hossein Mardanloo
- Evaluate the Relationship between Company Performance and Stock Market Liquidity pp. 136-144

- Mohammad Reza Dalvi and Ebrahim Baghi
- An examination into the Quality of Audited Financial Statements of Money Deposit Banks in Nigeria pp. 145-156

- Kabiru I. Dandago and Abdullahi Sani Rufai
- Investigation of Relationship between Balanced Scorecard Prospects Using Accounting Numbers in the Manufacturing Companies Listed on the Stock Exchange pp. 157-166

- Marzieh Seyed Rezaei, Mahmoud Moeinadin and Hasan Dehghan Dehnavi
- The Impact of Customer Relationship Marketing by Aqaba Economic Zone "A Case Study of Five Stars Hotels" pp. 167-174

- Omar A.A. Jawabreh
- Share Repurchasing and the Policies of Stock-Options pp. 175-187

- Rim El Houcine and Adel Boubaker
- The Examination of Relationship between Intellectual Capital and Financial Performance According to the Modulating Role of Competitive Advantage pp. 188-200

- Azam Pourmozafari, Forough Heyrani and Mahmoud Moeinadin
- Influence of Leaders’ Humor Styles on the Employees’ Job Related Affective Well-Being pp. 201-211

- Zeynep Merve Unal
- A Comparison of Ratios and Data Envelopment Analysis: Efficiency Assessment of Taiwan Public Listed Companies pp. 212-219

- Yaw-Shun Yu, Ambrosio Barros, Chih-Hung Tsai and Kuo-Hsiung Liao
- Identifying the Effective Factors for the Improvement of Tax Compliance pp. 220-227

- Mahmoud Moeinadin, Forough Heirany and Azadeh Harandi
- Examining the Effects of Services Quality Gap Based on the Customer Loyalty and Satisfaction through SERVQUAL Method (Saadat Poya Teb Company as a Case Study) pp. 228-234

- Narges Hossein Mirzai and Neda Aboutalebi
- Does the Toehold Influence the Success of an M&A Transaction? pp. 235-239

- Radu Ciobanu
- Analyze of IASB Futures Priorities Based on Responses at 2011 Agenda Consultation and IASB Actions pp. 240-251

- Melinda Timea Fulop
- Studying Effects of Buyer–Supplier Relationship and Non-Relationship Factors to Accept or Reject the New Product by Retailers of Agricultural Organic Products in Shahrekord pp. 252-255

- Narges Sadeghi and Amir Hortamani
- What are the Effects of Subsidies Paid by the Government to Printed Media in Iran? pp. 256-265

- Maysam Musai and Mohsen Mehrara
- The Relationship between Social Networks and Micro Shareholders pp. 266-271

- Maysam Musai, Mohsen Mehrara and Seyed kamalodin Ahmadi Ghalle
- Survey the Administrative Health and Improved Financial Performance at the Technical and Professional Organization of Isfahan pp. 272-278

- Mashallah Valikhani, Abdolmajid Abdolbaghi, Samira Abbasi and Faeze Sadat Mirhadi
- The Role of the Audit Committee in Corporate Governance and the Influence of the Exchange Rates pp. 279-286

- Melinda Timea Fulop
- Capital Structure and Corporate Performance of Romanian Listed Companies pp. 287-292

- Raluca-Georgiana Moscu
- The Impact of the Motivation on the Employee’s Performance in Beverage Industry of Pakistan pp. 293-298

- Hashim Zameer, Shehzad Ali, Waqar Nisar and Muhammad Amir
- The Determinants of Financial Performance in the Romanian Insurance Market pp. 299-308

- Ana-Maria Burca and Ghiorghe Batrinca
- The Role of Accrual Decomposition in Increasing the Information Value pp. 309-318

- Forough Heirany, Mahmoud Moeinadin and Manije Nazemizadeh
- The Relationship between Components of Intellectual Capital and Performance of Yazd Tile Companies pp. 319-330

- Fatemeh Soheyli, Mahmoud Moainaddin and Shahnaz Nayebzadeh
- Investigating Effect of Accounting Conservatism and Earning Quality on Reaction of Investors to Cash Stocks of Companies Accepted in Tehran Stock Exchange pp. 331-339

- Bijan Abedini, Mohammad Hosein Ranjbar and Azadeh Mozaffari
- Measuring Excess Cash Balance and Studying its Relationship with Stock Return in Companies Accepted in Tehran Stock Exchange pp. 340-351

- Zeinolabedin Sadeghi, Mojtaba Afshar Jahanshahi and Amin Kalantari Darranji
- Index Prediction in Tehran Stock Exchange Using Hybrid Model of Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms pp. 352-357

- Farzad Karimi, Mohsen Dastgir and Monireh Shariati
- Integrated Reporting for Turkish Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises pp. 358-364

- Can Tansel Kaya and Nida TureGun
- International Tax Avoidance Schemes: An Investigation of Multinational Technology Companies pp. 365-370

- Karikari Amoa-Gyarteng
- The Evaluation of Customers Services Quality in Five Star Hotels in the City of Riyadh pp. 371-381

- Khalid Saleh Al-Rasheed
- The Impact Examination of the Techniques of Management Accounting on the Performance of Tile Companies of Yazd pp. 382-389

- Sepideh Soltani, Shahnaz Nayebzadeh and Mahmoud Moeinaddin
- In Pakistani Service Industry: Dividend Payout Ratio as Function of some Factors pp. 390-396

- Waseem Khan and Naheed Ashraf
- A Model and its Solution Method for a Two-Item Newsvendor Supply Chain with Return Policy and Demand Leakage pp. 397-408

- Che-Tsung Tung, Kuo-Hsien Wang and Yu-Je Lee
- The Impact of Ownership Structure on the Financial Performance of Listed Insurance Firms in Nigeria pp. 409-416

- Benjamin Kumai Gugong, Love O. Arugu and Kabiru Isa Dandago
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