International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences
2011 - 2017
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Volume 3, issue 4, 2013
- Islamic Banking: An Appraisal of Insolvency Hazard pp. 1-10

- Muhammad Asif Khan, Waheed Akhtar, Assad Ullah, Zafar Iqbal and Irfan Riasat
- Factors Affect Microcredit’s Demand in Pakistan pp. 11-17

- Ambreen Kausar
- Locating of Bicycle Stations in the City of Isfahan Using Mathematical Programming and Multi-Criteria Decision Making Techniques pp. 18-26

- Mahsa Ghandehari, Vahid Hamidi Pouyandeh and Mohammad Hossein Moshref Javadi
- Causes of Interest Rate Volatility and its Economic Implications in Nigeria pp. 27-32

- Wehnam Peter Dabale and Nelson Jagero
- Explanation of Relationship between Corporate Governance and Information Disclosure of Quoted Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange pp. 33-45

- Zeinab Barani, Mansoor Garkaz and Alireza Pakzad
- Studying Impact of price Satisfaction on Loyalty: a Case Study in Electric Generating Plant Snowa pp. 46-50

- Amir Hortamani, Azarnoosh Ansari and Mohtaram Akbari
- The Relationship between Capital Structure and the Efficiency in both State and Private Banks by the Use of DEA Technique pp. 51-60

- Mohammadreza Abbaszadeh, Reza Abbaszadeh Amiri, Javad Azimi, Naser Yazdanifar and Mohsen Rezayee Shurokey
- Corporate Governance and Conservatism pp. 61-71

- Dariush Foroghi, Hadi Amiri and Zahra Nokhbeh Fallah
- How are Derivative Accounting Applied for Hedging Activities? pp. 72-90

- Doan Van Dinh and Guangming Gong
- Strategic Planning, Issues, Prospects and the Future of the Malaysian Herbal Industry pp. 91-102

- Saari Ahmad and Noraini Othman
- Determining the Effect of Electronic Services Quality on Electronic Satisfaction and Positive Word of Mouth (Case Study: Different Branches of Shiraz Mellat Bank Customers pp. 103-111

- Ali Sanayei and Afsaneh Jokar
- An Assessment of Audit Expectation Gap in Ghana pp. 112-118

- Albert Agyei, Baah Kusi and Ebenezer Owusu-Yeboah
- Financial Development and Poverty: What Role for Growth and Inequality? pp. 119-129

- Abdelhafidh Dhrifi
- The Competitiveness of the Economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina pp. 130-137

- Agim Mamuti
- Cash Flow, Earning Opacity and its Impact on Stock Price Crash Risk in Tehran Stock Exchange pp. 138-145

- Hossein Jabbari, Zeinolabedin Sadeghi and Seyed Ali Askari
- The Bankruptcy Prediction by Neural Networks and Logistic Regression pp. 146-152

- Ahmad Ahmadpour Kasgari, Seyyed Hasan Salehnezhad and Fatemeh Ebadi
- Microfinance in Ghana: Development, Success Factors and Challenges pp. 153-160

- Irene Akuamoah Boateng and Albert Agyei
- Some Issues with the Establishment of Financial Safety Net: Evidence from Bosnia and Herzegovina pp. 161-169

- Mehmed Ganic
- The Economic Implications of Money Laundering in Nigeria pp. 170-184

- Uyoyou Kingsley Ogbodo and Ebipanipre Gabriel Mieseigha
- Working Capital Management Practices of UK SMEs: The Role of Education and Experience pp. 185-196

- Godfred Adjapong Afrifa
- Impressing Organizational Justice Rules Based on Information Technology (Case study: Telecommunication Company) pp. 197-207

- Mashala Valikhani Dehaghani and Faeze Sadat Mirhadi
- Survey of Profit Smoothing through the Sale of Corporate Assets pp. 208-214

- Mohammad Reza Dalvi and Ebrahim Baghi
- The Impact of High Earnings on the Informational Content of Cash Flows in the Listed Companies on Tehran Stock Exchange pp. 215-223

- Forough Heyrani, Saeid Saeida Ardakani and Mahboubeh Dehestani Ardakani
- An Assessment on Determinant of Working Capital Management from Malaysian Public Listed Companies pp. 224-228

- Nor Edi Azhar Binti Mohamad and Siti Balqis Elias
- Investigating the Effect of Audit Quality on Over-investment Using Measures of Auditor Specialty and Audit Tenure for Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange pp. 229-244

- Mahmoud Moeinadin, Jamal Barzagari Khaneghah and Jamal Tabatabaei Mazraehno
- Analysis of Psychological Empowerment and its Relationship with Knowledge Management (The Case of Jam Petrochemical Company Located in South Pars Area, Iran) pp. 245-253

- Sanjar Salajeghe, Rostam Pour Rashidi and Mahmoud Mousaei
- Applied Financial Mathematical Model for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Exchange Rate pp. 254-273

- Doan Van Dinh and Guangming Gong
- A Review of Bankruptcy and its Prediction pp. 274-277

- Ahmad Ahmadpour Kasgari, Seyyed Hasan Salehnezhad and Fatemeh Ebadi
- Principles of Islamic Capital Market pp. 278-283

- Ahmad Audu Maiyaki
- Capital Adequacy, Cost Income Ratio and the Performance of Saudi Banks (2007-2011) pp. 284-293

- Ahmad Aref Almazari
- The Impact of Background Variables on the Academic Achievement of the Accounting Students of Islamic Azad University of Yazd pp. 294-299

- Forough Heirany and Ehsan Khoshnood
- Impact of Information Risk on the Liquidity Risk of the Firms Listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange pp. 300-307

- Mahmoud Moeinadin, Forough Heirany and Ehsan Khoshnood
- Study Effective Factors on Employees’ Empowerment by a Model Based on Conger & Kanungo Model; Case Study: Social Security Organization of Bandar Abbas (Iran) pp. 308-318

- Majid Barsi, Fatemeh Ziglari and Majid Nili Ahmad Abadi
Volume 3, issue 3, 2013
- Analyzing the Impact of Service Quality Dimensions on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in the Banking Industry of Iran pp. 1-9

- Maysam Molaee, Reza Ansari and Hadi Teimuori
- An Empiric Study on the Independence of the Financial Audit in Romania pp. 10-20

- Ioana Iuliana Pop (Grigorescu)
- Effect of Appropriate Marketing Mix Strategies on Iranian Protein Products Export Performance pp. 21-27

- Hossein Rezaie Dolatabadi, Mohammad Hossein Forghani, Seyed Mehdi Tabatabaee and Fatemeh Faghani
- Detection of Fraud in Financial Statements: French Companies as a Case Study pp. 40-51

- Ines Amara, Anis Ben Amar and Anis Jarboui
- Determining Effective Factors on Adopting and Not Adopting Methods of Environmental Management Accounting pp. 52-62

- Sedighe Azizi, Issa Fahim and Saeed Shahrokhi
- Studying the Effect of Official Automation on Making Decision Process of Governor’s Offices’ Managers pp. 63-71

- Liyaghat Salari, Esmaeil Hassan Poor, Issa Fahim and Sedighe Azizi
- Ranking the Factors Contributing to Effective Meetings in Isfahan Gas Company pp. 72-77

- Ali Nasr Esfahani, Ali Shaemi Barzoki, Mojtaba Farokhi and Afshin Jahanbazi
- A Study of Theory of Constraints Supply Chain Replenishment System pp. 78-88

- Horng-Huei Wu, Mao-Yuan Liao, Chih-Hung Tsai, Shih-Chieh Tsai, Min-Jer Lu and Tai-Ping Tsai
- Fiscal and Accounting Aspects in the Field of Renewable Energy in Romania pp. 89-94

- Ana Putan
- Studying the Effect of Market Competition on the Auditing Fees and the Operational Costs Efficiency as the Agency Costs Indexes pp. 95-104

- Hashem Valipour, Javad Moradi and Ehsan Heshmatzade
- Information Asymmetry and Financing Decisions: Evidence from Iran Stock Exchange pp. 105-110

- Mehdi Elhaei Sahar and Seyed Ali Vaez
- The Study of University Professors' Financial Literacy pp. 111-117

- Shahnaz Nayebzadeh, Marzieh Kalantari Taft and Mohammad Mir Mohammadi Sadrabadi
- A Comparative Evaluation of the Predictability of Fama-French Three-Factor Model and Chen Model in Explaining the Stock Returns of Tehran Stock Exchange pp. 118-124

- Hamid Reza Vakilifard and Forough Heirany
- Functions and Reliability of International Financial Reporting Systems of Rural Smes in Kwazulu Natal: Knowledge and Understanding of Financial Management pp. 125-132

- Lawrence Mpele Lekhanya
- Correlation between Growth Rate and Non Performing Retail Loans in the Republic of Macedonia pp. 133-138

- Sedat Mahmudi
- Jordanian Criteria for Islamic Banks Selection. Evidence from the Jordanian Banking Sector pp. 139-145

- Zeyad Saleem Ramadan
- Studying the Relationship between Humor and Organizational Citizenship Behavior pp. 146-151

- Mohammad Hosein Moshref Javadi, Reza Salehzadeh and Saeed Hoseini Poor
- The Relative Efficiency of Saudi Banks: Data Envelopment Analysis Models pp. 152-161

- Mohammad Abdelkarim Almumani
- Situation of Tourism in B&H (Agencies Perspective and New Solutions) pp. 162-170

- Muhammed Kürsad Özlen and Musa Tulic
- Comparison between Macedonian and Albanian Retail Banking Sector pp. 171-179

- Sedat Mahmudi
- Role of in Virtual Teaching in Rehabilitative and Extension Human Source pp. 180-185

- Ramezan Jahanian
- Impact of Conservatism on the Accounting Information Quality and Decision Making of the Shareholders and the Firms Listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange pp. 186-197

- Mohammad Hamed Khan Mohammadi, Forough Heyrani and Nezam Golestani
- The Relationship between Changes in the Financial Leverage and the Values of the Tehran Listed Firms pp. 198-210

- Darioush Damouri, Jamal Barzegari Khanagha and Mahin Kaffash
- Collaboration within the Supply Chain: Perception for the Automotive Industry in Morocco pp. 211-220

- Mohamed Mamad and Fatima Ouazzani Chahdi
- The Relationship between Product Market Competition and Capital Structure of the Selected Industries of the Tehran Stock Exchange pp. 221-233

- Mahmoud Moeinaddin, Shahnaz Nayebzadeh and Masoumeh Ghasemi
- Income Smoothing and the Cost of Debt and Credit Ratings pp. 234-241

- Abdolkarim Moghadam, Mehdi Baharmoghadam and Mojtaba Mohammadzadeh
- Determining the Exogeneity of Tax Components with Respect to GDP pp. 242-255

- Cengiz Arikan and Yeliz Yalcin
- Foreign Direct Investment and Gross Domestic Product in Ghana pp. 256-265

- Francis Gyebi, Mary Owusu and Jonatha Kenneth Etroo
- Investigation of the Relationship between Ownership–Control Discrepancy and Dividend Policy in Tehran Stock Exchange pp. 266-274

- Sakineh Darvishzadeh, Zeinolabedin Sadeghi and Ahmad Khodamipour
- Audit Tenure: An Assessment of its Effects on Audit Quality in Nigeria pp. 275-283

- Segun Idowu Adeniyi and Ebipanipre Gabriel Mieseigha
- Investigating the Relationship between Self-Leadership Strategies and Job Satisfaction pp. 284-289

- Mohammad Hosein Moshref Javadi, Mohamad Sadegh Rezaee and Reza Salehzadeh
- Analyzing the Effects of Brand Innovativeness on Attitude towards the Brand Considering the Moderating Role of Consumer Innovativeness with a Case Study in Students of University of Isfahan pp. 290-297

- Ali Sanayei, Arash Shahin and Ahsan Taherfar
- Impact of Managerial Factors on Commercial Bank Profitability: Empirical Evidence from Jordan pp. 298-310

- Mohammad Abdelkarim Almumani
- Developing and Improving Organization pp. 311-314

- Ramezan Jahanian and Nahid Abhari
- Investigating the Effect of Corporate Governance Mechanisms on the Quality of Accounting Profit pp. 315-328

- Forough Heirany, Alireza Naser Sadrabadi and Fateme Fallah Mehrjordi
- The Relationship between Audit Experience and Internal Audit Effectiveness in the Public Sector Organizations pp. 329-339

- Mu’azu Saidu Badara and Siti Zabedah Saidin
- The Journey so far on Internal Audit Effectiveness: A Calling for Expansion pp. 340-351

- Mu’azu Saidu Badara and Siti Zabedah Saidin
- Impact of Working Capital Management on the Performance of the Firms Listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange pp. 352-364

- Mehdi Rezaie Ahmadabadi, Esmaeil Mehrabi and Ali Fazel Yazdi
- The Implications for Fiscal Policy Considering Rule-of-Thumb Consumers in the New Keynesian Model for Romania pp. 365-371

- Ana-Maria Sandica and Alexie Alupoaiei
- Assessing Structural Convergence between Romanian Economy and Euro Area: A Bayesian Approach pp. 372-383

- Alexie Alupoaiei and Ana-Maria Sandica
Volume 3, issue 2, 2013
- The Evaluation Subsequent to the Recognition of Tangible Fixed Assets in Public Institutions – Revaluation Method pp. 5-14

- Cristina Tenovici
- Dividend Policy and Price Volatility. Empirical Evidence from Jordan pp. 15-22

- Imad Zeyad Ramadan
- The Evaluation Subsequent to the Recognition of Fixed Tangible Assets for Public Institutions – Method Based on Cost pp. 23-31

- Cristina Tenovici
- Effect of Macroeconomic Factors on Stock Prices in Ghana: A Vector Error Correction Model Approach pp. 32-43

- Kwame Mireku, Kwaku Sarkodie and Kwasi Poku
- Statement of Cash Flows - Concrete Aspect of the Convergence of Global Accounting in the Context of the Paradigm of New Economy pp. 44-49

- Gheorghe Lepadatu
- Investigating the Relationship between Knowledge Management Processes and Innovation Levels: Managers and Experts of Software Design Companies of Isfahan Province pp. 50-59

- Reza Ansari, Sayyed Mohsen Allameh, Ali Asadi, Mehri Asadi Vasfi and Alireza Harooni
- Corporate Governance and Audit Activity pp. 60-65

- Gheorghe Lepadatu
- Optimal Prices and Inventories Decisions on Returns Policy with Practical Examples Thorough a Stackelberg Game pp. 66-77

- Kuo-Hsien Wang, Yu-Je Lee and Che-Tsung Tung
- The Degree of Reporting of the Environmental Information by the Economic Entities in Romania pp. 78-83

- Victor Munteanu, Geanina-Sorina Stanescu and Ileana-Sorina Boca Rakos
- Empirical Analysis of Enterprise Financial Sustainable Development Based on the Structural Equation. Examples of Automobile Listed Company in China pp. 84-91

- Yang Liu, Xungang Zheng and Ling Tang
- Managing Talent in the Tourism and Hospitality Sector: A Conceptual View Point pp. 92-97

- Jennifer Chishamiso Nzonzo and Tsitsi Chipfuva
- Effect of Intellectual Capital on Firm Performance pp. 98-103

- Mohammad Kazem Emadzadeh, Nadia Afzali, Asiya Bagheri, Mahboobe Rahimpoor, Fatemeh Ezadi and Mojgan Rahmani
- The Effect of Organization Citizenship Behavior on Social Capital in Iran's Cement Factories pp. 104-109

- Raziye Ebrahimi, Azam Karimi, Samin Zargar, Faezeh Gholami and Mohammad Kazem Emadzadeh
- Evaluation of Educational Supervisors’ Opinions about Families’ Contribution to Education Costs pp. 110-124

- Hüseyin Yolcu and Aynur B. Bostanci
- A Study of the Influencing Technological and Technical Factors Successful Implementation of Business Intelligence System in Internet Service Providers Companies pp. 125-132

- Nazanin Khojasteh, Reza Ansari and Hosein Rezaee Dolat Abadi
Volume 3, issue 1, 2013
- Family Firm Culture and Performance: Specific Empirical Evidence pp. 5-17

- William David Brice
- Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence from Ghana pp. 18-25

- Samuel Antwi, Ebenezer Fiifi Emire Atta Mills, Gifty Atta Mills and Xicang Zhao
- Implementation of Activity-Based Budgeting Method in the Economic Entities from Mining Industry of Romania pp. 26-34

- Sorinel Capusneanu, Ileana Sorina (Rakos) Boca, Cristian-Marian Barbu, Letitia-Maria Rof and Dan Topor
- Impact of Macroeconomic Factors on Economic Growth in Ghana: A Cointegration Analysis pp. 35-45

- Samuel Antwi, Ebenezer Fiifi Emire Atta Mills and Xicang Zhao
- Effect of Managerial Ownership Concentrated on Firm Return and Value: Evidence from Iran Stock Market pp. 46-51

- Hakim Abdolkhani and Reza Jalali
- The Role of Personality Traits in Perfectionism Orientation (Isfahan Melli Bank Employees as Case Study) pp. 52-59

- Mohammad Hossein Forghani, Mohamad Ghafari, Sayyed Ya'ghoub Shirangi, Farzaneh Ghandehari and Mohammad Kazem Emadzadeh
- Globalization Aspect of TRNC Banks in Terms of Ownership pp. 60-67

- Okan Veli Safakli and Mustafa Ertanin
- The Impact of Downsizing on the Socio-Economics Condition on Affected Employees. The Case of Pakistan International Airline pp. 68-79

- Naveed Saif, Khalid Rehman, Shafiq ur Rehman, Muh Saqib Khan, Zia-Ur-Rehman and Bakhtiar Khan
- Impacts of Job Satisfaction on Organizational Commitment: A Theoretical Model for Academicians in HEI of Developing Countries like Pakistan pp. 80-89

- Khalid Rehman, Zia-Ur-Rehman, Naveed Saif, Abdul Sattar Khan, Allah Nawaz and Shafiq ur Rehman
- The Problem and Opportunities Faced by New Local Government Ordinance 2013. Case of B.A.O pp. 90-104

- Naveed Saif, Shafiq ur Rehman, Muh Saqib Khan, Khalid Rehman, Aziz Javed and Ahmad Ali
- Competency Based Job Analysis pp. 105-111

- Naveed Saif, Muh Saqib Khan, Khalid Rehman, Shafiq ur Rehman, Zia-Ur-Rehman, Tufail Nawa and Muh Naqeeb
- The Impact of Existing Inter-Governmental Financial Relations on Effective Service Delivery at the Grassroots in Nigeria pp. 112-118

- Paul Aondona Angahar
- Impact of Microfinance on Poverty Alleviation. A Case Study of NRSP in Bahawalpur of Pakistan pp. 119-135

- Sunia Ayuub
- Corporate Board Diversity in Malaysia: A Longitudinal Analysis of Gender and Nationality Diversity pp. 136-148

- Dalilawati Zainal, Norhayah Zulkifli and Zakiah Saleh
- Investigating the Effect of Momentum Strategies on Investment Success in the Iran Stock Market pp. 149-157

- Mohammad Kazem Emadzade, Amir Hossein Hosseini, Mohammadali Shirazipour and Morteza Shokhmgar
- Tax Evasion in Romania pp. 158-162

- Sorin Adrian Ciupitu and Mirela Niculae
- Management of Investments in the Local Transportation Infrastructure pp. 163-167

- Sorin Adrian Ciupitu
- Refining and Validating a Family Communication Measure Using Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis pp. 168-186

- Eric V. Bindah and Nor Othman
- Regulations Regarding Financial Stability for Banking System pp. 187-190

- Mirela Niculae
- Tax Policy in the Context of Economic Growth and Development pp. 191-194

- Mirela Niculae and Sorin Adrian Ciupitu
- The Effects of the European Debt Crisis on the Economic Future of Turkey. A Country Study pp. 195-209

- Richard J. Hunter and Mehmet Kilic
- On-line Audit pp. 231-237

- Vlad Stanciu
- Dispersed Equity Holding and Financial Performance of Banks in Nigeria pp. 238-247

- Mansur Lubabah Kwambo and Ahmad Bawa Abdul-Qadir
- Achievement Motivation, Gender and Entrepreneurial Ability pp. 248-256

- Foluso Ilesanmi Jayeoba, Olayinka Yusuf Sholesi and Olufemi Akanji Lawal
- Diversity or Individual Differences. The Gap and the Overlap in Thoughts pp. 257-264

- Foluso Ilesanmi Jayeoba
- A comparison of Similarities between Iranian and European Organizations in Terms of Lack of Attention to the Human Resources Accounting pp. 265-270

- Mohsen Asgari, Nafiseh Asgari, Morteza Karimi and Parichehr Amirhasani
- Prediction of Oil Price using ARMA Method for Years 2003 to 2011 pp. 271-279

- Abdalali Monsef, Amir Hortmani and Khadijeh Hamzeh
- Determining the Organizational Commitment of Academicians in Public Sector Universities of Developing Countries like Pakistan pp. 280-289

- Irfanullah Khan, Allah Nawaz and Muhammad Saqib Khan
- Effect of SMEs Expansion on Handmade Carpet Comparative Advantage. The Case of Isfahan City pp. 290-295

- Seyed Komail Tayebi, Seyed Abouzar Razavi and Ahmad Googerdchian
- Modeling and Forecasting Stock Prices Using an Artificial Neural Network and Imperialist Competitive Algorithm pp. 296-302

- Hossein Rezaiedolatabadi, Saeed Sayadi, Amirhossein Hosseini, Mohammadhossein Forghani and Morteza Shokhmgar
- Prioritizing of Credit Ranking Criterions of Isfahan State banks' Costumers by Using AHP Fuzzy Method pp. 303-313

- Hossein Rezayi Dolatabadi, Avaz Yari, Fatemeh Faghani, Ali Akbar Abedi Sharabiany, Mohammad Hossein Forghani and Mohammad Kazem Emadzadeh
- An Econometric Analysis of Market Anomaly - Day of the Week Effect on a Small Emerging Market pp. 314-322

- Julijana Angelovska
- Debt-Performance Relation. Evidence from Jordan pp. 323-331

- Imad Zeyad Ramadan
- An Indirect Approach to Construct Insurance Service Price Index pp. 332-345

- Mamta Suri and R. K. Sinha
- Globalization and its Effects on Education pp. 346-352

- Ramezan Jahanian and Zohreh Soleymani
- The Role of Information Technology on Stock Market Development pp. 353-358

- Fatemeh Faghani, Solmaz Habibi, Seyed Mehdi Tabatabaee, Leila Razavi and Mohammad Kazem Emadzadeh
- Dynamic programming – a Profit Optimization Method pp. 359-364

- Delia Teselios and Mihaela Albici
- “Bob is not Motivated”. What Motivates Employees in Today’s Work? pp. 365-381

- Joy Lynn R. Legaspi
- Impact of Information Technology Development on Stock Market Development. Empirical Study in the World’s Leading Capital Markets pp. 382-390

- Hossein Rezaie Dolatabadi, Fatemeh Faghani and Seyed Mehdi Tabatabaee
- Financial Statements of Credit Institutions. An analysis of the Return on Equity (ROE) pp. 391-399

- Ioan-Dumitru Motoniu
- Studying the Relationship between Institutional Ownership and Conservatism in Companies Accepted in Tehran Stock Exchange pp. 400-408

- Abdolkarim Moghaddam, Vahid Amirzadeh and Ali Ali Heidari
- Transparency of Annual Corporate Reports’ Contents in Jordan: Is it questionable? pp. 409-417

- Fawzi Al Sawalqa
- Analyzing the Influence of Maturity of Organization on Organizational Agility in Industrial Companies. Case of Study: Fakour Industrial Company pp. 418-427

- Ali Attafar, Ali Shaemi Barzoki and Reza Radmehr
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