International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences
2011 - 2017
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Volume 2, issue Special 1, 2012
- Considerations Regarding Improving Business Competiveness From An Entrepreneurial Perspective pp. 9-15

- Manoela Popescu and Luminita Cecilia Crenicean
- The Post Recession Consumer pp. 16-25

- Adina Musetescu and Constanta Aurelia Chitiba
- The Influence of Organizational Culture over the Ethical Principles in International Businesses pp. 26-33

- Cezar Militaru and Adriana Zanfir
- Rethinking the European Business Model pp. 34-39

- Georgeta Ilie
- European Trends in Obtaining and Maintaining Food Quality pp. 40-46

- Alexandru Burda
- The Socio-Economic Impact of Urbanization pp. 47-52

- Madalina Dociu and Anca Dunarintu
- Investors Behaviour between Theory and Practice pp. 53-56

- Oana Mionel
- Self-Employed pp. 57-64

- Valentina Zaharia and Gheorghe Marinescu
- New International Standards a Solution to Promote Green Innovation in SMEs pp. 65-68

- Aura Emanuela Domil and Alin Emanuel Artene
- Team Collaboration Essential Factor in Ensuring the Performance Organization pp. 69-76

- Valentina Zaharia and Mirela Dogaru
- Benefits of Working in a Team on the SMEs pp. 77-83

- Cristina Stefan and Mirela Dogaru
- Odyssey of the European Funds Absorption Process in the Case of the Romanian Economy pp. 84-88

- Cosmin Stoica
- Risk Types in International Business Relations pp. 89-95

- Ana-Maria Dinu
- Euromanagement and European Business Environment pp. 96-102

- Cezar Militaru and Adina-Petruta Pavel
- The Sustainability Approach of Romanian Agriculture pp. 103-107

- Cristina Balaceanu and Diana Apostol
- Effective Competences Management Using E-Learning Services pp. 108-114

- Doina Tilea and Daniela Feier
- TQM Implementation for Effective Project Management pp. 115-119

- Ion Stanciu, Bogdanel Dragut and Oana Mihaela Orheian
- The Importance of Quality in Higher Education in an Increasingly Knowledge-Driven Society pp. 120-127

- Adina-Petruta Pavel
- The Technology in New Learning Environments pp. 128-131

- Narcisa Isaila
- The Role of Higher Education Institutions in Developing Science, Technology and Innovation in Romania pp. 132-136

- Emilia Gogu and Ion Partachi
- Freedom of Establishment of Companies in the European Union. Possible Effects of the Case VALE, C-378/10 Pending on the Case-Law of the Romanian Courts pp. 141-147

- Mihai Daniel Sandru
- Post Civil War Labour Policy in Nigeria and its Impact on Industrial Relations: A Critical Appraisal pp. 148-161

- Francis C. Anyim, Cyril Oseloka Ikemefuna and Joy Onyinyechi Ekwoaba
- Fundamental Human Right to a Healthy and Ecologically Balanced Environment in the Light of ECHR Decisions pp. 162-166

- Dragos Marian Radulescu
- Methods of Alleviation the Poverty through Sustainable Tourism pp. 167-177

- Andreea Baltaretu
- History, Tradition and Continuity in Tourism Development in the European Area pp. 178-186

- Anca-Adriana Cristea
- Ecological Dimension of Tire Management. Environmental Impact of Tire Use pp. 187-195

- Constantin Constantinescu
- Rural Tourism for Local Economic Development pp. 196-203

- Irina-Virginia Dragulanescu and Maricica Drutu (Ivan)
- Hotel Lighting Systems in the Context of Global Energy Crisis - An Approach in Perspective of Sustainable Development pp. 204-210

- Mihaela-Simona Apostol
- The Role of Romanian Communities in the Diaspora to Promote Romanian International Tourism pp. 211-215

- Nicolae Neacsu and Monica Neacsu
- Danube River – A Central axis of the European Union pp. 216-223

- Petronela-Sonia Nedea, Oana-Maria Milea and Emilia Pascu
- The Impact of the European Funds in Romania. The Examination of the Problems and Solutions pp. 233-237

- Monica Gabriela Gherman
- Geopolitical and Geostrategic Dimensions within the Black Sea Basin pp. 238-242

- Anda Nicoleta Onetiu
- Is Globalization a Necessary Evil? Side Effects of the Globalization pp. 243-250

- Claudia Diana Popa
- The Evasion-Motivation, Reaction and Economic Reasons pp. 251-258

- Gabriel Goicea and Roxana Ionescu
- Scarcity Natural Resources and the History of their Exploitation pp. 259-266

- Cristian Sima and Gheorghe Marinescu
- The Romanian Community in Bulgaria pp. 267-273

- Anda Nicoleta Onetiu
- Hedge Transactions on the Stock Exchange pp. 274-281

- Roxana Ionescu
- Olive-Growing in Italy: Economic and Multifunctional Aspects pp. 282-292

- Maurizio Lanfranchi and Carlo Giannetto
- Role of Entropy in Sustainable Economic Growth pp. 293-301

- Angelina De Pascale
- Implications and Role of the European Union in the Black Sea Region pp. 317-320

- Anca Dunarintu and Andreea-Monica Predonu
- Psychology of Communication – Between Myth and Reality pp. 321-325

- Manoela Popescu
- Twelve Years on from the Adoption of the Emu: An Ex-Post Assessment on the Process of Convergence of Southern and Central-Northern Italy pp. 326-339

- Ferdinando Ofria
- Air Cargo Security pp. 340-346

- Constantin Georgescu
- Nutrigenomics – Impact on Health pp. 347-354

- Emilia Pascu, Oana-Maria Milea and Petronela-Sonia Nedea
- Tax Evasion, Factor of Business Competitiveness Regression. Management of Legal Activity Against Tax Evasion Forms pp. 355-362

- George Lucian Costiniu
Volume 2, issue 4, 2012
- An Investigation of Relationship between Audit Quality and Investment Opportunities in Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) pp. 1-17

- Seiyed Alireza Mousavi and Behnoosh Aghaee Daneshvar
- Contingency Model for Estimating Strategic Information Systems Planning pp. 18-29

- Fakhraddin Maroofi and Fatemeh Kahrariani
- The Effect of Marketing Knowledge Management and Organizational Performance: Case Study pp. 30-52

- Fakhraddin Maroofi, Babak Jamshidinavid and Mahbobeh Halashi
- Factors Affecting Customer Loyalty of Using Internet Banking in Iran pp. 53-65

- Fakhraddin Maroofi and Mohammad Nazaripour
- The Influence of Oil Prices on an Oil-Importing Developing Economy pp. 66-82

- Fakhraddin Maroofi and Parviz Kafchehi
- Links Between Organizational Culture and Six Sigma Practices pp. 83-101

- Fakhraddin Maroofi, Mohammad Nazaripour and Shahoo Maaznezhad
- Investigating the Service Brand, Customers Value and its Perspective pp. 102-118

- Fakhraddin Maroofi, Mohammad Nazaripour and Shahoo Maaznezhad
- Connections Between Anxiety and Job Satisfaction. Three Accesses ‘Bottom-up’ ‘Top-down’ and ‘Transactional’ pp. 119-135

- Fakhraddin Maroofi, Mohammad Nazaripour and Shahoo Maaznezhad
- Performance of Crude Palm Oil and Crude Palm Kernel Oil Futures in Malaysian Derivatives Market pp. 136-143

- Noriza Binti Mohd Saad, Noraini Binti Ismail, Nor Edi Azhar Binti Mohamad and Normaisarah Binti Abdul Manaf
- Effects of European Economic and Monetary Integration on the Eurozone Economy – An Econometric View pp. 144-152

- Isabella Sima and Camelia Marin
- Facilitating Factors and Export Performance of SMEs in the Nigerian Leather Industry pp. 153-161

- Abubakar Sambo Junaidu
- Impact of Bank Mergers on Shareholders’ Wealth: A Review of Literature pp. 162-172

- Odero Naor Juma, Peter T. Wawire, John Byaruhanga, Ochieng Okaka and Odhiambo Odera
- Crisis - Strategic Management in Public Relation pp. 173-193

- Saari Ahmad
- Gender Differences on Perceptions of Employee Quality of Working Life Indicators in Five Star Hotels in Turkey pp. 194-202

- Derya Kara
- Health Insurance Between Sectoral Supervision and Consolidated Supervision pp. 203-214

- Dan Constantinescu
- Exchange Rate Behaviour: Implication for West African Monetary Zone pp. 215-228

- Daniel Agyapong and Anokye Adam
- Written Ethical Code of Conduct for Accountants in Turkey and Criticisms of These Codes pp. 229-237

- Evren Ayranci
- Microfinance as a Panacea for Economic Empowerment of the Poor in Nigeria pp. 238-250

- Justin Iorakpen Iorun
- Current Aspects About the Place Counterfeit in Consumption of Goods pp. 251-258

- Emilia Pascu, Petronela-Sonia Nedea and Oana-Maria Milea
- Make-or-Buy Decisions: What Choice for an Accounting Services in a Developing Country? pp. 259-271

- Serge Valant Gandja and Christophe Estay
- Engineering Students Towards Entrepreneurship Awareness pp. 272-282

- Mohd Nizam Ab. Rahman, Jaharah A. Ghani, Ahmad Rasdan Ismail and Rosmaizura Mohd Zain
- IFRS Adoption and Financial Reporting Quality: Taiwan Experience pp. 283-292

- Ching-Chieh Lin, Chi-Yun Hua, Wen-Hsiang Lin and Wen-Chih Lee
- Globalization and the Economy of Macedonia pp. 293-303

- Nasir Selimi
- Macedonia and Foreign Direct Investments pp. 304-315

- Nasir Selimi
- The Professional Reasoning – A Basis for Establishing the Signification Threshold pp. 316-327

- Ioana Iuliana Pop (Grigorescu)
- The Effect on Revenues: How do Capital Gains Tax Rises Causes Them pp. 330-338

- Kaviyarasu Elangkovan, Yuvarani Thorisingam and Balakrishnan Parasuraman
- The Foreign Equity in Banking Industry and the Effectiveness of Corporate Governance: Essential or a Soap Opera? pp. 339-352

- Banu Dincer
- Cost of Capital-The Effect to Firm Value and Profitability Performance in Malaysia pp. 353-361

- Nor Edi Azhar Binti Mohamad and Noriza Binti Mohd Saad
- Integration and Economic Globalization: Analysis of Selected Western Balkans’ Countries pp. 362-375

- Nasir Selimi
- Risk Factors of Loan Default Payment in Ghana: A case study of Akuapem Rural Bank pp. 376-386

- Samuel Antwi, Ebenezer Fiifi Emire Atta Mills, Gifty Atta Mills and Xicang Zhao
- Development Measures of Institutional Venture Capital in Transition Economies. The case of Macedonia pp. 387-398

- Shqipe Gerguri, Sadudin Ibraimi and Veland Ramadani
Volume 2, issue 3, 2012
- The Impact of Capital Structure and Liquidity on Corporate Returns in Nigeria: Evidence from Manufacturing Firms pp. 1-16

- Sebastian Ofumbia Uremadu and Uchenna Efobi
- Auditors’ Perceptions of Reasonable Assurance the Effectiveness of the Audit Risk Model. Case from Iran pp. 17-34

- Hashem Valipour, Javad Moradi and Hajar Moazaminezhad
- Role of Electronic Education in Training Knowledge – Based Human pp. 35-38

- Ramezan Jahanian and Tahereh Bagherpour
- Dynamism in Governance as a Way of Improving Administrative Efficiency in Nigeria pp. 39-42

- Michael Baghebo
- A Study on the Importance of Export Assistance Programs: The case of Exporting Small and Medium Sized Enterprises of Malaysia pp. 43-50

- Sa’ari Ahmad and Mohammed S. Chowdhury
- Improving the Forecasting Power of Volatility Models pp. 51-64

- Ahmed BenSaïda
- The Actuarial Accounting in the Modern Financial-Accounting Management with Applications to the Entities pp. 65-74

- Gheorghe V. Lepadatu
- The Role and Impact of Human Resources within Developing Post-Merger Competitive Strategies pp. 75-80

- Gheorghe Popescu and Elvira Nica
- Effective Factors on Entrepreneurial Orientation in Iran Banking Industry pp. 81-96

- Hasan Abbaszadeh, Arash Mahmoodi, Hossein Gazor and Sepideh Masoud Sinaki
- Determinants of Non-Audit Services in Malaysia: A Theoretical Model pp. 97-111

- Siti Subaryani Binti Zainol, M. Krishna Moorthy and Tengku Rahimah Binti Tengku Arifin
- Public Service and Rules: Implications for Institutional Administration in Nigeria pp. 112-117

- A.C. Nwokocha and Sebastian Ofumbia Uremadu
- Agricultural Activities – TAS 41: Turkey Example pp. 118-131

- Haluk Duman, Rabia Ozpeynirci and M. Yilmaz Icerli
- Relationship Between GDP, Inflation and Real Interest Rate with Exchange Rate Fluctuation of African Countries pp. 132-141

- Qaisar Abbas, Javid Iqbal and Ayaz
- The Macroeconomic Effect of Remittances on the Nigerian Economy: A Time Series Approach pp. 142-155

- Nathan Audu
- Performing Lean Manufacturing System in Small and Medium Enterprises pp. 156-163

- Fakhraddin Maroofi and Samira Dehghan
- Effects of e-CRM on Customer–Bank Relationship Quality and Results pp. 164-182

- Fakhraddin Maroofi, Adel Darabi and Jila Torabi
- Banking under the Banks and Other Financial Institutions Act: A Survey of Compliance pp. 183-191

- Lawal Bello Dogarawa
- Intelligent Financial Forecasting, The key for a Successful Management pp. 192-206

- Logica Bănică, Daniela Pirvu and Alina Hagiu
- An Analysis of the Effects of Insecurity on Capital Market and Economic Growth of Nigeria pp. 207-216

- Paul Aondona Angahar and Luper Iorpev
- Macroeconomic Factors Influencing Foreign Remittances: The Case of Bangladesh pp. 217-229

- Mohammad Bayezid Ali
Volume 2, issue 2, 2012
- An Economic Analysis of Compulsory and Voluntary Insurance pp. 1-8

- Kazuhiko Sakai and Mahito Okura
- Media Influence on Public Opinion and the Perceptions of Media Owners and Consumers about its Effects pp. 9-31

- Ismail Zeenat, Alina Zaidi and Sarah Hasan Kazmi
- How Do the Asian and the Asia-Pacific Equity Markets Covariate? The Linkage with Japan pp. 32-37

- Chikashi Tsuji
- An Investigation into the Relation between Personality Traits and Happiness at Work. A Case Study of Qom Province Post Bank pp. 38-54

- Abolfazl Gandomi, Hasan Zarei Matin, Hamid Zarea, Gholamreza Jandaghi and Marzieh Aliasgari
- Examining the Effects of Non-Bound Board members and Ownership Structure as Corporate governance Mechanisms on Firm Value pp. 55-68

- Hashem Valipour, Javad Moradi and Ladan Zare
- Good Growth and Governance in Africa: Implementing Rather than Re-thinking Development Strategies pp. 69-75

- Asayehgn Desta
- Factors Affecting the Value Relevance of Accounting Information pp. 76-84

- Mahmoud Dehghan Nayeri, Ali Faal Ghayoumi and Mohammad Ali Bidari
- Lobbying and Advocacy in Assuring Participative Democracy in Romania pp. 85-92

- Simona Mina
- The Determinants of Capital Structure of Qatari Listed Companies pp. 93-108

- Khaled Ba-Abbad and Nurwati Ashikkin Ahmad-Zaluki
- Determinants of Adoption of Internet Banking by Trade Finance Customers in East Africa pp. 109-119

- Silvance O. Abeka, Evance Abeka and Ondoro Charles Omondi
- Research on the Organization Model of Generic Technology for Manufacturing Industry pp. 120-125

- Wen Xin, Yang Miao and Zhang Yu
- Rating Based on the Country Risk pp. 126-135

- Cristina Alina Naftanaila
- Sustainable Forest Management and Cadastre in Turkey pp. 136-142

- Güler Yalcin
- To Verify How Ownership structures, Board of Directors’ Characteristics, Related-Party Transactions upon the Operating Performance as Exemplified with Taiwan-Listed Info-Electronics Companies pp. 143-158

- Yu-Je Lee and Mei-Fen Wu
- Malaysian One District One Industry (ODOI): The Awareness Acculturation pp. 159-165

- Che Mohd Zulkifli bin Che Omar and Anas Tajuddin
- The Impact of Management Information System on the Overall Performance and Efficiency of the Workforce of the Accountant General (Peshawar). A Research Base Study pp. 166-181

- Muhammad Hashim, Asfandyar Yousaf, Muhammad Jehangir, Samiullah Khan and Noor-ul-Hadi
- The Special Characteristics of American Community Banking pp. 182-189

- Wanting Wang
- Study Regarding the Profitability of Top 10 Romanian Insurance Companies pp. 190-199

- Radu Nicolae Giosan
- How Personal Attribute Affect Students’ Performance in Undergraduate Accounting Course. A Case of Adult Learner in Tanzania pp. 200-210

- Noah J. Masasi
Volume 2, issue 1, 2012
- The Value Added of Public Private Partnership. General Overview pp. 1-10

- Hussien Ahmad Al-Tarawneh
- Efficiency of Fiscal Control and Anti-Tax Evasion Measures Carried Out by the General Directorate of Public Finance Maramures pp. 11-15

- Constantin Cucosel
- The Effects of Managers Transformational Leadership Style on Employees Organizational Commitment pp. 16-24

- Derya Kara
- Local Authority Public Accounts Committee in Botswana. An appraisal pp. 25-35

- Emmanuel Botlhale
- A survey of Accounting Faculty Perceptions Regarding Tenure and Post-Tenure Review pp. 36-45

- James H. Thompson
- Employees Opinions Towards the Information Technology Offered to Their Daily Firm’s Operation In Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania pp. 46-56

- Nelson Jagero, Wahid Bakari Hamad and Masese Chuma Benard
- Crisis in the Euro Area and the Euro: The Game of Giants - Euro vs. Dollar pp. 57-64

- Isabella Sima, Camelia Marin, Cristina Tenovici and Elena Nisipeanu
- A Study of the Performance Improvement of Bill of Material Document Sign Flow System pp. 65-79

- Hsien-Ching Chen, Min-Jer Lu, Chieh-Chung Liu and Chih-Hung Tsai
- Working Capital Management, Liquidity and Corporate Profitability Among Quoted Firms in Nigeria Evidence from the Productive Sector pp. 80-97

- Sebastian Ofumbia Uremadu, Ben-Caleb Egbide and Patrick E. Enyi
- Bank Capital Structure, Liquidity and Profitability Evidence from the Nigerian Banking System pp. 98-113

- Sebastian Ofumbia Uremadu
- The New Accounting and the IFRS Requests. The Payment Based on Shares (IFRS 2) – Request of the Knowledge Economy pp. 114-123

- Gheorghe V. Lepadatu
- The Economic Global Crisis, the Financial Reporting and the Corporate Governance pp. 124-127

- Gheorghe V. Lepadatu
- Improving Corporate Governance. The role of Audit Committee Disclosures by Indian Corporations pp. 128-149

- Madan Lal Bhasin
- Entrepreneurial Motivation Linking Entrepreneurial Motivation, Related Experience, Environment Hostility with Financial Success pp. 150-161

- Issham Ismail, Robitah Spian and Goh Kong Tay
- Perceived Social Power and Audit Committee Effectiveness in Malaysia: The Conceptual Model pp. 162-175

- Annie Ng Cheng San, M. Krishna Moorthy and Choe Kum Lung
- Environmental Disclosures on the Internet. An exploratory study pp. 176-197

- Madan Lal Bhasin
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