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International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences

2011 - 2017

From Human Resource Management Academic Research Society, International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences
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Volume 6, issue 4, 2016

The Precursor for Enhanced Rate of Individual Socio-Empowerment in a Funded Youth Group. Is it Access to Credit or Group Support System? pp. 1-19 Downloads
Franklin Njue Mbae, Elegwa Mukulu and John M.Kihoro
Audit Quality and Earnings Management to Avoid Losses and Earnings Decreases: The French Case pp. 20-27 Downloads
Anis Ben Amar and Mohamed Chabchoub
The Portfolio Examination and Selection of Raw Material Suppliers, Based on Lean or Agile pp. 28-43 Downloads
Iman Mohammadi, Fatemeh Ziglari and Masoud Barati
Potential Multiplier Effect of Tourism Sector in Northern Cyprus pp. 44-51 Downloads
Okan Veli Safakli and Kaan Kutlay
Ranking Iranian Private Banks Based on the CAMELS Model Using the AHP Hybrid Approach and TOPSIS pp. 52-62 Downloads
Shiva Ghasempour and Mohamadjavad Salami
The Impact of Intellectual Capital of Indonesian's High-Tech Company on Firm’s Financial and Market Performance pp. 73-81 Downloads
Bima Cinintya Pratama
A Survey of the Role of Earnings Quality in Accurately Forecasting of Operational and Cash Circulation of Companies Listed on Tehran Stock Exchange pp. 82-89 Downloads
Akbar Jelodari and Fatemeh Asadi Kordshouli
Financial and Economical Analysis of Banking Activities: Case Study of Jordan pp. 90-101 Downloads
Ghazi Abdulmajeed Alrgaibat
The 2008-2009 Global Crisis and Governance pp. 102-108 Downloads
Halil D. Kaya
The Effect of Business Environment on Investment among Financially Included Youth in Kenya pp. 109-121 Downloads
Richard M. Kiai, Stephen I. Ng’ang’a, David N. Kiragu and Josphat K. Kinyanjui
Youths’ Unemployment, Migration and NEETs in the Post-Crisis Period pp. 122-133 Downloads
Mariana Nicolae-Balan
The Role of Sustainability Disclosures for the Capital Market Participants: Evidence from Turkey pp. 134-141 Downloads
Banu Dincer
Book to Market and Size as Determinants of Stock Returns of Banks: An Empirical Investigation from MENA Countries pp. 142-160 Downloads
Monia Ben Ltaifa and Walid Khoufi
Social Entrepreneurship and its Impact on Economy: In Perspective of Pakistan pp. 161-166 Downloads
Syed Sheheryar Ali Kazmi, Muhammad Hashim, Daisy Mui Hung Kee and Farid Ullah Khan
Are Islamic Equity Markets “Safe Havens”? Testing the Contagion Effect using DCC-GARCH pp. 167-176 Downloads
Yunus Kilic and Mehmet Buğan
Creating Marketing Strategies for Development of the Wine Tourism pp. 177-184 Downloads
Daliborka Blazheska and Meri Nickova
The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on Innovation Performance: An Empirical Study on Jordanian Private Hospitals pp. 185-195 Downloads
Yazan Emnawer AL Haraisa
The Influence of Demographic Characteristics on Investment on Financially Included Youth in Nyeri and Kirinyaga Counties pp. 196-204 Downloads
Richard M. Kiai, Stephen I. Ng’ang’a, Josphat K. Kinyanjui and David N. Kiragu
The Effect of Board Characteristics on Iraqi Banks Performance pp. 205-214 Downloads
Hamid Mohsin Jadah, Logasvathi A/P Murugiah and Azira Binti Abdul Adzis
Evaluation and Audit of Financial Statements according to SME TFRS pp. 215-219 Downloads
Medet Igde
The Impact of the International Tourism Receipts on GDP: The Case of Republic of Macedonia pp. 220-225 Downloads
Sashko Gramatnikovski, Ace Milenkovski and Daliborka Blazheska
Examining the Competency Mapping Interventions Impact on Enhancing Role Efficacy pp. 226-233 Downloads
Seemab Yasin and Zulqurnain Ali
Subsidiary vs. Branch Banks: Are Their Balance Sheet Compositions Converging? pp. 234-250 Downloads
Claudia Curi
Extent of Coordination and Cooperation between the Accounting Bureau and the Internal Auditors in the Jordanian Public Sector pp. 251-267 Downloads
Mohammad Naser Hamdan and Mohammed Al-Haddar Alaska
A Study on evaluation of Human Resource Practices in Hotel Industry with special reference to selected Hotels in Chennai City pp. 268-273 Downloads
Ajeet Kumar Lal Mohan and Dharmaraj Arumugam
Impact of Human Resources Management Practices on Employees’ Satisfaction. A Field Study on the Rajhi Cement Factory pp. 274-286 Downloads
Sulieman Ibraheem Shelash AL-Hawari and Fawwaz Abdullah Shdefat
Factors Effecting Systematic Risk in Isolation vs. Pooled Estimation: Empirical Evidence from Banking, Insurance, and Non-Financial Sectors of Pakistan pp. 287-300 Downloads
Muhammad Nasir Sharif, Kashif Hamid, Muhammad usman Khurram and Muhammad Zulfiqar
The Role of Target Costing in Reducing Costs and Developing Products in the Jordanian Public Shareholding Industrial Companiesn pp. 301-312 Downloads
Ghassan Falah Matarneh and Abdel-Rahman Kh. El-Dalabeeh

Volume 6, issue 3, 2016

Determinants of Employee Engagement in Hotel Industry in Malaysia. A Theoretical Mode pp. 1-9 Downloads
Siti Subaryani Binti Zainol, Suhaili binti Mohd Hussin and Maisarah Syazwani binti Othman
Socially Responsible Activities - An Efficient Tool for the Companies for Marketing Communication with the Consumers pp. 10-18 Downloads
Daliborka Blazheska and Ljupka Naumovska
Ranking the Banks through Performance Evaluation by Integrating Fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS Methods: A Study of Iranian Private Banks pp. 19-30 Downloads
Mohammad Rezaei and Saeedeh Ketabi
JIT in the Jordanian Industrial Companies pp. 31-36 Downloads
Abdullah al Maani
Accounting Process for Government Grants in Hazelnut Production within the Framework of International Accounting Standards: Turkey Sample pp. 37-46 Downloads
Hakan Yazarkan
Assessing Financial Openness and Access to Credit Facilities: The Case of Banks in Ho, Ghana pp. 47-57 Downloads
Reindolf Yao Nani Adzido, Emmanuel Kwame Ahiave, Victor Yao Kamasah, Vivian Akoto and Onesimus Kwashie Dorkpah
Accrual Basis and Political Interest in Public Sector Accounting. The Case of a Municipal Council in Sri Lanka pp. 58-68 Downloads
Chandrasiri Abeysinghe and Dinushika Samanthi
To Assess the Impact of Social Media Marketing on Consumer Perception pp. 69-77 Downloads
Zulqurnain Ali, Muhammad Aqib Shabbir, Mashal Rauf and Abid Hussain
Perception of Undergraduate Accounting Students towards Professional Accounting Career pp. 78-88 Downloads
Azni Suhaily Binti Samsuri, Tengku Rahimah Binti Tengku Arifin and Suhaili Binti Hussin
Short-Run and Long-Run Effects of Monetary Policy on GDP in Iran pp. 89-95 Downloads
Reza Gholami Jamkarani, Mosa Mohammadi, Ali Laalbar and Abbas Rezazadeh Karsalari
Romanian Commercial Banks’ Systemic Risk and Its Determinants: A CoVAR Approach pp. 96-109 Downloads
Gabriela-Victoria Anghelache and Dumitru-Cristian Oanea
Comparison of Accounting Earnings Informativeness in Family and NonFamily Firms Listed In Tehran Stock Exchange pp. 110-118 Downloads
Mahdieh Nor Ali Ahari and Mohammad Jalili
Critical Literature Review on How Individual Socio-Economic Empowerment Occurs in Youth Groups pp. 119-130 Downloads
Franklin Njue Mbae, Elegwa Mukulu and John M. Kihoro
Effect of Liquidity and Profitability to Bank Stock Return in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) pp. 131-138 Downloads
Activity Analysis of Control for Micro Lending on Bank Nagari Pasar Raya Branch Padang pp. 139-153 Downloads
Assessment of Family Income on Academic Performance of Tertiary Students: The Case of Ho Polytechnic, Ghana pp. 154-169 Downloads
Reindolf Yao Nani Adzido, Oliver Edward Dzogbede, Emmanuel Ahiave and Onesimus Kwashie Dorkpah
Portfolio Dynamics. A Macroeconomic Model pp. 170-176 Downloads
Cristina Sacala
A Requirement-Dependent Inventory Allocation Model for Dynamic Allocation Process in LED Chip Manufacturing Plants pp. 177-189 Downloads
Horng-Huei Wu, Chih-Hung Tsai, Liang-Ying Wei, Min-Jer Lu and Tzu-Fang Hsu
Role of Public Procurement Oversight Authority on Procurement Regulations in Kenyan State Corporations. A Case of Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen) pp. 190-201 Downloads
Peter Kiburu Mukura, Noor Shalee, Mark Kemboi Kanda and Peter Maku Ngatia
Impact of Information Technology on Competitive Advantage in Jordanian Commercial Banks. Accounting Information System Effectiveness as a Mediating Variable pp. 202-211 Downloads
Seif Obeid AL-Shbiel and Nofan Hamed Al-Olimat
Evaluating the Relationship between Work-Family Conflict and Organisational Commitment among Rural Women Health Workers in Ebonyi State, Nigeria pp. 212-220 Downloads
Emmanuel Agwu ARISI-Nwugballa
Evaluating the relevance of Entrepreneurial Orientation to the Performance of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Ebonyi State, Nigeria pp. 221-230 Downloads
Emmanuel Agwu ARISI-Nwugballa, Matthias Egede Elom and Chinedu U. Onyeizugbe
Is work-family conflict a predictor of organisational commitment among rural working women in Ebonyi State, Nigeria? pp. 231-242 Downloads
Emmanuel Agwu ARISI-Nwugballa
Investigate the Capital Structure on the Transparency of the Financial Reporting in the Listed Companies in the Stock Exchange pp. 243-254 Downloads
Hamid Ravanpak Noodezh, Ali Amiri and Niloufar Ghany
Relationship between Flexible Work-Arrangement and Commitment of Nurses in Public Hospitals in Kenya pp. 255-261 Downloads
Denis Okerosi Okemwa
The Use of Strategic Management Accounting Techniques (SMATs) in Sustainability Performance Measurement for Corporate Governance in Nigeria pp. 262-271 Downloads
Charles Ikechukwu Agu, Augustine Uchechukwu Nweze and Chinedu Innocent Enekwe
A Theoretical Discussion of Electronic Banking in Jordan by Integrating Technology Acceptance Model and Theory of Planned Behavior pp. 272-284 Downloads
Seif Obeid Al-Shbiel and Muhannad Akram Ahmad
An Examination the Factors Influence on Unethical Behaviour among Jordanian external auditors: Job Satisfaction as a mediator pp. 285-296 Downloads
Seif Obeid Al-Shbiel

Volume 6, issue 2, 2016

Determinants of Number of Bankers by Listed Nigerian Firms pp. 1-13 Downloads
Etumudon Asien
Regression Model Used in Analyzing the Effect of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Growth pp. 14-20 Downloads
Zoica Dinca (Nicola)
Relationship between HRM and TQM and its Influence on Organizational Sustainability pp. 21-33 Downloads
Hamed J.H. Usrof and Rania Mohamed Elmorsey
Fiscal Policy and Capital Market Performance: Evidence from EU Countries from Central and Eastern Europe pp. 34-43 Downloads
Gabriela-Victoria Anghelache, Stela Jakova and Dumitru-Cristian Oanea
Determinants of Employee’s Commitment among Healthcare Professionals pp. 44-52 Downloads
Essono E. Fabiene and Sandeep Lloyd Kachchhap
The Impact of Financial Leverage on Accrual-Based and Real Earnings Management pp. 53-60 Downloads
Hamidreza Vakilifard and Mahboobe Sadat Mortazavi
Exploring the link between Distributive Justice and Innovative Behavior: Organizational Learning Capacity as a Mediator pp. 61-75 Downloads
Izlem Gozukara and Osman Yildirim
Determinants of Entrepreneurial Skills set in Pakistan: A Pilot Study pp. 76-86 Downloads
Mohammad Salman Shabbir, Mohd Noor Mohd Shariff and Arfan Shahzad
Analysis of Factors that Impact Dividend Payout Ratio on Listed Companies at Jakarta Islamic Index pp. 87-97 Downloads
Rembulan Rahmadia Fitri, Muhamad Nadratuzzaman Hosen and Syafaat Muhari
The Causality between Healthcare Resources and Health Expenditures in Turkey. A Granger Causality Method pp. 98-103 Downloads
Serap Taskaya and Mustafa Demirkiran
Ranking Insurance Companies in Turkey Based on Their Financial Performance Indicators Using VIKOR Method pp. 104-113 Downloads
Melis Ercan and Emrah Onder
Comprehensive Income and Net Income, Which is more powerful in predicting Future Performance pp. 114-120 Downloads
Ashraf Bataineh, Abedalqader Rababah and
Influence of Interest Rates Determinants on the Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya pp. 121-133 Downloads
Cecilia Maigua and Gekara Mouni
The Imperative of Risk Management Plan in Curbing Corruption in Public Procurement System in Nigeria pp. 134-139 Downloads
Olukayode Abayomi Sorunke, O. Sunday Omojola and E. Olukayode Adeleke
Corruption and Economic Transformation in Nigeria: An Agency Theoretic Perspective pp. 140-145 Downloads
Olukayode Abayomi Sorunke and Aderemi Daniel Adekanmi
Agricultural Credit and Economic Growth Nexus. Evidence from Nigeria pp. 146-158 Downloads
I. Omosebi Ayeomoni and Saheed A. Aladejana
Effect of Capital Structure on Corporate Profit. Evidence from Cement Manufacturing Firms in Nigeria pp. 159-168 Downloads
Paul Aondona Angahar and John Inyongun Ivarave
Determinants of Audit Fees among Public Listed Companies in Malaysia. A Theoretical Model pp. 169-174 Downloads
Kogilavani Apadore and Thanaletchumi R. Letchumanan
Corporate Governance Culture Transmission in Mutual Funds: Directors as Vector of Transmission pp. 175-183 Downloads
Muhammad Ali Jibran Qamar, Faisal Khalil and Waheed Akhtar
Challenges of News Policy in the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB): A Qualitative Study pp. 184-195 Downloads
Taher Roshandel Arbatani, Somayeh Labafi and Afshin Omidi
Does Outsourcing Improve Quality of Service in Public Healthcare Institutions in South-East Nigeria? pp. 196-203 Downloads
Emmanuel Agwu Arisi-Nwugballa

Volume 6, issue 1, 2016

Human Capital and Economic Growth in Asian Countries pp. 1-6 Downloads
Alireza Behrooznia, Reza Shafizadeh, Ali Laalbar and Abbas Rezazadeh Karsalari
Financial Deepening of Insurance and Economic Growth in Kenya pp. 7-14 Downloads
Charles Ndalu
Impact of HRM Practices on Employee’s Performance pp. 15-22 Downloads
Saira Hassan
Relationship between HRM Practices and Organizational Commitment of Employees: An Empirical Study of Textile Sector in Pakistan pp. 23-28 Downloads
Saira Hassan, Babak Mahmood and
Essence of Integrated Reporting: A Holistic Framework for Sustainability and Value Creation pp. 29-34 Downloads
Can Tansel Kaya, A. Engin Erguden and Zafer Sayar A.r
Does Liquidity and Solvency Affect Banks Profitability? Evidence from Listed Banks in Jordan pp. 35-40 Downloads
Ahmad Dahiyat
Liquidity Management and the Performance of Banks in Nigeria (2000-2010) pp. 41-48 Downloads
Francis A. Bassey, Edu G. Tobi, I. Frank Bassey and Raymond Enang Ekwere
Constructive Relationship between Accountancy and the Corporate Governance, Under the Context of Normalization pp. 49-53 Downloads
Mirela Niculae
Unemployment Evolution and Analysis of Structural Unemployment in Romania in the Period 2014-2015 pp. 54-60 Downloads
Cristina Alina Naftanaila, Viorica Braga and Odi Mihaela Zarnescu
The Relationship between the Profile of Manager and Management Accounting Practices in Tunisian SMIs pp. 61-72 Downloads
Jihene Ghorbel
Leadership and Managerial Effectiveness in Higher Education pp. 73-82 Downloads
Izlem Gozukara
The Informational Content for the Accounting Profit Measurements and its Relations to the Earning per Share in the Jordanian Public Shareholding Industrial Companies: An Empirical Study (2006-2013) pp. 83-93 Downloads
Shaher Falah Alroud, Haitham Almubaideen and Saleh Al Sayyed
A Comparison between Neural Networks and GARCH Models in Exchange Rate Forecasting pp. 94-99 Downloads
Fahima Charef and Fethi Ayachi
Financing of Innovative Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. A Research in Turkey pp. 100-114 Downloads
Aysegul Ertugrul Ayranci and Evren Ayranci
Cash Flows from Financing Activities. Evidence from the Automotive Industry pp. 115-122 Downloads
Aclan Omag
The Determinants of Earnings in Turkey Evidence from Panel Analysis pp. 123-126 Downloads
Azize Esmeray and Murat Esmeray
Measuring Impact of Service Quality Dimensions on Customers Satisfaction: Case of GSM Users in Poland pp. 127-133 Downloads
Cumhur Aydinli and Edip Senyurek
Organizational Change: Where Have We Come From and Where Are We Going? pp. 134-141 Downloads
Adnan Celik and Nadir Ozsoy
Audit Quality and Earning Management in Tehran Stock Exchange Listed Companies pp. 142-149 Downloads
Mohammad Reza Ashtiani, Vahid Oskou and Reza Takor
Technology Based Entrepreneurship Financing. Lessons for Nigeria pp. 150-163 Downloads
Musibau Akintunde Ajagbe, Joshua Olusola Olujobi, Anthony Akwawa Uduimoh, Lawrence Uchenna Okoye and Adunola Oluremi Oke
Page updated 2025-03-24