Global Business and Economics Review
1999 - 2025
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Volume 16, issue 4, 2014
- Linking, leveraging and learning: sectoral systems of innovation and technological catch-up in China's commercial aerospace industry pp. 349-368
- David J. Smith and Michael Zhang
- Do workers in exporting industries earn higher wages? Evidence from recent trade liberalisation episodes in two developing countries pp. 369-395
- Mona Said and Shireen AlAzzawi
- Socio, economic and psychological determinants of entrepreneurial intentions: a structural equation model pp. 396-415
- R. Murugesan and P.D.D. Dominic
- Value-at-risk and expected shortfall: a dual long memory framework pp. 416-451
- Zouheir Mighri, Faysal Mansouri and Geoffrey Hewings
- Disclosure of university websites. Evidence from Italian data pp. 452-471
- Marco Bisogno, Francesca Citro and Aurelio Tommasetti
Volume 16, issue 3, 2014
- Implied returns, costly reversibility and the value premium pp. 231-252
- Joseph M. Goebel and Manoj V. Athavale
- The effect of software piracy on research and development intensity at the country level: do developed countries and emerging economies suffer the same impact? pp. 253-268
- Peerayuth Charoensukmongkol
- Dimensional analysis of real estate portfolio selection methods pp. 269-295
- Kenneth David Strang
- Interrelationships between inward FDI and indigenous innovation in developing economies pp. 296-309
- Hannarong Shamsub
- Post-acquisition profitability of banks: a comparison of domestic and cross-border acquisitions in the European Union pp. 310-331
- Matthias A. Nnadi and Sailesh Tanna
- International reserves holding and the political risk: evidence from selected emerging economies pp. 332-348
- Siti Nurazira Mohd Daud and Abd Halim Ahmad
Volume 16, issue 2, 2014
- Foreign direct investment, exports, education, and growth in Malaysia pp. 111-122
- Mohammed B. Yusoff
- Player contracts, athletic and financial performance of the Greek football clubs pp. 123-141
- Panagiotis E. Dimitropoulos and Vasilios Limperopoulos
- The effect of heteroskedasticity on factors affecting stock repurchases pp. 142-156
- Anup M. Nandialath, Bernardo da Veiga, Madan Annavarjula and Ramesh Mohan
- Are US imports really hurting US households?: an analysis of the relationship between US households' consumption and US imports pp. 157-178
- Florence Bouvet and Chong-Uk Kim
- Possible effects of the stock market movements on interest rates, output and inflation: empirical evidence from the emerging markets of Europe pp. 179-201
- Oguzhan Ozcelebi
- FDI, financial development and economic growth: evidence of causality from East and South East Asian countries pp. 202-213
- Abdus Samad and Muhammad Akhtaruzzaman
- Sales and profit growth and the effects of crises: comparative evidence from the recent crisis pp. 214-229
- Celeste Varum, Susana Silva and Abigail Ferreira
Volume 16, issue 1, 2014
- On the generalised Pearson distribution for application in financial time series modelling pp. 1-14
- Stavros Stavroyiannis
- The application of an autonomous decentralised system for crisis control - a lesson from the Great East Japan Earthquake pp. 15-25
- Yasumi Matsumoto
- Time series modelling of real estate prices pp. 26-45
- Hiroshi Ishijima and Akira Maeda
- A comparison of ethical perceptions of earnings-management practices - MENA region and USA pp. 46-59
- Leonie Jooste
- Australian manufacturing exports to ASEAN: linking country, customer and enterprise risk in method of payment choice pp. 60-74
- Roberto Bergami
- Economic growth in Australia: globalisation, trade and foreign direct investment pp. 75-86
- Michael Thorpe and Nuno Carlos Leitão
- Ricardian equivalence and super exogeneity: a new approach pp. 87-99
- László Kónya and Bekzod Abdullaev
- Exploring the Islamic view of spirituality and business pp. 100-109
- Najim A. Najim, Ghaleb A. El Refae and Jamal A. Abu Rashed
Volume 15, issue 4, 2013
- Innovation source and performance: a firm-level analysis of high-tech sector in China pp. 327-349
- Zhengwei Li, Cindy Millman and Renyong Chi
- Capital market integration in a post crisis era: the case of India pp. 350-370
- David Gray
- Exploring the developments in urbanisation, aid dependency, sectoral shifts and services sector expansion in Fiji: a modern growth perspective pp. 371-395
- Ronald Kumar and Radika Kumar
- Economic future of China pp. 396-416
- Syed Shahabuddin
- China and India leading a global insurgency within the software industry pp. 417-431
- Paul C. Irwin Crookes and John McManus
Volume 15, issue 2/3, 2013
- The influence of demographic variables on relationship banking: an international study pp. 133-147
- Chantal Rootman, Madele Tait and Gary Sharp
- Customer e-loyalty to internet banking: an empirical analysis pp. 148-162
- Konstantinos Terzidis, Eva Papadopoulou and Kosmas Kosmidis
- Trade credits: the case of small-medium sized enterprises pp. 163-180
- Khaled Soufani, Panikkos Poutziouris and Nicos Michaelas
- Public-private partnerships in welfare system pp. 181-195
- Fabio Michele Amatucci and Paolo Esposito
- Institutional environment features and Swiss foreign direct investment pp. 196-209
- Ruth Rios-Morales, Dragan Gamberger, Max Schweizer and Louis Brennan
- To hedge or not to hedge during the financial crisis: a case study pp. 210-232
- Simona Mihai-Yiannaki
- Analysing the relationship between intellectual capital and performance in local governments pp. 233-250
- Sandra Cohen and Orestes Vlismas
- The globalisation of business activity: structures, processes and prospects for the demise of postmodernism pp. 251-264
- Steven K. Paulson and Peter Stokes
- The exploration activity's added value into the innovation process pp. 265-278
- Hela Chebbi, Dorra Yahiaoui, Alkis Thrassou and Demetris Vrontis
- How to enhance value? A comparative approach between marketing and finance pp. 279-292
- Bernard Paranque and Bernard Cova
- Monitoring and protecting company and brand reputation on social networks: when sites are not enough pp. 293-308
- Kip Becker, Helena Nobre and Vijay Kanabar
- Does freedom lead to happiness? Economic growth and quality of life pp. 309-323
- Nina Gorovaia and Stavros Zenios
Volume 15, issue 1, 2013
- Economic growth and risk - a critical review of the postwar Japanese economy pp. 1-13
- Yasumi Matsumoto
- Value-at-risk for the long and short trading position with the Pearson type-IV distribution pp. 14-27
- Stavros Stavroyiannis, Ilias Makris, Vasilis Nikolaidis and Leonidas Zarangas
- The changing nature of consolidation in the US banking industry - 1980 to the present pp. 28-35
- Joseph N. Heiney
- Macroeconomic policy formulation: functional finance versus sound finance pp. 36-48
- Neil Hart
- ANS-based preprocessing of company performance indicators pp. 49-58
- Vasili?s N. Nikolaidis, Ilias A. Makris and Stavros Stavroyiannis
- Training for older employees in Germany - opportunities for distance learning? An exploratory study pp. 59-75
- Walter Hoenig and Harald Stummer
- Identifying stocks' characteristics before market crashes: the case of the Athens stock exchange pp. 76-87
- Ilias A. Makris, Vasilis N. Nikolaidis and Stavros Stavroyiannis
- Analysing the return distributions of Australian stocks: the CAPM, factor models and quantile regressions pp. 88-109
- David Allen, Abhay Kumar Singh and Robert Powell
- Immiserising growth and mobility of capital with and without land in Harris-Todaro model pp. 110-127
- Tadashi Inoue
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