Global Business and Economics Review
1999 - 2025
From Inderscience Enterprises Ltd
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Volume 9, issue 4, 2007
- Trust as an emergent phenomenon in wealth management relationships pp. 335-352
- Denise Jarratt, Terry Bossomaier and James Thompson
- Information technology education for women in developing countries: benefits, barriers and policies pp. 353-365
- Nancy Bertaux, Adekunle Okunoye and Jamal Abu-Rashed
- Using fundamental analysis of financial information to explain unexpected market behaviour pp. 366-380
- Daniel R. Brickner, Charles A. Brown and Mark Myring
- Foreign direct investment and economic growth: some evidence from across the world pp. 381-394
- Anita Ghatak and Ferda Halicioglu
- People, organisations and management: lessons for the industrialised world from the rest of the world pp. 395-417
- Graham Elkin and Radha Sharma
- Some economic determinants of the depreciation policy decisions of firms operating in Greece pp. 418-428
- Christos Tzovas
- The sensitivity of TFP growth in UK manufacturing pp. 429-447
- Dolores Anon Higon
- The role of interest rate in investment decisions: a fuzzy logic framework pp. 448-457
- David Han-Min Wang and Hui-Kuang Yu
- Accounting in Turkey, yesterday and today pp. 458-468
- Nejat Tenker and Nilufer Tetik
Volume 9, issue 2/3, 2007
- Seeking a realistic way of individual decision making pp. 126-150
- Yasumi Matsumoto
- The link between incentives and product performance in open source development: an empirical investigation pp. 151-169
- Sujoy Chakravarty, Ernan Haruvy and Fang Wu
- Knowledge and the valuation of public goods and experiential commodities: information provision and acquisition pp. 170-182
- Clement Tisdell
- Examining the impact of relative standing using an ultimatum bargaining game experiment pp. 183-201
- Muqun Li and Mark Pingle
- Behavioural economics and entrepreneurial decision making: two tax measures to help pp. 202-210
- Hugh Schwartz
- The psychology of economic forecasting pp. 211-226
- Karl Wennberg and Bjorn Nykvist
- Note on ways of saving: mental mechanisms as tools for self-control? pp. 227-254
- Philipp E. Otto, Greg B. Davies and Nick Chater
- Entrepreneur's interpretation, innovation and coordination in Austrian subjectivist perspective pp. 255-270
- Fu-Lai Tony Yu
- Ideology and positive economic beliefs: some experimental and survey evidence pp. 271-285
- D. Andrew Austin and Nathaniel Wilcox
- Can mass media and the educational institutions change the entrepreneurial culture? A study of how a single story can change the risk-taking behaviour of individuals pp. 286-296
- Boicho Kokinov
- Economic growth, 'globalisation' and labour power pp. 297-318
- Morris Altman
- Tailoring globalisation to national needs and well-being: one size never fits all pp. 319-334
- Nathan Berg and Shlomo Maital
Volume 9, issue 1, 2007
- From social insecurity to social security: the genius of democratic politics pp. 1-7
- Earl A. Thompson
- Pricing of exports: exchange rate pass-through and the planning horizon of firms pp. 8-18
- Trond-Arne Borgersen
- Time-varying risk premia in American depository receipt returns pp. 19-37
- Richard P. Gregory
- Does Hong Kong government intervention stabilise the stock market? Analysis of the trading volume and volatility pp. 38-61
- Yuli Su and Yewmun Yip
- The demand for new housing in Turkey: an application of ARDL model pp. 62-74
- Ferda Halicioglu
- On performance persistence in the Greek equity fund market pp. 75-91
- Konstantinos Drakos and Paris Zachouris
- Measurement of international price conditions pp. 92-100
- Jerry Mushin
- Political and economic alternatives for the Central and East European Region and China pp. 101-122
- Aristidis Bitzenis
Volume 8, issue 3/4, 2006
- The business method patent: a barrier to global harmonisation of intellectual property rights? pp. 179-186
- Thomas A. Hemphill
- Measuring customer value and market dynamics for new products of a firm: an analytical construct for gaining competitive advantage pp. 187-205
- Prof Rajagopal
- Explaining anomalous inferences regarding the expectations theory pp. 206-216
- William E. Shambora
- Predicting bubbles pp. 217-246
- Earl A. Thompson and Charles R. Hickson
- The taxpayer resentment and 'neo ultra-rationality' hypotheses pp. 247-261
- Richard Cebula
- Patterns and determinants of intra-industry trade within NAFTA pp. 262-279
- Klimis Vogiatzoglou
- Mutual fund industry in India: development and growth pp. 280-289
- S. Mohanan
- Relationships between balance sheet compositions, profitability, firm size and industry: a study of the Thai manufacturing corporate sector pp. 290-311
- Gour C. Saha, H. Paul and Omprakash K. Gupta
- Industrial restructuring and oligopolistic competition in a small open economy via cross-border acquisition: the case of Greece pp. 312-327
- Antonios Georgopoulos
- Does democracy really promote development? pp. 328-337
- Rock-Antoine Mehanna
- Book Review: The Evolving Economy: Essays on the Evolutionary Approach to Economics pp. 338-341
- Earl A. Thompson
- Book Review: Managerial Economics: A European Text pp. 343-344
- Marcus Marktanner
- Book Review: Transforming HR: Creating Value Through People pp. 345-346
- John Nolan
- Book Review: Islamic Perspectives on Management and Organisation pp. 347-349
- Jawed Mohammed
Volume 8, issue 1/2, 2006
- Gender aspects of economic transition: attitude towards female labour participation in the new member states of the European Union pp. 6-24
- Nathalie Homlong and Elisabeth Springler
- Learning in time: new institutionalism and the Central and Eastern European economic reform experience pp. 25-43
- Paul Dragos Aligica
- Chinese guanxi as network building: the emergence of the new institutional environment in China pp. 44-59
- Rick Molz and Xiaoyun Wang
- Explaining different FDI inflows in Eastern European countries with reference to economic history pp. 60-86
- Ioannis-Dionysios Salavrakos
- Decisive FDI barriers that affect multinationals' business in a transition country pp. 87-118
- Aristidis Bitzenis
- The role and influence of Foreign Direct Investment on the development process: the case of the software industry in Romania, China, India and the Philippines pp. 119-132
- David Floyd and John McManus
- Was there an optimum model of transition? pp. 133-160
- John Marangos
- Banking socialism in transition: the experience of the Czech Republic pp. 161-177
- Eva Kreuzbergova