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Global Business and Economics Review

1999 - 2025

From Inderscience Enterprises Ltd
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Volume 5, issue 2, 2003

Financial accounting information and the relevance/irrelevance issue pp. 140-175 Downloads
Stanley Salvary
The effect of economic integration on economic growth: evidence from the APEC countries, 1989-2000 pp. 176-196 Downloads
Donny Tang
A political economy methodology in modelling the transition process pp. 197-225 Downloads
John Marangos
U.S. firms in China: locational choice and organisational performance pp. 226-241 Downloads
Turgut Guvenli and Rajib Sanyal
A new composite leading indicator of inflation for the UK: a Kalman filter approach pp. 242-264 Downloads
Jane M. Binner and Stuart Wattam
Productivity growth in the large-scale manufacturing of Greece: a non parametric approach pp. 265-283 Downloads
Panos Fousekis
International trade, religion, and political freedom: an empirical investigation pp. 284-296 Downloads
Rock-Antoine Mehanna
Capital mobility, intertemporal current account balance and currency crisis pp. 297-315 Downloads
Ho-Don Yan
New evidence on the rationality of exchange rate expectation pp. 316-332 Downloads
Fazlul Miah, M. Kabir Hassan, M. Waheeduzzaman and Bassam Abual-Foul
Determinants of demand for food in Greece: a microeconometric approach pp. 333-349 Downloads
Andreas Drichoutis and Panagiotis Lazaridis
Who are online shoppers? pp. 350-368 Downloads
Bijou Yang and David Lester
Macro issues in electronic commerce: the cultural divide pp. 369-390 Downloads
Janet Aisbett and Guilherme Pires
Risk and stability: a contribution to growth empirics pp. 391-410 Downloads
Rock-Antoine Mehanna
Book Review: Customer relationship management pp. 411-414 Downloads
Greg Gibbon
Book Review: Alliance capitalism and corporate management: entrepreneurial cooperation in knowledge based economies pp. 415-417 Downloads
Howard Cox

Volume 5, issue 1, 2003

Hedging housing risk in the new economy: is there a connection, and should firms care? pp. 10-36 Downloads
Nathan Berg
Risk measures and the cost of equity in the new economy biotechnology industry pp. 37-55 Downloads
Perry Sadorsky and Irene Henriques
Market dominance options and asset structure: the case of Microsoft and Cisco pp. 56-74 Downloads
Wojciech Grabowski
Measuring knowledge spillovers in the new economy firms in Belgium using patent citations pp. 75-99 Downloads
Ruslan Lukach and Joseph Plasmans
Identifying the optimal capital structure for a second stage growth company using mezzanine financing pp. 100-110 Downloads
John Clark and Randy I. Anderson
Value creation efficiency in the new economy pp. 111-128 Downloads
Ante Pulic and Marko Kolakovic
Book Review: Ideology and the evolution of vital institutions: guilds, the gold standard, and modern international cooperation pp. 130-131 Downloads
Forrest Capie
Book Review: British Rail 1974-1997: from integration to privatisation pp. 132-133 Downloads
Colin Divall
Book Review: Environmental regulation in the new global economy: the impact on industry and competitiveness pp. 134-136 Downloads
Dilip K. Das
Book Review: Trade liberalization, competition and the WTO pp. 137-139 Downloads
Dilip K. Das

Volume 4, issue 2, 2002

A new measure of comparative welfare pp. 165-186 Downloads
Earl Thompson and Charles Hickson
High performance work organisations in theory and practice pp. 187-204 Downloads
Michael R. Smith
Integrity capacity, business citizenship and Enron stakeholder remedies pp. 205-222 Downloads
Joseph A. Petrick and John F. Quinn
China's rapid transformation: the role of FDI pp. 223-242 Downloads
James Angresano, Zhang Bo and Zhang Muhan
Technology transfer, technological accumulation and firm economic performance: the case for Ellas pp. 243-260 Downloads
Giannis Tselekidis
R&D activities and firms' characteristics: some evidence from North East England pp. 261-276 Downloads
H. R. Seddighi, M. W. Nuttall, J. Evans and K. A. Lawler
The importance of being unimportant: small firms and small banks in Italy pp. 277-295 Downloads
Maria Minniti
Managing financial markets and exchange rate volatility arising from globalisation pp. 296-324 Downloads
Dilip K. Das
Greek exchange rate behaviour following German and US monetary policy shifts pp. 325-345 Downloads
Nikiforos Laopodis
The Polish pension reform pp. 346-369 Downloads
Sylwia Gornik-Tomaszewski
Book Review: Bootstrapping pp. 371-372 Downloads
Janet Delve

Volume 4, issue 1, 2002

Market-adjusted options for executive compensation pp. 1-23 Downloads
James Angel and Douglas M. McCabe
Ideology and the evolution of vital institutions: a synopsis pp. 24-52 Downloads
Earl A. Thompson
The post-NAFTA influence of Trade Adjustment Assistance on the U.S. garment industry pp. 53-80 Downloads
Lall Ramrattan and Michael Szenberg
System dynamics: a learning and problem solving approach to development policy pp. 81-105 Downloads
Khalid Saeed
IPO underpricing in the main and second boards of the malaysia stock exchange pp. 106-118 Downloads
Mahendra Raj and Mazida Abdul-Malik
Emprical contributions to the theory of the firm pp. 119-130 Downloads
Darlene C. Chisholm
Externalities of electricity generation and renewable energy technologies pp. 131-146 Downloads
Anthony D. Owen
A note on the use of bicriteria decision trees in capital budgeting pp. 147-158 Downloads
Pedro Godinho and João Costa
Book Review: Transnational corporations: fragmentation amidst integration pp. 160-162 Downloads
Matias Ramirez

Volume 3, issue 2, 2001

The WTO, the IMF and the impact of their free-trade policies on developing nations pp. 175-185 Downloads
Charles Hickson
Why globalisation is good - some reflections on the ethics of globalisation pp. 186-199 Downloads
Tibor R. Machan
Aa adequate "financial architecture' for new economy firms pp. 200-211 Downloads
Danny Cassimon and Peter-Jan Engelen
Hedging against risk and the substitution of consumer issued assets by producer issued assets: the role of state specialisation of production processes pp. 212-232 Downloads
Pedro J. Gutierrez
A comparison of predictability of exchange rates between G7 and Asian developing countries: potential impact of government intervention pp. 233-257 Downloads
Yuli Su and Yewmun Yip
Auctions and retail price competition: a logit study of the North East pp. 258-271 Downloads
Kevin A. Lawler, Kin Pui Lee, Chih Cheng Yang and Alfredo Moscardini
Nonparametric estimation of Engel curves in Greece pp. 272-286 Downloads
Panos Fousekis and Panagiotis Lazaridis
An introduction to efficiency measurement using Bayesian stochastic frontier models pp. 287-311 Downloads
Mike Tsionas

Volume 3, issue 1, 2001

Integrity capacity, organisational innovation and global technological challenges pp. 1-19 Downloads
Joseph A. Petrick, John F. Quinn and Scott D. Williams
The resource-based theory of the transnational corporation: conceptual and empirical issues pp. 20-43 Downloads
Christos Pitelis
A qualitative study of the determinants for the founding of web-based ventures pp. 44-67 Downloads
Anthony Cantarella
Making sense of e-business pp. 68-83 Downloads
Bob Hartley and Brendan D'Cruz
Online communites: stabilising e-business pp. 84-93 Downloads
Jennifer Rowley
Export growth of NAFTA members, intra-industry trade and adjustment pp. 94-110 Downloads
Marius Brülhart and Michael Thorpe
Global business and economics: towards a theory of the multinational corporation pp. 111-132 Downloads
Anthony B. Lumby
Does higher government spending depress private investment? pp. 133-156 Downloads
Nikiforos Laopodis
The globalisation of business and economics pp. 157-174 Downloads
Michael Rafferty
Page updated 2025-01-16