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Economia Internazionale / International Economics

1984 - 2025

Current editor(s): Giovanni Battista Pittaluga

From Camera di Commercio Industria Artigianato Agricoltura di Genova
Via Garibaldi 4, 16124 Genova, Italy.
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Bibliographic data for series maintained by Angela Procopio ().

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Volume 50, issue 4, 1997

Wage Differentials and Factor Intensity Reversais pp. 497-510
Adriana Barone and Concetto Paolo Vinci
Tourism as a Stabilizer of Foreign Currency Receipts: An Application to the Mediterranean Countries pp. 511-517
Yasar Geyikdagi Geyikdagi and Necla Geyikdağı
Fiscal Policy and Economic Growth: A Study Relating to the United Arab Emirates pp. 519-533
Khalifa H. Ghali and Fatima Al - Shamsi
Teoria delle Target Zones: un’analisi formale dei contributi recenti - Target Zones Theory: a Formal Analysis of the Most Recent Contributions pp. 535-559
Marilena Giannetti
Catching up and Structural Change pp. 561-582
Thomas Gries and Stefan Jungblut
Spillovers internazionali di efficienza nel settore manifatturiero italiano - International efficiency spillovers into the Italian manufacturing sector pp. 583-595
Cesare Imbriani and Filippo Reganati
Globalization and European Regional Integration pp. 597-632
Pier Carlo Padoan
Il disavanzo pubblico nell’Unione europea: quanto sono importanti i criteri di convergenza? - Government deficit in the European Union: How important are convergence criteria? pp. 633-656
Anna Ruocco and Wolfang Wiegard

Volume 50, issue 3, 1997

Politiche commerciali ed integrazione economica: dall’Accordo Multifibre agli Accordi di Associazione - Tradepolicies and economie integration: from the Multi-Fibre Arrangement Io the Europe Agreements pp. 331-360
Alberto Brugnoli and Laura Resmini
Contrazione fiscale e crescita della produzione: il ruolo del settore estero e dei tassi di interes¬se nel caso dell’Irlanda - Fiscal contraction and output expansion: the role of the foreign sector and interest rates in the case of Ireland pp. 361-373
Valeria De Bonis
Intertemporal General Equilibrium Effects of a Regional Trade Agreement on Third-Country pp. 375-404
Xinshen Diao and Agapi Somwaru
The International Debt Crisis of Iraq pp. 405-426
Wageeh Elali
The Impact of Changes in Expected Marginal Tax Rates on Nominal Interest Rates pp. 427-436
William R. Hosek and Frank Zahn
Resolving the Feldstein-Horioka Puzzle pp. 437-458
Imad A. Moosa
Exchange Rate Movements and the Trade Balance Deficit: A Multivariate Cointegration Analysis pp. 459-470
John M. Paleologos and Spyros E. Georgantelis
An Assessment of Foreign Direct Investment Towards the BSEC Transition Economies pp. 475-487
Christos Papazoglou and Panagiotis Liargovas

Volume 50, issue 2, 1997

Changes in the Income and Price Elasticities of U.S. Import Demand pp. 161-175
Timothy A. Deyak Deyak, W. Charles Sawyer and Richard L. Sprinkle
Squilibri macroeconomici e distorsioni settoriali in Nigeria a 15 anni dalla fine del boom: una interpretazione - Macroeconomic imbalances and sectorial distortions in Nigeria pp. 177-206
Serena Di Gaspare
Real Exchange Rate Overshooting and the Output Cost of Bringing Down Inflation: “Cold Turkey” versus Gradualist Strategies pp. 207-222
Carlo Graziani
Is Government Investment Underprovided in Europe? Evidence from a Panel of Fifteen Countries pp. 223-235
Georgios Karras
Financial Integration and Macroeconomic Tensions: Australian Per¬spectives pp. 237-260
Neil Dias Karunaratne and Clement Tisdell
Exports and Employment: A Case Study pp. 261-282
Ashfaque H. Khan and Sabiha Khanum
Messico 1994: una crisi annunciata pp. 283-320
Ferruccio Maggiora

Volume 50, issue 1, 1997

Some Issues Relating to Political Electoral Cycles and the Case of Canada pp. 1-12
Panos Afxentiou
Some Criticisms of the Monetary Approach to the Balance of Payments pp. 13-25
Abayomi A. Alawode
Cause dello squilibrio dei conti con l’estero dell’italia nei primi anni novanta e oneri del processo di aggiustamento - Causes of the Italian external deficit in the early nineties and burdens of the adjustment pp. 27-47
Antonio Aquino
The Impact of Federal Budget Deficits on Long¬Term Nominai Interest Rates in the U.S.: New Evidence and an Updating Using Cointegration and Granger-Causality Tests, 1973. 2-1993.3 pp. 49-60
Richard Cebula
Liberalising Trade Policy and Industrial Protection: the European Union GSP Sensitivity Issue pp. 61-83
Pietro F. De Lotto
Dynamic Efficiencies of Industrialization and Economic Growth: An Aggregative Approach pp. 85-98
Shahrukh R. Khan, Cihan Bilginsoy and M. Shahid Alam
Foreign Investment, Currency Hedging, and the Feldstein Paradox pp. 99-110
Ranjit Sau
Investment and Saving in an Open Economy: Further Results pp. 111-116
John Thornton
Assessing the Credibility of Economic Policy: A Bayesian Approach Applied to France (1988-1993) pp. 117-148
Marco Tronzano

Volume 49, issue 4, 1996

Remaking Europe - the Accession of Transition Economies pp. 507-532
Jozef M. Van Brabant
Commercio internazionale nei modelli ricardiani - International Trade in Ricardian Models pp. 533-560
Vincenzo Dall'Aglio
An Economic Business Cycles Model with Credit Constraints: The Case of Greece pp. 561-583
Ioannis Kaskarelis and Erotokritos Varelas
A Study of the Impact of Aid on Nepal’s Economy pp. 585-609
Narayan Khadka
Currency Convertibility and Transition Towards Market Economy: The Rouble Case pp. 611-636
Danielle Meuwly
Saving and Economic Growth in India pp. 637-647
Dipendra Sinha
Japanese Financial De pp. 649-671
Rameshwar Tandon

Volume 49, issue 3, 1996

Military Expenditure and Economic Growth in Less Developed Countries: A Simulta¬neous Equation Approach with an Appli¬cation to Greece, 1958-90 pp. 329-346
Nicholas Antonakis
Integrazione finanziaria, movimento dei capitali e debito estero: lezioni dall’America Latina - Financial Integration, Capital Movements and External Debt: Lessons from Latin America pp. 347-372
Michele Bagella
Capital, Research & Development, Trade and Economic Growth pp. 373-384
Bichaka Fayissa
Privatization of Public Enterprises in Pakistan: Macroeconomic Impacts on Private Indus¬trial Investment pp. 385-400
Robert E. Looney
Direct Investment in a Small Open Economy: The Case of Greece pp. 401-415
Dimitri Mardas and Nikos Varsakelis
China's Economic Miracle: Myth or Reality? pp. 417-437
Joseph A. Martellaro
Commodity Prices as a Guide for Monetary Policy: Evidence from the United Kingdom pp. 439-446
John Thornton and Alicia Garcia-Herrero
Imperfect Credibility in a Target Zone. A New Approach and Some Evidence from Euro¬pean Countries pp. 447-470
Marco Tronzano

Volume 49, issue 2, 1996

On the Inflationary Process in Kuwait: Some Empirical Results pp. 167-176
Yousif Khalifa Al-Yousif
Fluttuazioni del prodotto e persistenza: una verifica per l’Italia - Output fluctuations and persistence: the evidence for Italy pp. 177-195
Carlo Croce
Qual è il grado di mobilità internazionale dei capitali nelle economie industrializzate? - What is the degree of international capital mobility in advanced economies? pp. 197-219
Carlo D’Adda and Antonello Scorcu
Development Level, Trade and Economic Growth: Comparative Evidence from the More De¬veloped Countries pp. 221-234
Augustin Fosu
A Note on Exports under Multi-Market Ex¬ change-Rate Uncertainty pp. 235-246
Ira Horowitz
Devaluation and the Balance of Trade: A Policy Analysis for Pakistan pp. 247-260
Shahrukh R. Khan and Safiya Aftab
Currency Devaluation and Growth: The Case of a Tourism-based Economy pp. 261-273
Gladson I. Nwanna
Foreign Direct Investment and Foreign Debt: Experience of India and China pp. 275-292
Burra Srinivas

Volume 49, issue 1, 1996

The Cost Implications of Hypothetical Bank Mergers in Italy pp. 1-18
Yener Altunbas, Philip Molyneux and John Thornton
Ricardian Equivalence, the Structural Deficit, and the Cyclical Deficit: A Note pp. 19-27
Richard Cebula, Chao-Shun Hung Hung and Neela D. Manage
Short-term and Long-term Employ¬ment Functions in Pakistan’s Large-scale Manufacturing Industries pp. 29-39
Zafar Iqbal and Khalid Hameed Sheikh
Dumping, antidumping e politica della concorrenza - Dumping, Antidumping and Competition Policy pp. 41-76
Gabriele Orcalli
Financial and Real Investments: Some Notes on Tobin Tax pp. 77-106
Ranjit Sau
A Post-Keynesian View of Economic Growth: A Review Article pp. 107-128
Luciano Stella
Page updated 2025-03-31