Journal of Evolutionary Economics
1991 - 2024
Current editor(s): Uwe Cantner, Elias Dinopoulos, Horst Hanusch and Luigi Orsenigo From Springer Bibliographic data for series maintained by Sonal Shukla () and Springer Nature Abstracting and Indexing (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 6, issue 4, 1996
- Stolper on Schumpeter pp. 339-345
- Arnold Heertje
- Wealth accumulation and economic progress pp. 347-359
- Robert U. Ayres and S Katalin Martina
- Learning of cycles and sunspot equilibria by Genetic Algorithms (*) pp. 361-373
- Herbert Dawid
- Innovation regimes, entry and market structure pp. 375-409
- Witold Kwasnicki
- Schumpeterian competition in heterogeneous oligopolies (*) pp. 411-423
- Bernd Meyer, Carolin Vogt and Kamp Rainer Vo
Volume 6, issue 3, 1996
- Economic evolution and the science of synergetics pp. 239-260
- John Foster and Phillip Wild
- A close eye on the invisible hand pp. 261-280
- Hermann Schnabl
- Localized knowledge percolation processes and information networks pp. 281-295
- Cristiano Antonelli
- Conventions, local interaction, and automata networks pp. 297-312
- Ulrich Schwalbe and Siegfried K. Berninghaus
- Deterministic evolutionary dynamics: a unifying approach pp. 313-324
- Reinoud Joosten
Volume 6, issue 2, 1996
- Spillovers, Integrated Production and the Theory of the Firm pp. 125-40
- Gunnar Eliasson
- Technological Evolution and Economic Instability: Theoretical Simulations pp. 141-55
- Jean-Louis Caccomo
- Information Structure and Coordination in Technology Policy: A Theoretical Model and Two Case Studies pp. 157-73
- Dominique Foray and Patrick Llerena
- Spillover Effects and the Science Base of Innovations Reconsidered: An Empirical Approach pp. 175-97
- Hariolf Grupp
- Economies of Scale in the US Computer Industry: An Empirical Investigation Using Data Envelopment Analysis pp. 199-216
- Sten Thore
Volume 6, issue 1, 1996
- Nonlinear Stochastic Effects of Substitution--An Evolutionary Approach pp. 1-30
- E Bruckner, W Ebeling, M.A. Jimenez Montano and A. Scharnhorst
- How to Control a Chaotic Economy? pp. 31-42
- Janusz A Holyst, Tilo Hagel, Gunter Haag and Wolfgang Weidlich
- Choice and Action pp. 43-76
- David Lane, Franco Malerba, Robert Maxfield and Luigi Orsenigo
- Technological Opportunity and the Growth of Knowledge: A Schumpeterian Approach to Measurement pp. 77-97
- Peter Thompson
- Heterochrony, Industrial Evolution and International Trade pp. 99-113
- Nachoem M Wijnberg
Volume 5, issue 4, 1995
- Endogenous Technical Progress, R&D Periods and Durations of Business Cycles pp. 341-68
- Jean Fan
- Competition, Variety and Technological Evolution: A Replicator Dynamics Model pp. 369-92
- Pier Paolo Saviotti and G S Mani
- Industrial Revolution and Mortality Revolution: Two of a Kind? pp. 393-408
- Richard Easterlin
Volume 5, issue 3, 1995
- The Long Term Impact of Economic Development in Developed Countries on Developing Countries since 1820 pp. 189-208
- Irma Adelman
- An Evolutionary Model of Long Term Cyclical Variations of Catching Up and Falling Behind pp. 209-27
- Gerald Silverberg and Bart Verspagen
- Technological Diffusion: European Experience to 1850 pp. 229-42
- Charles P Kindleberger
- Technological Paradigms, Patterns of Learning and Development: An Introductory Roadmap pp. 243-68
- Mario Cimoli and Giovanni Dosi
- Convergence or Divergence? The Impact of Technology on "Why Growth Rates Differ." pp. 269-84
- Jan Fagerberg
- Catching Up and Falling Behind, a Vintage Model Approach pp. 285-95
- Anders Skonhoft
- Technological Retard in Small Least Developed Countries--Small Is Beautiful but Fragile? pp. 297-312
- Takao Fukuchi
- Against Free Trade: Neoclassical and Steady-State Perspectives pp. 313-26
- Herman Daly
- A Positive Vision for the Forerunner Economies in the Present Global Context pp. 327-32
- Shigeto Tsuru
- The Duration of Development pp. 333-39
- Jan Tinbergen
Volume 5, issue 2, 1995
- Local Externalities and Societal Adoption of Technologies pp. 103-17
- Mark An and Nicholas Kiefer
- An Analysis of the Process Generating De Facto Standards in the PC Spreadsheet Software Market pp. 119-32
- M Shurmer and P Swann
- The Evolution of Corporate Entrepreneurship in Swedish Industry--Was Schumpeter Wrong? pp. 133-56
- O Granstrand and S Alange
- Habit Formation with Threshold Adjustment: Addiction May Imply Complex Dynamics pp. 157-72
- Gustav Feichtinger, Alexia Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, W Herold and P Zinner
Volume 5, issue 1, 1995
- The Diffusion of New Information Technologies and Productivity Growth pp. 1-17
- Cristiano Antonelli
- Specialization, Product Development, Evolution of the Institution of the Firm, and Economic Growth pp. 19-42
- Jeff Borland and Xiaokai Yang
- The Perils of Peer Review in Economics and Other Sciences pp. 43-57
- S Folster
- Luigi Pasinetti's Structural Economic Dynamics: A Review Essay pp. 59-69
- Edmond Malinvaud
- The Damoclean Tax and Innovation pp. 71-89
- John Scott
Volume 4, issue 4, 1994
- The Relation between the Average Complexity of High-Tech Products and Their Diversity: An Empirical Test of Evolutionary Models pp. 273-88
- S Maital, H Grupp, A Frenkel and K Koschatzky
- The Role of State Enterprises in the Transition from Command to Market Economies pp. 289-325
- S Menshikov
- Competition, Fisher's Principle and Increasing Returns in the Selection Process pp. 327-46
- John Metcalfe
Volume 4, issue 3, 1994
- An Introduction to Evolutionary Theories in Economics pp. 153-72
- Giovanni Dosi and Richard Nelson
- Vintage Capital, Market Structure and Productivity in an Evolutionary Model of Industry Growth pp. 173-84
- Herbert L Schuette
- Racing in Two Dimensions pp. 185-206
- David Ulph and Robert Owen
- Collective Learning, Innovation and Growth in a Boundedly Rational, Evolutionary World pp. 207-26
- Gerald Silverberg and Bart Verspagen
- A Schumpeterian Model of Endogenous Innovation and Growth pp. 227-41
- F C Englmann
- Firm Selection and Industry Evolution: The Post-entry Performance of New Firms pp. 243-60
- David Audretsch and Talat Mahmood
- Schumpeter's Circular Flow, Learning by Doing and Cyclical Growth pp. 261-71
- Alfred Greiner and Horst Hanusch
Volume 4, issue 2, 1994
- On "Badly Behaved" Dynamics: Some Applications of Generalized Urn Schemes to Technological and Economic Change pp. 93-123
- Giovanni Dosi and Yuri (Yuriy) Kaniovski (Kaniovskyi)
- Schumpeterian Growth, Chaos, and the Formation of Dissipative Structures pp. 125-39
- Richard A Jenner
Volume 4, issue 1, 1994
- GNP and Military Mobilization pp. 1-16
- Robert R Nathan
- Aggregate Convergence and Sectoral Specialization in Innovation pp. 17-33
- Daniele Archibugi and Mario Pianta
- Can People Learn Rational Expectations? An 'Ecological' Approach pp. 35-43
- Pier Luigi Sacco
- Information, Innovation and Diffusion of Technology pp. 45-58
- Willi Semmler
- Technological Change and Path Dependence: A Co-evolutionary Model on a Directed Graph pp. 59-80
- Fernando Vega-Redondo
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