Journal of Evolutionary Economics
1991 - 2024
Current editor(s): Uwe Cantner, Elias Dinopoulos, Horst Hanusch and Luigi Orsenigo From Springer Bibliographic data for series maintained by Sonal Shukla ( and Springer Nature Abstracting and Indexing ( Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 32, issue 5, 2022
- Target2 imbalances and poverty in the eurozone pp. 1395-1417
- Rosaria Rita Canale and G. Liotti
- Dual labor market and the “Phillips curve puzzle”: the Japanese experience pp. 1419-1435
- Hideaki Aoyama, Corrado Guilmi, Yoshi Fujiwara and Hiroshi Yoshikawa
- Explaining U.S. economic growth performance by macroeconomic governance, 1952–2018 pp. 1437-1465
- Taner Akan, Aycan Hepsağ and Şeref Bozoklu
- The effects of automation and lobbying in wage inequality: a directed technical change model with routine and non-routine tasks pp. 1467-1497
- Óscar Afonso, Pedro G. Lima and Tiago Sequeira
- Behavioral heterogeneity in the CAPM with evolutionary dynamics pp. 1499-1521
- Thorsten Hens and Fatemeh Naebi
- Correction to: Behavioral heterogeneity in the CAPM with evolutionary dynamics pp. 1523-1524
- Thorsten Hens and Fatemeh Naebi
- The cashless man: do preferences matter? pp. 1525-1544
- Bruna Bruno and Marisa Faggini
- An evolutionary explanation of the Allais paradox pp. 1545-1574
- Moshe Levy
- Tilting the playing field? A discourse on state-directed innovation policy pp. 1575-1579
- Christopher Boudreaux
- Marin Laboure and Nicolas Deffrennes (2022): Democratizing finance – the Radical promises of Fintech pp. 1581-1586
- Kirti Sood and Simarjeet Singh
Volume 32, issue 4, 2022
- Exploring the sources of knowledge diversity in founding teams and its impact on new firms’ innovation pp. 1091-1118
- Nicoletta Corrocher and Camilla Lenzi
- Organizational routines: Evolution in the research landscape of two core communities pp. 1119-1154
- Giada Baldessarelli, Nathalie Lazaric and Michele Pezzoni
- The effects of dynamic and static competition on prescription drug prices in Denmark, 1997–2017 pp. 1155-1173
- Frank Lichtenberg
- Why do motives matter? A demand-based view of the dynamics of a complex products and systems (CoPS) industry pp. 1175-1204
- Pierre Barbaroux and Victor Santos Paulino
- Gender inequality and the entrepreneurial gender gap: Evidence from 97 countries (2006–2017) pp. 1205-1229
- Cornelius A. Rietveld and Pankaj C. Patel
- The perils of pleasing: Innovation-stifling effects of customized service provision pp. 1231-1264
- Matthijs J. Janssen, Koen Frenken, Elena M. Tur and Alexander S. Alexiev
- Diversity and mechanisms of economic evolution pp. 1265-1286
- Agnieszka Lipieta and Elżbieta Pliś
- The basins of attraction in the generalized Baliga–Maskin public good model pp. 1289-1301
- Elvio Accinelli, Filipe Martins and Alberto A. Pinto
- A classical-evolutionary model of technological change pp. 1303-1343
- Eric Kemp-Benedict
- An agent-based model for Secular Stagnation in the USA: theory and empirical evidence pp. 1345-1389
- Andrea Borsato
- Eswar S. Prasad (2021): The future of money: how the digital revolution is transforming currencies and finance pp. 1391-1394
- Simarjeet Singh, Manika Sharma and Sandeepa Kaur
Volume 32, issue 3, 2022
- Can the evolution of joint savings agreements counter the effect of higher costs of migration on its intensity? pp. 757-796
- Oded Stark and Marcin Jakubek
- Taxation and evasion: a dynamic model pp. 797-826
- A. E. Biondo, G. Burgio, A. Pluchino and D. Puglisi
- Does education matter for the earnings of former entrepreneurs? Longitudinal evidence using entry and exit dynamics pp. 827-865
- Emma Lappi, Johan E. Eklund and Johan Klaesson
- Schumpeterian entrepreneurship: coveted by policymakers but impervious to top-down policymaking pp. 867-890
- Magnus Henrekson, Anders Kärnä and Tino Sanandaji
- The relation between public assistance and self-employment in census tracts: a long-term perspective pp. 891-927
- Pankaj C. Patel, Cornelius A. Rietveld and Jack I. Richter
- Recombination for innovation and market impact: Samples and features in hip hop music pp. 929-953
- Bernardo Mueller
- Evolution of innovation systems of two industrial districts in East Asia: transformation and upgrade from a peripheral system and the role of the core firms, Samsung and TSMC pp. 955-990
- Chan-Yuan Wong and Keun Lee
- Sustainable development of rural areas: a dynamic model in between tourism exploitation and landscape decline pp. 991-1016
- Gianluca Iannucci, Federico Martellozzo and Filippo Randelli
- Integrated sustainability policy assessment – an agent-based ecological-economic model pp. 1017-1048
- Sylvie Geisendorf and Christian Klippert
- The institutional evolution of central banks pp. 1049-1070
- Pablo Paniagua Prieto
- An evolutionary view of institutional complexity pp. 1071-1090
- Victor Zitian Chen and John Cantwell
Volume 32, issue 2, 2022
- Governance structures, cultural distance, and socialization dynamics: further challenges for the modern corporation pp. 371-397
- Christian Cordes, Stephan Müller, Georg Schwesinger and Sarianna M. Lundan
- The evolution of workplace control leadership, obedience and organizational performance pp. 399-421
- Stefano Dughera
- Determinants of firm boundaries and organizational performance: an empirical investigation of the Chilean truck market pp. 423-461
- Christian Balcells
- The global stakeholder capitalism model of digital platforms and its implications for strategy and innovation from a Schumpeterian perspective pp. 463-500
- Harold Paredes-Frigolett and Andreas Pyka
- A life-cycle theory analysis of French household electricity demand pp. 501-530
- Belaid Fateh, Christophe Rault and Camille Massié
- Sexual selection of conspicuous consumption pp. 531-552
- Vaios Koliofotis
- The effect of technological behaviour and beliefs on subjective well-being: the role of technological infrastructure pp. 553-590
- Giacomo Degli Antoni and Chiara Franco
- How do dimensions of institutional quality improve Italian regional innovation system efficiency? The Knowledge production function using SFA pp. 591-642
- Cristian Barra and Nazzareno Ruggiero
- Patterns of value creation in policy-driven cluster initiatives: evidence from the croatian competitiveness clusters pp. 643-672
- Ivan-Damir Anić and Nicoletta Corrocher
- Radical technologies, recombinant novelty and productivity growth: a cliometric approach pp. 673-711
- Marianna Epicoco, Magali Jaoul-Grammare and Anne Plunket
- Characterizing growth instability: new evidence on unit roots and structural breaks in countries’ long run trajectories pp. 713-756
- Emanuele Russo and Neil Foster-McGregor
Volume 32, issue 1, 2022
- Editorial pp. 1-2
- Uwe Cantner, Bart Verspagen, Nathalie Lazaric, Maria Savona, Roberto Fontana, Reinoud Joosten, Andreas Pyka, Andrea Roventini and Simone Vannuccini
- Evolutionary perspectives on economic policy pp. 3-7
- Marco Lehmann-Waffenschmidt and Michael Peneder
- What are markets? Selected market theories under genuine uncertainty in comparison pp. 9-33
- Ute Schmiel and Hendrik Sander
- Levels of structural change pp. 35-86
- Torsten Heinrich, Jangho Yang and Shuanping Dai
- Capability accumulation and product innovation: an agent-based perspective pp. 87-121
- Claudius Gräbner-Radkowitsch and Anna Hornykewycz
- Labor and environment in global value chains: an evolutionary policy study with a three-sector and two-region agent-based macroeconomic model pp. 123-173
- Lena Gerdes, Bernhard Rengs and Manuel Scholz-Wäckerle
- Digitization and the evolution of money as a social technology of account pp. 175-203
- Michael Peneder
- The age distribution of business firms pp. 205-245
- Flavio Calvino, Daniele Giachini and Mattia Guerini
- Public cash and modes of firm exit pp. 247-298
- Jaka Cepec, Peter Grajzl and Barbara Mörec
- High-growth firms and international trade: evidence from Ecuador pp. 299-332
- Segundo Camino-Mogro, Mary Armijos and Paul Vera-Gilces
- Institutional adaptation in the evolution of the ‘co-operative principles’ pp. 333-365
- Timothy Waring, Taylor Lange and Sujan Chakraborty
- Correction to: Institutional adaptation in the evolution of the ‘co-operative principles’ pp. 367-370
- Timothy Waring, Taylor Lange and Sujan Chakraborty
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