Journal of Evolutionary Economics
1991 - 2024
Current editor(s): Uwe Cantner, Elias Dinopoulos, Horst Hanusch and Luigi Orsenigo From Springer Bibliographic data for series maintained by Sonal Shukla () and Springer Nature Abstracting and Indexing (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 32, issue 5, 2022
- Target2 imbalances and poverty in the eurozone pp. 1395-1417

- Rosaria Rita Canale and G. Liotti
- Dual labor market and the “Phillips curve puzzle”: the Japanese experience pp. 1419-1435

- Hideaki Aoyama, Corrado Guilmi, Yoshi Fujiwara and Hiroshi Yoshikawa
- Explaining U.S. economic growth performance by macroeconomic governance, 1952–2018 pp. 1437-1465

- Taner Akan, Aycan Hepsağ and Şeref Bozoklu
- The effects of automation and lobbying in wage inequality: a directed technical change model with routine and non-routine tasks pp. 1467-1497

- Óscar Afonso, Pedro Lima and Tiago Sequeira
- Behavioral heterogeneity in the CAPM with evolutionary dynamics pp. 1499-1521

- Thorsten Hens and Fatemeh Naebi
- Correction to: Behavioral heterogeneity in the CAPM with evolutionary dynamics pp. 1523-1524

- Thorsten Hens and Fatemeh Naebi
- The cashless man: do preferences matter? pp. 1525-1544

- Bruna Bruno and Marisa Faggini
- An evolutionary explanation of the Allais paradox pp. 1545-1574

- Moshe Levy
- Tilting the playing field? A discourse on state-directed innovation policy pp. 1575-1579

- Christopher Boudreaux
- Marin Laboure and Nicolas Deffrennes (2022): Democratizing finance – the Radical promises of Fintech pp. 1581-1586

- Kirti Sood and Simarjeet Singh
Volume 32, issue 4, 2022
- Exploring the sources of knowledge diversity in founding teams and its impact on new firms’ innovation pp. 1091-1118

- Nicoletta Corrocher and Camilla Lenzi
- Organizational routines: Evolution in the research landscape of two core communities pp. 1119-1154

- Giada Baldessarelli, Nathalie Lazaric and Michele Pezzoni
- The effects of dynamic and static competition on prescription drug prices in Denmark, 1997–2017 pp. 1155-1173

- Frank Lichtenberg
- Why do motives matter? A demand-based view of the dynamics of a complex products and systems (CoPS) industry pp. 1175-1204

- Pierre Barbaroux and Victor Santos Paulino
- Gender inequality and the entrepreneurial gender gap: Evidence from 97 countries (2006–2017) pp. 1205-1229

- Cornelius A. Rietveld and Pankaj C. Patel
- The perils of pleasing: Innovation-stifling effects of customized service provision pp. 1231-1264

- Matthijs J. Janssen, Koen Frenken, Elena M. Tur and Alexander S. Alexiev
- Diversity and mechanisms of economic evolution pp. 1265-1286

- Agnieszka Lipieta and Elżbieta Pliś
- The basins of attraction in the generalized Baliga–Maskin public good model pp. 1289-1301

- Elvio Accinelli, Filipe Martins and Alberto A. Pinto
- A classical-evolutionary model of technological change pp. 1303-1343

- Eric Kemp-Benedict
- An agent-based model for Secular Stagnation in the USA: theory and empirical evidence pp. 1345-1389

- Andrea Borsato
- Eswar S. Prasad (2021): The future of money: how the digital revolution is transforming currencies and finance pp. 1391-1394

- Simarjeet Singh, Manika Sharma and Sandeepa Kaur
Volume 32, issue 3, 2022
- Can the evolution of joint savings agreements counter the effect of higher costs of migration on its intensity? pp. 757-796

- Oded Stark and Marcin Jakubek
- Taxation and evasion: a dynamic model pp. 797-826

- A. E. Biondo, G. Burgio, A. Pluchino and D. Puglisi
- Does education matter for the earnings of former entrepreneurs? Longitudinal evidence using entry and exit dynamics pp. 827-865

- Emma Lappi, Johan E. Eklund and Johan Klaesson
- Schumpeterian entrepreneurship: coveted by policymakers but impervious to top-down policymaking pp. 867-890

- Magnus Henrekson, Anders Kärnä and Tino Sanandaji
- The relation between public assistance and self-employment in census tracts: a long-term perspective pp. 891-927

- Pankaj C. Patel, Cornelius A. Rietveld and Jack I. Richter
- Recombination for innovation and market impact: Samples and features in hip hop music pp. 929-953

- Bernardo Mueller
- Evolution of innovation systems of two industrial districts in East Asia: transformation and upgrade from a peripheral system and the role of the core firms, Samsung and TSMC pp. 955-990

- Chan-Yuan Wong and Keun Lee
- Sustainable development of rural areas: a dynamic model in between tourism exploitation and landscape decline pp. 991-1016

- Gianluca Iannucci, Federico Martellozzo and Filippo Randelli
- Integrated sustainability policy assessment – an agent-based ecological-economic model pp. 1017-1048

- Sylvie Geisendorf and Christian Klippert
- The institutional evolution of central banks pp. 1049-1070

- Pablo Paniagua Prieto
- An evolutionary view of institutional complexity pp. 1071-1090

- Victor Zitian Chen and John Cantwell
Volume 32, issue 2, 2022
- Governance structures, cultural distance, and socialization dynamics: further challenges for the modern corporation pp. 371-397

- Christian Cordes, Stephan Müller, Georg Schwesinger and Sarianna M. Lundan
- The evolution of workplace control leadership, obedience and organizational performance pp. 399-421

- Stefano Dughera
- Determinants of firm boundaries and organizational performance: an empirical investigation of the Chilean truck market pp. 423-461

- Christian Balcells
- The global stakeholder capitalism model of digital platforms and its implications for strategy and innovation from a Schumpeterian perspective pp. 463-500

- Harold Paredes-Frigolett and Andreas Pyka
- A life-cycle theory analysis of French household electricity demand pp. 501-530

- Belaid Fateh, Christophe Rault and Camille Massié
- Sexual selection of conspicuous consumption pp. 531-552

- Vaios Koliofotis
- The effect of technological behaviour and beliefs on subjective well-being: the role of technological infrastructure pp. 553-590

- Giacomo Degli Antoni and Chiara Franco
- How do dimensions of institutional quality improve Italian regional innovation system efficiency? The Knowledge production function using SFA pp. 591-642

- Cristian Barra and Nazzareno Ruggiero
- Patterns of value creation in policy-driven cluster initiatives: evidence from the croatian competitiveness clusters pp. 643-672

- Ivan-Damir Anić and Nicoletta Corrocher
- Radical technologies, recombinant novelty and productivity growth: a cliometric approach pp. 673-711

- Marianna Epicoco, Magali Jaoul-Grammare and Anne Plunket
- Characterizing growth instability: new evidence on unit roots and structural breaks in countries’ long run trajectories pp. 713-756

- Emanuele Russo and Neil Foster-McGregor
Volume 32, issue 1, 2022
- Editorial pp. 1-2

- Uwe Cantner, Bart Verspagen, Nathalie Lazaric, Maria Savona, Roberto Fontana, Reinoud Joosten, Andreas Pyka, Andrea Roventini and Simone Vannuccini
- Evolutionary perspectives on economic policy pp. 3-7

- Marco Lehmann-Waffenschmidt and Michael Peneder
- What are markets? Selected market theories under genuine uncertainty in comparison pp. 9-33

- Ute Schmiel and Hendrik Sander
- Levels of structural change pp. 35-86

- Torsten Heinrich, Jangho Yang and Shuanping Dai
- Capability accumulation and product innovation: an agent-based perspective pp. 87-121

- Claudius Gräbner-Radkowitsch and Anna Hornykewycz
- Labor and environment in global value chains: an evolutionary policy study with a three-sector and two-region agent-based macroeconomic model pp. 123-173

- Lena Gerdes, Bernhard Rengs and Manuel Scholz-Wäckerle
- Digitization and the evolution of money as a social technology of account pp. 175-203

- Michael Peneder
- The age distribution of business firms pp. 205-245

- Flavio Calvino, Daniele Giachini and Mattia Guerini
- Public cash and modes of firm exit pp. 247-298

- Jaka Cepec, Peter Grajzl and Barbara Mörec
- High-growth firms and international trade: evidence from Ecuador pp. 299-332

- Segundo Camino-Mogro, Mary Armijos and Paul Vera-Gilces
- Institutional adaptation in the evolution of the ‘co-operative principles’ pp. 333-365

- Timothy Waring, Taylor Lange and Sujan Chakraborty
- Correction to: Institutional adaptation in the evolution of the ‘co-operative principles’ pp. 367-370

- Timothy Waring, Taylor Lange and Sujan Chakraborty
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