Journal of Evolutionary Economics
1991 - 2024
Current editor(s): Uwe Cantner, Elias Dinopoulos, Horst Hanusch and Luigi Orsenigo From Springer Bibliographic data for series maintained by Sonal Shukla () and Springer Nature Abstracting and Indexing (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 21, issue 5, 2011
- In search of an evolutionary edge: trading with a few, more, or many pp. 721-736

- Oded Stark and Doris Behrens
- Economic modeling using evolutionary algorithms: the effect of a binary encoding of strategies pp. 737-756

- Ludo Waltman, Nees Eck, Rommert Dekker and Uzay Kaymak
- Evolution of vulnerability to pain in interpersonal relations as a strategic trait aiding cooperation pp. 757-782

- Dimitry Rtischev
- Returns to product promotion when consumers are learning how to consume pp. 783-801

- Zakaria Babutsidze
- An evolutionary explanation of the value premium puzzle pp. 803-815

- Thorsten Hens, Terje Lensberg, Klaus Schenk-Hoppé and Peter Wöhrmann
- Internal selection and market selection in economic Genetic Algorithms pp. 817-841

- Sylvie Geisendorf
- Asymmetric information without common priors: an indirect evolutionary analysis of quantity competition pp. 843-852

- Werner Güth, Loreto Erviti and Anthony Ziegelmeyer
Volume 21, issue 4, 2011
- Can Darwinism be “Generalized” and of what use would this be? pp. 545-562

- Georgy Levit, Uwe Hossfeld and Ulrich Witt
- Sustained endogenous growth driven by structured and evolving general purpose technologies pp. 563-593

- Kenneth Carlaw and Richard Lipsey
- The product innovation process and GDP dynamics pp. 595-618

- Gianfranco Giulioni
- Evolution of Walrasian equilibrium in an exchange economy pp. 619-647

- Chongmin Kim and Kam-Chau Wong
- Absorptive capacity, efficiency effect and competitors’ spillovers pp. 649-663

- Stephane Lhuillery
- Firm development as an integrated process: with evidence from the General Motors–Fisher Body case pp. 665-686

- Michael Dietrich and Jackie Krafft
- Cooperation in the sporadically repeated prisoners’ dilemma via reputation mechanisms pp. 687-702

- Dale Stahl
- Referral hiring, endogenous social networks, and inequality: an agent-based analysis pp. 703-719

- Simon Gemkow and Michael Neugart
Volume 21, issue 3, 2011
- Revolving doors: entrepreneurial survival and exit pp. 367-372

- Elena Cefis and Orietta Marsili
- Financial and economic determinants of firm default pp. 373-406

- Giulio Bottazzi, Marco Grazzi, Angelo Secchi and Federico Tamagni
- From distress to exit: determinants of the time to exit pp. 407-446

- Sofie Balcaen, Sophie Manigart and Hubert Ooghe
- Entrepreneurial exit and entrepreneurial engagement pp. 447-471

- Jolanda Hessels, Isabel Grilo, Roy Thurik and Peter Zwan
- Born to flip. Exit decisions of entrepreneurial firms in high-tech and low-tech industries pp. 473-498

- Elena Cefis and Orietta Marsili
- Sectoral patterns of firm exit in Italian provinces pp. 499-517

- Martin Carree, Ingrid Verheul and Enrico Santarelli
- Public funding for innovation and the exit of firms pp. 519-543

- Bernd Ebersberger
Volume 21, issue 2, 2011
- Diversification: a road to inefficiency in product innovations? pp. 191-229

- Herbert Dawid and Marc Reimann
- On the entrepreneurial genesis of new markets: effectual transformations versus causal search and selection pp. 231-253

- Nicholas Dew, Stuart Read, Saras Sarasvathy and Robert Wiltbank
- The firm-level employment effects of innovations in high-tech US manufacturing industries pp. 255-283

- Alex Coad and Rekha Rao-Nicholson
- Individually selecting among conventions - an evolutionary and experimental analysis pp. 285-301

- Susanne Büchner, Werner Güth and Luis Miller
- Ambiguity attitude, R&D investments and economic growth pp. 303-319

- Guido Cozzi and Paolo Giordani
- An evolutionary approach to regional systems of innovation pp. 321-340

- Jan Gunnarsson and Torsten Wallin
- Evolutionary developmental economics: how to generalize Darwinism fruitfully to help comprehend economic change pp. 341-366

- Pavel Pelikan
Volume 21, issue 1, 2011
- Editorial pp. 1-4

- Andreas Pyka and Maria Derengowski Fonseca
- Evolutionary macroeconomics: a research agenda pp. 5-28

- John Foster
- Generalized barriers to entry and economic development pp. 29-52

- Pier Paolo Saviotti and Andreas Pyka
- Inventing together: exploring the nature of international knowledge spillovers in Latin America pp. 53-89

- Fabio Montobbio and Valerio Sterzi
- Formal and informal external linkages and firms’ innovative strategies. A cross-country comparison pp. 91-119

- Isabel Maria Bodas Freitas, Tommy Clausen, Roberto Fontana and Bart Verspagen
- Advanced purchasing, spillovers and innovative discovery pp. 121-139

- Gunnar Eliasson
- The innovation performance of MNE subsidiaries and local embeddedness: evidence from an emerging economy pp. 141-165

- Paulo Figueiredo and Klauber Brito
- Towards a systemic and evolutionary framework for venture capital policy pp. 167-189

- Alessandro Rosiello, Gil Avnimelech and Morris Teubal
Volume 20, issue 5, 2010
- The citation field of evolutionary economics pp. 645-664

- Wilfred Dolfsma and Loet Leydesdorff
- An evolutionary theory of household consumption behavior pp. 665-687

- Richard Nelson and Davide Consoli
- Innovation, diffusion and the distribution of income in a Malthusian economy pp. 689-714

- Mark Staley
- Don’t blame the P2P file-sharers: the impact of free music downloads on the purchase of music CDs in Canada pp. 715-740

- Birgitte Andersen and Marion Frenz
- The division of labor in innovation between general purpose technology and special purpose technology pp. 741-764

- Tsutomu Harada
- Demand competition and investment heterogeneity in industries based on systemic technologies: evidence from the US long-distance telecommunications services industry, 1984–1996 pp. 765-802

- Lalit Manral
Volume 20, issue 4, 2010
- The evolution of the world trade web: a weighted-network analysis pp. 479-514

- Giorgio Fagiolo, Javier Reyes and Stefano Schiavo
- Regional innovation and competitiveness in a dynamic representation pp. 515-552

- Ugo Fratesi
- Entry and Schumpeterian profits pp. 553-582

- Philip Auerswald
- Schumpeter’s ‘conduct model of the dynamic entrepreneur’: scope and distinctiveness pp. 583-607

- Anthony Endres and Christine Woods
- Entrepreneurship and the taste for discrimination pp. 609-627

- Christopher Coyne, Justin Isaacs and Jeremy Schwartz
- Entrepreneurship and second-best institutions: going beyond Baumol’s typology pp. 629-643

- Robin Douhan and Magnus Henrekson
Volume 20, issue 3, 2010
- Evolutionary models in economics: a survey of methods and building blocks pp. 329-373

- Karolina Safarzynska and Jeroen van den Bergh
- A signalling explanation for preferential attachment in the evolution of social networks pp. 375-393

- Jeong-Yoo Kim and Hang-Hyun Jo
- Imitation and selective matching in reputational games pp. 395-412

- Thierry Vignolo
- The inventor’s role: was Schumpeter right? pp. 413-444

- Pontus Braunerhjelm and Roger Svensson
- The process and a simple logic of ‘meso’. Emergence and the co-evolution of institutions and group size pp. 445-477

- Wolfram Elsner
Volume 20, issue 2, 2010
- Alternative perspectives on connections in economic systems pp. 163-183

- Peter Earl and Tim Wakeley
- The theory of the experimentally organized economy and competence blocs: an introduction pp. 185-201

- Dan Johansson
- Freedom, enforcement, and the social dilemma of strong altruism pp. 203-217

- Hannelore De Silva, Christoph Hauert, Arne Traulsen and Karl Sigmund
- The devil dwells in the tails pp. 219-231

- Toke Reichstein, Michael Dahl, Bernd Ebersberger and Morten Jensen
- Schumpeter on unemployment pp. 233-263

- Mauro Boianovsky and Hans-Michael Trautwein
- Is inequality the price to pay for higher growth in middle-income countries? pp. 265-306

- Gianluca Grimalda and Marco Vivarelli
- Francisco Louçã: The years of high econometrics. A short history of the generation that reinvented economics pp. 307-311

- Angelo Reati
- Social systems evolving—reviewing Leydesdorff’s the knowledge-based economy pp. 313-319

- Wilfred Dolfsma
- Martin Fransman: the new ICT ecosystem. Implications for Europe pp. 321-328

- Francesco Quatraro
Volume 20, issue 1, 2010
- Choice, habit and evolution pp. 1-18

- Geoffrey Hodgson
- The changing nature of the OECD shadow economy pp. 19-48

- Maurizio Bovi and Roberto Dell’Anno
- Basins of attraction and equilibrium selection under different learning rules pp. 49-72

- Russell Golman and Scott Page
- Basins of attraction and equilibrium selection under different learning rules pp. 73-75

- Russell Golman and Scott Page
- An evolutionary edge of knowing less (or: On the ‘curse’ of global information) pp. 77-94

- Oded Stark and Doris Behrens
- Deterministic randomness in a model of finance and growth pp. 95-114

- Orlando Gomes
- What is evolutionary about ‘regional systems of innovation’? Implications for regional policy pp. 115-137

- Elvira Uyarra
- Firms and industries in evolutionary economics: lessons from Marshall, Young, Steindl and Penrose pp. 139-162

- Harry Bloch and John Finch
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