Cyber-Physical Systems
2015 - 2025
Current editor(s): Yang Xiao From Taylor & Francis Journals Bibliographic data for series maintained by Chris Longhurst (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 11, issue 1, 2025
- Model-based framework for exploiting sensors of IoT devices using a botnet: a case study with android pp. 1-46
- Zubair Khaliq, Dawood Ashraf Khan, Asif Iqbal Baba, Shahbaz Ali and Sheikh Umar Farooq
- CyberGrid: an IEC61850 protocol-based substation automation virtual cyber range for cybersecurity research in the smart grid pp. 47-66
- John E. Efiong, Abiodun Akinwale, B. O. Akinyemi, Emmanuel Olajubu and Sola Aderounmu
- Multi-time scale optimisation strategy for effective control of small-capacity controllable devices in integrated energy systems pp. 67-92
- Zhenyu Wang, Yanfang Wang, Chupeng Xiao, Wenbo Hu, Ruoxi Geng, Qingyi Liu, Botao Zhou and Meng Yu
- A new target accessibility control method based on SMC pp. 93-111
- Sheng Fang, Huimin Li, Lihong Liu, Dan Zhang and Huageng Liang
Volume 10, issue 4, 2024
- Robust predictive path-following control of autonomous ground vehicle with input delays pp. 303-317
- Wei Li, Yu Xie and Xiaoyuan Zhu
- Time-to-approach-based model predictive controller for autonomous vehicle safety during unexpected wheelchairs on the path pp. 318-339
- Mhafuzul Islam, Mashrur Chowdhury, Mizanur Rahman and Zadid Khan
- Hysteretic quantised security control for PDE systems under replay attacks pp. 340-361
- Ganghui Lu, Xiaona Song and Shuai Song
- Blockchain-based group signature for secure authentication of IoT systems in smart home environments pp. 362-386
- Mustafa Kara, Hisham R.J. Merzeh, Muhammed Ali Aydin and Hasan Hüseyin Balik
Volume 10, issue 3, 2024
- Development of a digital twin of heat energy storage and retrieval system for performance evaluation through AR-based simulation pp. 231-246
- Bhagyesh B. Deshmukh, Vijay A. Athavale, Aditya R. Vernekar, Yash R. Katkar, Anirudha K. Jahagirdar, Yash C. Waghmare, Sachin Salunkhe and Sharad Gawade
- Dual-path recommendation algorithm based on CNN and attention-enhanced LSTM pp. 247-262
- Huimin Li, Yongyi Cheng, Hongjie Ni and Dan Zhang
- Incremental segmented slope residential load pattern clustering based on three-stage curve profiles pp. 263-282
- Jue Hou, Tingzhe Pan, Xinlei Cai, Xin Jin, Zijie Meng and Hongxuan Luo
- Maximum elastic scheduling of virtual machines in general graph cloud data center networks pp. 283-301
- Yusuf Qwareeq, Abdalaziz Sawwan and Jie Wu
Volume 10, issue 2, 2024
- Cooperative vehicular platooning: a multi-dimensional survey towards enhanced safety, security and validation pp. 123-175
- Ênio Vasconcelos Filho, Ricardo Severino, Pedro M. Salgueiro dos Santos, Anis Koubaa and Eduardo Tovar
- Design of a single input control signal for fault-tolerant synchronization of fractional order hyperchaotic Lu system pp. 176-196
- Alireza Sabaghian, Saeed Balochian and Mohammad Alishahi
- Rolling bearing fault diagnosis based on the enhanced channel attention network pp. 197-213
- Zhongting Huang, Yongyi Chen, Jianjun Liu, Hongjie Ni and Dan Zhang
- Microgrid trading mechanism enhancement for smart contract considering reputation values pp. 214-230
- Zhikang Wang, Wendi Wu, Zhengtian Wu and Baochuan Fu
Volume 10, issue 1, 2024
- A Review of Energy Aware Cyber-Physical Systems pp. 1-42
- Houssam Kanso, Adel Noureddine and Ernesto Exposito
- Frequency control for islanded AC microgrid based on deep reinforcement learning pp. 43-59
- Xianggang Liu, Zhi-Wei Liu, Ming Chi and Guixi Wei
- Two-stage IDS for IoT using layered machine- and deep-learning models pp. 60-83
- André van der Walt, Tahmid Quazi and Brett van Niekerk
- Modeling and analysis of supply chain with green product change pp. 84-103
- Yi Yang, Chen Peng and Li Qing–Kui
- Modified light GBM based classification of malicious users in cooperative cognitive radio networks pp. 104-122
- S Sekar, S Jeyalakshmi, S Ravikumar and D Kavitha
Volume 9, issue 4, 2023
- Deep Learning Assist IoT Search Engine for Disaster Damage Assessment pp. 313-337
- Hengshuo Liang, Lauren Burgess, Weixian Liao, Erik Blasch and Wei Yu
- A biometric-based system for unsupervised anomaly behaviour detection at the pawn shop pp. 338-356
- Giacomo Abbattista, Michela Chimienti, Vincenzo Dentamaro, Paolo Giglio, Donato Impedovo, Giuseppe Pirlo and Giacomo Rosato
- Exponential state estimation for reaction-diffusion inertial neural networks via incomplete measurement scheme pp. 357-375
- Xuemei Wang, Xiaona Song, Jingtao Man and Nana Wu
- Fixed-point iterative approach for solving linear Diophantine systems with bounds on the variables pp. 376-389
- Haocheng Yu, Luyao Yang, Jinyu Dai, Baoping Jiang, Zhengtian Wu and Shuxian Zhu
- Nonlinear finite-time and fixed-time bipartite consensus tracking of multi-agent systems pp. 390-406
- Li Lu, Bo Xiao and Tao Han
Volume 9, issue 3, 2023
- Securing the cyber-physical system: a review pp. 193-223
- M. Lydia, G. Edwin Prem Kumar and A. Immanuel Selvakumar
- Confidentiality attacks against encrypted control systems pp. 224-243
- Amir Mohammad Naseri, Walter Lucia and Amr Youssef
- Towards an intrusion detection system for detecting web attacks based on an ensemble of filter feature selection techniques pp. 244-259
- Deepak Kshirsagar and Sandeep Kumar
- Coordinative energy efficiency improvement of buildings based on deep reinforcement learning pp. 260-272
- Chenguan Xu, Wenqing Li, Yao Rao, Bei Qi, Bin Yang and Zhongdong Wang
- LTL cross entropy optimisation for quadcopter task orchestration pp. 273-312
- Christopher Banks, Samuel Coogan and Magnus Egerstedt
Volume 9, issue 2, 2023
- A resilient hierarchical distributed model of a cyber physical system pp. 97-121
- Surya B Yadav
- Transaction model and energy management optimisation method of rural microgrid pp. 122-143
- Mengkai Chen, Baochuan Fu, Zhenping Chen and Jianhan Wu
- ProSD-EdgeIoT: Protected Cluster assisted SDWSN for Tetrad Edge-IoT by Collaborative DDoS Detection and Mitigation pp. 144-173
- Vishnu V.M. and Manjunath P
- A Improved Subgradient Lagrangian Relaxation Algorithm for Solving the Stochastic Demand Inventory Routing Problem pp. 174-192
- Yuan-Yuan Zhao and Qian-qian Duan
Volume 9, issue 1, 2023
- A survey of video violence detection pp. 1-24
- Huiling Yao and Xing Hu
- RNN-LSTM Based Deep Learning Model for Tor Traffic Classification pp. 25-42
- VishnuPriya. A, Hiran Kumar Singh, SivaChaitanyaPrasad. M and JaiSivaSai. G
- Novel Authentication and Secure Trust based RPL Routing in Mobile sink supported Internet of Things pp. 43-76
- Bandarupalli Rakesh and Parveen Sultana H
- Integral terminal sliding-mode integral backstepping adaptive control for trajectory tracking of unmanned surface vehicle pp. 77-96
- Jiayu Dong, Meijiao Zhao, Min Cheng and Yueying Wang
Volume 8, issue 4, 2022
- Finite-time observer-based trajectory tracking control of underactuated USVs using hierarchical non-singular terminal sliding mode pp. 263-285
- Fengting Zhu, Yan Peng, Min Cheng, Jun Luo and Yueying Wang
- Flexible, decentralised access control for smart buildings with smart contracts pp. 286-320
- Leepakshi Bindra, Kalvin Eng, Omid Ardakanian and Eleni Stroulia
- Bandwidth assessment of scheduled and unscheduled communication in hybrid networked control system pp. 321-346
- S M A K Azad and Srinivasan Kannan
Volume 8, issue 3, 2022
- Q-Learning Based Optimisation Framework for Real-Time Mixed-Task Scheduling pp. 173-191
- Tianchuang Meng, Jin Huang, Huiqian Li, Zengkun Li, Yu Jiang and Zhihua Zhong
- A hierarchical perception decision-making framework for autonomous driving pp. 192-209
- Ende Zhang, Jin Huang, Yue Gao, Yau Liu and Yangdong Deng
- Secure Filter for Discrete-Time Delayed Systems Subject to Cyber Attacks pp. 210-232
- Mutaz M. Hamdan and Magdi S. Mahmoud
- Identification of Chua’s chaotic circuit parameters using penguins search optimisation algorithm pp. 233-260
- Fouzia Maamri, Sofiane Bououden and Ilyes Boulkaibet
Volume 8, issue 2, 2022
- A constraint partially observable semi-Markov decision process for the attack–defence relationships in various critical infrastructures pp. 85-110
- Nadia Niknami and Jie Wu
- Control-based event-driven bandwidth allocation scheme for video-surveillance systems pp. 111-137
- Gautham Nayak Seetanadi, Karl-Erik Årzen and Martina Maggio
- Optimisation model of micro grid dispatching for smart building cluster based on blockchain pp. 138-171
- Sheng Zhao and Zhengtian Wu
Volume 8, issue 1, 2022
- SEVA: Secure E-Voting Application in Cyber Physical System pp. 1-31
- Rahul Johari, Arvinder Kaur, Mohammad Hashim, Prateek Kumar Rai and Kanika Gupta
- Indel-K2P: a modified Kimura 2 Parameters (K2P) model to incorporate insertion and deletion (Indel) information in phylogenetic analysis pp. 32-44
- Asim Kumar Mahadani, Shashank Awasthi, Goutam Sanyal, Partha Bhattacharjee and Sanjeev Pippal
- Computational intelligence paradigm for job shop scheduling and routing in an uncertain environment pp. 45-66
- Suresh Chavhan, Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues and Ashish Khanna
- A rail detection algorithm for accurate recognition of train fuzzy video pp. 67-84
- Bin Wang, Zhen Wang, Dou Zhao and Xuhai Wang
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