Transport Reviews
1999 - 2024
Current editor(s): Professor David Banister and Moshe Givoni From Taylor & Francis Journals Bibliographic data for series maintained by Chris Longhurst (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 23, issue 4, 2003
- Transport policy for an ageing population pp. 375-386
- David Metz
- Evaluation of the policies in British local transport plans with regard to the promotion of rail freight pp. 387-412
- Russ Haywood
- Factors of development of car ownership in Poland pp. 413-431
- Tomasz Komornicki
- Redistributive effects of subsidies to urban public transport in Spain pp. 433-452
- Javier Asensio, Anna Matas and José-Luis Raymond
- Towards a general microeconomic model for the operation of public transport pp. 453-469
- Sergio Jara-Diaz and Antonio Gschwender
- Agricultural vehicles and sustainable safe road traffic: solving conflicts on arterial highways pp. 471-488
- Catharinus F. Jaarsma, Hein Botma, Ronald G. H. van Ark and Geert P.A. Willems
- Predicting the effects of city logistics schemes pp. 489-515
- Eiichi Taniguchi, Russell G. Thompson and Tadashi Yamada
Volume 23, issue 3, 2003
- Editor's introduction pp. 247-247
- The Editors
- Economic appraisal of road projects in countries with developing and transition economies pp. 249-262
- Henry Kerali
- Preventing death and injury on the world's roads pp. 263-273
- David Silcock
- Development of freight transport and logistics in Sub-Saharan Africa: Taaffe, Morrill and Gould revisited pp. 275-297
- Poul Pedersen
- Mass rapid transit systems for cities in the developing world pp. 299-310
- Phil Fouracre, Christian Dunkerley and Geoff Gardner
- Changing railway structure and ownership: Is anything working? pp. 311-355
- Louis Thompson
- Book reviews pp. 357-371
- The Editors
Volume 23, issue 2, 2003
- 'Filling the middle': Uganda's appropriate transport services pp. 161-176
- John Howe
- Livelihoods, daily mobility and poverty in sub-saharan Africa pp. 177-196
- D. F. Bryceson, T. C. Mbara and D. Maunder
- Drawing the road map to rural poverty reduction pp. 217-241
- P. Njenga and A. Davis
- Limitations of transport policy: A rejoinder pp. 243-246
- David Metz
Volume 23, issue 1, 2003
- Sheared delay formulae for the TRANSYT traffic model: A review and calibration pp. 1-20
- W. T. Wong, S. C. Wong and C. O. Tong
- Attitudes of Hong Kong residents to cars and public transport: Some policy implications pp. 21-34
- Sharon Cullinane
- Valuation of road projects with uncertain outcomes pp. 35-50
- Giuseppe Scannella and Michel Beuthe
- Modelling, performance evaluation and planning of public transport systems using generalized stochastic Petri nets pp. 51-69
- R. Bouyekhf, A. Abbas-Turki, O. Grunder and A. El Moudni
- How common and how large are cost overruns in transport infrastructure projects? pp. 71-88
- Bent Flyvbjerg, Mette K. Skamris holm and Søren L. Buhl
- Framework for analysing reliability and information degradation of demand matrices in extended transport networks pp. 89-103
- A. Stathopoulos and Theodore Tsekeris
- Positive impact of distribution centres on the environment pp. 105-122
- M. Kia, E. Shayan and F. Ghotb
- Book Review pp. 123-126
- M. Q. Dalvi
- Book review pp. 126-129
- Parviz Koushki
Volume 22, issue 4, 2002
- Going for gold at the Sydney Olympics: How did transport perform? pp. 381-399
- David Hensher and Ann M. Brewer
- Economic organization of intermodal transport pp. 401-414
- Photis M. Panayides
- Urban rail systems: Analysis of the factors behind success pp. 415-447
- Ela Babalik-Sutcliffe
- Policy scenarios for achieving sustainable transportation in Europe pp. 449-472
- Caroline A. Rodenburg, Barry Ubbels and Peter Nijkamp
- Survey analysis of supply chain adjustment for Taiwanese information technology firms pp. 473-497
- Kai-Chieh Chia and Cheng-Min Feng
Volume 22, issue 3, 2002
- Entry deterrence and quality provision in the local bus market pp. 247-265
- Jan Peter Van Der Veer
- On the capacity of bus transit systems pp. 267-293
- Rodrigo Fernandez and Rosemarie Planzer
- Exposure to noise inside transit buses in Kuwait: Measurements and passenger attitudes pp. 295-308
- Parviz A. Koushki, Mohammed A. Ali, Bapatla P. Chandrasekhar and Mohammad Al-Sarawi
- Bicycle in Shanghai: Movement patterns, cyclist attitudes and the impact of traffic separation pp. 309-322
- John Zacharias
- Competition for the German regional rail passenger market 5 years after regionalization pp. 323-334
- Mirko C. A. Schnell
- Competition and ownership in land passenger transport: The 7th International Conference pp. 335-370
- David Hensher and Olav Hauge
- Comments on 'The limitations of transport policy' pp. 371-380
- Roger L. MacKett
Volume 22, issue 2, 2002
- Editorial Introduction pp. 133-133
- David Banister
- Limitations of transport policy pp. 134-145
- David Metz
- Acquisition, efficiency and scale economies: An analysis of the British bus industry pp. 147-157
- Jonathan Cowie
- Migration of railway freight transport from command economy to market economy: The case of China pp. 159-177
- Ruhe Xie, Haibo Chen and Chris Nash
- Classification of driver-assistance systems according to their impact on road safety and traffic efficiency pp. 179-196
- John Golias, George Yannis and Constantinos Antoniou
- Review and assessment of the nested logit model pp. 197-218
- Juan Antonio Carrasco and Juan de Dios Ortúzar
- Interplay of international, national and local factors in shaping container port development: A case study of Hong Kong pp. 219-245
- Becky P. Y. Loo and Brian Hook
Volume 22, issue 1, 2002
- Public transit performance: What does one learn from frontier studies? pp. 1-38
- Bruno De Borger, Kristiaan Kerstens and Álvaro Costa
- Travel time variability: A review of theoretical and empirical issues pp. 39-54
- Robert Noland and John W. Polak
- Port privatization policy and practice pp. 55-75
- Kevin Cullinane and Dong-Wook Song
- Public transport in metropolitan Cape Town: Past, present and future pp. 77-101
- Peter Clark and Wilfred Crous
- Restructuring the Lebanese Railway and Public Transport Authority (RPTA): From losing operator to effective regulator pp. 103-113
- M. Hadi Baaj
- Research review of air traffic management pp. 115-132
- Cheng-Lung Wu and Robert E. Caves
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