Transport Reviews
1999 - 2024
Current editor(s): Professor David Banister and Moshe Givoni From Taylor & Francis Journals Bibliographic data for series maintained by Chris Longhurst (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 38, issue 6, 2018
- Pedestrian injury risk: unanswered questions and a developing research agenda pp. 685-688
- Rachel Aldred
- Incomplete cost – incomplete benefit analysis in transport appraisal pp. 689-709
- Robin Hickman and Marco Dean
- Patchwork in an interconnected world: the challenges of transport networks in Sub-Saharan Africa pp. 710-736
- Sergio Oliete Josa and Francesc Magrinyà
- Designing computable general equilibrium models for transportation applications pp. 737-764
- Hamed Shahrokhi Shahraki and Chris Bachmann
- In search of surrogate safety indicators for vulnerable road users: a review of surrogate safety indicators pp. 765-785
- Carl Johnsson, Aliaksei Laureshyn and Tim De Ceunynck
- Spatiotemporal traffic forecasting: review and proposed directions pp. 786-814
- Alireza Ermagun and David Levinson
- Resilient cities: overcoming fossil fuel dependence pp. 815-816
- Stephen Buckman
- Erratum pp. 817-817
- The Editors
- List of Reviewers August 2017 – August 2018 pp. 818-819
- The Editors
Volume 38, issue 5, 2018
- Accessibility: measurement and application in transportation planning pp. 551-555
- Eric J. Miller
- Influence of 3D printing on transport: a theory and experts judgment based conceptual model pp. 556-575
- Wouter Boon and Bert van Wee
- Incorporating online shopping into travel demand modelling: challenges, progress, and opportunities pp. 576-601
- Esra Suel and John W. Polak
- Impact of biometric and anthropometric characteristics of passengers on aircraft safety and performance pp. 602-624
- Damien J. Melis, Jose M. Silva and Richard C.K. Yeun
- Social force models for pedestrian traffic – state of the art pp. 625-653
- Xu Chen, Martin Treiber, Venkatesan Kanagaraj and Haiying Li
- A review of input–output models on multisectoral modelling of transportation–economic linkages pp. 654-677
- Haitao Yu
- Planning the mobile metropolis. Transport for people, places and the planet pp. 678-679
- Robin Hickman
- Creative destruction and the sharing economy. Uber as disruptive innovation pp. 679-681
- Geoffrey Dudley
- Tourism, public transport and sustainable mobility pp. 681-683
- Thiago Allis and Carla Fraga
- Transportation. Land use and integration, applications in developing countries pp. 683-684
- Ralph Gakenheimer
Volume 38, issue 4, 2018
- The 21st-century Maritime Silk Road: challenges and opportunities for transport management and practice pp. 413-415
- Jasmine Siu Lee Lam, Kevin Patrick Brendan Cullinane and Paul Tae-Woo Lee
- From hierarchy to networking: the evolution of the “twenty-first-century Maritime Silk Road” container shipping system pp. 416-435
- Liehui Wang, Yan Zhu, Cesar Ducruet, Mattia Bunel and Yui-yip Lau
- Competitiveness prioritisation of container ports in Asia under the background of China’s Belt and Road initiative pp. 436-456
- Jingzheng Ren, Liang Dong and Lu Sun
- Logistics as a driving force for development under the Belt and Road Initiative – the Chinese model for developing countries pp. 457-478
- Kevin X. Li, Mengjie Jin, Guanqiu Qi, Wenming Shi and Adolf K. Y. Ng
- Resilience in transportation systems: a systematic review and future directions pp. 479-498
- Chengpeng Wan, Zaili Yang, Di Zhang, Xinping Yan and Shiqi Fan
- Social networks, social influence and activity-travel behaviour: a review of models and empirical evidence pp. 499-523
- Jinhee Kim, Soora Rasouli and Harry J. P. Timmermans
- Meta-analysis of the relationships between space syntax measures and pedestrian movement pp. 524-550
- Samia Sharmin and Md. Kamruzzaman
Volume 38, issue 3, 2018
- Rethinking mobility for a human city pp. 275-278
- Cathy Macharis and Imre Keseru
- Motility as a policy objective pp. 279-297
- Rebecca Shliselberg and Moshe Givoni
- Risk pricing inefficiency in public–private partnerships pp. 298-321
- Dejan Makovšek and Marian Moszoro
- Methods for forecasting the market penetration of electric drivetrains in the passenger car market pp. 322-348
- Patrick Jochem, Jonatan J. Gómez Vilchez, Axel Ensslen, Johannes Schäuble and Wolf Fichtner
- A systematic review of disability’s treatment in the active school travel and children’s independent mobility literatures pp. 349-371
- Timothy Ross and Ronald Buliung
- The safety ladder: developing an evidence-based safety management strategy for small road transport companies pp. 372-393
- Tor-Olav Nævestad, Beate Elvebakk and Ross Owen Phillips
- The taxi industry: working conditions and health of drivers, a literature review pp. 394-411
- Fernando Martín Poó, Rubén Daniel Ledesma and Soledad Susana López
Volume 38, issue 2, 2018
- Why we need to view road safety through a public health lens? pp. 139-141
- Nicola Christie
- Travel plans for new developments: a global review pp. 142-161
- Chris De Gruyter, Geoffrey Rose, Graham Currie, Tom Rye and Emilie van de Graaff
- Travel-based multitasking: review of the empirical evidence pp. 162-183
- Imre Keseru and Cathy Macharis
- Factors contributing to bicycle–motorised vehicle collisions: a systematic literature review pp. 184-208
- Gabriele Prati, Víctor Marín Puchades, Marco de Angelis, Federico Fraboni and Luca Pietrantoni
- Modelling of motorised two-wheelers: a review of the literature pp. 209-231
- Sanhita Das and Akhilesh Kumar Maurya
- Railway station choice modelling: a review of methods and evidence pp. 232-251
- Marcus Young and Simon Blainey
- Passenger-centric factors influencing the experience of aircraft comfort pp. 252-269
- Harshada Patel and Mirabelle D’Cruz
- Bicycle justice and urban transformation: biking for all? pp. 270-271
- Devajyoti Deka
- The urban transport crisis in emerging economies pp. 271-273
- John Pucher
Volume 38, issue 1, 2018
- Toll roads – a view after 25 years pp. 1-5
- David Hensher
- City delineation in European applications of LUTI models: review and tests pp. 6-32
- Isabelle Thomas, Jonathan Jones, Geoffrey Caruso and Philippe Gerber
- A review and analysis of the investment in, and cost structure of, intermodal rail terminals pp. 33-51
- Bart Wiegmans and Behzad Behdani
- What influences satisfaction and loyalty in public transport? A review of the literature pp. 52-72
- Dea van Lierop, Madhav G. Badami and Ahmed M. El-Geneidy
- Measuring the completeness of complete streets pp. 73-95
- Nancy Hui, Shoshanna Saxe, Matthew Roorda, Paul Hess and Eric J. Miller
- Effects of new bus and rail rapid transit systems – an international review pp. 96-116
- Jesper Bláfoss Ingvardson and Otto Anker Nielsen
- Requirements from vehicle routing software: perspectives from literature, developers and the freight industry pp. 117-138
- Nicolas Rincon-Garcia, Ben J. Waterson and Tom J. Cherrett
Volume 37, issue 6, 2017
- Corrigendum pp. i-ii
- The Editors
- Erratum pp. iii-iv
- The Editors
- Erratum pp. v-vi
- The Editors
- Cycling towards a more sustainable transport future pp. 689-694
- John Pucher and Ralph Buehler
- The “field of safe travel” revisited: interpreting driving behaviour performance through a holistic approach pp. 695-714
- Vassilis Papakostopoulos, Nicolas Marmaras and Dimitris Nathanael
- Weather variability and travel behaviour – what we know and what we do not know pp. 715-741
- Chengxi Liu, Yusak O. Susilo and Anders Karlström
- Fatigue in transport: a review of exposure, risks, checks and controls pp. 742-766
- Ross Owen Phillips, Göran Kecklund, Anne Anund and Mikael Sallinen
- Factors influencing travel mode choice among families with young children (aged 0–4): a review of the literature pp. 767-781
- Laura McCarthy, Alexa Delbosc, Graham Currie and Andrew Molloy
- Intermodal transport in freight distribution: a literature review pp. 782-807
- Anny-del-Mar Agamez-Arias and José Moyano-Fuentes
- Bike battles: a history of sharing the American road pp. 808-808
- Peter Furth
- Light rail systems: principles – technology – operation – financing pp. 808-810
- Thomas C. Cornillie
- Rethinking climate and energy policies: new perspectives on the rebound phenomenon pp. 810-813
- David Font Vivanco
- List of Reviewers August 2016–August 2017 pp. 814-816
- The Editors
- Editorial Board pp. ebi-ebi
- The Editors
Volume 37, issue 5, 2017
- Why write well? pp. 545-550
- Alexa Delbosc
- Locating refuelling stations for alternative fuel vehicles: a review on models and applications pp. 551-570
- Joonho Ko, Tae-Hyoung Tommy Gim and Randall Guensler
- Historic vehicles: an overview from a transport policy perspective pp. 571-589
- Yashar Araghi, Bert Van Wee and Maarten Kroesen
- Vehicle routing problem and driver behaviour: a review and framework for analysis pp. 590-611
- S. Srivatsa Srinivas and M. S. Gajanand
- Cost escalations in the front-end of projects – empirical evidence from Norwegian road projects pp. 612-630
- Morten Welde and James Odeck
- What cognitive mechanisms predict travel mode choice? A systematic review with meta-analysis pp. 631-652
- Christin Hoffmann, Charles Abraham, Mathew P. White, Susan Ball and Stephen M. Skippon
- Mental models of driving and speed: biases, choices and reality pp. 653-666
- Ola Svenson and Gabriella Eriksson
- Environmental rail charges in Europe: a review pp. 667-684
- Aleix Pons-Rigat, Mateu Turró, Sergi Saurí and Lluís Ubalde
- Public private partnerships in transport: trends and theory pp. 685-687
- Stefan Verweij
Volume 37, issue 4, 2017
- Roundabouts of a figurative kind pp. 407-411
- Susan Handy
- Strategic beliefs of port authorities pp. 412-441
- Larissa M. van der Lugt, Peter W. de Langen and Lorike Hagdorn
- Transportation mode detection – an in-depth review of applicability and reliability pp. 442-464
- Adrian C. Prelipcean, Gyözö Gidófalvi and Yusak O. Susilo
- Exploring active transportation investments and associated benefits for municipal budgets: a scoping review pp. 465-487
- Kathy Kornas, Catherine Bornbaum, Christine Bushey and Laura Rosella
- The unmet travel needs of the older population: a review of the literature pp. 488-506
- Carlo Luiu, Miles Tight and Michael Burrow
- A review of port devolution and governance models with compound eyes approach pp. 507-520
- Paul Tae-Woo Lee and Jasmine Siu Lee Lam
- Shifting urban freight deliveries to the off-peak hours: a review of theory and practice pp. 521-543
- Iván Sánchez-Díaz, Peter Georén and Märta Brolinson
Volume 37, issue 3, 2017
- Mobility as a Services (MaaS) – does it have critical mass? pp. 247-251
- Corinne Mulley
- Consumer preferences for electric vehicles: a literature review pp. 252-275
- Fanchao Liao, Eric Molin and Bert van Wee
- A taxonomy of logistics centres: overcoming conceptual ambiguity pp. 276-299
- Theo Notteboom, Francesco Parola, Giovanni Satta and Marcello Risitano
- Port choice in container market: a literature review pp. 300-321
- Julián Martínez Moya and María Feo Valero
- Tradable credits for managing car travel: a review of empirical research and relevant behavioural approaches pp. 322-343
- Nico Dogterom, Dick Ettema and Martin Dijst
- Multi-level forces and differential effects affecting birth cohorts that stimulate mobility change pp. 344-364
- Sara Tilley
- A literature review of flexible development of airport terminals pp. 365-382
- Liliana Magalhães, Vasco Reis and Rosário Macário
- External costs from vessel emissions at port: a review of the methodological and empirical state of the art pp. 383-402
- Miluše Tichavska and Beatriz Tovar
- Cycling futures pp. 403-405
- Dick de Waard
Volume 37, issue 2, 2017
- Transport equity analysis pp. 139-151
- Floridea Di Ciommo and Yoram Shiftan
- Travel time savings, accessibility gains and equity effects in cost–benefit analysis pp. 152-169
- Karel Martens and Floridea Di Ciommo
- Distributive justice and equity in transportation pp. 170-191
- Rafael Pereira, Tim Schwanen and David Banister
- Integrating equity in transportation project assessment: a philosophical exploration and its practical implications pp. 192-210
- Bat-hen Nahmias-Biran, Karel Martens and Yoram Shiftan
- Understanding the role of equity in active transportation planning in the United States pp. 211-226
- Richard J. Lee, Ipek N. Sener and S. Nathan Jones
- A longitudinal perspective on car ownership and use in relation with income inequalities in the Paris metropolitan area pp. 227-244
- Benoît Cornut and Jean-Loup Madre
- Transport justice: designing fair transportation systems pp. 245-246
- Miloš N. Mladenović
Volume 37, issue 1, 2017
- Why review? pp. 1-3
- Moshe Givoni
- Reducing car dependence in the heart of Europe: lessons from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland pp. 4-28
- Ralph Buehler, John Pucher, Regine Gerike and Thomas Götschi
- Cycling provision separated from motor traffic: a systematic review exploring whether stated preferences vary by gender and age pp. 29-55
- Rachel Aldred, Bridget Elliott, James Woodcock and Anna Goodman
- Genetics of traffic assignment models for strategic transport planning pp. 56-78
- Michiel Bliemer, Mark P. H. Raadsen, Luuk J. N. Brederode, Michael G. H. Bell, Luc J. J. Wismans and Mike J. Smith
- Electric vehicles revisited: a review of factors that affect adoption pp. 79-93
- Makena Coffman, Paul Bernstein and Sherilyn Wee
- A review of guidelines for including wider economic impacts in transport appraisal pp. 94-115
- Paal Brevik Wangsness, Kenneth Løvold Rødseth and Wiljar Hansen
- The drivers of port competitiveness: a critical review pp. 116-138
- Francesco Parola, Marcello Risitano, Marco Ferretti and Eva Panetti
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