Transport Reviews
1999 - 2024
Current editor(s): Professor David Banister and Moshe Givoni From Taylor & Francis Journals Bibliographic data for series maintained by Chris Longhurst (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 40, issue 6, 2020
- Transport for women: who decides what women need? pp. 687-688
- Nihan Akyelken
- Recent developments in traffic flow modelling using macroscopic fundamental diagram pp. 689-710
- Lele Zhang, Zhongqi Yuan, Li Yang and Zhiyuan Liu
- Fair street space allocation: ethical principles and empirical insights pp. 711-733
- Felix Creutzig, Aneeque Javaid, Zakia Soomauroo, Steffen Lohrey, Nikola Milojevic-Dupont, Anjali Ramakrishnan, Mahendra Sethi, Lijing Liu, Leila Niamir, Christopher Bren d’Amour, Ulf Weddige, Dominic Lenzi, Martin Kowarsch, Luisa Arndt, Lulzim Baumann, Jody Betzien, Lesly Fonkwa, Bettina Huber, Ernesto Mendez, Alexandra Misiou, Cameron Pearce, Paula Radman, Paul Skaloud and J. Marco Zausch
- From “streets for traffic” to “streets for people”: can street experiments transform urban mobility? pp. 734-753
- Luca Bertolini
- Influences on lateral passing distance when motor vehicles overtake bicycles: a systematic literature review pp. 754-773
- Elisabeth Rubie, Narelle Haworth, Divera Twisk and Naohide Yamamoto
- Instrumented bikes and their use in studies on transportation behaviour, safety, and maintenance pp. 774-795
- April Gadsby and Kari Watkins
- Living with fewer cars: review and challenges on household demotorization pp. 796-809
- Anne Aguilera and Joseph Cacciari
- Last subway: the long wait for the next train in New York City pp. 810-811
- Zachary M. Schrag
- Cyclescapes of the unequal city: bicycle infrastructure and uneven development pp. 811-814
- Marcel E. Moran
- The accelerating transport innovation revolution: a global, case study-based assessment of current experience, cross-sectorial effects, and socioeconomic transformations pp. 814-816
- Constantinos Antoniou
Volume 40, issue 5, 2020
- What might Covid-19 mean for mobility as a service (MaaS)? pp. 551-556
- David Hensher
- Why are cities removing their freeways? A systematic review of the literature pp. 557-580
- Fahimeh Khalaj, Dorina Pojani, Neil Sipe and Jonathan Corcoran
- Platooning for sustainable freight transportation: an adoptable practice in the near future? pp. 581-606
- S. Sivanandham and M. S. Gajanand
- Does transport help people to gain employment? A systematic review and meta-analysis of the empirical evidence pp. 607-628
- Jeroen Bastiaanssen, Daniel Johnson and Karen Lucas
- Impacts of rail transit access on land and housing values in China: a quantitative synthesis pp. 629-645
- Wenjie Wu, Siqi Zheng, Bing Wang and Minzhe Du
- Factors that affect the ability of people with disabilities to walk or wheel to destinations in their community: a scoping review pp. 646-669
- Mike Prescott, Delphine Labbé, William C. Miller, Jaimie Borisoff, Robert Feick and William Ben Mortenson
- Policy implementation of multi-modal (shared) mobility: review of a supply-demand value proposition canvas pp. 670-684
- Li Meng, Sekhar Somenahalli and Stephen Berry
- The 30-Minute City: Designing for Access pp. 685-686
- Tom van Vuren
Volume 40, issue 4, 2020
- Are all paper citations equal? pp. 407-410
- Bert van Wee
- Costs of air pollutants from shipping: a meta-regression analysis pp. 411-428
- Ing-Marie Gren, Andreas Brutemark, Annika K. Jägerbrand and Jennie Barthel Svedén
- Travel-based multitasking: review of the role of digital activities and connectivity pp. 429-456
- Jacek Pawlak
- Resilience in railway transport systems: a literature review and research agenda pp. 457-478
- Nikola Bešinović
- Determinants of airport retail revenue: a review of literature pp. 479-505
- Yimeng Chen, Cheng-Lung Wu, Tay T.R. Koo and Ian Douglas
- Air transport and economic growth: a review of the impact mechanism and causal relationships pp. 506-528
- Fangni Zhang and Daniel J. Graham
- Recent developments in traffic flow modeling using macroscopic fundamental diagram pp. 529-550
- Lele Zhang, Zhongqi Yuan, Li Yang and Zhiyuan Liu
Volume 40, issue 3, 2020
- Electric cars – they may in time increase car use without effective road pricing reform and risk lifecycle carbon emission increases pp. 265-266
- David Hensher
- The role of residential self-selection in land use-travel research: a review of recent findings pp. 267-287
- Xiaodong Guan, Donggen Wang and Xinyu Jason Cao
- Machine learning applications in activity-travel behaviour research: a review pp. 288-311
- Anil NP Koushik, M. Manoj and N. Nezamuddin
- A literature review of mobility services: definitions, modelling state-of-the-art, and key considerations for a conceptual modelling framework pp. 312-332
- Francisco Calderón and Eric J. Miller
- Dockless bike-sharing systems: what are the implications? pp. 333-353
- Zheyan Chen, Dea van Lierop and Dick Ettema
- Transport and equity in Latin America: a critical review of socially oriented accessibility assessments pp. 354-381
- Giovanni Vecchio, Ignacio Tiznado-Aitken and Ricardo Hurtubia
- Modal shift from road haulage to short sea shipping: a systematic literature review and research directions pp. 382-406
- Zeeshan Raza, Martin Svanberg and Bart Wiegmans
Volume 40, issue 2, 2020
- Special issue on walking pp. 131-134
- Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris
- Persistence of walking in Chile: lessons for urban sustainability pp. 135-159
- Marie Geraldine Herrmann-Lunecke, Rodrigo Mora and Lake Sagaris
- Exploring the distances people walk to access public transport pp. 160-182
- Dennis van Soest, Miles R. Tight and Christopher D. F. Rogers
- Urban walkability considering pedestrians’ perceptions of the built environment: a 10-year review and a case study in a medium-sized city in Latin America pp. 183-203
- Julian Arellana, María Saltarín, Ana Margarita Larrañaga, Vilma Alvarez and César Augusto Henao
- Assessing urban sidewalk networks based on three constructs: a synthesis of pedestrian level of service literature pp. 204-240
- Dipanjan Nag, Arkopal Kishore Goswami, Ankit Gupta and Joy Sen
- Transport network criticality metrics: a comparative analysis and a guideline for selection pp. 241-264
- Bramka Arga Jafino, Jan Kwakkel and Alexander Verbraeck
Volume 40, issue 1, 2020
- Transport Reviews at 40 pp. 1-4
- David Banister
- Commuting and wellbeing: a critical overview of the literature with implications for policy and future research pp. 5-34
- Kiron Chatterjee, Samuel Chng, Ben Clark, Adrian Davis, Jonas De Vos, Dick Ettema, Susan Handy, Adam Martin and Louise Reardon
- A systematic review of route optimisation and pre-emption methods for emergency vehicles pp. 35-53
- Subash Humagain, Roopak Sinha, Edmund Lai and Prakash Ranjitkar
- Parking management for promoting sustainable transport in urban neighbourhoods. A review of existing policies and challenges from a German perspective pp. 54-75
- Franziska Kirschner and Martin Lanzendorf
- The “Ubernomics” of ridesourcing: the myths and the reality pp. 76-94
- Kenneth Button
- Corporate ownership of automated vehicles: discussing potential negative externalities pp. 95-113
- Avigail Ferdman
- Maritime mobilities pp. 114-115
- Nicolas Paquet
- Modeling of transport demand – analyzing, calculating, and forecasting transport demand pp. 115-117
- Tom van Vuren
- Mobility justice: the politics of movement in an age of extremes pp. 117-120
- Miloš N. Mladenović
- Uniformity of transport law through international regimes pp. 120-121
- Marc Fialkoff
- Copenhagenize: the definitive guide to global bicycle urbanism pp. 121-123
- Meredith Glaser and Kevin J. Krizek
- The end of driving: transportation systems and public policy planning for autonomous vehicles pp. 124-125
- William Riggs
- Transforming urban transport pp. 125-127
- Elliott Sclar
- Moshe Givoni pp. 128-129
- David Banister
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