Transport Reviews
1999 - 2024
Current editor(s): Professor David Banister and Moshe Givoni From Taylor & Francis Journals Bibliographic data for series maintained by Chris Longhurst (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 21, issue 4, 2001
- Valuation of improved railway rolling stock: A review of the literature and new evidence pp. 415-447
- Mark Wardman and Gerard Whelan
- Considering the financial ratios on the performance evaluation of highway bus industry pp. 449-467
- Cheng-Min Feng and Rong-Tsu Wang
- Integrated transport systems in the European Union: An overview of some recent developments pp. 469-497
- Milan Janic
Volume 21, issue 3, 2001
- New tramways in France: The case of Montpellier pp. 337-352
- Gordon Mills
Volume 21, issue 2, 2001
- A whole-system approach to evaluating urban transit investments pp. 141-179
- Jonathan Richmond
- The effect of railway privatization on train planning: A case study of the UK pp. 181-193
- Robert Watson
- Competition in the UK passenger railway industry: Prospects and problems pp. 195-216
- Jon Shaw
- Towards integrated traveller information pp. 217-235
- Glenn Lyons
- Economic appraisal of European transport projects: The state-of-the-art revisited pp. 237-261
- S. M. Grant-Muller, P. MacKie, J. Nellthorp and A. Pearman
- Book reviews pp. 263-268
- The Editors
Volume 21, issue 1, 2001
- The changing nature of rail freight in Great Britain: The start of a renaissance? pp. 1-13
- Allan G. Woodburn
- Effect of speed limits on speed distributions and highway safety: A survey of recent literature pp. 31-50
- Pat McCarthy
- The transport planning process for minimum available related data: A case study - Palestinian self-rule areas pp. 75-87
- Faisal Awadallah
- Traffic flooding the low countries: How the Dutch cope with motorway congestion pp. 89-116
- Piet H. L. Bovy
- International logistics in Lithuania at a time of transition pp. 117-135
- Christians Jauernig and Michael Roe
Volume 20, issue 4, 2000
- Urban travel: Competition and pricing pp. 385-401
- Patrick Bonnel and Alain Chausse
- Using risk analysis to determine the potential range of lifecycle costs for urban transit systems pp. 403-420
- David. P. Ashmore and Nigel G. Harris
- Introducing advanced electronic driver support systems: An exploration of market and technological uncertainties pp. 421-433
- V. A. W. J. Marchau and R. E. C. M. Van Der Heijden
- Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport: The Sixth International Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, September 1999 - Part 2 pp. 469-492
- Ian Scott, Jeremy D. Shires and Chris Nash
Volume 20, issue 3, 2000
- A subadditivity test for the cost function of the principal European railways pp. 275-290
- Pedro Cantos-Sánchez
- Parking restraint policy and urban vitality pp. 291-316
- Ben Still and David Simmonds
- Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport: The Sixth International Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, September 1999 - Part 1 pp. 317-346
- Jackie Walters, John Preston, Andrew Shaw, Gordon Mills and David Hensher
- The Asian economic crisis and the aviation industry: Impacts and response strategies pp. 347-367
- Muhammad A. Sadi and Joan C. Henderson
- Women, travel and the idea of 'sustainable transport' pp. 369-383
- AManda Root, Laurie Schintler and Kenneth Button
- Book review pp. 384-384
- Francisco J. Martínez
Volume 20, issue 2, 2000
- Obituary - Professor Michael E. Beesley, CBE pp. 143-144
- David Hensher
- Technological advances that impact on microsimulation modelling pp. 145-171
- Mark Dougherty, Ken Fox, Michael Cullip and Marco Boero
- A comparison of EU and US progress in the development of longitudinal advanced vehicle control and safety systems (AVCSS) pp. 173-190
- M. Brackstone and M. McDonald
- Energy use reduction potential of passenger transport in Europe pp. 191-203
- M. E. Bouwman and H. C. Moll
- Performance evaluation of carriers by North American companies pp. 205-218
- Mary R. Brooks
- Analysing road traffic influences on air pollution: How to achieve sustainable urban development pp. 219-232
- Jean-Pierre Nicolas
- Transport integration of Slovenia with the European Union pp. 233-255
- Livij Jakomin and Igor Trupac
- Logistics opportunities in Asia and development in Taiwan pp. 257-265
- Cheng-Min Feng and Kai-Chieh Chia
Volume 20, issue 1, 2000
- Editorial pp. 1-1
- Michael Banister
- Rail network accessibility and the demand for inter-urban rail travel pp. 3-24
- Mark Wardman and Jonathan Tyler
- Railway reform in China pp. 25-48
- Jian >Hong Wu and Chris Nash
- Road rage: What, who, when, where and how? pp. 49-64
- Ann M. Brewer
- An evaluation methodology for city logistics pp. 65-90
- Eiichi Taniguchi and Rob E.C.M. Van Der Heijden
- European passenger rail reforms: A comparative assessment of the emerging models pp. 91-112
- Eric Monami
- Sustainable urban development and transport -a Eurovision for 2020 pp. 113-130
- David Banister
Volume 19, issue 4, 1999
- A road safety resource allocation model pp. 291-303
- Tony Bliss, Jagadish Guria, Wayne Jones and Nigel Rockliffe
- Evaluation of bus transit maintenance and operation costs in Kuwait pp. 305-314
- Parviz A. Koushki, Saleh Yaseen and Laila I. Ali
- Effect of Speed limits on speed and safety: A review pp. 315-329
- Chester G. Wilmot and Mandar Khanal
- Guidelines for specifying automatic vehicle location and real-time passenger information systems using current best practice pp. 331-351
- Antoneta X. Horbury
- Estimation and assessment of cost allocation models for main transit systems operating in Cairo pp. 353-375
- Khaled A. Abbas and Mona H. Abd-Allah
Volume 19, issue 3, 1999
- Transporting the yield: Appropriate transport for agricultural production and marketing in Sub-Saharan Africa pp. 205-220
- Niklas Sieber
- Dynamics of LRT growth: Karlsruhe since 1975 pp. 221-240
- K. W. Axhausen and P. G. Brandl
- Urban light rail: Intermodal competition or coordination? pp. 241-253
- Laurent Denant-Boèmont and Gordon Mills
- Understanding innovation: The case of road pricing pp. 255-271
- Tore Langmyhr
- Performance evaluation of carriers by North American logistics service firms pp. 273-283
- Mary R. Brooks
Volume 19, issue 2, 1999
- Use of third-party logistics services by large US manufacturers in 1997 and comparisons with previous years pp. 103-115
- Robert C. Lieb
- An assessment of the Japan Railway companies since privatization: Performance, local rail service and debts pp. 117-139
- Fumitoshi Mizutani
- Financing a metro rail through private sector initiative: The Mumbai Metro pp. 141-156
- M. Q. Dalvi
- Replacing the private car pp. 157-175
- J. Wootton
- Conditions of success in sustainable urban transport policyPolicy change in 'relatively successful' European cities pp. 177-190
- Stefan Bratzel
- Competitive strategies for railways in the UK: A corporate perspective pp. 191-202
- G. Harris
Volume 19, issue 1, 1999
- Performance evaluation by North American carriers pp. 1-11
- Mary R. Brooks
- Employer transport plans-a case for regulation? pp. 13-31
- Tom Rye
- A comparative study of the ferry industry in Japan and the UK pp. 33-55
- Alfred J. Baird
- Modelling the impacts of transport telematics: Current limitations and future developments pp. 57-80
- Kiron Chatterjee
- Kyoto: Tradable greenhouse emission permits in the transport sector pp. 81-97
- Leo Dobes
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