Journal of Human Resources
1966 - 2025
From University of Wisconsin Press
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Volume 2, issue 4, 1967
- Introduction pp. 427-430

- Gerald G. Somers
- The Mobility of Labor and the Theory of Human Capital pp. 431-448

- Hans-Joachim Bodenhöfer
- The Effect of Geographical Mobility on Income pp. 449-460

- John B. Lansing and James N. Morgan
- Industry Variations in Geographic Labor Mobility Patterns pp. 461-474

- Lowell E. Gallaway
- The Geographic Mobility of Professional and Technical Manpower pp. 475-494

- Jack Ladinsky
- The Economic Costs and Benefits and Human Gains and Disadvantages of International Migration pp. 495-516

- Solomon Barkin
- Aspects of Labor Force Mobility in Latin America pp. 517-537

- Martin Carnoy
- A Note on the Declining Tendency with Age for Investment in Human Capital pp. 538-540

- Albert Zucker
- Poverty amid Affluence: A Report on a Research Project by Oscar Ornati pp. 541-543

- Lowell E. Gallaway
- The Measurement and Interpretation of Job Vacancies by National Bureau of Economic Research pp. 543-546

- Hirschel Kasper
- Children in Care-And after by Thomas Ferguson pp. 547

- Morton Perlmutter
Volume 2, issue 3, 1967
- Introduction pp. 291-292

- W. Lee Hansen
- The Rate of Return in Allocating Investment Resources to Education pp. 293-309

- Theodore Schultz
- An Economic Analysis of Earnings and Schooling pp. 310-329

- Giora Hanoch
- The Private and the Social Returns on Investment in Education: Some Results for Great Britain pp. 330-346

- Mark Blaug
- Investment in Education in India pp. 347-358

- A. M. Nalla Gounden
- Rates of Return to Schooling in Latin America pp. 359-374

- Martin Carnoy
- Unemployment Classification of Major Labor Areas, 1950-65 pp. 375-391

- George Iden
- Comment on "Job Vacancy Measurement" pp. 392-393

- William S. Peirce
- Technician Education Yearbook: 1965-1966 pp. 394-395

- Jerry Moss
- Education, Manpower and Economic Growth by Frederick Harbison; Charles A. Myers; Manpower and Education: Country Studies in Economic Development by Frederick Harbison; Charles A. Myers pp. 395-399

- Everett D Hawkins
- Volunteers for Learning: A Study of the Educational Pursuits of American Adults by John W. C. Johnstone; Ramon J. Rivera pp. 399-401

- Laure M. Sharp
- Spanish-Speaking Children of the Southwest: Their Education and the Public Welfare by Herschel T. Manuel; Language Programs for the Disadvantaged: The Report of the NCTE Task Force on Teaching English to the Disadvantaged by The National Council of Teachers of English pp. 402-408

- Bernard Levenson
- Life Styles of Educated Women by Eli Ginzberg; Associates; 1965 Handbook on Women Workers. Women's Bureau Bulletin No. 290 pp. 408-410

- Sylvia G. McCollum
Volume 2, issue 2, 1967
- Editorial Note pp. 139

- Gerald G. Somers
- Symposium on Manpower Theory: Introduction pp. 140-142

- John K. Folger
- The Balance between Supply and Demand for College Graduates pp. 143-175

- John K. Folger, Martin A. Trow and Alice Rivlin
- Current Psychological Theories of Occupational Choice and Their Implications for National Planning pp. 176-190

- John L. Holland, James A. Davis and William W. Cooley
- The Economics of Scientific and Engineering Manpower pp. 191-220

- W. Lee Hansen, Claus Moser and David Brown
- The Adaptation of Education to a Mobile Society pp. 221-253

- C. Arnold Anderson, Charles B. Nam and Robinson Hollister
- Persistence in Engineering and Technical Institute Programs: A Study of Some Nonintellective Concomitants pp. 254-262

- Aaron J. Miller and J. Paschal Twyman
- The Psychology of Vocational Choice: A Theory of Personality Types and Model and Environments by John L. Holland pp. 263-265

- Donald E. Super
- Manpower Policies for a Democratic Society by National Manpower Council; Manpower Planning in a Free Society by Richard A. Lester pp. 265-267

- Garth L. Mangum
- Industrial Jobs and the Worker: An Investigation of Response to Task Attributes by Arthur N. Turner; Paul R. Lawrence pp. 267-269

- Louis H. Orzack and Jeffrey Salloway
- Big City Dropouts by Robert A. Dentler; Mary Ellen Warshauer pp. 269-271

- Bartell W. Cardon
- Poverty as a Pubic Issue by Ben B. Seligman pp. 271-272

- William Gomberg
- Workers' Attitudes to Technical Change by A. Touraine and Associates pp. 272-274

- Alan C. Filley
Volume 2, issue 1, 1967
- The ISO-Prop Index: An Approach to the Determination of Differential Poverty Income Thresholds pp. 3-18

- Harold W. Watts
- Careers, Counseling, and the Curriculum pp. 19-40

- Harold L. Wilensky
- When Should Vocational Education Begin? pp. 41-50

- A. J. Corazzini
- Negro Participation in Apprenticeship Programs pp. 51-69

- Ray Marshall and Vernon M. Briggs
- Apprenticeship in the United States: Labor Market Forces and Social Policy pp. 70-96

- David J. Farber, A. Harvey Belitsky and Jack Barbash
- Gary Becker's Human Capital: A Review Article pp. 97-104

- M. W. Reder
- Vocational Education (Sixty-Fourth Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education, Part I) by Melvin L. Barlow pp. 105-109

- Robert E. Campbell
- Skid Row as a Way of Life by Samuel E. Wallace pp. 109-110

- Paul Jacobs
- Enhancing the Occupational Outlook and Vocational Aspirations of Southern Secondary Youth (A Conference of Secondary School Principals and Counselors) pp. 111-113

- Norman M. Chansky
- Management and Improvement of Guidance by George E. Hill pp. 113-114

- Philip A. Perrone
- Trends in Financing Public Education by National Education Association pp. 114-116

- Werner Z. Hirsch
- Employment, Unemployment, and Public Policy by Seymour L. Wolfbein pp. 116-117

- Lester Thurow
- Undergraduate Career Decisions: Correlates of Occupational Choice by James A. Davis pp. 117-119

- Ronald Pavalko
- Education and the Southern Economy: A Volume of Essays by James W. McKie pp. 119-122

- Murray A. Tucker