Journal of Human Resources
1966 - 2025
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Volume 16, issue 4, 1981
- Perspectives on the Economics of Mental Health pp. 494-500

- Thomas G. McGuire and Burton A. Weisbrod
- Financing and Demand for Mental Health Services pp. 501-522

- Thomas G. McGuire
- Benefit-Cost Analysis of a Controlled Experiment: Treating the Mentally Ill pp. 523-548

- Burton A. Weisbrod
- Supported Work for Ex-Addicts: An Exploration of Endogenous Tastes pp. 551-599

- Katherine P. Dickinson
- The Effects of Supported Work on the Earnings and Transfer Payments of Its AFDC Target Group pp. 600-636

- Stanley Masters
- Postprogram Changes in the Lives of AFDC Supported Work Participants: A Qualitative Assessment pp. 637-648

- Sandra K. Danziger
- Sense of Efficacy and Subsequent Change in Earnings-A Replication pp. 649-657

- Greg Duncan and James N. Morgan
- Internal-External Attitudes, Sense of Efficacy, and Labor Market Experience: A Reply to Duncan and Morgan pp. 658-666

- Paul J. Andrisani
Volume 16, issue 3, 1981
- Identification of Supplier Induced Demand in the Health Care Sector pp. 327-342

- Richard D. Auster and Ronald Oaxaca
- The Impact of Differences in Turnover Rates on Male/Female Pay Differentials pp. 343-365

- James F. Ragan and Sharon P. Smith
- The Regulation of Occupations and the Earnings of Women pp. 366-383

- William J. Moore, Douglas Pearce and R. Mark Wilson
- Wage Differences by Language Group and the Market for Language Skills in Canada pp. 384-399

- Geoffrey Carliner
- Faculty Research Activity and the Quality of Graduate Training pp. 400-415

- Timothy D. Hoga
- Changes in Labor Force Status among the Unemployed pp. 427-441

- John Barron and Wesley Mellow
- Further Evidence of the Relevance of the Dual Labor Market Hypothesis for the U. K pp. 442-448

- Robert McNabb and George Psacharopoulos
- The Returns to the Associate Degree for Technicians pp. 449-458

- Larry M. Blair, Michael G. Finn and Wayne Stevenson
Volume 16, issue 2, 1981
- An Analysis of Wage Differentials Received by Workers on Dangerous Jobs pp. 167-185

- Craig A. Olson
- Are Those Paid More Really More Productive? The Case of Experience pp. 186-216

- James Medoff and Katharine Abraham
- Entry and Exit Transitions in a Government Transfer Program: The Case of Aid to Families with Dependent Children pp. 217-237

- Robert M. Hutchens
- Alternative Models of Earnings Determination and Labor Market Structures pp. 238-259

- Eric Hanushek
- New Evidence on the Achievement of Wealth Neutrality in School Finance pp. 260-273

- Charles Link, Kenneth Lewis and David E. Black
- Expected Returns to Investment in Higher Education pp. 274-285

- Walter W. McMahon and Alan P. Wagner
- Female Labor Force Participation Rates for Nine Ethnic Groups pp. 286-293

- Geoffrey Carliner
Volume 16, issue 1, 1981
- Teacher Mobility Revisited pp. 3-19

- Richard Murnane
- Markets for Medical Care and Medical Education: An Integrated Long-Run Structural Approach pp. 20-40

- Keith B. Leffler and Cotton M. Lindsay
- Transfer Scenarios and Projections of Poverty into the 1980s pp. 41-60

- Peter Gottschalk
- Demographic Differences in Cyclical Employment Variation pp. 61-79

- Kim B. Clark and Lawrence Summers
- Job-Advertising and Wage Control Spillovers pp. 80-93

- William B. Goodwin and John Carlson
- The Influence of Socioeconomic Background on the Earnings of Young Men pp. 94-105

- B. F. Kiker and C. M. Condon
- The Theory of the Family and Intergenerational Mobility: An Empirical Test pp. 106-116

- George Catsiapis and Chris Robinson
- An Empirical Test of the Theory of On-The-Job Search pp. 129-140

- Matthew Black
- The Earnings of College Students pp. 152-156

- Alan Freiden and Dean Leimer
Volume 15, issue 4, 1980
- Overview pp. 463-479

- Robert G. Spiegelman and K. E. Yaeger
- Experimental Design, the Conlisk-Watts Assignment Model, and the Proper Estimation of Behavioral Response pp. 480-498

- Michael C. Keeley and Philip Robins
- Program Participation and Labor-Supply Response pp. 499-523

- Philip Robins and Richard W. West
- Labor Supply Response Over Time pp. 524-544

- Philip Robins and Richard W. West
- Effects of SIME/DIME on Changes in Employment Status pp. 545-573

- Philip Robins, Nancy Brandon Tuma and K. E. Yaeger
- The Effects on the Labor Supply of Young Nonheads pp. 574-590

- Richard W. West
- The Counseling and Training Subsidy Treatments pp. 591-610

- Arden R. Hall
- The Effect of Price and Income on Investment in Schooling pp. 611-640

- Yoram Weiss, Arden Hall and Fred Dong
- Effects on Wage Rates: An Interim Analysis pp. 641-653

- Richard W. West
- The Effects of Negative Income Tax Programs on Marital Dissolution pp. 654-674

- Lyle P. Groeneveld, Nancy Brandon Tuma and Michael T. Hannan
- The Effects of Negative Income Tax Programs on Fertility pp. 675-706

- Michael C. Keeley
Volume 15, issue 3, 1980
- Jobs, Cash Transfers and Marital Instability: A Review and Synthesis of the Evidence pp. 301-334

- John H. Bishop
- Work Expectations, Human Capital Accumulation, and the Wages of Young Women pp. 335-353

- Steven H. Sandell and David Shapiro
- Teenage Unemployment: Some Evidence of the Long-Run Effects on Wages pp. 354-372

- Brian E. Becker and Stephen M. Hills
- Marihuana and Work Performance: Results from an Experiment pp. 373-395

- John Kagel, Raymond Battalio and C. G. Miles
- The Relationship between Wages and Weekly Hours of Work: The Role of Division Bias pp. 409-423

- George Borjas
- Turnover and Earnings: The Scientist and Engineer Case pp. 435-443

- William N. Cooke
- Do Working Wives Increase Family Income Inequality? pp. 444-451

- Sheldon Danziger
- The Effect of Wives' Labor Force Partcipation on Inequality in the Distribution of Family Income pp. 452-455

- Barbara Bergmann, Judith Radlinski Devine, Patrice Gordon, Diane Reedy, Lewis Sage and Christina Wise
Volume 15, issue 2, 1980
- Industrialization and Skill Intensity: The Case of Massachusetts pp. 149-175

- Alexander Field
- An Empirical Analysis of the Fixed Coefficient "Manpower Requirements" Model, 1960-1970 pp. 176-199

- Richard Freeman
- The Relationship between Medical Resources and Measures of Health: Some Additional Evidence pp. 200-218

- Joseph Newhouse and Lindy J. Friedlander
- Parental Care of Children: Time Diary Estimates of Quantity, Predictability, and Variety pp. 219-239

- C. Russell Hill and Frank Stafford
- Census data from 1960 and 1970, augmented with schooling data (expenditures per pupil as well as other measures of school quality) from the various Biennial Surveys of Education, are utilized to analyze the impact of school quality on earnings and to investigate secular changes in rates of return to school quality. This research indicates that the effect of expenditures per pupil on earnings is smaller than that estimated by previous researchers. However, there has been a substantial improvement for blacks in the last decade, while the returns to the investment in the quality of education of white males have been unchanged pp. 240-254

- Ronald Rizzuto and Paul Wachtel
- Some Further Evidence on the Rate of Return to Schooling and the Business Cycle pp. 264-272

- Randall H. King
- Real Returns to Career Decisions: The Physician's Specialty and Location Choices pp. 278-286

- Kathryn M. Langwell
Volume 15, issue 1, 1980
- Incorporating Occupational Attainment in Studies of Male-Female Earnings Differentials pp. 3-28

- Randall S. Brown, Marilyn Moon and Barbara S. Zoloth
- Validating Performance Indicators for Employment and Training Programs pp. 29-48

- Robert S. Gay and Michael E. Borus
- Long-Term Returns to Vocational Training: Evidence from Military Sources pp. 49-66

- John Eric Fredland and Roger D. Little
- A Direct Measure of the Relationship between Human Capital and Productivity pp. 67-76

- Stanley A. Horowitz and Allan Sherman
- Government Employment and Black/White Relative Wages pp. 77-86

- D. Alton Smith
- Union Spillover Effects on Organized Labor Markets pp. 87-98

- Lawrence Kahn
- The Economic Decline of College Graduates: Fact or Fallacy? pp. 99-112

- Russell W. Rumberger
- Has the Golden Age of American Higher Education Come to an Abrupt End? pp. 113-120

- David R. Witmer
- Overinvestment in College Training? pp. 121-123

- Eli Schwartz and Robert Thornton
- The Facts about the Declining Economic Value of College pp. 124-142

- Richard Freeman
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