Journal of Human Resources
1966 - 2025
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Volume 22, issue 4, 1987
- A Clarification of Theories and Evidence on Supplier-Induced Demand for Physicians' Services pp. 311-620

- Miron Stano
- Educational Distribution and Income Redistribution through Education in Japan pp. 469-489

- Estelle James and Gail Benjamin
- The Effect of Health on the Labor Force Behavior of Elderly Men in Canada pp. 490-517

- Jon Breslaw and Morton Stelcner
- Earnings Differentials and Market Structure pp. 518-531

- Joyce R. Shackett and John M. Trapani
- The Effects of Job Type and Industry on the Income of Male and Female MBAs pp. 532-541

- Josephine E. Olson, Irene Hanson Frieze and Deborah Cain Good
- Impact of 1981 AFDC Reforms on Months Worked and Welfare Duration pp. 542-550

- Dan Feaster, Peter Gottschalk and George Jakubson
- Analyzing Social Program Production: An Assessment of Supported Work for Youths pp. 551-562

- David A. Long
- Filling the "Poverty Gap," 1979-84 pp. 563-573

- Daniel Weinberg
- Using Aggregate Data to Estimate the Part-Time and Full-Time Work Behavior of Japanese Women pp. 574-583

- Tadashi Yamada, Tetsuji Yamada and Frank Chaloupka
- A Note on Male-Female Wage Differences in West Germany pp. 584-592

- Knut Gerlach
- Some Direct Evidence on the Importance of Borrowing Constraints to the Labor Force Participation of Married Women pp. 593-602

- Janice Shack-Marquez and William Wascher
- Comment on "Returns to Education: A Further International Update and Implications" pp. 603-606

- Jere Behrman and Nancy Birdsall
- Comment on "Hospital Market Structure and the Return to Nursing Education" pp. 607-608

- Evelyn Lehrer and William D. White
- Comment on "Hospital Market Structure and the Return to Nursing Education": Response to Lehrer and White pp. 609-610

- LaVonne A. (Booton) Straub and Julia Lane
Volume 22, issue 3, 1987
- Limited Dependent Variable Models Using Panel Data pp. 307-338

- G. S. Maddala
- Birth Outcome Production Function in the United States pp. 339-360

- Hope Corman, Theodore J. Joyce and Michael Grossman
- Discrimination, Human Capital, and Black-White Unemployment: Evidence from Cities pp. 361-376

- Steven Shulman
- The Demand for College Education in Postwar Japan pp. 377-404

- Yoshi-Fumi Nakata and Carl Mosk
- Variable Earnings and Nonlinear Taxation pp. 405-421

- Robert Moffitt and Michael Rothschild
- Salary Differentials by Sex in the Academic Labor Market pp. 422-428

- Debra A. Barbezat
- Review: Equity, Well-Being, and Economic Choice pp. 429-440

- Julian Le Grand
- The Implicit Pension Contract: Developments and New Directions pp. 441-467

- Richard A. Ippolito
Volume 22, issue 2, 1987
- The Impact of CETA Programs on Earnings: A Review of the Literature pp. 157-193

- Burt S. Barnow
- The Adequacy of Comparison Group Designs for Evaluations of Employment-Related Programs pp. 194-227

- Thomas Fraker and Rebecca Maynard
- The Earnings Impact of Training Duration in a Developing Country: An Ordered Probit Selection Model of Colombia's Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA) pp. 228-247

- Emmanuel Jimenez and Bernardo Kugler
- Marital Status and Earnings of Young Men: A Model with Endogenous Selection pp. 248-268

- Robert A. Nakosteen and Michael Zimmer
- Income Redistribution as Human Capital Insurance pp. 269-280

- William Johnson
- Why Federal Workers Don't Quit pp. 281-299

- Richard A. Ippolito
Volume 22, issue 1, 1987
- Employment While in College, Academic Achievement, and Postcollege Outcomes: A Summary of Results pp. 1-23

- Ronald Ehrenberg and Daniel R. Sherman
- The Impact of Surplus Schooling on Productivity and Earnings pp. 24-50

- Russell W. Rumberger
- Employment Constraints and the Labor Supply of Married Women: A Reexamination of the Added Worker Effect pp. 51-61

- Tim Maloney
- Military Experience, Civilian Experience, and the Earnings of Veterans pp. 61-81

- Matthew S. Goldberg and John Warner
- Labor Supply Decisions, Human Capital Attributes, and Inequality in the Size Distribution of Earnings in the U.S., 1952-81 pp. 82-100

- Joyce R. Shackett and Daniel Slottje
- Human Capital, Information, and the Early Adoption of New Technology pp. 101-112

- Gregory D. Wozniak
- Training Programs and Wages: A General Equilibrium Analysis of the Effects of Program Size pp. 113-125

- David Blau and Philip Robins
- Fringe Benefits and the Earnings Equation: A Test of the Consistency Hypothesis pp. 126-137

- B. F. Kiker and Sherrie L. W. Rhine
- Nominal and Real Union Wage Differentials and the Effects of Industry and SMSA Density: 1973-83 pp. 138-148

- Barry Hirsch and John Neufeld
Volume 21, issue 4, 1986
- The Dynamics of Welfare Fraud: An Econometric Duration Model in Discrete Time pp. 437-455

- Douglas Wolf and David Greenberg
- Econometric Analysis of CPS-Type Unemployment Data pp. 456-484

- Christopher Flinn
- The Self-Employment Experience of Immigrants pp. 485-506

- George Borjas
- An Investigation of the Labor Market Earnings of Panamanian Males Evaluating the Sources of Inequality pp. 507-542

- James Heckman and V. Joseph Hotz
- A Framework for Analyzing the Impact of Cohort Size on Education and Labor Earning pp. 543-562

- Rachel Connelly
- Review: Design Model Issues in Social Experimentation pp. 563-585

- John Conlisk
- Review: Social Experimentation and Social Experimentation pp. 586-605

- Robert Haveman
- Are Classical Experiments Needed for Manpower Policy pp. 606-639

- Gary Burtless and Larry L. Orr
Volume 21, issue 3, 1986
- Preliminary Results of a Controlled Trial of the Effect of a Prepaid Group Practice on the Outpatient Use of Mental Health Services pp. 293-320

- Willard Manning and Kenneth B. Wells
- The Effect of Benefit Design on the Length of Stay of Medicaid Psychiatric Patients pp. 321-337

- Richard G. Frank and Judith R. Lave
- Determinants of Inpatient Mental Health Use in a Heavily Insured Population pp. 338-358

- Richard M. Scheffler and Carolyn A. Watts
- Cost Sharing and Patterns of Mental Health Care Utilization pp. 359-379

- Randall Ellis and Thomas G. McGuire
- The Cost of Protecting Occupational Health: The Asbestos Case pp. 381-396

- Donald Dewees and Ronald J. Daniels
- Age and Work Experience in the Decision to Migrate pp. 397-405

- Ernst P. Goss and Chris Paul
- Gender and Promotions: Promotion Chances of White Men and Women in Federal White-Collar Employment pp. 406-419

- Gregory B. Lewis
Volume 21, issue 2, 1986
- Reservation Wages and Their Labor Market Effects for Black and White Male Youth pp. 157-177

- Harry Holzer
- Demographic and Time Patterns in Layoffs and Quits pp. 178-199

- James W. Moser
- What is a Citation Worth? pp. 200-215

- Arthur Diamond
- The Publishing Performance of U.S. Ph.D. Programs in Economics during the 1970s pp. 216-229

- Timothy D. Hogan
- Testing the Dual Labor Market Hypothesis Evidence from the Israel Labor Mobility Survey pp. 230-237

- Shoshana Neuman and Adrian Ziderman
- Measuring the Effect of Income on Adult Mortality Using Longitudinal Administrative Record Data pp. 238-251

- Harriet Orcutt Duleep
- The Elasticity of Demand for Health Maintenance Organizations pp. 252-266

- W. P. Welch
- The Labor Force Participation Behavior of Married Women under Conditions of Constraints on Borrowing pp. 267-278

- A. Maureen O'Brien and Clifford Hawley
- The Social Security Payroll Tax and the Life-Cycle Work Pattern pp. 279-287

- Adrienne M. McElwain and James L. Swofford
Volume 21, issue 1, 1986
- Slipping into and out of Poverty: The Dynamics of Spells pp. 1-23

- Mary Jo Bane and David T. Ellwood
- A Time-Series Analysis of Hispanic Unemployment pp. 24-43

- Gregory Defreitas
- Earnings Capacity and the Trend in Inequality among Black Men pp. 44-63

- Saul Schwartz
- An Analysis of the Impact of CETA Programs on Participants' Earnings pp. 64-91

- Katherine P. Dickinson, Terry R. Johnson and Richard W. West
- Reported VS. Actual Job Search by Unemployment Insurance Claimants pp. 92-117

- Robert D. St. Louis, Paul L. Burgess and Jerry L. Kingston
- Postretirement Adjustments of Pension Benefits pp. 118-137

- Steven G. Allen, Robert L. Clark and Daniel Sumner
- The Determinates of the Provision of Charity Medical Care by Physicians pp. 138-156

- Steven D. Culler and Robert L. Ohsfeldt
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