2006 - 2024
Current editor(s): Kosta Josifidis From Savez ekonomista Vojvodine, Novi Sad, Serbia Bibliographic data for series maintained by Savez ekonomista Vojvodine, Novi Sad, Serbia (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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2014, volume 61, articles 6
- Crowding-Out or Crowding-In? Analyzing the Effects of Government Spending on Private Investment in Turkey pp. 631-651

- Hüseyin Şen and Ayşe Kaya
- Contradicting the Twin Deficits Hypothesis: The Role of Tax Revenues Composition pp. 653-667

- Alka Obadić, Tomislav Globan and Ozana Nadoveza
- External Debt and Economic Growth in Tunisia pp. 669-689

- Samir Abdelhafidh
- Interdependence of NAFTA Capital Markets: A Minimum Variance Portfolio Approach pp. 691-707

- Francisco López-Herrera, Roberto Santillán-Salgado and Edgar Ortiz
- Liberalism in Foreign Trade versus Liberalism in Air Transportation - Is there a Link? pp. 709-721

- Martin Grancay and Nora Szikorova
- Carl Menger on the Theory of Economic History. Reflections from Bulgaria pp. 723-738

- Pencho D. Penchev
- The Portuguese Residential Real Estate Market. An Evaluation of the Last Decade pp. 739-757

- Fernando A. de Oliveira Tavares, Elisabeth Pereira and António Carrizo Moreira
- Environmental Markets: A Property Rights Approach by Terry L. Anderson and Gary D. Libecap pp. 759-764

- Miroslav Prokopijević
2014, volume 61, articles 5
- Index of Macroeconomic Performance for a Subset of Countries: A Kaldorian Analysis from the Magic Square Approach Focusing on Brazilian Economy in the Period 1997-2012 pp. 527-542

- Vinícius Firme and Joanílio Rodolpho Teixeira
- The European Crisis and Global Economy Dynamics: Continental Enlargement versus Atlantic Opening pp. 543-569

- António Mendonça
- The Repositioning of the Euro Area in the World System: Political and Economic Dimensions pp. 571-584

- Augusto Santos Silva
- African Power in the 21st Century and Beyond pp. 585-596

- Neantro Saavedra-Rivano
- Some Thoughts on Power: International Context pp. 597-615

- Kosta Josifidis and Alpar Lošonc
- Robin Hood versus Piggy Bank: Income Redistribution in Portugal 2006-2010 pp. 617-630

- Carlos Farinha Rodrigues and Isabel Andrade
2014, volume 61, articles 4
- Inventories of Asian Textile Producers, US Cotton Exports, and the Exchange Rate pp. 397-413

- Nazif Durmaz
- Dimensions of Bank Capital Regulation: A Cross-Country Analysis pp. 415-439

- Matej Marinč, Mojmir Mrak and Vasja Rant
- China’s Unification: Myth or Reality? pp. 441-469

- Mario Arturo Estrada Ruiz and Donghyun Park
- Environmental Kuznets Curve for the Informal Sector of Turkey (1950-2009) pp. 471-485

- Ceyhun Elgin and Oğuz Öztunalı
- Tax Smoothing Hypothesis: A Turkish Case pp. 487-501

- Taner Turan, Mesut Karakas and Halit Yanıkkaya
- Identity, Identity Politics, and Neoliberalism pp. 503-515

- Mary Wrenn
- The End of the Developmental State? Edited by Michelle Williams pp. 517-526

- Huseyin Emrah Karaoguz
2014, volume 61, articles 3
- Economic Growth and Intangible Capitals: Europe versus Asia pp. 261-274

- José-Luis Alfaro Navarro, Victor-Raúl López Ruiz and Domingo Nevado Peña
- Contagion Effects of the Global Financial Crisis in US and European Real Economy Sectors pp. 275-288

- Dimitris Kenourgios and Dimitrios Dimitriou
- Aging Population and Public Pensions: Theory and Macroeconometric Evidence pp. 289-316

- Miroslav Verbič and Rok Spruk
- Occupational Sex Segregation and Working Time: Regional Evidence from Germany pp. 317-329

- Stephan Humpert
- How Are Interbank and Sovereign Debt Markets Linked? Evidence from 14 OECD Countries, the Euro Area and Russia pp. 331-348

- Mikhail Stolbov
- Development of a Methodology of Evaluation of Financial Stability of Commercial Banks pp. 349-367

- Willem Karel M. Brauers, Romualdas Ginevičius and Askoldas Podviezko
- Did Economic Inequality Cause the Economic Crisis pp. 369-387

- Danilo Šuković
- Austerity: The History of a Dangerous Idea by Mark Blyth pp. 389-395

- Alpar Lošonc
2014, volume 61, articles 2
- Housing Market-Bank Credit Relationship: Some Thoughts on Its Causality pp. 145-160

- Philip Arestis and Ana Rosa González
- Political Economy of Love: Nurturance Gap, Disembedded Economy and Freedom Constraints within Neoliberal Capitalism pp. 161-192

- Phillip Anthony O’Hara
- Determinants of Non-Performing Loans: The Case of Eurozone pp. 193-206

- Vasiliki Makri, Athanasios Tsagkanos and Athanasios Bellas
- Financing Health Care Expenditure in the OECD Countries: Evidence from a Heterogeneous, Cross-Sectional Dependent Panel pp. 207-225

- Felipa De Mello-Sampayo and Sofia de Sousa-Vale
- Twin Deficits in Small Open Baltic Economies pp. 227-239

- Veronika Šuliková, Marianna Siničáková and Denis Horváth
- International Portfolio Diversification: United States and South Asian Equity Markets pp. 241-252

- Rizwan Mushtaq and Syed Zulfiqar Ali Shah
- Economics of Identity by George A. Akerlof and Rachel E. Kranton pp. 253-259

- Božo Stojanović
2014, volume 61, articles 1
- French Public Finances at Risk? pp. 1-19

- Jerome Creel, Paul Hubert and Francesco Saraceno
- Fiscal Policy and Rebalancing in the Euro Area: A Critique of the German Debt Brake from a Post-Keynesian Perspective pp. 21-38

- Eckhard Hein and Achim Truger
- Is There an Alternative Strategy for Reducing Public Debt by 2032? pp. 39-57

- Christophe Blot, Marion Cochard, Jerome Creel, Bruno Ducoudré, Danielle Schweisguth and Xavier Timbeau
- The European Central Bank and the US Federal Reserve as Lender of Last Resort pp. 59-78

- Hansjörg Herr
- Inflation Targeting in Advanced vs. Emerging Economies before and after the Crisis pp. 79-106

- Kosta Josifidis, Emilija Beker Pucar, Slađana Srdić and Gabriela Ivan
- Implementing a Voluntary Wage Policy: Lessons from the Irish and Spanish Wages Policies before the Crisis pp. 107-127

- Jesus Ferreiro and Carmen Gómez
- Fiscal Crisis, Social Security Reform and Vulnerable Population pp. 129-143

- Patricia Peinado and Felipe Serrano
2013, volume 60, articles 6
- Effects on Taxation on the Forecasting of Income Inequality: Evidence from Germany, Greece, and Italy pp. 707-723

- Guglielmo D’Amico, Giuseppe Di Biase and Raimondo Manca
- Determinants of Dividend Policy: Evidence from Listed Firms in the African Stock Exchanges pp. 725-741

- Matthias Nnadi, Nyema Wogboroma and Bariyima Kabel
- Are the Global REIT Markets Efficient by a New Approach? pp. 743-757

- Hao Fang and Yen-Hsien Lee
- Synchronization of Business Cycles in the Selected European Countries pp. 759-773

- Saša Obradović and Vladimir Mihajlović
- Asymmetric Correlation of Sovereign Bond Yield Dynamics in the Eurozone pp. 775-789

- Silvo Dajcman
- Testing for Causality between the Foreign Direct Investment, Current Account Deficit, GDP and Total Credit: Evidence from G7 pp. 791-812

- Yusuf Ekrem Akbas, Mehmet Senturk and Canan Sancar
- Challenging the Raison d’etre of Internal Devaluation in the Context of the Greek Economy pp. 813-836

- Constantinos Alexiou and Joseph G. Nellis
- China's Road to Capitalism How China Became Capitalist by Ronald Coase and Ning Wang pp. 837-845

- Božo Stojanović
2013, volume 60, articles 5
- Mistakes in the Fiscal Policy in Spain before the Crisis pp. 577-592

- Jesus Ferreiro, Carmen Gómez and Felipe Serrano
- Impact of the Subprime Crisis on Commercial Banks’ Financial Performance pp. 593-614

- Hao Fang, Yang-Cheng Lu and Chi-Wei Su
- Bank Wholesale Funding and Credit Procyclicality: Evidence from Korea pp. 615-631

- Sangjun Jeong and Hueechae Jung
- Causality between Regional Stock Markets: A Frequency Domain Approach pp. 633-647

- Nikola Gradojevic and Eldin Dobardžić
- American Growth and Napoleonic Wars pp. 649-666

- Hasan Vergil and M. Erdem Ozgur
- Income Redistribution through Taxes and Social Benefits: The Case of Slovenia and Croatia pp. 667-686

- Mitja Čok, Ivica Urban and Miroslav Verbič
- France and Germany Nuclear Energy Policies Revisited: A Veblenian Appraisal pp. 687-698

- Pascal Petit
- Rebel Cities: From the Right to the City to the Urban Revolution by David Harvey pp. 699-705

- Dušan Marinković
2013, volume 60, articles 4
- The Crisis of the Core Seen through the Eyes of the Periphery: A Schelling Model of the Global-South Megacity and the European Crisis pp. 433-455

- Gary A. Dymski
- Wagner’s Law versus Keynesian Hypothesis: Evidence from pre-WWII Greece pp. 457-472

- Antoniou Antonis, Katrakilidis Constantinos and Persefoni Tsaliki
- Which Global Stock Indices Trigger Stronger Contagion Risk in the Vietnamese Stock Market? Evidence Using a Bivariate Analysis pp. 473-497

- Kuan Min Wang and Hung-Cheng Lai
- Turkish Stock Market Integration with Oil Prices: Cointegration Analysis with Unknown Regime Shifts pp. 499-513

- Umut Halaç, Fatma Dilvin Taşkın and Efe Cagli
- Capital Flows, Real Exchange Rates, and Capital Controls: What Is the Scope of Liberalization for Tunisia? pp. 515-540

- Fatma Charfi
- Financial Effects of the International Migration in Europe: Modelling the Decision to Remit pp. 541-555

- Monica Roman
- Equilibrium-Oriented Housing Supply: A Case Study of Chengdu City, China pp. 557-568

- Ge He
- The Riddle of Thinking Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman pp. 569-576

- Božo Stojanović
2013, volume 60, articles 3
- Finance Capitalism: A Look at the European Financial Accounts pp. 249-290

- Massimo Cingolani
- The Euro Zone Peripheral Countries’ Sovereign Debt Crisis: Also a Case of Non-Mature Democracies? pp. 291-310

- Abel L. Costa Fernandes and Paulo R. Mota
- The EU Financial Transactions Tax: Antecedents and Current Debate pp. 311-321

- Yiannis Kitromilides and Ana Rosa González
- Eastern Migrations vs Western Welfare States – (Un)Biased Fears pp. 323-345

- Kosta Josifidis, John Hall, Valérie Berenger and Novica Supić
- Family and Childcare Support Public Expenditures and Short-Term Fertility Dynamics pp. 347-364

- Cosmin Enache
- Can Immigrant Remittances Support Development Finance? pp. 365-380

- Alex Julca
- Exchange Rate Misalignment, Capital Accumulation and Income Distribution Theory and Evidence from the Case of Brazil pp. 381-396

- José Luis Oreiro and Eliane Araujo
- Conflicts between Agricultural Policy and Sustainable Land Use: The Case of Northern Spain pp. 397-414

- Juan Ramón Murua, Inmaculada Astorkiza and Begoña Eguía
- Changing the Total Allowable Catch (TAC) Decision-Making Framework: A Central Bank of Fishes? pp. 415-431

- Kepa Astorkiza and Ikerne del Valle
2013, volume 60, articles 2
- The Application of Data Envelopment Analysis Based Malmquist Total Factor Productivity Index: Empirical Evidence in Turkish Banking Sector pp. 139-159

- Yasemin Keskin Benli and Suleyman Degirmen
- Financial Integration, Euro and the Twin Deficits of Southern Eurozone Countries pp. 161-178

- Nikolina E. Kosteletou
- The Purchasing Power Parity in Emerging Europe: Empirical Results Based on Two-Break Analysis pp. 179-202

- Zorica Mladenović, Kosta Josifidis and Slađana Srdić
- Foreign Reserves as Hedging Instruments in Emerging Countries pp. 203-230

- Marcello Spanò
- Out of Sample Value-at-Risk and Backtesting with the Standardized Pearson Type-IV Skewed Distribution pp. 231-247

- Stavros Stavroyiannis and Leonidas Zarangas
2013, volume 60, articles 1
- Moving from Inflation Targeting to Prices and Incomes Policy pp. 1-17

- Philip Arestis and Malcolm Sawyer
- Policies and Institutions for Moderating Deep Recessions, Debt Crises and Financial Instabilities pp. 19-49

- Phillip Anthony O’Hara
- The Stylized Facts of Greek Inflation: New Evidence on Persistence pp. 51-71

- Nicholas Apergis
- Does Globalization Lead to a Rat Race of National Labor-Market Institutions? pp. 73-87

- Peter J. Stauvermann
- Monetary Determinants of Deposit Euroization in European Post-Transition Countries pp. 89-101

- Marina Tkalec
- Efficience des banques commerciales Tunisiennes: etude par l’approche de frontière stochastique pp. 103-132

- Bannour Boutheina and Labidi Moez
- Applied Time Series Analysis by Zorica Mladenović and Aleksandra Nojković pp. 133-137

- Slađana Srdić
On this page- 2014, volume 61
Articles 6
Articles 5 Articles 4 Articles 3 Articles 2 Articles 1
- 2013, volume 60
Articles 6
Articles 5 Articles 4 Articles 3 Articles 2 Articles 1
Other years2024, volume 71
2023, volume 70
2022, volume 69
2021, volume 68
2020, volume 67
2019, volume 66
2018, volume 65
2017, volume 64
2016, volume 63
2015, volume 62
2012, volume 59
2011, volume 58
2010, volume 57
2009, volume 56
2008, volume 55
2007, volume 54
2006, volume 53
On this page- 2014, volume 61
Articles 6
Articles 5 Articles 4 Articles 3 Articles 2 Articles 1
- 2013, volume 60
Articles 6
Articles 5 Articles 4 Articles 3 Articles 2 Articles 1
Other years2024, volume 71
2023, volume 70
2022, volume 69
2021, volume 68
2020, volume 67
2019, volume 66
2018, volume 65
2017, volume 64
2016, volume 63
2015, volume 62
2012, volume 59
2011, volume 58
2010, volume 57
2009, volume 56
2008, volume 55
2007, volume 54
2006, volume 53