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2006 - 2024

Current editor(s): Kosta Josifidis

From Savez ekonomista Vojvodine, Novi Sad, Serbia
Bibliographic data for series maintained by Savez ekonomista Vojvodine, Novi Sad, Serbia ().

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2008, volume 55, articles 4

Demand for Currency Substitution pp. 405-437 Downloads
John J. Seater
Taux de change réel d’équilibre et mésalignements: Enseignements d’un modèle VAR-ECM pour le cas de la Tunisie pp. 439-464 Downloads
Fatma Charfi
Modelling Seasonality – An Extension of the HEGY Approach in the Presence of Two Structural Breaks pp. 465-484 Downloads
Ozlem Tasseven
On Genocide, Economic Reasons vs. Ethnic Passion pp. 485-496 Downloads
Jerome Ballet, Damien Bazin and François-Régis Mahieu
Trade Liberalization in the South East Europe – Effects and Controversial Issues pp. 497-522 Downloads
Ljiljana Pjerotić
Quelques paradoxes sur le cours de certaines monnaies et de l’or en période de crise pp. 523-526 Downloads
Jean-Pau Guichard
Kosta Josifidis, Alpar Lošonc, Neoliberalizam: sudbina ili izbor (Neoliberalism: Destiny or Choice) pp. 527-530 Downloads
Novica Supić

2008, volume 55, articles 3

Zašto će evro postati rival dolaru pp. 255-278 Downloads
Menzie Chinn and Jeffrey Frankel
Monetary Integration Issues in Latin America: A Multivariate Assessment pp. 279-308 Downloads
Jean-Pierre Allegret and Alain Sand-Zantman
The Co-integration of European Stock Markets after the Launch of the Euro pp. 309-324 Downloads
José Soares da Fonseca
Asymétries des marchés du travail et absorption des chocs en Union monétaire: les gouvernements doivent-ils se coaliser? pp. 325-352 Downloads
Cornel Oros
Choix des politiques de change dans les pays en developpements: Etude de la competitivite de la Tunisie pp. 353-367 Downloads
Hend Sfaxi Benahji
Les réformes financières dans la région MENA, une approche comparative: cas de la Tunisie, l’Algérie, le Maroc et l’Egypte pp. 369-381 Downloads
Ahmed Alouani
Econometric Model of Interest Rates on Deposits in Montenegro pp. 383-398 Downloads
Ivana Stešević
Kosta Josifidis, Ekonomija: nauka ili metafizika, nekoliko metodoloških po(r)uka pp. 399-402 Downloads
Alpar Lošonc

2008, volume 55, articles 2

Goodbye Washington Consensus, Hello Washington Confusion? A Review of the World Bank’s Economic Growth in the 1990s: Learning from a Decade of Reform pp. 135-156 Downloads
Dani Rodrik
Evaluation of the Income Convergence Hypothesis in Ten New Members of the European Union. A Panel Unit Root Approach pp. 157-166 Downloads
Ranjpour Reza and Karimi Takanlou Zahra
Full Employment as a Possible Objective for EU Policy II. Review of Some Empirical Aspects pp. 167-184 Downloads
Massimo Cingolani
Electoral Rules, Forms of Government, and Political Budget Cycles in Transition Countries pp. 185-218 Downloads
Marko Klašnja
Decomposition of External Capital Inflows and Outflows in the Small Open Transition Economy (The Case Analysis of the Slovak Republic) pp. 219-231 Downloads
Rajmund Mirdala
A New Era for the Music Industry: How New Technologies and the Internet Affect the Way Music is Valued and have an Impact on Output Quality pp. 233-248 Downloads
Tassos Patokos
Reading Statistics and Research by Schuyler W. Huck pp. 249-252 Downloads
Mirko Savić

2008, volume 55, articles 1

Politička ekonomija nominalnih makroekonomskih poremećaja pp. 3-37 Downloads
Shanker Satyanath and Arvind Subramanian
Money Creation, Employment and Economic Stability: The Monetary Theory of Unemployment and Inflation pp. 39-67 Downloads
Alain Parguez
L’impact de la libéralisation commerciale sur le travail des femmes. Une analyse comparative entre l’Afrique du Sud et l’Ethiopie a l’aide d’une approche en Equilibre Général Calculable pp. 69-88 Downloads
Mitik Lulit and Berthomieu Claude
Full Employment as a Possible Objective for EU Policy I. A Perspective From the Point of View of The Monetary Circuit pp. 89-114 Downloads
Massimo Cingolani
Economic Freedom and New Economic Paradigm pp. 115-128 Downloads
Veselin Vukotić
Socialism after Hayek by Theodore A. Burczak pp. 129-132 Downloads
Alpar Lošonc

2007, volume 54, articles 4

Central Bank Independence and Monetary Policymaking Institutions: Past, Present, and Future pp. 367-395 Downloads
Alex Cukierman
Quels régimes de change pour les marchés émergents ? Les solutions de coins en questions pp. 397-427 Downloads
Jean-Pierre Allegret
Analysis of Effects of Foreign Bank Entry on Credit Interest Rate Behavior in Serbia pp. 429-443 Downloads
Đorđe Đukić
More Employers, More Jobs, More Money: An Empirical Analysis of Local Economic Development Policy Impacts in U.S. Cities pp. 445-467 Downloads
Stuart Strother
Social Protection Convergence in the European Union: Impact of Maastricht Treaty pp. 469-487 Downloads
Nicole Attia and Valérie Berenger
Does Politics Matter in the Conduct of Fiscal Policy? Political Determinants of the Fiscal Sustainability: Evidence from Seven Individual Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC) pp. 489-500 Downloads
Srdjan Redžepagić and Matthieu Llorca
Central banking in theory and practise Nikola Fabris (Central bank of Montenegro, Podgorica 2006) pp. 501-505 Downloads
Emilija Beker
Central and Eastern European Countries and the European Union Edited by Michael Artis, Anindya Banerjee and Massimiliano Marcellino (Cambridge University Press, 2006) pp. 507-515 Downloads
Valentina Ivanić

2007, volume 54, articles 3

Optimal Exchange Rate Regimes: Turning Mundell-Fleming's Dictum on its Head pp. 249-270 Downloads
Amartya Lahiri, Rajesh Singh and Carlos A. Vegh
Volatilité des chocs et degré de flexibilité du taux de change pp. 271-301 Downloads
Jean-Pierre Allegret, Mohamed Ayadi and Leila Haouaoui
The International Transmission of Monetary Shocks in a Dollarized Economy: The Case of USA and Lebanon pp. 303-324 Downloads
Jean François Goux and Charbel Cordahi
The Money Market in Montenegro - Conditions, Development and Outlook pp. 325-346 Downloads
Danijela Vukajlović-Grba
Questions About Household Consumption in Surveys pp. 347-357 Downloads
Mirko Savić
M. Aglietta and A. Rebérioux, Corporate Governance Adrift. A Critique of Shareholder Value (Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2005) pp. 359-362 Downloads
Alpar Lošonc

2007, volume 54, articles 2

Current Account Deficits in Rich Countries pp. 127-158 Downloads
Olivier Blanchard
Équilibres multiples et poids de l’histoire: quelle responsabilité pour la politique économique? pp. 159-184 Downloads
Fabienne Bonetto
Serbian Identity and the Concept of Europeanness pp. 185-195 Downloads
Irena Ristić
Global Capital Markets - An Updated Profile pp. 197-217 Downloads
Miroslava Filipović
Monetary Strategies from the Perspective of Intermediate Objectives pp. 219-233 Downloads
Marianna Neupauerová and Ján Vravec
Bureaucratic Behavior: A Review of the Theory and its Application to Serbian Public Administration pp. 235-242 Downloads
Jelena Žarković-Rakić
Jean-Pierre Allegret: Exchange Rate Regimes for Emerging Countries. Perspectives for the 21st Century (Vuibert Editions, 2005) pp. 243-246 Downloads
Irene Andreou and Aleksandra Zdzienicka

2007, volume 54, articles 1

Does Political Instability Lead to Higher and More Volatile Inflation? A Panel Data Analysis pp. 5-27 Downloads
Ari Aisen and Francisco Veiga
Why Foreign Aid Fails pp. 29-51 Downloads
Miroslav Prokopijević
La these de Feldstein-Horioka: une mesure de la mobilité internationale du capital pp. 53-67 Downloads
João Andrade
La persistance des ecarts de richesse au sein de l’europe elargie: l’apport de l’econometrie des panels heterogenes non-stationnaires pp. 69-86 Downloads
Anna Tykhonenko
Comparison of Real Development Levels of Countries – Genesis and Perspectives pp. 87-101 Downloads
Zora Prekajac
Privatization in Economic Theory pp. 103-118 Downloads
Maja Drakić
Susan Senior Nello: The European Union: Economics, Policies and History (The McGraw Hill Companies, Berkshire, 2005) pp. 119-122 Downloads
Alpar Lošonc
Page updated 2025-03-29