2006 - 2024
Current editor(s): Kosta Josifidis From Savez ekonomista Vojvodine, Novi Sad, Serbia Bibliographic data for series maintained by Savez ekonomista Vojvodine, Novi Sad, Serbia (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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2010, volume 57, articles 4
- The Greek Crisis: Causes and Implications pp. 391-404

- Georgios Kouretas and Prodromos Vlamis
- “The Price You Pay”: The Impact of State-Funded Secondary School Performance on Residential Property Values in England pp. 405-428

- John Glen and Joseph G. Nellis
- Asymmetric Volatility Spillovers between Stock Market and Real Activity: Evidence from the UK and the US pp. 429-445

- Nikolaos Giannellis, Angelos Kanas and Athanasios Papadopoulos
- Endogeneity of the Natural Rate of Growth: An Application to Turkey pp. 447-469

- Senay Acikgoz and Merter Mert
- The Link between Government Spending, Consumer Confidence and Consumption Expenditures in Emerging Market Countries pp. 471-485

- Yasemin Özerkek and Sadullah Çelik
- Financial Services Liberalisation in Transition Countries and the Role of the WTO pp. 487-501

- Ivana Prica and Jelica Petrović Vujačić
- Economic Theory and Reality Spontaneous Chaos – Economics in a Time of Wolves by Erik S. Reinert pp. 503-509

- Božo Stojanović
2010, volume 57, articles 3
- Primena novog fiskalnog aktivizma pp. 251-259

- Alan Auerbach
- Exchange Rate and Interest Rate Distribution and Volatility under the Portuguese Target Zone pp. 261-282

- António Portugal Duarte, João Andrade and Adelaide Duarte
- Risk Assessment of Transitional Economies by Multivariate and Multicriteria Approaches pp. 283-302

- Neli Tomić-Plazibat, Zdravka Aljinović and Snježana Pivac
- Random Walk Theory and Exchange Rate Dynamics in Transition Economies pp. 303-320

- Nikola Gradojevic, Vladimir Djakovic and Goran Andjelić
- Link between International Supervision and Banking Crises pp. 321-332

- Houssem Rachdi
- Economic Development and Foreign Direct Investment: How to Create Sustainable Development An Analysis of the Potential for Sustainable Development on the Indian Subcontinent pp. 333-347

- Nathalie Homlong and Elisabeth Springler
- Illiquidity of Frontier Financial Market: Case of Serbia pp. 349-367

- Boško Živković and Jelena Minović
- Euro Crisis pp. 369-384

- Miroslav Prokopijević
- The Romantic Economist: Imagination in Economics by Richard Bronk pp. 385-390

- Alpar Lošonc
2010, volume 57, articles 2
- Bihevioristička ekonomija blagostanja pp. 123-151

- B. Douglas Bernheim
- Introducing Formalism in Economics: The Growth Model of John von Neumann pp. 153-172

- Sandye Gloria-Palermo
- Cost-based Empirical Model of the Aggregate Price Determination for the Turkish Economy: A Multivariate Cointegration Approach pp. 173-188

- Fatma Zeren and Levent Korap
- Measurement of Competitiveness Degree in Tunisian Deposit Banks: An Application of the Panzar and Rosse Model pp. 189-207

- Sami Mensi
- Subprime Crisis and Instability of Global Financial Markets pp. 209-224

- Ognjen Radonjić and Miodrag Zec
- Methodological Basis for Macroeconomic Projections in Countries Exposed to Pressures and Shocks: Example of Serbia pp. 225-243

- Miladin Kovačević and Stojan Stamenković
- Exchange Rate Regimes in Emerging and Transition Economies by Kosta Josifidis, Jean-Pierre Allegret and Emilija Beker pp. 245-249

- Céline Gimet
2010, volume 57, articles 1
- Bihevioristička ekonomija blagostanja pp. 1-22

- B. Douglas Bernheim
- Exchange Rate and Trade Balance: J-curve Effect pp. 23-41

- Pavle Petrović and Mirjana Gligorić
- Insurability Challenges Under Uncertainty: An Attempt to Use the Artificial Neural Network for the Prediction of Losses from Natural Disasters pp. 43-60

- Rim Jemli, Nouri Chtourou and Rochdi Feki
- Invisible Hand in the Process of Making Economics or on the Method and Scope of Economics pp. 61-83

- Turan Yay and Huseyin Tastan
- Can the Capability Approach be Evaluated within the Frame of Mainstream Economics? A Methodological Analysis pp. 85-99

- Hatice Karaçay Çakmak
- Neoliberalism: Befall or Respite? pp. 101-117

- Kosta Josifidis, Alpar Lošonc and Novica Supić
- Austrian School by Jesus Huerta de Soto pp. 119-122

- Dragan D. Lakićević
2009, volume 56, articles 4
- Decision Making by Hybrid Probabilistic-Possibilistic Utility Theory pp. 421-433

- Endre Pap
- Enhancing Bank Transparency: What Role for the Supervision Authority? pp. 435-452

- Francesco Giuli and Marco Manzo
- Process and Effects of Financial Liberalization in Transition Countries: A Selective Literature Survey pp. 453-473

- Claude Berthomieu and Anastasia Ri
- Balkan Countries: Catching Up and their Integration in the European Financial System pp. 475-489

- Fabienne Bonetto, Srdjan Redžepagić and Anna Tykhonenko
- The Global Financial Crisis and the Behaviour of Short-Term Interest Rates – International and Serbian Aspects pp. 491-506

- Djordje Djukić and Mališa Djukić
- Challenges of Industrial Development of Serbia pp. 507-525

- Edvard Jakopin and Jurij Bajec
- Economic Planning: Time to Reconsider? pp. 527-534

- Wassily Kafouros
- Bad Samaritans: The Myth of Free Trade and the Secret History of Capitalism by Ha-Joon Chang pp. 535-540

- Alpar Lošonc
2009, volume 56, articles 3
- Is the 2007 US Sub-Prime Financial Crisis So Different?: An International Historical Comparison pp. 291-299

- Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff
- The Intersectoral Linkage Effects in Turkish Economy: An Application of Static Leontief Model pp. 301-326

- Gülsün Gürkan Yay and Serkan Keçeli
- Développement financier et croissance économique: Rôle de la qualité des institutions pp. 327-357

- Yahyaoui Abdelkarim and Atef Rahmani
- Interest Rate Transmission Mechanism of Monetary Policy in the Selected EMU Candidate Countries pp. 359-377

- Rajmund Mirdala
- Income Differentials on Regional Labour Markets in Southwest Germany pp. 379-396

- Alice Guyot, Stefan Berwing and Maria Lauxen-Ulbrich
- Pertinent Analytic Method to Correctly Measure Contributions to Growth in Gross Domestic Product pp. 397-408

- Antoine Brunet
- Indebtedness and Mercantilism pp. 409-416

- Jean-Paul Guichard
- Osnove austrijske teorije (Groundwork of the Austrian Theory) Božo Stojanović pp. 417-419

- Miroslav Prokopijević
2009, volume 56, articles 2
- Financial Globalization: A Reappraisal pp. 143-197

- Ayhan Kose, Eswar Prasad, Kenneth Rogoff and Shang-Jin Wei
- Monetary and Exchange Rate Regimes Changes: The Cases of Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Republic of Serbia pp. 199-226

- Kosta Josifidis, Jean-Pierre Allegret and Emilija Beker Pucar
- Coefficient of Structural Concordance and an Example of its Application: Labour Productivity and Wages in Slovenia pp. 227-240

- Miroslav Verbič and Franc Kuzmin
- The Asian Crisis Contagion: A Dynamic Correlation Approach Analysis pp. 241-260

- Essahbi Essaadi, Jamel Jouini and Wajih Khallouli
- Technology and Demand for Skilled Labor in Turkish Private Manufacturing Industries pp. 261-279

- Tolga Aksoy
- Trade Liberalisation and the Poverty of Nations by A.P. Thirlwall and Penélope Pacheco-López pp. 281-286

- Zora Prekajac
2009, volume 56, articles 1
- European Integration and Social Convergence: A Qualitative Appraisal pp. 3-19

- Nicole Attia and Valérie Bérenger
- Analysis of Shocks Affecting Europe: EMU and some Central and Eastern Acceding Countries pp. 21-38

- Nabil Ben Arfa
- Seasonal Co-integration – An Extension of the Johansen and Schaumburg Approach with an Exclusion Test pp. 39-53

- Ozlem Tasseven
- Search for Co-Integratıon Between Money, Prıces and Income: Low Frequency Evıdence From the Turkısh Economy pp. 55-72

- Cem Saatçioğlu and Levent Korap
- Dynamique a long terme du taux de change réel, Libéralisation Commerciale et Intégration Financiere: Cas des Pays du Sud et de l’Est Méditerranéen pp. 73-93

- Hadj Amor Thouraya and El Araj Rita
- Challenges for Monetary Policy in the Enlarged European Monetary Union pp. 95-110

- Irena Radović
- Serbia’s EU Integration Process: The Momentum of 2008 pp. 111-125

- Irena Ristić
- Une crise qui n’en finit pas de « rebondir » pp. 127-133

- Jean-Paul Guichard and Antoine Brunet
- Ljubomir Madžar, The Missing Dimensions in the Evaluation of the Macroeconomic Performance in the Republic of Serbia pp. 135-139

- Alpar Lošonc
On this page- 2010, volume 57
Articles 4
Articles 3 Articles 2 Articles 1
- 2009, volume 56
Articles 4
Articles 3 Articles 2 Articles 1
Other years2024, volume 71
2023, volume 70
2022, volume 69
2021, volume 68
2020, volume 67
2019, volume 66
2018, volume 65
2017, volume 64
2016, volume 63
2015, volume 62
2014, volume 61
2013, volume 60
2012, volume 59
2011, volume 58
2008, volume 55
2007, volume 54
2006, volume 53
On this page- 2010, volume 57
Articles 4
Articles 3 Articles 2 Articles 1
- 2009, volume 56
Articles 4
Articles 3 Articles 2 Articles 1
Other years2024, volume 71
2023, volume 70
2022, volume 69
2021, volume 68
2020, volume 67
2019, volume 66
2018, volume 65
2017, volume 64
2016, volume 63
2015, volume 62
2014, volume 61
2013, volume 60
2012, volume 59
2011, volume 58
2008, volume 55
2007, volume 54
2006, volume 53