European Countryside
2009 - 2024
Current editor(s): Milada Šťastná From Sciendo Bibliographic data for series maintained by Peter Golla (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 16, issue 4, 2024
- Women-Led Social Innovation Initiatives Contribute to Gender Equality in Rural Areas: Grounded Theory on Five Initiatives From Three Continents pp. 534-562

- Sarkki Simo, Ludvig Alice, Fransala Jasmiini, Melnykovych Mariana, Živojinović Ivana, Ravazzoli Elisa, Bengoumi Mohammed, Nijnik Maria, Torre Cristina Dalla, Górriz-Mifsud Elena, Labidi Arbia, Sfeir Patricia, Marco Lucía López, Valero Diana, Joyce Katy and Chorti Houda
- Empowering Women-Led Innovations: Key Players In Realising The Long-Term Vision For Rural Areas pp. 563-588

- Farrell Maura, Sarkki Simo, Fransala Jasmiini, Murtagh Aisling, Weir Louise, Ahl Helene, Lépy Élise and Heikkinen Hannu I.
- The Role of Women in Leader: Developments in Germany Over Time and Implications pp. 589-614

- Raue Petra, Fynn Lynn-Livia and Pollermann Kim
- Perceptions of Digital Economy Opportunities in Diverse Rural Areas in Czechia by Rural Women Leaders pp. 615-627

- Kouřilová Jana, Pělucha Martin, Shemetev Aleksander and Kubíková Martina
- Agritourism as A Pathway to Women's Empowerment: Insights From Rural Albania pp. 628-646

- Sulaj Anila and Themelko Henrieta
- Urban-Rural Differentiation in Serbia Beyond the Women’s Role in the Local Labor Force pp. 647-667

- Drobnjaković Marija and Panić Milena
- Women and the Rural World. The Reasons Put Forward by Women As to Why the Population Continues to Fall in Many Parts of Andalusia (Spain) pp. 668-689

- García Eugenio Cejudo, José Ríos Martín M.ª and Oria María Inmaculada Cejudo
- Educational Priorities of Girls From Rural Areas Entering Classical Universities in Big Cities: A Case Study of Ukraine pp. 690-709

- Lozynskyy Roman, Zubyk Andriy, Labinska Halyna and Zakutynska Iryna
Volume 16, issue 3, 2024
- Perceptions of Change and Migration Aspirations: A qualitative study on the intertwined nature of rural development and outwards mobility aspirations in the Hungarian countryside pp. 360-384

- Horzsa Gergely
- To Go or To Stay? The Motivation Behind Immobility in A Hungarian Micro-Region pp. 385-411

- Ondrik Szonja and Ágnes Varga
- Unveiling the Resources of Digital Pioneers: an Agency Perspective on Digital Social Innovation in Rural Germany pp. 412-436

- Mettenberger Tobias, Binder Julia and Zscherneck Julia
- Cultural Tourism in Predominantly Rural Communities. Residents’ Perception in Buzău Carpathians and Subcarpathians (Romania) pp. 437-458

- Roznoviețchi Irena, Damian Nicoleta, Mitrică Bianca, Grigorescu Ines, Şerban Paul-Răzvan, Dumitraşcu Monica and Dumitrică Cristina
- Tourism Reactivation in Extremadura (Spain): Post-Covid Analysis of Inland Destinations pp. 459-479

- Rodríguez Nerea Ríos, Alonso Gema Cárdenas and Masot Ana Nieto
- The Role of Gastronomy as A Driver of Rural Tourism Development: The Case of Mirandela pp. 480-499

- da Mota Carlos Vilela, Rodrigues Rosa Isabel, Palrão Teresa and Madeira Arlindo
- From Food Deserts to Food Access. Methodological and Theoretical Considerations for Research in Sparsely Populated Rural European Areas pp. 500-512

- Ramos-Truchero Guadalupe
- From Agricultural Station to Rural Lab: Sa Granja, an Innovative Center for Agricultural Research, Training, and Cooperation on the Island Of Menorca pp. 513-533

- Pastrana-Huguet Josep and Casado-Claro Maria-Francisca
Volume 16, issue 2, 2024
- Contribution of Leader Community Initiative to People’s Quality of Life: A Case of Thirty Years Application in Rural Spain pp. 183-203

- Moreno Francisco José Gallego, Flores José Alvaro Hernández, Díaz-Puente José-María and Bettoni Maddalena
- Food Hub or Not Yet? Exploring the Food Hub Milieu in Czechia pp. 204-223

- Smutná Zdeňka and Hruška Vladan
- Empirical Analysis of Food Losses and Waste in Ukraine pp. 224-250

- Kotykova Olena, Pohorielova Olena, Babych Mykola and Nadvynychnyy Sergiy
- School in the Rural Municipality as an Issue of Politics: Czech Mayors' Attitudes towards the Role and Support of the Local Elementary School pp. 251-268

- Kučerová Silvie R., Šmíd Jan, Navarová Eva and Doležal Marek
- Community Functions of Schools and Municipal Support of Schools on the Continuum of the Rural Periphery – Town pp. 269-285

- Kubeš Jan
- Destination Brandscapes. Integration of Landscape Elements into Destination Brands pp. 286-304

- Sandriester Jasmin and Pizzera Judith
- Rural Areas and Big Game Hunting in Spain: Analysis of Preferences According to Hunter's Gender and Family Income pp. 305-323

- Gallego Juan Ignacio Rengifo, Delgado Luz María Martín, Pérez-González Javier, Martín José Manuel Sánchez, Sánchez-García Carlos and Trucios Sebastián Hidalgo de
- The European Citizens’ Stance on the Sustainability Subsidies Given to The Eu Farmers pp. 324-336

- Mata Fernando, Cano-Díaz Concha and Jesus Meirielly
- Inclusive Development of Rural-Urban Agglomerations of Ukraine: Capacity, Sectoral and Socio-Economic Orientation, Trends pp. 337-359

- Pavlov Oleksandr, Pavlova Iryna, Pavlov Oleksandr, Didukh Serhii and Lagodiienko Volodymyr
Volume 16, issue 1, 2024
- Anniversary Editorial: 15 Volumes of European Countryside Issued pp. 1-9

- Šťastná Milada, Vaishar Antonín and Pavlata Leoš
- Challenges and Prospects for the Determinants of Socioeconomic Development in Rural Areas: Evidence from Lithuania pp. 10-25

- Lankauskienė Rita and Gedminaitė-Raudonė Živilė
- Bridging the Gap. Policies to Accelerate Social Change for an Inclusive Rural Digital Transformation in Sweden pp. 26-42

- Lindberg Johanna, Runardotter Mari and Ståhlbröst Anna
- A Voluntary Divide? Exploring the Role of Digitalisation in German Rural Volunteering pp. 43-63

- Christoph Thewes, Sept Ariane and Richter Ralph
- ‘Is Second the New First?’ – The Conversion of Second Homes Into Primary Ones During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic pp. 64-85

- Sulyok Judit, Nemes Gusztáv, Orbán Éva and Tomay Kyra
- Response of Short Food Supply Chains in Western Balkan Countries to the COVID Crisis: A Case Study in the Honey Sector pp. 86-109

- Paraušić Vesna, Dashi Etleva Muça, Subić Jonel, Pomianek Iwona and Šarić Bojana Bekić
- Female Leadership in Wine Tourism in Portugal pp. 110-133

- Pato Maria Lúcia, Cunha Diana, Barroco Cristina, Cunha Conceição and Kastenholz Elisabeth
- Development of the Wine-Growing Enterprises in the Mór Wine Region, Hungary pp. 134-150

- Kismarjai Balázs, Illés Sándor, Mendel Ákos, Simonyi Péter and Zsótér Brigitta
- Gastronomic Identity and the Role of the Confraternities in the Valorisation of Local Products. The Confraternity of Bucho Raiano in the Promotion of Culture and Inland Tourism pp. 151-167

- Fernandes Gonçalo Poeta, Costa Adriano and Cerveira Rui
- Iconic Architecture as a Catalyst for Wine Tourism: A Case Study of Marques De Riscal pp. 168-182

- Beatriz Plaza, Esteban Marisol, Aranburu Ibon and Johny Jensy
Volume 15, issue 4, 2023
- Covid Crisis Experiences of Hungarian Small Family Farms Engaged in Multifunctional Agriculture pp. 465-493

- Ujj Apolka, Pércsi Kinga Nagyné, Bazsik István, Harkányi Annamária and Jancsovszka Paulina
- Regional Economic Environment: Insights from North Macedonia’s Agricultural Sector pp. 494-507

- Andreeski Cvetko and Petrevska Biljana
- Links Between Farm Size, Location and Productivity of Farms in the Czech Republic pp. 508-524

- Redlichová Radka, Svobodová Eliška, Blažková Ivana, Chmelíková Gabriela and Vinohradský Karel
- Public Good Agricultural Practices Certification Schemes in Chosen EU Countries pp. 525-541

- Pink Małgorzata, Grochola Katarzyna and Gorczyca Anna
- Measuring Accessibility and Optimising Logistics of Marginal Land Grass Biomass in the Case of Northern Ostrobothnia, Finland pp. 542-562

- Ollila Katri and Kotavaara Ossi
- Vertical Linkages in Agri-Food Supply Chains: Roles for Producers pp. 563-578

- Körmendiová Bianka, Hupková Daniela, Dobošová Ľudmila, Stępień Sebastian and Borychovski Michał
- Organic Food Consumption in Hungary – Factors Supporting Consumption Growth pp. 579-597

- Kis Gyöngyi Györéné, Drexler Dóra, Soós Gabriella, Lugasi Andrea and Ujj Apolka
- State of Perception and Knowledge of Bioeconomy in Selected European Universities pp. 598-615

- Niewiadomski Michał, Santamarta Cerezal Juan C., Tamáš Vojtěch and Pereira Fernanda dos Santos
- The Image of the Czech Agriculture Based on the National Television News in the Period of Adaptation of Czechia Into the European Union: Regional Perspectives pp. 616-632

- Sucháček Jan, Konečný Ondřej, Wachowiak-Smolíková Renata and Wachowiak Mark P.
- Benchmarking Study of Existing Possibilities for the Development of Social Farming in the Czech Republic pp. 633-646

- Rajchlová Jaroslava and Svatošová Veronika
Volume 15, issue 3, 2023
- Tokenism in Territorial Development: Enabling Factors and Mitigation Measures pp. 346-365

- Di Santo Naomi, Lopolito Antonio and Sisto Roberta
- Hungarian Farmers and the Adoption of Precision Farming pp. 366-380

- Czibere Ibolya, Kovách Imre and Loncsák Noémi
- Rural Residence: Dreams for the Future and Foreseen Obstacles by Young Adults From the Netherlands pp. 381-399

- Koreman Maarten C. J.
- Development of Business Activities in Peripheral Parts of Rural Areas, Western Bohemia pp. 400-421

- Vorobljevová Veronika and Novotná Marie
- Olive Grove Landscapes in Andalusia: In Search of Synergies Between Agrarian Cultural Heritage and Rural Development pp. 422-441

- Martínez José Domingo Sánchez
- Small, Smart and Sustainable: Networking to Develop the Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Value-Chain in Portugal pp. 442-464

- Sousa Cristina and Maria de Fátima Ferreiro
Volume 15, issue 2, 2023
- Do the Subsidies of the Rural Development Programme Increase Employment in Rural Firms? A Counterfactual Impact Evaluation from Mainland Finland pp. 167-185

- Lehtonen Olli
- Development of Educational Activities and Counseling in Social Agriculture in Slovakia: Initial Experience and Future Prospects pp. 186-201

- Pongrácz Eva, Polonyová Simona and Poláčková Hana
- The Role and Territorial Characteristics of Adult Training on the Integration of Registered Jobseekers into the Labour Market in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County (Hungary), 2010–2020 pp. 202-226

- Le-Dai Barbara, Koncz Gábor, Hajdú Dávid and Katalin Lipták
- Examine Structural Relationships Between Hunting Tourism Product Quality and Tourist Hunters’ Satisfaction pp. 227-242

- Matejević Milosava, Blešić Ivana, Kalábová Markéta, Marković Vladimir, Kovačević Milutin, Besermenji Snežana and Stankov Branislav
- Examining Seasonality in Tourism with Special Reference to the Recent Effects of Covid-19 – The Case of the Sopron-Fertő Tourism Destination (Hungary) pp. 243-258

- Barcza Attila, János Csapó, Hinek Mátyás, Marton Gergely and Alpek Levente
- Rural and Alpine Gentrification Impact on Lifestyle Mobilities During Covid-19: The Yayla Experience at the Taurus Mountains in Turkey pp. 259-280

- Öncü Merve Altundal, Somuncu Mehmet, Güney İsmet and Perlik Manfred
- Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Tourist Behavior: A Case Study on South Moravia pp. 281-296

- Makáň Lukáš, Ryglová Kateřina, Ida Rašovská, Štumpf Petr and Šácha Jakub
- What Can Hungarian Counties do for the Countryside? pp. 297-312

- Kovács Ilona Pálné
- Polish Rural Non-Governmental Organizations During the Covid-19 Pandemic pp. 313-327

- Knieć Wojciech, Marcysiak Tomasz and Piszczek Elwira
- Comments on the European Court of Auditors’ Special Report on the Leader Programme pp. 328-345

- Finta István
Volume 15, issue 1, 2023
- Servitization of Farming: A New Approach to Local Food Systems Building pp. 1-17

- Vidickienė Dalia, Simonaitytė Vitalija, Lankauskienė Rita and Gedminaitė-Raudonė Živilė
- Farm-to-School Programs in Portuguese Low-Density Rural Areas: How to Engage Farmers pp. 18-33

- Dinis Isabel and Guilherme Rosa
- Urban Outshopping in Rural Slovakia pp. 34-48

- Hrivnák Michal, Moritz Peter and Jarábková Jana
- Community Support and Collaboration in Women’s Social Cooperative Krusha E Madhe pp. 49-65

- Durmishi Ledianë, Bazsik István and Farkas Tibor
- Shopping Behavior and Access to Food in the Areas of Slovakia with Dispersed Settlements: A Case Study pp. 66-98

- Trembošová Miroslava, Jakab Imrich and Forgáč Pavel
- Contesting the Role of Digitisation and ICT in the Business Model of Agricultural Holdings and Farmers: Micro-Study of the Inner Rural Periphery Region in the Czech Republic pp. 99-123

- Pělucha Martin, Nováková Jana, Shemetev Alexander and Kouřilová Jana
- The Relationship Between Social Capital and Geographical Indications. A Comparative Case Study of Prosciutto Veneto Berico Euganeo PDO (Italy) and Jamón de Trevélez PGI (Spain) pp. 124-148

- Valverde Francisco Antonio Navarro, Pagliacci Francesco and Salpina Dana
- Strategies and Business Models used by Short-Chain Food Enterprises Marketing in Oslo (Norway) and Bristol (UK) pp. 149-166

- Keech Daniel, Milford Anna Birgitte, Gillund Frøydis and Reed Matt
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