HOLISTICA – Journal of Business and Public Administration
2017 - 2024
Current editor(s): Adriana Grigorescu From Sciendo Bibliographic data for series maintained by Peter Golla (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 15, issue 2, 2022
- Generative AI and Labour Market Research Interest Framework pp. 1-14

- Grigorescu Adriana and Joita Florina
- Investigating the Challenges to Digital Transformation in the Public Sector, A Case Study of the State Information Technology Agency (SITA), South Africa pp. 15-37

- Komna Lindelwa and Mpungose Sabelo
- Social Capital Formation At Urban Level In Bangladesh: A Comparison Of Two City Corporation pp. 38-54

- Islam Md Nahidul
- Recent Changes in the Occupation Milieu of the EU27 Member States’ Labor Markets pp. 55-66

- Iordan Marioara and Chilian Mihaela-Nona
- The Effect of Auditors’ Tenure on Short-Term Financial Liquidity – A Conceptual Framework pp. 67-80

- Nyane Bokang M.
- Fiscal Reaction Function in Algeria: Nonlinear ARDL Approach pp. 81-106

- Said Imane and Chibi Abderrahim
- Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Current Performance Appraisal System and Processes: A Case of Capricorn Technical Vocational Education & Training College pp. 107-126

- Mbambale Hulisani Michael and Mpungose Sabelo
- Leading Change by Design - Integrating Design thinking with Kotter’s 8 Step Process pp. 127-141

- Engmann Abena, Eluerkeh Eugene and Ngwakwe Collins
- The Impact of Internal Auditing on Strategic Vigilance in Economic Institutions «Sonelgaz Case Study» pp. 142-156

- Boutaleb Okkacha, Boudjourfa Benasser and Benlebbad Mohammed
- Leadership Styles and Employee Job Satisfaction in Nepalese Banking Sector pp. 157-170

- Lama Padam Bahadur, Aryal Narayan Prasad, Budhathoki Prem Bahadur, Shakya Sunil Man and Shrestha Rohan
Volume 15, issue 1, 2024
- Securing Tomorrow: Synergizing Change Management and Cybersecurity in the Digital Era pp. 1-20

- Burton Sharon L.
- Predicting Talent: Interaction between Potential, Competencies, and Bias pp. 21-32

- Aras Rezky Ariany, Bellani Elvita, Wahyuni Sri, Sandy Grestin and Arfah Triani
- Experiences of Mathematics Primary School Departmental Heads: Pertinent Challenges and Lessons Learnt pp. 33-46

- Baloyi Dingaan and Khumalo Shuti Steph
- Impact of Economic Factors on the Process of Population Transition from Labour Activity to Pension in the Republic of Moldova pp. 47-72

- Savelieva Galina and Zaharov Svetlana
- Exploring Ethics in South African Municipal Procurement: Professionalism, Compliance, and Ethical Dimensions Interface pp. 73-95

- Jam Ayanda, Bayat Mohammed Sayeed and Rulashe Tando
- Analyzing The Impact of Ai-Generated Email Marketing Content on Email Deliverability in Spam Folder Placement pp. 96-106

- Bouchareb Nasser and Morad Ismail
- Forms, Practices and Ramifications of Abusive Supervision in Universities: A Social Justice Scrutiny pp. 107-118

- Khumalo Shuti Steph
- Understanding Trends in Green Accounting Studies: A Bibliometrics Analysis pp. 119-135

- Octisari Sully Kemala, Artati Dwi, Firmansyah Irman, Mahardhika Arya Samudra, Romandhon, Susetyo Aris, Yuniarto Arif Sapta and Budianto Roni
- Diversity Innovations to Get More African-Americans Interested and Exposed to Fisheries Biology and Fisheries Management Careers pp. 136-148

- Burrell Darrell Norman
- How Does Digital Transformation Affect Green Supply Chain Efficiency? pp. 149-159

- Gholami Samira
Volume 14, issue 2, 2023
- Telemedicine Cybersecurity Protection in Reproductive Healthcare pp. 1-14

- Wright Jorja and Burrell Darrell Norman
- The Challenges of Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises in Engineering: South Africa pp. 15-32

- Mtambo Xolani Gladman, Lubbe Sam and Ohei Kenneth N.
- Investment Decision-Making Behavior in the Era of Covid-19: An Analysis on the Basis of Mental Accounting, Loss Aversion Bias, and Risk Tolerance pp. 33-42

- Dita Rari Dwi Rinining Tyastuty, Heryana Toni and Basuki Teguh Iman
- Green Transition and the Business Sector in the European Union and Romania pp. 43-62

- Iordan Marioara, Chilian Mihaela-Nona and Ciurariu Gabriela
- A Differential Effect of Research Teaching Innovation on Dissertation Completion Rate and Pass Mark at TGSL pp. 63-81

- Ngwakwe Collins C. and Lewis Janine
- Corporate Sustainability Through the Presence of Women in Boards: Empirical Evidence from Developing Economy pp. 82-96

- Fernando Dilrukshi, Dissanayake Hiranya, Deshika Thilini and Iddagoda Anuradha
- The Role of Digital Finance, Financial Literacy, and Lifestyle on Financial Behaviour pp. 97-115

- Yuneline Mirza Hedismarlina and Rosanti Maria Firnandya Christian
- Using ICT Tools and Technological Applications in this Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic to Facilitate Learning pp. 116-136

- Ohei Kenneth N
- Multiple Streams Approach and Punctuated Equilibrium Theory: Compared and Contrasted pp. 137-147

- Spano Dominick
Volume 14, issue 1, 2023
- How Supply Chain Management Practices Influence Customer Development and Operational Performance pp. 1-11

- Muhammad Hafidz Ummay and Isfianadewi Dessy
- Institutional and Chaos Theory: Compared and Contrasted pp. 12-21

- Spano Dominick
- Development of Sustainability Balanced Scorecard: A Case Study from Apparel Industry Sri Lanka pp. 22-38

- Mohanaraj Rathani, Dissanayake Hiranya, Iddagoda Anuradha and Mendis Oshani
- The Sustainability of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUS) in the Post-COVID-19 World and Beyond pp. 39-62

- Lewis Eugene J. and Burrell Darrell Norman
- Tawadhu Attitude and Service Performance: Moderate Role of Self-Concept pp. 63-81

- Muafi Muafi
- The Role of Green Process Reengineering in Improving the Performance of Total Productive Maintenance pp. 82-109

- Hraiga Raad Abidmuslim, Ali Ahmed Maher Muhammad and Abbas Ali Abdulhassan
- Human Error - A Critical Contributing Factor to the Rise in Data Breaches: A Case Study of Higher Education pp. 110-132

- Amoresano Katherine and Yankson Benjamin
- Asset Management in the Waste Treatment Environment pp. 133-161

- Ndolomingu Nomathemba N, Ohei Kenneth N. and Lubbe San
- Understanding the Challenge of Cybersecurity in Africa: A Holistic Analysis of Southern African Development Community (SADC) and Foundation for Future Research pp. 162-172

- Vassilakos Andreas and Martin Ronald
- How Well is the Coffee Business Supply Chain Performing in West Java? pp. 173-185

- Irjayanti Maya and Azis Anton Mulyono
- What a Genuine Value-Based Leadership Commitment to Hiring African-American Faculty in Business, Technology, and Public Health Requires at the Highest Ranked and Most Prestigious U.S. Universities pp. 186-200

- Burrell Darrell Norman and Richardson Kevin
Volume 13, issue 2, 2022
- Microsoft excel expert certification MO-201: results, analysis and key tips to succeed pp. 1-8

- Ali Shahid I. and Fitzpatrick Brian D.
- The Mediation and Moderation Role of Knowledge Assets in Relationship Between Intellectual Capital Dimensions and Company Performances pp. 9-24

- Indrawati Nur Khusniyah, Djazuli Atim and Salim Ubud
- Human Capital In The Digital Society. Some Empirical Evidence For The Eu Countries pp. 25-40

- Iordan Marioara, Pelinescu Elena and Chilian Mihaela-Nona
- Measuring service quality delivered to undergraduate students at a public university in South Africa pp. 41-62

- Enakrire Blessing, Lubbe Sam and Ohei Kenneth Nwanua
- The impact of financial inclusion on national development and national financial system stability pp. 63-82

- Ratnawati Kusuma, Prabandari Sri Palupi and Kurniasari Irma
- New Public Management and ethics pp. 83-92

- Spano Dominick
- The Mediating Role of Learning Organization on The Relationship between Total Quality Management and Operational Performance pp. 102-110

- Pratama Wiraditya Gusti and Isfianadewi Dessy
- Impact of Covid-19 on SMMEs and the future sustainability measures: a systematic review pp. 111-131

- Prince Enwereji
- The impact of healthcare advertising on consumers regarding the choice of private hospitals in Dubai pp. 132-149

- Coşa Oana Ștefania, Radu Florin, Pehoiu Diana, Tăbîrcă Alina Iuliana and Valentin Radu
Volume 13, issue 1, 2022
- The Effect of Emotional Intelligence in Islamic Perspective on Affective Commitment: The Moderating Role of “Diuwongke” in Islamic Perspective pp. 1-18

- Muafi Muafi
- Measuring the Impact of the Green Supply Chain on Sustainable Performance pp. 19-48

- Żywiołek Justyna, Rosak-Szyrocka Joanna and Abbas Ali Abdulhassan
- Stress, Burnout, and Security Fatigue in Cybersecurity: A Human Factors Problem pp. 49-72

- Nobles Calvin
- The Analysis on the Use of Social Media in Managing the Covid-19 Pandemic Information Flow pp. 73-80

- Chukwuere Joshua Ebere
- How the Pandemic Affects the Social Security System Especially the Unemployment and the Immigration Data pp. 81-92

- Radu Maria-Tatiana
- Smart City Readiness in South African Municipalities: A Qualitative Study pp. 93-109

- Prince Enwereji and Uwizeyimana Dominique
- Human Capital and Economic Growth in Romania: A Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) pp. 110-124

- Dalina Andrei
- The Relationship Between Workload and Career Development on Job Satisfaction; Case Study PT XYZ pp. 125-132

- Hayati Neneng, Yusuf Alif Maulana and Miharja Rediawan
- Top Management Background and Corporate Green Energy Investment pp. 133-142

- Ngwakwe Collins
- Analysis of Principal Tendencies of Labour Market in the Republic of Moldova pp. 143-158

- Savelieva Galina and Zaharov Svetlana
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