IDB Publications (Books)
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- No 6384 New century, Old Disparities: Gender and Ethnic Earnings Gaps in Latin America and The Caribbean

- Hugo Ñopo
- No 466 Presupuestos para el desarrollo en América Latina

- Mario Marcel, Marcela Guzmán S. and Mario Sanginés
- No 464 Public Development Banks: Toward a New Paradigm?

- Cesar Rodriguez, Cristián Palma Arancibia, Frank Nieder, Maria Netto, Ricardo Monge-González, Alessandro Maffioli, José Juan Gomes Lorenzo, Martin D. Chrisney and Fernando De Olloqui
- No 463 Desobstruindo as Artérias: O impacto dos custos de transporte sobre o comércio exterior de América Latina e Caribe

- Mauricio Moreira, Christian Volpe Martincus and Juan Blyde
- No 462 Better Pensions, Better Jobs: Towards Universal Coverage in Latin America and the Caribbean

- Mariano Bosch, Angel Melguizo and Carmen Pages
- No 461 Andemic Informality: Assessing Labor Informality, Employment and Income Risk in the Andes

- Edwin Goni Pacchioni
- No 460 The Fiscal Institutions of Tomorrow

- Mario Sangines, Joan Oriol Prats Cabrera, Carlos Pimenta, Gustavo García Osío, Juan Martínez Guzmán, Mario Marcel, Pedro Farias, Gustavo Crespi, Martin D. Chrisney and Ana Corbacho
- No 459 Community Colleges: A Model for Latin America?

- Claudio de Moura Castro, Andrés Bernasconi, Aimee Verdisco, Daniel C. Levy, Candido Gomes, Norma M. García, Karla Regnier, Luiz Antonio Cruz Caruso and Paulo Bastos Tigre
- No 458 Bancos públicos de desenvolvimento: Em direçaÞo a um novo paradigma? (Sumário executivo)

- Fernando De Olloqui, Martin D. Chrisney, José Juan Gomes Lorenzo, Alessandro Maffioli, Ricardo Monge-González, Maria Netto, Frank Nieder, Cristián Palma Arancibia and Cesar Rodriguez
- No 457 Bancos públicos de desarrollo: ¿Hacia un nuevo paradigma?

- Fernando De Olloqui, Martin D. Chrisney, José Juan Gomes Lorenzo, Alessandro Maffioli, Ricardo Monge-González, Maria Netto, Frank Nieder, Cristián Palma Arancibia and Cesar Rodriguez
- No 456 The Climate and Development Challenge for Latin America and the Caribbean: Options for Climate-Resilient, Low-Carbon Development

- Walter Vergara, Ana R. Rios, Luis Miguel Galindo Paliza, Pablo Gutman, Paul Isbell, Paul Hugo Suding and Joseluis Samaniego
- No 455 Foreign Direct Investment in Latin America: The Role of European Investors

- Robert Vos, Carlo Binetti, Ziga Vodusek, Alberto Brugnoli, Jan Atteslander, Álvaro Calderón Hoffmann, Karel Jansen, Alfredo Arahuetes, John H. Dunning, Alessandro Maffioli, José Braz, Edmund Amann, Javier Santiso, Rolf Jungnickel, Georg Saul and Rasul Shams
- No 454 Social Protection for Equity and Growth

- Ferdinando Regalia, Ellen Connors, Carlos Oliva, Arianna Legovini, Suzanne Duryea, Ernesto Stein, Carola Álvarez, Heather Mcphail, Ruthanne Deutsch, Shanka Chakraborty, Nora Lustig, Ruben G. Echeverría, Gustavo Márquez, Cesar Patricio Bouillon, Céline Charvériat, Andrew Morrison, Alexander Kazan and Héctor Salazar
- No 453 Education in the Information Age: What Works and What Doesn't

- Laurence Wolff, Frederick Litto, Wadi D. Haddad, Stephen A. Quick, Alexander J. Romiszowski, Anne Stevens, W. Bowman Cutter, W.J. Pelgrum, Zimra Peled, Linda M. Harasim, JoaÞo Batista Araujo e Oliveira, Jeffrey M. Puryear, Seymour Papert, Claudio de Moura Castro, Clifford Block, Elad Peled, Joaquin FalcaÞo, Pedro Hepp, John Daniel, Peter T. Knight and Steve Jobs
- No 452 Financial Disclosure: A First Step to Financial Market Development

- Frederick D. S. Choi, Armando Murguía O'Keefe, Alison Schulz, Alvin Carley, Kim B. Staking and Alberto Krygier
- No 451 En Route to Modern Growth: Latin America in the 1990s: Essays in Honor of Carlos Díaz-Alejandro

- José Márcio Camargo, José A. Scheinkman, Rogério L.F. Werneck, Ricardo Paes De Barros, Gustav Ranis, Andrés Velasco, François Bourguignon, Rosemary Thorp, Adolfo Figueroa, Nora Lustig, Mario Marcel, Sylvia Maxfield and Pedro S. Malan
- No 450 The Gender Dividend: Capitalizing on Women's Work

- Carmen Pages and Claudia Piras
- No 449 Development Effectiveness and Results-Based Budgeting

- Mario Marcel, Gabriel Filc, Nelson Shack, Nora Berretta, Ana María Jul, Fernando Rezende, Eduardo Aldunate, Roberto García López, Martus Tavares, Carlos Scartascini and Juan Echeverry
- No 448 Making Education Work: Latin American Ideas and Asian Results

- Vicky Colbert, Edilberto C. De Jesus, Paulina Schiefelbein, José Bernardo Toro A., Walfrido Silvino dos Mares Guia Neto, William Loxley, Viola Espínola, Moacir Gadotti, Eun Mee Kim, Claudio de Moura Castro, Ernesto Schiefelbein, Anne Emig, Anuwar Ali, Shamse Ara Hasan, Inpyo Lee, Aimee Verdisco, Takashi Sakamoto and Ikuko Shimizu
- No 447 Room for Development: Housing Markets in Latin America and the Caribbean: Summary

- Inter American Development Bank
- No 446 Organizational Assessment: A Framework for Improving Performance

- Charles Lusthaus, Fred Carden, Marie-Hélène Adrien, Gary Anderson and George Plinio Montalván
- No 445 Governing the Metropolis: Principles and Cases

- Enid Slack, Juan Cuadrado-Roura, José Miguel Fernández Güell, Eduardo Rojas, Richard Bird, Jeroen Klink, Christian Lefévre, Joan Subirats, Quim Brugué, Andrés Monzón and Alberto Etchegaray
- No 444 Effective Management of Social Enterprises: Lessons from Businesses and Civil Society Organizations in Iberoamerica

- Loretta Serrano, Monica Bose, Daniel Arenas, Gabriel Berger, Patricia Márquez, Gerardo Lozano, Elsa Del Castillo, JoaÞo Teixeira Pires, Elidia Novaes, Forrest Colburn, Alfred Vernis, Enrique Ogliastri, Mladen Koljatic, Roberto Gutiérrez, Juliano Flores, Josefina Bruni Celli, Francisco A. Leguizamón, Social Enterprise Knowledge Network, Mónica Silva, Iván Darío Lobo, Ezequiel Reficco, Mateo Lesizza, Diana Trujillo, Andrea Prado, Paulo de Rocha Borba, James Austin and Rosa María Fischer
- No 443 Downtown Poverty: Methods of Analysis and Interventions: A Sourcebook for Practitioners

- Inter American Development Bank
- No 442 Developing Entrepreneurship: Experience in Latin America and Worldwide

- Patrizio Bianchi, Hugo Kantis, Miguel Bacic, Claudia Suaznabar, Rogerio Studart, Luiz Antonio Teixeira Vasconcelos, Virginia Moori Koenig, Juan Federico, Julia Martínez, Mario Davide Parrilli, Juan J. Llisterri, Pablo Angelelli and Gustavo Baruj
- No 441 Democracies in Development: Politics and Reform in Latin America

- Fernando Carrillo-Flórez, Koldo Echebarría, J. Mark Payne, Andrés Allamand Zavala, Edmundo Jarquín Calderon, Flavia Freidenberg and Daniel Zovatto G.
- No 440 Beyond Small Change: Making Migrant Remittances Count

- Theodore P. Lianos, Micah N. Bump, Enrique V. Iglesias, Claremont D. Kirton, Andrés Solimano, Nicholas Glytsos, Graeme Hugo, Susan Pozo, Patricia Weiss Fagen, María Jaramillo, Steven R. Wilson, Roberto Suro, Manuel Orozco, Sergio Bendixen, Germán A. Zárate-Hoyos, Sheila C. Bair, Donald F. Terry, Erin St. Onge and Mohammed El-Sakka
- No 439 Social Inclusion and Economic Development in Latin America

- María Eugenia Genoni, Margarita Sánchez, Jaime Saavedra, Suzanne Duryea, Richard Parker, Peter Aggleton, Mayra Buvinic, Ernest Massiah, Omar Arias, Hugo Ñopo, Jacqueline Mazza, Gustavo Yamada, Peter Oakley, Anthony Atkinson, Luis Tejerina, Mala Htun, Miriam Maluwa, Eva T. Thorne, Hilary Silver, Maximo Torero, Nina Pacari Vega, Jose Antonio Ocampo, Jonas Zoninsein, Javier Escobal and Gilberto Rincón Gallardo
- No 438 Financial Risk Management: A Practical Approach for Emerging Markets

- Miguel Escrig Meliá, Bernardo Falero Carrasco, Kim B. Staking, Paulina Beato, Alfonso Ayuso Calle, Emilio Botín O'Shea and José A. Soler Ramos
- No 437 The Health of Women in Latin America and the Caribbean

- Ruth Levine, Amanda Glassman and Miriam Schneidman
- No 436 Forest Resource Policy in Latin America

- Ronnie De Camino, Julio C. Tresierra, Ramon Lopez, Thomas Kelly, Markku Simula, Kari Keipi, Carlos Felipe Jaramillo, Olli Haltia, Jared J. Hardner, Marc J. Dourojeanni, Jan G. Laarman and Richard Rice
- No 435 Managing for Development Results: Progress and Challenges in Latin America and the Caribbean

- Mauricio García Moreno and Roberto García López
- No 434 The International Dimension of Human Rights: A Guide for Application in Domestic Law

- Claudia Martin, Robert Kogod Goldman, Diego Rodríguez-Pinzón, Tomás Ojea Quintana, Claudio M. Grossman and Fernando Carrillo-Flórez
- No 433 Safe Money: Building Effective Credit Unions in Latin America

- Beatriz Marulanda, Jacques Trigo Loubière, Síncrito Cifuentes, Robert Peck Christen, Glenn D. Westley, Jeffrey Poyo, Lee Arbuckle, Carlos Heller, Christopher Baker, Alejandro Vargas Durán, Dale W. Adams, Brian Branch, Helmut Pabst, Sherrill Shaffer, Michael O'Donnell, David C. Richardson and Carlos E. Cuevas
- No 432 Natural Partners: How People in Latin America Are Forging a New Relationship with Their Natural Environment

- Roger Hamilton
- No 431 Money Matters: Reaching Women Microentrepreneurs with Financial Services

- Gloria Almeyda-Stemper
- No 430 Market or State?: Three Decades of Reform in the Latin American Electric Power Industry

- Jaime Millán
- No 429 Justice Beyond Our Borders: Judicial Reforms for Latin America and the Caribbean

- Robert J. Rhudy, Juan Enrique Vargas Viancos, Francisco Mejia, Carolyn Herzog, John Linarelli and Christina Biebesheimer
- No 428 Microfinance and Poverty: Questioning the Conventional Wisdom

- Hege Gulli
- No 427 Disconnected: Skills, Education, and Employment in Latin America

- Matias Busso, Marina Bassi, Sergio Urzua and Jaime Vargas
- No 426 From Few to Many: Ten Years of Health Insurance Expansion in Colombia

- Antonio Giuffrida, Carmen Elisa Flórez, Úrsula Giedion, Enriqueta Cueto, Juan Gonzalo López, Amanda Glassman, Ramón A. Castaño, Diana M. Pinto, Renata Pardo, Teresa M. Tono, William D. Savedoff, Eduardo Andrés Alfonso, Leslie F. Stone, Álvaro López, Yadira Díaz, María Luisa Escobar, Carlos H. Arango, Fernando Ruiz Gómez and Olga Lucía Acosta
- No 425 Sexual and Reproductive Health and Health Sector Reform in Latin America and the Caribbean: Challenges and Opportunities

- Gustavo Nigenda and Ana Langer
- No 424 Women at Work: Challenges for Latin America

- Frances Lund, Suzanne Duryea, Esteban Puentes, Andrew Morrison, Jaime Tenjo Galarza, Manuelita Ureta, Dante Contreras, Alejandra Cox Edwards, Ruthanne Deutsch, Rocío Ribero Medina, Armando Barrientos, Claudia Piras, Luisa Bernat Díaz, Tomás Rau, Lourdes Benería and Hugo Ñopo
- No 423 Honoring the Past, Building the Future: Fifty Years of Development in Latin America and the Caribbean

- Ricardo Ávila
- No 422 An Enduring Partnership for Development: Central America and the IDB since 1990

- Glenn D. Westley, Ennio Rodríguez, Jorge Sapoznikow, Sandra Bartels, Stephen McGaughey, Guillermo Espinoza, Marguerite Berger, Adolfo Rufatt, Mark Flaming, Pablo Pisani, Philip Birnbaum and William R. Large
- No 421 The Emergence of China: Opportunities and Challenges for Latin America and the Caribbean

- Andres Rodriguez-Clare, Robert Devlin and Antoni Estevadeordal
- No 420 Autobuses urbanos: Sistemas modernos y tradicionales en el Mercosur ampliado

- José Alex Sant'Anna
- No 419 The Decade of Latin America and the Caribbean: A Real Opportunity

- Luis Alberto Moreno Mejía
- No 418 Cities for All: Recent Experiences with Neighborhood Upgrading Programs

- José Brakarz, Eduardo Rojas and Margarita Greene
- No 417 Macro Impact with Micro Money: 25 Years of Support to Microenterprise

- María Victoria Sáenz and Elba N. Luna
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