Working Papers
From Department of Economics, Appalachian State University Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by O. Ashton Morgan (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 11-06: Gulf Views: Toward a Better Understanding of Viewshed Scope in Hedonic Property Models

- Paul Hindsley, Stuart E. Hamilton and Ash Morgan
- 11-05: A Revealed and Stated Preference Latent Class Model to Examine Homogenous Subgroup Consumer Behavior Responses to Information and Food Safety Technology Treatments

- Ash Morgan, John Whitehead, William L. Huth, Gregory S. Martin and Richard Sjolander
- 11-04: Should we reconsider competition in residential electricity supply? Survey results in North Carolina

- Tanga McDaniel and Peter Groothuis
- 11-03: Coordination in games with incomplete information: experimental results

- Tanga McDaniel
- 11-02: Punishment History and Spillover Effects: A Laboratory Investigation of Behavior in a Social Dilemma

- David Dickinson, E. Dutcher and Cortney Rodet
- 11-01: The Endogenous Formation of Coalitions to Provide Public Goods: Theory and Experimental Evidence

- David McEvoy, Todd Cherry and John K. Stranlund
- 10-14: Wind Turbines and Coastal Recreation Demand

- Craig Landry, Tom Allen, Todd Cherry and John Whitehead
- 10-13: Was There a Structural Break in Barry Bonds’ Bat?

- Stephen Clayton, Michael Nieswiadomy and Mark C. Strazicich
- 10-12: Water Quality and Residential Property Values: A Natural Experiment Approach

- Ash Morgan, Stuart E. Hamilton and Victoria Chung
- 10-11: Investigating Behavioral Responses to Positive Inducements for Filing Tax Returns

- James Alm, Todd Cherry, Michael McKee and Michael Jones
- 10-10: Inducing Private Wildfire Risk Mitigation: Experimental Investigation of Measures on Adjacent Public Lands

- Tyler Prante, Joseph M. Little, Michael Jones, Michael McKee and Robert Berrens
- 10-09: On the Robustness of the Trade-Inducing Effects of Trade Agreements and Currency Unions

- Jayjit Roy
- 10-07: Garden Leave vs. Covenants not to Compete

- Tim Perri
- 10-06: Thoughtful Days and Valenced Nights: How Much Will You Think About the Problem?

- Todd McElroy and David Dickinson
- 10-05: The Draft and the Quality of Military Personnel

- Timothy J. Perri
- 10-04: Race and Survival Bias in NBA Data

- Peter Groothuis and James Richard Hill
- 10-03: Macroeconomic Volatility and Economic Freedom: A Cross-Country Analysis

- John Dawson
- 10-02: Angler Heterogeneity and the Species-Specific Demand for Marine Recreational Fishing

- Tim Haab, Robert L. Hicks, Kurt Schnier and John Whitehead
- 10-01: Benefit Transfer in the Field: Measuring the Benefits of Heterogeneous Wetlands using Contingent Valuation and Ecological Field Appraisals

- Steve A. McIntosh, Rob Southwick and John Whitehead
- 09-24: Spatial Hedonic Models for Measuring the Impact of Sea-Level Rise on Coastal Real Estate

- Okmyung Bin, Ben Poulter, Christopher F. Dumas and John Whitehead
- 09-23: Estimating a Payment Vehicle for Financing Nourishment of Residential Beaches using a Spatial-lag Hedonic Property Price Model

- Ash Morgan and Stuart E. Hamilton
- 09-22: Using Revealed and Stated Preference Data to Estimate the Scope and Access Benefits Associated with Cave Diving

- Ash Morgan and William L. Huth
- 09-21: Measuring the Willingness to Pay for Fresh Water Cave Diving

- William L. Huth and Ash Morgan
- 09-20: Long Term Growth and the Wealth of a Nation: Growth Miracles and Lost Decades

- Jean-Pierre Courbois
- 09-19: Correcting for Survival Effects in Cross Section Wage Equations Using NBA Data

- Peter Groothuis and James Richard Hill
- 09-18: Weathering the Storm: Measuring Household Willingness-to-Pay for Risk-Reduction in Post-Katrina New Orleans

- Craig Landry, Paul Hindsley, Okmyung Bin, Jamie B. Kruse, John Whitehead and Kenneth R. Wilson
- 09-17: Rationality around the clock. Sleep and time-of-day effects on guessing game responses

- David Dickinson and Todd McElroy
- 09-16: Flying Airplanes: Realizing Circadian Effects (FARCE)

- David Dickinson and Todd McElroy
- 09-15: Time on Camera: An Alternative Explanation of NASCAR Tournaments

- Peter Groothuis, Jana Groothuis and Kurt W. Rotthoff
- 09-14: Not It: Opting out of Voluntary Coalitions that Provide a Public Good

- David McEvoy
- 09-13: Using Revealed and Stated Preference Data to Estimate the Demand and Consumption Benefits of Sporting Events: An Application to National Hockey League Game Trips

- John Whitehead, Bruce Johnson, Daniel S. Mason and Gordon J. Walker
- 09-12: Spatial Heterogeneity in Environmental Regulation Enforcement and the Firm Location Decision among U.S. Counties

- Ash Morgan and Simon Condliffe
- 09-11: Measuring the Economic Effects of Sea Level Rise on Beach Recreation

- John Whitehead, Ben Poulter, Christopher F. Dumas and Okmyung Bin
- 09-10: Disentangling Access and View Amenities in Access-restricted Coastal Residential Communities

- Ash Morgan and Stuart E. Hamilton
- 09-09: Demand for Diving on Large Ship Artificial Reefs

- Ash Morgan, D. Matthew Massey and William L. Huth
- 09-08: Oyster Demand Adjustments to Counter-Information and Source Treatments in Response to Vibrio vulnificus

- Ash Morgan, Gregory S. Martin and William L. Huth
- 09-07: Cross-country Variation in Factor Shares and its Implications for Development Accounting

- Brad Sturgill
- 09-06: Can Foreign Aid Buy Investment? Appropriation Through Conflict

- David Bruner and Robert Oxoby
- 09-05: Good Fences Make Good Neighbors: Endogenous Property Rights in a Game of Conflict

- John Boyce and David Bruner
- 09-04: Changing the Probability versus Changing the Reward

- David Bruner
- 09-03: Naturally-occurring sleep choice and time of day effects on p-beauty contest outcomes

- David Dickinson and Todd McElroy
- 09-02: Federal Regulation and Aggregate Economic Growth

- John Dawson and John J. Seater
- 09-01: Bargaining and Trust: The Effects of 36hr Total Sleep Deprivation on Socially Interactive Decisions

- Clare Anderson and David Dickinson
- 08-12: Land Use Issues: Resort Rural Ramifications

- Peter Groothuis
- 08-11: The Organizational Design of Intelligence Failures

- Michael McKee
- 08-10: The Problem of Maintaining Compliance within Stable Coalitions: Experimental Evidence

- David McEvoy, James Murphy, John M. Spraggon and John K. Stranlund
- 08-09: Measuring the Impacts of Sea Level Rise on Marine Recreational Shore Fishing in North Carolina

- John Whitehead, Ben Poulter, Christopher F. Dumas and Okmyung Bin
- 08-08: Stochastic Dominance, Entropy and Biodiversity Management

- Catherine M. Chambers, Paul E. Chambers, John Crooker and John Whitehead
- 08-07: Value and Outcome Uncertainty as Explanations for the WTA vs WTP Disparity: Theory and Experimental Evidence

- William Neilson, Michael McKee and Robert Berrens
- 08-06: Giving To Ingrates?

- Michael Jones and Michael McKee
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