Working Papers
From Department of Economics, Appalachian State University Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by O. Ashton Morgan (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 05-09: Improving Willingness to Pay Estimates for Quality Improvements through Joint Estimation with Quality Perceptions

- John Whitehead
- 05-08: Contingent Valuation and Random Utility Model Estimates of the Recreational Value of King Mackerel

- John Whitehead
- 05-07: The Equivalence of Panel Data Estimators under Orthogonal Experimental Design

- David Dickinson and Ronald Oaxaca
- 05-06: Are Regional Incomes Converging in the U.S.? Evidence from Panel Unit Root Tests with Heterogeneous Structural Breaks
- Mark C. Strazicich and Junsoo Lee
- 05-05: Mediation, Walrasian Tatonement, and Negotiations as an Exchange Economy

- David Dickinson
- 05-04: Voting, Punishment and Public Goods: An Experimental Investigation
- Todd Cherry, Stephan Kroll and Jason Shogren
- 05-03: Stationarity of Global Per Capital Carbon Dioxide Emissions: Implications for Global Warming Scenarios
- Mark C. Strazicich and Ross McKitrick
- 05-02: The Macroeconomic Effects of Federal Regulation

- John Dawson and John J. Seater
- 05-01: The Welfare Effects of Pfiesteria-Related Fish Kills in Seafood Markets: A Contingent Behavior Analysis

- George Parsons, Ash O. Morgan, John Whitehead and Tim Haab
- 04-23: Temporal Reliability of Willingness to Pay from the National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation

- John Whitehead and Richard Aiken
- 04-22: Expectations and Comparative Arbitration Institutions
- David Dickinson
- 04-21: Willingness-to-Pay for Information: Experiex-post, have been developed to mitigate or eliminate the overstatement of hypothetical willingness to pay. The ex-ante approach addresses hypothetical bias in the survey design stage while the ex-post approach addresses hypothetical bias with follow-up questions to the hypothetical willingness to pay question. We find that willingness to pay estimates are similar when either the ex-ante or ex-post approach is employed. We argue the approaches should be considered as complements and not substitutes. Employing both approaches to mitigate hypothetical bias we estimate that the annual benefits of the regional amenities associated with a green energy program in North Carolina are $186 million

- David Dickinson and Dee Von Bailey
- 04-19: Bargaining Outcomes with Double-Offer Arbitration
- David Dickinson
- 04-18: Prices as Indicators of Scarcity: An Experimental Study of a Multistage Auction
- Tanga McDaniel and Andreas Nicklisch
- 04-17: Minimum LM Unit Root Test with One Structural Break

- Junsoo Lee and Mark C. Strazicich
- 04-16: Regulatory Federalism and the Distribution of Air Pollutant Emissions
- Erwin Bulte, John List and Mark C. Strazicich
- 04-15: Contingent Valuation of Sports Stadiums and Arenas: Temporal Embedding and Order Effect

- Bruce Johnson, Mike Mondello and John Whitehead
- 04-14: Historical Net Discount Rates and Future Economic Losses: Refuting the Common Practice
- Bradley Braun, Junsoo Lee and Mark C. Strazicich
- 04-13: Environmental Risk and Averting Behavior: Predictive Validity of Revealed and Stated Preference Data

- John Whitehead
- 04-12: Measuring the Economic Benefits of Water Quality Improvement with the Benefit Transfer Method: An Introduction for Non-Economists

- Chris Dumas, Pete Schuhmann and John Whitehead
- 04-11: Transboundary Pollution and the Clean Air Act: Evidence from California
- Todd Cherry
- 04-10: The Impact of Endowment Heterogeneity and Origin on Contributions in Best-Shot Public Good Games
- Todd Cherry, Stephan Kroll and Jason Shogren
- 04-09: A Competitive Model of (Super)Stars

- Tim Perri
- 04-08: How Might Adam Smith Pay Professors Today?
- Tim Perri
- 04-07: Modeling Hidden Alternatives in Random Utility Models: An Application to Don’t Know Responses in Contingent Valuation
- Steven B Caudill and Peter Groothuis
- 04-06: The Analytics of Taxes, Infrastructure, and Growth--With Evidence from the States
- John Dawson and E. Frank Stephenson
- 04-05: Early Entry in the NBA Draft: The Influence of Unraveling, Human Capital and Option Value

- Peter Groothuis, Richard Hill and Tim Perri
- 04-04: Trend Breaks and Seasonality in the Yugoslav Black Market for Dollars, 1974-1987

- John Dawson, Steven Millsaps and Mark Strazicich
- 04-03: Does Rank-Order Grading Improve Student Performance: Evidence from a Classroom Experiment
- Todd Cherry and Larry Ellis
- 04-02: Consumer Benefits of Labels and Bans on GMO Foods: An Emprical Analysis Using Choice Experiments

- Fredrik Carlsson, Peter Frykblom and Carl-Johan Lagerkvist
- 04-01: Examining the Role of Fairness in High Stakes Allocation Decisions

- Todd Cherry and John List
- 03-10: Regulation, Investment, and Growth Across Countries

- John Dawson
- 03-09: Voting, Punishment, and Public Goods: An Experimental Investigation
- Todd Cherry, Stephan Kroll and Jason Shogren
- 03-08: Valuing Farm Animal Welfare: Using Choice Experiments to Test for Market Failure
- Fredrik Carlsson, Peter Frykblom and Carl-Johan Lagerkvist
- 03-07: Benefits Transfer: A Comparison of Approaches
- Peter Groothuis
- 03-06: Does Rank-Order Grading Improve Student Performance? Evidence from the Classroom
- Todd Cherry and Larry Ellis
- 03-05: The Impact of Endowment Heterogeneity and Origin on Public Good Contributions: Evidence from the Lab
- Todd Cherry, Stephan Kroll and Jason Shogren
- 03-04: Adam Smith and the Payment of Professors
- Tim Perri
- 03-03: LDC National Income and Specialization in Quality: An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship Between Income and Quality Choice
- Teresa Beckham Gramm and Kellie L. Maske
- 03-02: Cost-benefit analysis in Sweden: General Use and an Application to Coastal Water Quality Management
- Peter Frykblom, A. Helgesson, T. Scharin and T. Söderqvist
- 03-01: Are Preferences for Skewness Fixed or Fungible?
- Todd Cherry, Sara Gunnarsson and Jason Shogren
- 02-15: Does Don't Know Mean No? Analysis of 'Don't Know Responses in Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation Questions
- Peter Groothuis and John Whitehead
- 02-14: Hypothetical Bias and Willingness to Accept
- Peter Frykblom, Glenn Harrison, Clay Lesley and Stephen Nape
- 02-13: Laboratory Testbeds and Nonmarket Valuation: The Case of Bidding Behavior in a Second Price Auction with an Outside Option
- Todd Cherry, Peter Frykblom, John List, Jason Shogren and Melonie Williams
- 02-12: Determinants of Scholarly Productivity Among Male and Female Economists
- Garey Durden, Patricia Gaynor and Kellie Maske
- 02-11: Exit Discrimination in the NBA: A Duration Analysis of Career Length Using Flow and Stock Samples
- Peter Groothuis and J. Richard Hill
- 02-10: Efficient Markets, Fair Bets, and Profitability in NBA Totals 1995-96 to 2001-02
- Rodney Paul, Andrew Weinbach and Mark Wilson
- 02-09: Public Funding of Professional Sports Stadiums: Public Choice or Civic Pride?
- Peter Groothuis, Bruce Johnson and John Whitehead
- 02-08: Educational Externalities
- Tim Perri
- 02-07: Regulation and the Macroeconomy
- John Dawson and John Seater
- 02-06: Hardnose the Dictator
- Todd Cherry, Peter Frykblom and Jason Shogren
- 02-05: Is Class Attendance a Proxy Variable for Student Motivation in Economics Classes? An Empirical Analysis
- Garey Durden and Larry Ellis
- 02-04: Measuring Federal Regulatory Activity in the U.S.: 1938-1994
- John Dawson
- 02-03: Rationality Crossovers
- Todd Cherry and Jason Shogren
- 02-02: The Cost of Specialized Human Capital
- Tim Perri
- 02-01: Voting, Punishment and Public Goods: An Experimental Investigation
- Todd Cherry, Stephan Kroll and Jason Shogren
- 01-06: The Contributions and Impact of Professor William H. Riker
- Garey Durden and Kellie Maske
- 01-05: The Social Cost of Coal: A Tale of Market Failure and Market Solution
- Todd Cherry and Jason Shogren
- 01-04: Causality in the Freedom-Growth Relationship
- John Dawson
- 01-03: Valuing Safer Food: Lessons from a Decade in the Lab
- Todd Cherry, Dermot Hayes, John Fox and Jason Shogren
- 01-02: Rationality Spillovers
- Todd Cherry, Thomas Crocker and Jason Shogren
- 01-01: Costly Coasean Bargaining and Property Right Security
- Todd Cherry and Jason Shogren
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