International Center for Public Policy Working Paper Series, at AYSPS, GSU
From International Center for Public Policy, Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Georgia State University Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Paul Benson (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 2025: Exploring the Structural Reform of Youth Policies to Promote Fertility
- Wonshik Kim
- 2024: The Difficulty in Measuring Decentralization: The Importance of Context and Path Dependency
- Serdar Yilmaz and Robert D. Ebel
- 2024: The Evolving Role of Subnational Borrowing in Financing Decentralized Government
- Timothy J. Goodspeed
- 2024: Current Challenges in Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations
- Teresa Ter-Minassian and Luiz de Mello
- 2024: Reassignment and the Power to Tax in a Federal State: Canada, 1867-2024
- Stanley L. Winer
- 2024: Tax Assignment and Recent Technological Advances
- William F. Fox and George R. Zodrow
- 2024: Property Taxes from the Ground Up
- Enid Slack and Joan Youngman
- 2024: Towards Third-Generation Fiscal Federalism? Addressing the Evolution of the Literature in a Non-Compartmentalized Way
- Giorgio Brosio
- 2024: Reflections on Emerging Roles of Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfers: From Financing to Accountability in Decentralized Subnational Governance, Preserving the Environment and Responding to Fiscal Shocks
- Robin Boadway and Anwar Shah
- 2024: Decentralization and the Management of Extreme Events: Does Multilevel Governance Matter?
- Ana Herrero-Alcalde and Santiago Lago-Penas
- 2024: Increasing Tax Collections by Local Governments in Developing Countries by Improving Tax Compliance
- James Alm and Zehra Farooq
- 2024: A General Model for the Distribution of Public Investment among Jurisdictions
- Henry Aray and Jorge Martinez-Vazquez
- 2024: Fiscal Sustainability of Small and Medium Cities in India: Some New Dimensions
- Simanti Bandyopadhyay, Subrata Majumder and Aishna Sharma
- 2024: Lifetime Survivor Pensions of Daughters of Military Personnel and Educational Choices in Brazil
- Daniel Gama e Colombo and Jorge Martinez-Vazquez
- 2024: Vertical Externalities Within Multi-Level Welfare Programs: Does Central Government Welfare Spending Crowd Out Regional Spending?
- Luis Ayala, Ana Herrero-Alcalde, Jorge Martinez-Vazquez and Carolina Navarro-Ruiz
- 2024: Local Solutions: Financing Climate Action through Land Value Capture
- Patrick Welch, Enrique Silva, Martim Smolka and Amy Cotter
- 2023: Infrastructure Investment and Finance in the Global South: The Public-Private Paradox
- Weiping Wu
- 2023: Road Maintenance and Local Economic Development: Evidence from Indonesia's Highways
- Paul J. Gertler, Marco Gonzalez-Navarro, Tadeja Gracner and Alexander Rothenberg
- 2023: The Effects of Property Tax Levy Limits on School Infrastructure Assets and Expenditures: The Case of New York
- Phuong Nguyen-Hoang and Yoon-Jung Choi
- 2023: Getting Mileage Fees Right: What Does the U.S. Public Think?
- Asha Weinstein Agrawal and Hilary Nixon
- 2023: Subnational Investments in Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change: Some Financing and Governance Issues
- Luiz de Mello and Teresa Ter-Minassian
- 2023: Fiscal Decentralization and Public Infrastructure Maintenance Expenditures: A Cross-Country Panel Analysis
- Can Chen and Jorge Martinez-Vazquez
- 2023: Fiscal Decentralization and Subnational Government Investment in Developing Countries: The Case for Increasing Subnational Borrowing and Commercial Debt
- Paul Smoke
- 2023: Disentangling Tax Capacity and Effort
- Andrey Timofeev
- 2023: Violence and Long-run Economic Growth in the United States
- Michele Baggio, Alberto Chong and Metin Cosgel
- 2023: Climate Change Strategy and India's Federalism
- Jorge Martinez-Vazquez and Farah Zahir
- 2023: Does Trade Liberalization Foster Intimate Partner Violence?
- Alberto Chong and Daniel Velasquez
- 2023: "Quick and Dirty" Deregulation and Expansion of National Higher Education: Be Careful of What You Ask For
- Alberto Chong, Pablo Lavado and Gustavo Yamada
- 2023: Systemic Financial Crises and Income Inequality in OECD Countries
- Puneet Arora, Alberto Chong and Carla Srebot
- 2023: Edutainment, Savings and Dwelling-Related Assets in Poor Rural Areas of Peru
- Alberto Chong and Martín Valdivia
- 2023: Soap Operas and Pro-Savings Attitudes in Poor Rural Areas of Peru
- Alberto Chong and Martín Valdivia
- 2023: Edutainment, Savings, and Generational Differences in Rural Areas of Peru
- Alberto Chong and Martín Valdivia
- 2023: Asymmetric Financial Indexation and Speculative Rational Price Bubbles in the Housing Market
- Mario I. Valenzuela-Silva, Jorge Martinez-Vazquez and Jose L. Saez-Lozano
- 2023: The Many Forms of Decentralization and Citizen Trust in Government
- Michael Nelson
- 2023: On the Effects of Intergovernmental Grants: A Survey
- Manuel E. Lago, Santiago Lago-Peñas and Jorge Martinez-Vazquez
- 2023: The Size, Growth, and Composition of Government: Analysis and Evidence for Canada and the United States
- Francois Vaillancourt and Robert D. Ebel
- 2023: Extreme Events and the Resilience of Decentralized Governance
- Maria Cadaval Sampedro, Ana Herrero Alcalde, Santiago Lago-Peñas and Jorge Martinez-Vazquez
- 2023: Decentralisation, Unfunded Mandates, and the Regional Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Andrés Rodríguez-Pose and Miquel Vidal-Bover
- 2023: Extreme Events, Decentralization and the Number of Parties
- David Lublin
- 2023: Coping with Extreme Events: On Solving Decentralized Budgetary Crises
- Timothy Goodspeed
- 2023: Decentralization, Intergovernmental Coordination, and Emergency Response in East And Southeast Asia: Lessons from Combatting the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Sarah Shair-Rosenfield
- 2023: Floods, Terrorist Attacks and the COVID-19 Pandemic: How the (De)Centralization of Power Affects the Rally around the Flag
- Ignacio Lago and Andre Blais
- 2023: Economic Factors Behind the Pandemic Deaths: A Regional Perspective
- Beatriz Gonzalez Lopez-Valcarcel and Guillem Lopez-Casasnovas
- 2023: Natural Disasters, Epidemics and Intergovernmental Relations: More or Less Decentralisation?
- Luiz de Mello and Joao Jalles
- 2022: Cost-benefit Analysis of an 'Average' Professional Sports Team or Stadium in the United States
- Cristian Sepulveda
- 2022: Dynamic Effects of Long-Term Care Insurance on Healthcare Expenditures: Evidence from South Korea
- Honsoo Kim, Soojin Kim, Wonshik Kim and Kyung Hoon Yang
- 2022: Fiscal Tools for Subnational Ecosystem and Climate Action
- Serdar Yilmaz and Farah Zahir
- 2022: Decentralized Governance and Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Maria Dolores Almeida, Huascar Eguino, Juan Gomez Reino and Axel Radics
- 2022: Fiscal Decentralization and Structural versus Cyclical Unemployment Levels
- Benard Akalbeo, Jorge Martinez-Vazquez and Bauyrzhan Yedgenov
- 2022: The Effect of Foreign Direct Investment on Employment in Manufacturing Industry Sectors in Sub-Saharan African Countries
- Hyojung Kang
- 2022: The Determinants of Youth Unemployment in the Arab Countries
- Wasseem Mina
- 2022: Law-Making Processes in Federal Nepal
- Khim Lal Devkota
- 2022: Tax Revenue Management and Reform in the Digital Era in Developing and Developed Countries
- Jorge Martinez-Vazquez, Eduardo Sanz-Arcega and José Manuel Tránchez-Martín
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