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Working Papers Series

From Central Bank of Brazil, Research Department
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609: Disentangling Brazilian TFP: the role of misallocation in recent economic cycles Downloads
Tomás Martinez and Thiago Santos
608: Measuring Inequality Using Electronic Payment Data Downloads
Carlos Piccioni, Saulo Bastos and Daniel Cajueiro
607: Macroprudential, Monetary Policy Synergies and Credit Supply: evidence from matched bank-firm loan-level data in Brazil Downloads
Rodrigo Gonzalez, Bernardus Doornik and João Barroso
606: Smoothing the New-Keynesian Capital Puzzle Downloads
Eduardo Amaral
605: Network Analysis of Exchange Rate Shocks: implications for financial stability in Brazil Downloads
Thiago Silva, Sergio Souza, Solange Guerra, Iuri Lazier and Rodrigo Miranda
604: Impacto da Divulgação de Pesquisas de Expectativas de Variáveis Macroeconômicas na Taxa de Juros Brasileira Downloads
Gustavo Araujo and Giancarlo Caoduro
603: Revisiting the Facts of Economic Growth: insights from assessing misallocation over 70 years for up to 100 countries Downloads
Tomas Martinez and Thiago Trafane Oliveira Santos
602: Core Inflation in Brazil: past and present Downloads
Vicente Machado
601: COVID-19 and Credit Reallocation: evidence from bank branch lending in Brazil Downloads
Thiago Silva, Carlos Almeida, Solange Guerra and Benjamin Tabak
600: Payment Technology Complementarities and their Consequences in the Banking Sector: evidence from Brazil’s Pix Downloads
Matheus Sampaio and Jose Ornelas
599: Do Firms Need Cheaper Credit to Grow? investigating the effectiveness of subsidized earmarked loans Downloads
Daniel Grimaldi and Jose Ornelas
598: The Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on Cross-Border Banking Flows: comparative analysis between advanced and emerging market economies Downloads
Bruno Tiberto and Francisco Ferreira
597: Machine Learning and Economic Forecasting: the role of international trade networks Downloads
Thiago Silva, Paulo Wilhelm and Diego Amancio
596: The Balassa-Samuelson Effect during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Brazil Downloads
Jaqueline Marins, Marta Areosa and José Vicente
595: COVID-19 and Supply Chain Disruptions: a novel perspective using a network of payments in Brazil Downloads
Thiago Silva and Carlos Almeida
594: Critical Edges in Financial Networks Downloads
Michel Alexandre, Thiago Silva and Francisco Rodrigues
593: Social Discounting and the Tragedy of the Horizon: from the Stern-Nordhaus debate to target-consistent prices Downloads
Ramiro Peres
592: Renewable Energy Shocks and Business Cycle Dynamics with Application to Brazil Downloads
Alexandre Kornelius and Jose Angelo Divino
591: Mitigating Policies for Pollutant Emissions in a DSGE for the Brazilian Economy Downloads
Marcos Jorge, Angelo Fasolo and Silvio Costa
590: Pre-Publication Revisions of Bank Financial Statements: a novel way to monitor banks? Downloads
Andre Guettler, Mahvish Naeem, Lars Norden and Bernardus Van Doornik
589: Credit Supply Shocks and Firm Dynamics: Evidence from Brazil Downloads
Samuel Bazzi, Marc-Andreas Muendler, Raquel Oliveira and James Rauch
588: Predictability of Exchange Rate Density Forecasts for Emerging Economies in the Short Run Downloads
Jaqueline Marins
587: Predicting Recessions in (almost) Real Time in a Big-data Setting Downloads
Alexandre Costa, Pedro Ferreira, Wagner Gaglianone, Osmani Guillén, João Issler and Artur Rodrigues
586: Industry and Securities Market Influences on Indebtedness: evidence from a large dataset from Brazil Downloads
Flavio Docha and Luiza Rodrigues
585: A Little Less Uncertain about the Relationship between Economic Policy Uncertainty and Economic Activity Downloads
Marcelo Aragão and Fabia Carvalho
584: Labor Market and Systemic Risk: a network-based approach Downloads
Michel Alexandre and Thiago Silva
583: The Value of Clean Water: evidence from an environmental disaster Downloads
Rodrigo Gonzalez, Jose Ornelas and Thiago Silva
582: A Novel Credit Model Risk Measure: does more data lead to lower model risk in credit scoring models? Downloads
Valter Jr, Alan Genaro, Rafael Schiozer and Toni Ricardo dos Santos
581: Bayesian Local Projections Downloads
Leonardo Ferreira, Silvia Miranda-Agrippino and Giovanni Ricco
580: Information Sharing, Access to Finance, Loan Contract Design, and the Labor Market Downloads
Thorsten Beck, Patrick Behr and Raquel Oliveira
579: Government Banks and Interventions in Credit Markets Downloads
Gustavo Joaquim, Felipe Netto and José Ornelas
578: Brazilian Macroeconomic Dynamics Redux: Shocks, Frictions, and Unemployment in SAMBA Model Downloads
Angelo Fasolo, Eurilton Araújo, Marcos Jorge, Alexandre Kornelius and Leonardo Marinho
577: The Information Content from Lending Relationships Across the Supply Chain Downloads
Theo Martins, Rafael Schiozer and Fernando Linardi
576: Banks’ Physical Footprint and Financial Technology Adoption Downloads
Lucas Mariani, Jose Ornelas and Bernardo Ricca
575: Effects of Sustainable Monetary and Fiscal Policy on FDI Inflows to EMDE Countries Downloads
Bruno Tiberto and Helder de Mendonça
574: Anchoring Long-term VAR Forecasts Based On Survey Data and State-space Models Downloads
Marta Areosa and Wagner Gaglianone
573: Monetary Policy Surprises, Financial Conditions, and the String Theory Revisited Downloads
Leonardo Ferreira
572: Another Boiling Frog: the impact of climate-related events on financial outcomes in Brazil Downloads
Juliano Assunção, Flavia Chein, Giovanni Frisari and Sérgio Koyama
571: Does Fintech Lending Lower Financing Costs? Evidence From An Emerging Market Downloads
Jose Ornelas and Alexandre Pecora
570: Causal Impulse Responses for Time Series Downloads
Leonardo Marinho
569: Creditor Rights and Bank Competition Downloads
Dimas Fazio and Thiago Silva
568: Efficiency-stability Trade-off in Financial Systems: a multi-objective optimization approach Downloads
Michel Alexandre, Krzystof Michalak, Thiago Silva and Francisco Rodrigues
567: Labor Supply and Demand Shocks in Brazil During Covid-19 Period Downloads
Nelson Silva and Sidney Caetano
566: Nestedness in the Brazilian Financial System Downloads
Michel Alexandre, Felipe Xavier, Thiago Silva and Francisco Rodrigues
565: Lending Relationships and Currency Hedging Downloads
Sergio Leão, Rafael Schiozer, Raquel Oliveira and Gustavo Araujo
564: Nowcasting Brazilian GDP with Electronic Payments Data Downloads
Raquel Gonçalves
563: The Long-Term Impact of High School Financial Education: evidence from Brazil Downloads
Miriam Bruhn, Gabriel Garber, Sergio Koyama and Bilal Zia
562: Persistência e Volatilidade do Gap de Inflação Downloads
Sidney Caetano, Nelson Silva and Guilherme Moura
561: Machine Learning Methods for Inflation Forecasting in Brazil: new contenders versus classical models Downloads
Gustavo Araujo and Wagner Gaglianone
560: Evaluation of the Protective Varnish on Brazilian Real Banknotes Downloads
Sergio Koyama, Tereza Oliveira, Marcia Silveira, Cristiana Monteiro, Carlos Quintella and Ricardo Vieira
Page updated 2024-12-07
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