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Working Papers

From Centro de Investigacion Economica, ITAM
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1503: Similarity-Based Mistakes in Choice Downloads
Fernando Payro Chew and Levent Ülkü
1502: Money-Back Guarantees Downloads
Tridib Sharma and Levent Ülkü
1501: Stochastic Complementarity Downloads
Paola Manzini, Marco Mariotti and Levent Ülkü
1407: Are Information Disclosure Mandates Effective? Evidence from the Credit Card Market Downloads
Alan Elizondo and Enrique Seira
1406: Borrowing on the Wrong Credit Card:Evidence from Mexico Downloads
Alejandro Ponce, Enrique Seira and Guillermo Zamarripa
1405: On the Distributive Costs of Drug-Related Homicides Downloads
Nicolas Ajzenman, Sebastian Galiani and Enrique Seira
1404: Economic Growth and Wage Stagnation in Peru:1998-2012 Downloads
Carlos Urrutia and Peter Paz
1403: The Political Economy of Dynamic Elections: A Survey and Some New Results Downloads
Cesar Martinelli and John Duggan
1402: Credit, Sectoral Misallocation and TFP: The Case of Mexico 2003-2010 Downloads
Felipe Meza, Sangeeta Pratap and Carlos Urrutia
1401: Ignorance and bias in collective decision:Theory and experiments Downloads
Alexander Elvitar, Andrei Gomberg, Cesar Martinelli and Thomas Palfrey
1308: The elasticity of Informality to Taxes and tranfers Downloads
Jorge Alonso-Ortiz and Julio Leal Ordóñez
1307: Endogenous party platforms; "Stochastic" Membership Downloads
Andrei Gomberg, Francisco Marhuenda and Ignacio Ortuño-Ortín
1306: On Equal Cost Sharing in the Provision of an Excludable Public Good Downloads
Jordi Masso, Antonio Nicolo', Tridib Sharma and Levent Ülkü
1305: Choosing two Finalists and the Winner Downloads
Gent Bajraj and Levent Ülkü
1304: Did trade crisis affect different exporters differently? Case of Mexico Downloads
Rahul Giri, Enrique Seira and Kensuke Teshima
1303: Taxes, education,marriage and labor supply Downloads
Marina Mendes
1302: A Cross-Country Comparison of the Impact of Labor Income Tax on Female Labor Supply Downloads
Marina Mendes
1301: Air quality and infant mortality in Mexico: Evidence from variation in pollution levels caused by the usage of Small-Scale plants Downloads
Emilio Gutierrez
1205: Old-Age Government Transfers and the Crowding Out of Private Gifts: The 70 Plus Program for the Rural Elderly in Mexico Downloads
Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes and Laura Juarez
1204: Liquidity Contractions and Prepayment Risk on Collateralized Asset Markets Downloads
Miguel Iraola and Juan Pablo Torres-Martinez
1203: "My friends: it would be an error to accept": Communication and group identity in a bargaining setting Downloads
Alexander Elbittar and Andrei Gomberg
1202: Nonmonotone Mechanism Design Downloads
Levent Ulku
1201: The schooling repayment hypothesis for private transfers:Evidence from the PROGRESA/Oportunidades experiment Downloads
Carlos Chiapa and Laura Juarez
1107: Ignorance and Naivete in Large Elections Downloads
Cesar Martinelli
1106: Labor, Output and Consumption in Business Cycle Models of Emerging Economies: A Comment Downloads
Andrés Fernández Martin and Felipe Meza
1105: Employment Protection and Business Cycles in Emerging Economies Downloads
Ruy Lama and Carlos Urrutia
1104: Financial Frictions and Total Factor Productivity: Accounting for the Real Effects of Financial Crises Downloads
Sangeeta Pratap and Carlos Urrutia
1103: Grandfathers and Grandsons: SHould Transfers be Targeted to Women? Downloads
Emilio Gutierrez, Laura Juarez and Adrian Rubli
1102: Vote Revelation: Empirical Characterization of Scoring Rules Downloads
Andrei Gomberg
1101: Import Competition and Environmental Performance: Evidence from Mexican Plant-level and Satellite Imagery Data Downloads
Emilio Gutierrez and Kensuke Teshima
1007: Social Security and Retirement across the OECD Downloads
Jorge Alonso-Ortiz
1006: The Relationship Between Civil Unions and Fertility in France: Preliminary Evidence Downloads
Emilio Gutierrez and Pablo Suarez-Becerra
1005: Consistent Inference in Models Defined by COnditional Moment Restrictions: an Alternative to GMM Downloads
Manuel Dominguez and Ignacio Lobato
1004: Monotone Implementation Downloads
Levent Ulku
1003: Axiom of Monotonicity: An Experimental Test Downloads
Tridib Sharma and Radovan Vadovic
1002: Technology Adoption, Socila Learning, and Economic Policy Downloads
Paul Heidhues and Nicolas Melissas
1001: Local Costs of Distribution, International Trade Costs and Micro Evidence on the Law of One Price Downloads
Rahul Giri
0909: Long-Term Asset Price Volatility and Macroeconomics Fluctations Downloads
Miguel Iraola and Manuel Santos
0908: Money, Credit and Default Downloads
Sandra Lizarazo and Jose Maria Da-Rocha
0907: Default Risk and Risk Averse International Investors Downloads
Sandra Lizarazo
0906: Contagion of Financial Crises in Sovereing Debt Markets Downloads
Sandra Lizarazo
0905: On Bid Disclosure in OCS Wildcat Auctions Downloads
Nicolas Melissas
0904: Early, Late, and Multiple Bidding in Internet Auctions Downloads
Radovan Vadovic
0903: Optimal Combinatorial Mechanism Design Downloads
Levent Ulku
0902: Transformations of the State Variable and Learning Dynamics Downloads
Shurojit Chatterji and Ignacio Lobato
0901: Bargaining Over Public Goods Downloads
Julio Dávila, Jan Eeckhout and Cesar Martinelli
0807: Great Appreciations: Accounting for the Real Exchange Rate in Mexico, 1988-2002 Downloads
Felipe Meza and Carlos Urrutia
0806: Information and participation in a social program Downloads
David Coady, Cesar Martinelli and Susan Parker
0805: Bidding and Drilling on Offshore Wildcat Tracts Downloads
Nicolas Melissas
0804: Are Informal Workers Compensated for the Lack of Fringe Benefits? Free Health Care as an Instrument for Formality Downloads
Laura Juarez
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