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Economics Working Papers

From European University Institute
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2023/02: Targeting vaccine information framing to recipients’ education: a randomized trial Downloads
Alice Dominici and Lisen Arnheim Dahlström
2023/01: Plurilingualism and Brain Drain: Unexpected Consequences of Access to Foreign TV Downloads
Damiano Argan and Anatole Cheyssson
2022/02: Short-Time Work schemes and labour market flows in Europe during COVID Downloads
Cristina Lafuente and Astrid Ruland
2022/01: Gender Differences in Early Occupational Choices: Evidence from Medical Specialty Selection Downloads
Josep Amer-Mestre and Agnès Charpin
2021/02: Financial Crises and Shadow Banks: A Quantitative Analysis Downloads
Matthias Rottner
2021/01: When Facebook Is the Internet: The Role of Social Media in Ethnic Conflict Downloads
Tuuli Tähtinen
2020/03: Monetary-Fiscal Interactions and Redistribution in Small Open Economies Downloads
Gergő Motyovszki
2020/02: Impact of a Health Shock on Lifestyle Behaviours Downloads
Zoey Verdun
2020/02: Inequality of opportunity, inequality of effort, and innovation Downloads
Alessandro Spiganti
2020/01: Order Matters: Eliciting Maternal Beliefs on Educational Choices Downloads
Pablo Brañas-Garza; Riccardo Ciacci; Ericka Rascón Ramírez
2019/02: Macro uncertainty and unemployment risk Downloads
Joonseok Oh
2019/01: The propagation of uncertainty shocks: Rotemberg vs. Calvo Downloads
Joonseok Oh
2018/02: The effect of computer use on job quality: evidence from Europe Downloads
Seetha; SALVATORI, Andrea; ZWYSEN, Wouter Menon,
2018/01: Targeting interventions in networks Downloads
Benjamin Golub
2017/13: The Combination of Monetary and Fiscal Policy Shocks: A TVP-FAVAR Approach Downloads
Evi Pappa
2017/10: Hard evidence and welfare in adverse selection environments Downloads
Kym Pram
2017/09: Sorting when firms have size Downloads
Maxim Goryunov
2017/09: Mortgage Defaults, Expectation-Driven House Prices and Monetary Policy Downloads
BEKIROS, Stelios D.; NILAVONGSE, Rachatar; UDDIN, Gazi S.
2017/08: Subjective Performance Evaluation of Employees with Biased Beliefs Downloads
Matteo; SANTOS-PINTO, Luís Pedro Foschi,
2017/07: Do Labor Market Institutions Matter for Fertility? Downloads
Andrea Camilli
2017/06: Implications for banking stability and welfare under capital shocks and countercyclical requirements Downloads
Stelios; NILAVONGSE, Rachatar; UDDIN, Gazi Salah Bekiros,
2017/05: Educational disparities in the battle against infertility: evidence from IVF success Downloads
Raül; IORIO, Daniela; GROES, Fane; LEUNG, Man Yee Mallory Santaeulàlia-Llopis,
2017/04: The macroeconomic effects of quantitative easing in the Euro area: evidence from an estimated DSGE model Downloads
Stefan; PRIFTIS, Romanos; VOGEL, Lukas Hohberger,
2017/03: A theory of repurchase agreements, collateral re-use, and repo intermediation Downloads
Piero; MAURIN, Vincent; MONNET, Cyril Gottardi,
2017/02: Equilibrium theory of banks’ capital structure Downloads
Douglas; GOTTARDI, Piero Gale,
2017/01: Sources of Borrowing and Fiscal Multipliers Downloads
Romanos Priftis
2016/21: Democratic reform and opposition to government expenditure: evidence from nineteenth-century Britain Downloads
Jonathan Chapman
2016/14: Personality Traits and Bulimia Nervosa Downloads
John C. Ham, Daniela Iorio, Michelle Sovinsky
2016/13: The Price of Growth: Consumption Insurance in China 1989-2009 Downloads
Santaeulàlia-Llopis, Raül ; Zheng, Yu
2016/12: Missing Consumption Inequality: Direct Evidence from Individual Food Data Downloads
Yu Zheng
2016/11: Optimal Redistribution with a Shadow Economy Downloads
Luis Rojas
2016/10: Monetary News, U.S. Interest Rate and Business Cycles in Emerging Economies Downloads
Alejandro Vicondoa
2016/09: Education, HIV Status and Risky Sexual Behavior: How Much Does the Stage of the HIV Epidemic Matter ? Downloads
Raul Santaeulalia-Llopis
2016/08: Public versus Secret Voting in Committees Downloads
Andrea Mattozzi
2016/07: Can there be a market for cheap-talk information? Some experimental evidence Downloads
Cabrales, Antonio; Feri, Francesco; Gottardi, Piero; Meléndez-Jiménez, Miguel A.
2016/06: Efficient Risk Sharing with Limited Commitment and Storage Downloads
Ábrahám, Árpád; Laczó, Sarolta
2016/05: The Political Economy of Services Trade Agreements Downloads
Fiorini, Matteo; Lebrand, Mathilde
2016/05: Waiting for the paycheck: individual and aggregate effects of wage payment Downloads
Inés Berniell
2016/04: Sovereign Debt Issuance and Selective Default Downloads
Paczos, Wojtek; Shakhnov, Kirill
2016/03: Optimal Inflation, Average Markups and Asymmetric Sticky Prices Downloads
Wojtek Paczos
2016/02: The Effect of the Increasing Demand for Elite Schools on Stratification Downloads
Ricardo Estrada
2016/02: Bank opacity and financial crises Downloads
Joachim Jungherr
2016/02: The Silent Success of Customs Unions Downloads
Arevik Gnutzmann-Mkrtchyan
2016/01: Breaking the spell with credit-easing: self-confirming credit crises in competitive search economies Downloads
Gaetano Gaballo
2016/01: Competing Mechanisms in Markets for Lemons Downloads
Piero Gottardi
2016/01: The peril of parliamentarism?: executive–legislative relations and the transition to democracy from electoral authoritarian rule Downloads
Higashijima, Masaaki; Kasuya, Yuko
2015/19: Forging a new Mittelstand compromise: lobbying strategies and business influence after the financial crisis Downloads
Eileen Keller
2015/17: The Role of Physical and Financial Constraints in Export Dynamics Downloads
Aranzazu Crespo
2015/16: Asymmetric effects of trade and FDI: South America versus Europe Downloads
Lian Allub
2015/14: Rules Rather than Discretion: Teacher Hiring and Rent Extraction Downloads
Ricardo Estrada
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