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Working Papers

From Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
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654: Reply to Solow Downloads
Varadarajan Chari and Patrick Kehoe
653: Asymmetric expectation effects of regime shifts and the Great Moderation Downloads
Zheng Liu, Daniel Waggoner and Tao Zha
652: Sales and the real effects of monetary policy Downloads
Patrick Kehoe and Virgiliu Midrigan
651: Openness, technology capital, and development Downloads
Ellen McGrattan and Edward Prescott
650: If exchange rates are random walks then almost everything we say about monetary policy is wrong Downloads
Fernando Alvarez, Andrew Atkeson and Patrick Kehoe
649: New goods and the size distribution of firms Downloads
Erzo Luttmer
648: On the needed quantity of government debt Downloads
Kathryn Birkeland and Edward Prescott
647: Comparing alternative representations and alternative methodologies in business cycle accounting Downloads
Varadarajan Chari, Patrick Kehoe and Ellen McGrattan
646: Technology capital and the U.S. current account Downloads
Ellen McGrattan and Edward Prescott
645: Consumer search and firm growth Downloads
Erzo Luttmer
644: Investment-specific technological change, skill accumulation, and wage inequality Downloads
Hui He and Zheng Liu
643: Measurement with minimal theory Downloads
Ellen McGrattan
642: New evidence on state banking before the Civil War Downloads
Warren Weber
641: A model of banknote discounts Downloads
Laurence Ales, Francesca Carapella, Pricila Maziero and Warren Weber
640: Dynamic contracting, persistent shocks and optimal taxation Downloads
Yuzhe Zhang
639: Stochastic optimal growth with a non-compact state space Downloads
Yuzhe Zhang
638: Accounting for the heterogeneity in retirement wealth Downloads
Fang Yang
637: Smooth nonexpected utility without state independence Downloads
Hengjie Ai
636: Expensed and sweat equity Downloads
Ellen McGrattan and Edward Prescott
635: Consumption along the life cycle: how different is housing? Downloads
Fang Yang
634: Early state banks in the United States: how many were there and when did they exist? Downloads
Warren Weber
633: The size distribution of firms in an economy with fixed and entry costs Downloads
Erzo Luttmer
632: Taxation, entrepreneurship and wealth Downloads
Marco Cagetti and Mariacristina De Nardi
631: A critique of structural VARs using real business cycle theory Downloads
Varadarajan Chari, Patrick Kehoe and Ellen McGrattan
630: Efficiency with endogenous population growth Downloads
Mikhail Golosov, Larry Jones and Michele Tertilt
629: Banknote prices in the United States prior to 1860 Downloads
Warren Weber
628: Designing optimal disability insurance Downloads
Mikhail Golosov and Aleh Tsyvinski
627: Time-varying risk, interest rates and exchange rates in general equilibrium Downloads
Fernando Alvarez, Andrew Atkeson and Patrick Kehoe
626: The optimal degree of discretion in monetary policy Downloads
Susan Athey, Andrew Atkeson and Patrick Kehoe
625: Business cycle accounting Downloads
Varadarajan Chari, Patrick Kehoe and Ellen McGrattan
624: Equilibrium and government commitment Downloads
Marco Bassetto
623: Banknote exchange rate in the antebellum United States Downloads
Warren Weber
622: On the robustness of herds Downloads
Varadarajan Chari and Patrick Kehoe
621: Competitive equilibria with limited enforcement Downloads
Patrick Kehoe and Fabrizio Perri
620: Entrepreneurship, frictions and wealth Downloads
Marco Cagetti and Mariacristina De Nardi
619: Accounting for the Great Depression (technical appendix) Downloads
Varadarajan Chari, Patrick Kehoe and Ellen McGrattan
618: Prosperity and Depression: 2002 Richard T. Ely Lecture Downloads
Edward Prescott
617: Consumer bankruptcy: a fresh start Downloads
Igor Livshits, James (Jim) MacGee and Michele Tertilt
616: The time consistency of monetary and fiscal policies Downloads
Fernando Alvarez, Patrick Kehoe and Pablo Neumeyer
615: Optimal indirect and capital taxation Downloads
Mikhail Golosov, Narayana Kocherlakota and Aleh Tsyvinski
614: The advantage of transparent instruments of monetary policy Downloads
Andrew Atkeson and Patrick Kehoe
613: On the optimality of transparent monetary policy Downloads
Susan Athey, Andrew Atkeson and Patrick Kehoe
612: A game-theoretic view of the fiscal theory of the price level Downloads
Marco Bassetto
611: Exhuming Q: market power capital market imperfections Downloads
Russell Cooper and Joao Ejarque
610: Taxes, regulations, and asset prices Downloads
Ellen McGrattan and Edward Prescott
609: Interest rates and inflation Downloads
Fernando Alvarez, Robert Lucas and Warren Weber
608: Limited enforcement and efficient interbank arrangements Downloads
Thorsten V. Koppl and James (Jim) MacGee
607: The 1990s in Japan: a lost decade Downloads
Fumio Hayashi and Edward Prescott
606: The transition to a new economy after the Second Industrial Revolution Downloads
Andrew Atkeson and Patrick Kehoe
605: Money, interest rates, and exchange rates with endogenously segmented asset markets Downloads
Fernando Alvarez, Andrew Atkeson and Patrick Kehoe
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