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Working Papers

From Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
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604: Finite memory and imperfect monitoring Downloads
Harold Cole and Narayana Kocherlakota
603: When should labor contracts be nominal? Downloads
Antoine Martin and Cyril Monnet
602: On the equilibrium concept for overlapping generations organizations Downloads
Edward Prescott and José-Víctor Ríos-Rull
601: Costly banknote issuance and interest rates under the national banking system Downloads
Antoine Martin, Cyril Monnet and Warren Weber
600: Financial crises as herds Downloads
Varadarajan Chari and Patrick Kehoe
599: The macroeconomic effects of big fiscal shocks: the case of World War II Downloads
Ellen McGrattan and Lee Ohanian
598: Predicting the effects of Federal Reserve policy in a sticky-price model: an analytical approach Downloads
Ellen McGrattan
597: New Deal policies and the persistence of the Great Depression: a general equilibrium analysis Downloads
Harold Cole and Lee Ohanian
596: Calibration and Bayesian learning Downloads
Nurlan Turdaliev
595: Optimal monetary impulse-response functions in a matching model Downloads
Brett Katzman, John Kennan and Neil Wallace
594: Sharing the risk of settlement failure Downloads
Hiroshi Fujiki, Edward Green and Akira Yamazaki
593: Deposit insurance: a reconsideration Downloads
John H. Boyd, Chun Chang and Bruce Smith
592: The Suffolk Bank and the Panic of 1837: how a private bank acted as a lender-of-last-resort Downloads
Arthur J. Rolnick, Bruce Smith and Warren Weber
591: Private money creation and the Suffolk Banking System Downloads
Bruce Smith and Warren Weber
590: Business cycle research: methods and problems Downloads
Edward Prescott
589: On the need for fiscal constraints in a monetary union Downloads
Varadarajan Chari and Patrick Kehoe
588: A model of bimetallism Downloads
Francois Velde and Warren Weber
587: The Suffolk Banking System reconsidered Downloads
Arthur J. Rolnick and Warren Weber
586: The role of damage-contingent contracts in allocating the risks of natural catastrophes Downloads
R. Braun, Richard M. Todd and Neil Wallace
585: Moral hazard under commercial and universal banking Downloads
John H. Boyd, Chun Chang and Bruce Smith
584: Lessons from a laissez-faire payments system: the Suffolk Banking System (1825–1858) Downloads
Arthur J. Rolnick, Bruce Smith and Warren Weber
583: Dynamic games with hidden actions and hidden states Downloads
Harold Cole and Narayana Kocherlakota
582: The economics of split-ticket voting in representative democracies Downloads
Varadarajan Chari, Larry Jones and Ramon Marimon
581: A model of regulated private bank-note issue Downloads
Ricardo Cavalcanti and Neil Wallace
580: Models of sovereign debt: partial vs. general reputations Downloads
Harold Cole and Patrick Kehoe
579: Shrinking money and monetary business cycles Downloads
Harold Cole and Lee Ohanian
578: Optimal allocations with incomplete record-keeping and no commitment Downloads
Narayana Kocherlakota and Neil Wallace
577: A microfoundation for incomplete security markets Downloads
Harold Cole and Narayana Kocherlakota
576: Implementing efficient allocations in a model of financial intermediation Downloads
Edward Green and Ping Lin
575: Seasonal Solow residuals and Christmas: a case for labor hoarding and increasing returns Downloads
R. Braun and Charles Evans
574: Repeated insurance relationships in a costly state verification model: with an application to deposit insurance Downloads
Bruce Smith and Cheng Wang
573: Inflation and financial market performance Downloads
John H. Boyd, Ross Levine and Bruce Smith
572: Consolidation in U.S. banking: implications for efficiency and risk Downloads
John H. Boyd and Stanley L. Graham
571: Will the new $100 bill decrease counterfeiting? Downloads
Edward Green and Warren Weber
570: Simulation-based Bayesian inference for economic time series Downloads
John Geweke
569: A model of a currency shortage Downloads
Neil Wallace and Ruilin Zhou
568: Short-run and long-run effects of changes in money in a random matching model Downloads
Neil Wallace
567: Optimal fiscal policy in a business cycle model (technical appendix) Downloads
Varadarajan Chari, Lawrence Christiano and Patrick Kehoe
566: Reassessing aggregate returns to scale with standard theory and measurement Downloads
Harold Cole and Lee Ohanian
565: Some explorations into optimal cyclical monetary policy Downloads
S. Aiyagari and R. Braun
564: Bayesian inference for dynamic choice models without the need for dynamic programming Downloads
John Geweke and Michael Keane
563: Social accounting matrices and applied general equilibrium models Downloads
Timothy Kehoe
562: The effects of open market operations in a model of intermediation and growth Downloads
Stacey Schreft and Bruce Smith
561: Unemployment, migration, and growth Downloads
Valerie Bencivenga and Bruce Smith
560: Asset pricing lessons for modeling business cycles Downloads
Michele Boldrin, Lawrence Christiano and Jonas Fisher
559: The career decisions of young men Downloads
Michael Keane and Kenneth I. Wolpin
558: Three contributions to the theory of decision under uncertainty Downloads
Edward Green and In-Uck Park
557: A structural model of multiple welfare program participation and labor supply Downloads
Michael Keane and Robert Moffitt
556: Inflation, financial markets, and capital formation Downloads
John H. Boyd, Sangmok Choi and Bruce Smith
555: Posterior simulators in econometrics Downloads
John Geweke
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